public Object evaluate() throws EvaluationException { try { Number l = (Number) left().evaluate(); Number r = (Number) right().evaluate(); if (l instanceof Float || l instanceof Double || r instanceof Float || r instanceof Double) { String[] parameters = { Util.getMessage("EvaluationException.and"), left().value().getClass().getName(), right().value().getClass().getName() }; throw new EvaluationException(Util.getMessage("EvaluationException.1", parameters)); } else { // Arithmetic and (&) // daz value (new Long (l.longValue () & r.longValue ())); BigInteger uL = (BigInteger) coerceToTarget((BigInteger) l); BigInteger uR = (BigInteger) coerceToTarget((BigInteger) r); value(uL.and(uR)); } } catch (ClassCastException e) { String[] parameters = { Util.getMessage("EvaluationException.and"), left().value().getClass().getName(), right().value().getClass().getName() }; throw new EvaluationException(Util.getMessage("EvaluationException.1", parameters)); } return value(); } // evaluate
/** @tests java.math.BigInteger#and(java.math.BigInteger) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "and", args = {java.math.BigInteger.class}) public void test_andLjava_math_BigInteger() { for (BigInteger[] element : booleanPairs) { BigInteger i1 = element[0], i2 = element[1]; BigInteger res = i1.and(i2); assertTrue("symmetry of and", res.equals(i2.and(i1))); int len = Math.max(i1.bitLength(), i2.bitLength()) + 66; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { assertTrue("and", (i1.testBit(i) && i2.testBit(i)) == res.testBit(i)); } } }
public void testIsPowerOfTwo() { for (BigInteger x : ALL_BIGINTEGER_CANDIDATES) { // Checks for a single bit set. boolean expected = x.signum() > 0 & x.and(x.subtract(ONE)).equals(ZERO); assertEquals(expected, BigIntegerMath.isPowerOfTwo(x)); } }
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { Scanner cin = new Scanner(; BigInteger s, M; int p, i; while (cin.hasNext()) { p = cin.nextInt(); s = BigInteger.valueOf(4); M = BigInteger.ONE; M = M.shiftLeft(p).subtract(BigInteger.ONE); for (i = 0; i < p - 2; ++i) { s = s.multiply(s).subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(2)); while (s.bitLength() > p) { s = s.shiftRight(p).add(s.and(M)); } } if (s.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) == 0 || s.compareTo(M) == 0) { System.out.println(0); continue; } String ans = ""; while (s.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) { long buf = s.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(16)).longValue(); ans += Integer.toHexString((int) buf); s = s.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(16)); } for (i = ans.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) System.out.print(ans.charAt(i)); System.out.println(); } }
/** * Convert decimal to hexadecimal�iNo limit string length�j <br> * Return hexadecimal string (unsigned integer number string) from decimal(integer number) <br> * In case parameter is a minus number, return blank string <br> * * @param argStr decimal string * @return hexadecimal string */ public static String chgHexString(String argStr) { // In case parameter is a minus number, return blank string if (argStr.charAt(0) == '-') { return ""; } StringBuffer hexb = new StringBuffer(); BigInteger bi = new BigInteger(argStr); int tempInt; BigInteger tempBi; // Convert each 4 bit, start from the end. for (int bitlength = bi.bitLength(); bitlength > 0; bitlength -= 4) { tempBi = bi.and(HEX_MASK); tempInt = tempBi.intValue(); hexb.append(HEX_STR.charAt(tempInt)); bi = bi.shiftRight(4); } // correction after converting int hexlength = hexb.length(); if (hexlength == 0) { // In case value =0, put "00" hexb.append("00"); } else if ((hexlength % 2) == 1) { // After converting, if result is a old number string, add "0" at // the end of string hexb.append("0"); } // Reverse result string (because string was converted from the // 4-bit-end) return hexb.reverse().toString(); }
private void calculate() throws UnknownHostException { ByteBuffer maskBuffer; int targetSize; if (inetAddress.getAddress().length == 4) { maskBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(-1); targetSize = 4; } else { maskBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(16).putLong(-1L).putLong(-1L); targetSize = 16; } BigInteger mask = (new BigInteger(1, maskBuffer.array())).not().shiftRight(prefixLength); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(inetAddress.getAddress()); BigInteger ipVal = new BigInteger(1, buffer.array()); BigInteger startIp = ipVal.and(mask); BigInteger endIp = startIp.add(mask.not()); byte[] startIpArr = toBytes(startIp.toByteArray(), targetSize); byte[] endIpArr = toBytes(endIp.toByteArray(), targetSize); this.startAddress = InetAddress.getByAddress(startIpArr); this.endAddress = InetAddress.getByAddress(endIpArr); }
