public String onUpdate() { try { Session session = getSession(); Long id = pattern.getId(); if (id != null && id > 0) { Pattern temp = new Pattern(); temp = (Pattern) session.get(Pattern.class, id); temp.setType(pattern.getType()); temp.setPattern(pattern.getPattern()); temp.setValue(pattern.getValue()); temp.setPriority(pattern.getPriority()); temp.setUseFor(pattern.getUseFor()); if (isactive != null) { temp.setIsactive('Y'); } else { temp.setIsactive('N'); } session.update(temp); session.flush(); } jsonDataGrid.setLabel("SUCCESS"); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo("Update Thành Công!"); onSearch(); } catch (Exception ex) { jsonDataGrid.setLabel("ERROR"); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(ex.getMessage()); } return "jsonDataGrid"; }
public String onDelete() { try { Session session = getSession(); Long id = 0l; if (pattern.getId() > 0) { id = pattern.getId(); } else if (getRequest().getParameter("id") != null) { id = Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("id")); } if (id != null && id > 0) { Pattern temp = new Pattern(); temp = (Pattern) session.get(Pattern.class, id); session.delete(temp); session.flush(); } jsonDataGrid.setLabel("SUCCESS"); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo("Delete Thành Công!"); if (getRequest().getParameter("id") == null) { pattern = new Pattern(); onSearch(); } } catch (Exception ex) { jsonDataGrid.setLabel("ERROR"); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(ex.getMessage()); } return "jsonDataGrid"; }
public String onUpdate() { try { Session session = getSession(); Long id = role.getId(); if (id != null && id > 0) { Roles temp = new Roles(); temp = (Roles) session.get(Roles.class, id); temp.setValue(role.getValue()); temp.setName(role.getName()); if (isactive != null) { temp.setIsactive("Y"); } else { temp.setIsactive("N"); } session.update(temp); session.flush(); } jsonDataGrid.setLabel("SUCCESS"); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo("Update Thành Công!"); onSearch(); } catch (Exception ex) { jsonDataGrid.setLabel("ERROR"); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(ex.getMessage()); } return "jsonDataGrid"; }
public void setMaxResult() { try { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("select count(*) from Pattern where 1=1 "); ArrayList param = new ArrayList(); if (pattern != null) { if (pattern.getType() != null && !"".equals(pattern.getType())) { sql.append(" AND type = ? "); param.add(pattern.getType()); } if (pattern.getPattern() != null && !"".equals(pattern.getPattern())) { sql.append(" AND pattern = ? "); param.add(pattern.getPattern()); } if (pattern.getValue() != null && !"".equals(pattern.getValue())) { sql.append(" AND value = ? "); param.add(pattern.getValue()); } if (pattern.getPriority() != null) { sql.append(" AND priority = ? "); param.add(pattern.getPriority()); } if (pattern.getUseFor() != null && !"".equals(pattern.getUseFor())) { sql.append(" AND usefor = ? "); param.add(pattern.getUseFor()); } if (isactive != null) { sql.append(" AND isactive = 'Y' "); } else { sql.append(" AND isactive = 'N' "); } } Query query = getSession().createQuery(sql.toString()); for (int i = 0; i < param.size(); i++) { query.setParameter(i, param.get(i)); } List lst = query.list(); Long countRecord = (Long) lst.get(0); if (String.valueOf(count).length() >= 6) { count = countRecord.intValue(); } jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(countRecord.intValue()); } catch (Exception ex) { jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(0); } }
public String onSearch() { try { // UserToken userToken = (UserToken) // getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("userToken"); if (getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("isactive") != null) { isactive = getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("isactive").toString(); getRequest().getSession().removeAttribute("isactive"); } setMaxResult(); List<Pattern> lstResult = new ArrayList<Pattern>(); lstResult = takePatterns(); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstResult); } catch (Exception ex) { jsonDataGrid.setLabel("ERROR"); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(ex.getMessage()); } return "jsonDataGrid"; }
public void setMaxResult() { try { String sql = takeSQL("count"); SQLQuery query = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql.toString()); for (int i = 0; i < param.size(); i++) { query.