/** * Find the number in between the high and the low value with the most zeroes. * * @param value the lower bound for the number * @param highValue the upper bound for the nubmer * @return the value for the number with the most zeroes between the two bounds */ private BigInteger maxZeroes(BigInteger value, BigInteger highValue) { // Find the highest bit that would be possible to add one to before // going over the high value. int i = highValue.xor(value).bitLength(); int j; while (--i >= 0) { // If you hit a zero bit... if (!value.testBit(i)) { // ...change that bit to a 1. value = value.setBit(i); // Create a bit mask to compare with. byte[] comparatorBytes = value.toByteArray(); Arrays.fill(comparatorBytes, (byte) 0xFF); BigInteger comparator = new BigInteger(comparatorBytes); comparator = comparator.shiftLeft(i); // And the value with the bit mask. Everything after the changed // bit will be cleared en masse. Way faster than clearing bits // individually. value = value.and(comparator); break; } } return value; }
private static void verifyDifficulty( StoredBlock prevBlock, Block added, BigInteger calcDiff, NetworkParameters params) { if (calcDiff.compareTo(params.getMaxTarget()) > 0) {"Difficulty hit proof of work limit: {}", calcDiff.toString(16)); calcDiff = params.getMaxTarget(); } int accuracyBytes = (int) (added.getDifficultyTarget() >>> 24) - 3; final BigInteger receivedDifficulty = added.getDifficultyTargetAsInteger(); // The calculated difficulty is to a higher precision than received, so reduce here. final BigInteger mask = BigInteger.valueOf(0xFFFFFFL).shiftLeft(accuracyBytes * 8); calcDiff = calcDiff.and(mask); if (CoinDefinition.TEST_NETWORK_STANDARD.equals(params.getStandardNetworkId())) { if (calcDiff.compareTo(receivedDifficulty) != 0) { throw new VerificationException( "Network provided difficulty bits do not match what was calculated: " + receivedDifficulty.toString(16) + " vs " + calcDiff.toString(16)); } } else { final int height = prevBlock.getHeight() + 1; if (height <= 68589) { long nBitsNext = added.getDifficultyTarget(); long calcDiffBits = (accuracyBytes + 3) << 24; calcDiffBits |= calcDiff.shiftRight(accuracyBytes * 8).longValue(); final double n1 = CommonUtils.convertBitsToDouble(calcDiffBits); final double n2 = CommonUtils.convertBitsToDouble(nBitsNext); if (Math.abs(n1 - n2) > n1 * 0.2) { throw new VerificationException( "Network provided difficulty bits do not match what was calculated: " + receivedDifficulty.toString(16) + " vs " + calcDiff.toString(16)); } } else { if (calcDiff.compareTo(receivedDifficulty) != 0) { throw new VerificationException( "Network provided difficulty bits do not match what was calculated: " + receivedDifficulty.toString(16) + " vs " + calcDiff.toString(16)); } } } }
public int hammingDistance(SimHash other) { BigInteger x = this.intSimHash.xor(other.intSimHash); int tot = 0; // 统计x中二进制位数为1的个数 // 我们想想,一个二进制数减去1,那么,从最后那个1(包括那个1)后面的数字全都反了,对吧,然后,n&(n-1)就相当于把后面的数字清0, // 我们看n能做多少次这样的操作就OK了。 while (x.signum() != 0) { tot += 1; x = x.and(x.subtract(new BigInteger("1"))); } return tot; }
public BigInteger[] unmerge(BigInteger msg) { BigInteger max = new BigInteger("18446744073709551615"); LinkedList<BigInteger> list = new LinkedList<BigInteger>(); BigInteger message = new BigInteger(msg.toString()); while (message.bitLength() > 0) { list.addFirst(message.and(max)); message = message.shiftRight(64); } BigInteger[] output = new BigInteger[list.size()]; Iterator<BigInteger> it = list.iterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { output[i] =; i++; } return output; }
public static void bitOps(int order) { int failCount1 = 0, failCount2 = 0, failCount3 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size * 5; i++) { BigInteger x = fetchNumber(order); BigInteger y; /* Test setBit and clearBit (and testBit) */ if (x.signum() < 0) { y = BigInteger.valueOf(-1); for (int j = 0; j < x.bitLength(); j++) if (!x.testBit(j)) y = y.clearBit(j); } else { y = BigInteger.ZERO; for (int j = 0; j < x.bitLength(); j++) if (x.testBit(j)) y = y.setBit(j); } if (!x.equals(y)) failCount1++; /* Test flipBit (and testBit) */ y = BigInteger.valueOf(x.signum() < 0 ? -1 : 0); for (int j = 0; j < x.bitLength(); j++) if (x.signum() < 0 ^ x.testBit(j)) y = y.flipBit(j); if (!x.equals(y)) failCount2++; } report("clearBit/testBit", failCount1); report("flipBit/testBit", failCount2); for (int i = 0; i < size * 5; i++) { BigInteger x = fetchNumber(order); /* Test getLowestSetBit() */ int k = x.getLowestSetBit(); if (x.signum() == 0) { if (k != -1) failCount3++; } else { BigInteger z = x.and(x.negate()); int j; for (j = 0; j < z.bitLength() && !z.testBit(j); j++) ; if (k != j) failCount3++; } } report("getLowestSetBit", failCount3); }
public BigInteger simHash() { // 定义特征向量/数组 int[] v = new int[this.hashbits]; // 1、将文本去掉格式后, 分词. StringTokenizer stringTokens = new StringTokenizer(this.tokens); while (stringTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String temp = stringTokens.nextToken(); // 2、将每一个分词hash为一组固定长度的数列.比如 64bit 的一个整数. BigInteger t = this.hash(temp); for (int i = 0; i < this.hashbits; i++) { BigInteger bitmask = new BigInteger("1").shiftLeft(i); // 3、建立一个长度为64的整数数组(假设要生成64位的数字指纹,也可以是其它数字), // 对每一个分词hash后的数列进行判断,如果是1000...1,那么数组的第一位和末尾一位加1, // 中间的62位减一,也就是说,逢1加1,逢0减1.一直到把所有的分词hash数列全部判断完毕. if (t.and(bitmask).signum() != 0) { // 这里是计算整个文档的所有特征的向量和 // 这里实际使用中需要 +- 权重,而不是简单的 +1/-1, v[i] += 1; } else { v[i] -= 1; } } } BigInteger fingerprint = new BigInteger("0"); StringBuffer simHashBuffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < this.hashbits; i++) { // 4、最后对数组进行判断,大于0的记为1,小于等于0的记为0,得到一个 64bit 的数字指纹/签名. if (v[i] >= 0) { fingerprint = fingerprint.add(new BigInteger("1").shiftLeft(i)); simHashBuffer.append("1"); } else { simHashBuffer.append("0"); } } this.strSimHash = simHashBuffer.toString(); // System.out.println(this.strSimHash + " length " + this.strSimHash.length()); return fingerprint; }
public static void bitwise(int order) { /* Test identity x^y == x|y &~ x&y */ int failCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { BigInteger x = fetchNumber(order); BigInteger y = fetchNumber(order); BigInteger z = x.xor(y); BigInteger w = x.or(y).andNot(x.and(y)); if (!z.equals(w)) failCount++; } report("Logic (^ | & ~)", failCount); /* Test identity x &~ y == ~(~x | y) */ failCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { BigInteger x = fetchNumber(order); BigInteger y = fetchNumber(order); BigInteger z = x.andNot(y); BigInteger w = x.not().or(y).not(); if (!z.equals(w)) failCount++; } report("Logic (&~ | ~)", failCount); }
public static BigInteger LAnd(BigInteger x, BigInteger y) { return x.and(y); }
/** Throws an exception if the blocks difficulty is not correct. */ private void checkDifficultyTransitions(StoredBlock storedPrev, StoredBlock storedNext) throws BlockStoreException, VerificationException { Block prev = storedPrev.getHeader(); Block next = storedNext.getHeader(); // Is this supposed to be a difficulty transition point? if ((storedPrev.getHeight() + 1) % params.interval != 0) { // No ... so check the difficulty didn't actually change. if (next.getDifficultyTarget() != prev.getDifficultyTarget()) throw new VerificationException( "Unexpected change in difficulty at height " + storedPrev.getHeight() + ": " + Long.toHexString(next.getDifficultyTarget()) + " vs " + Long.toHexString(prev.getDifficultyTarget())); return; } // We need to find a block far back in the chain. It's OK that this is expensive because it only // occurs every // two weeks after the initial block chain download. long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); StoredBlock cursor = blockStore.get(prev.getHash()); for (int i = 0; i < params.interval - 1; i++) { if (cursor == null) { // This should never happen. If it does, it means we are following an incorrect or busted // chain. throw new VerificationException( "Difficulty transition point but we did not find a way back to the genesis block."); } cursor = blockStore.get(cursor.getHeader().getPrevBlockHash()); }"Difficulty transition traversal took {}msec", System.currentTimeMillis() - now); Block blockIntervalAgo = cursor.getHeader(); int timespan = (int) (prev.getTime() - blockIntervalAgo.getTime()); // Limit the adjustment step. if (timespan < params.targetTimespan / 4) timespan = params.targetTimespan / 4; if (timespan > params.targetTimespan * 4) timespan = params.targetTimespan * 4; BigInteger newDifficulty = Utils.decodeCompactBits(blockIntervalAgo.getDifficultyTarget()); newDifficulty = newDifficulty.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(timespan)); newDifficulty = newDifficulty.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(params.targetTimespan)); if (newDifficulty.compareTo(params.proofOfWorkLimit) > 0) { log.warn("Difficulty hit proof of work limit: {}", newDifficulty.toString(16)); newDifficulty = params.proofOfWorkLimit; } int accuracyBytes = (int) (next.getDifficultyTarget() >>> 24) - 3; BigInteger receivedDifficulty = next.getDifficultyTargetAsInteger(); // The calculated difficulty is to a higher precision than received, so reduce here. BigInteger mask = BigInteger.valueOf(0xFFFFFFL).shiftLeft(accuracyBytes * 8); newDifficulty = newDifficulty.and(mask); if (newDifficulty.compareTo(receivedDifficulty) != 0) throw new VerificationException( "Network provided difficulty bits do not match what was calculated: " + receivedDifficulty.toString(16) + " vs " + newDifficulty.toString(16)); }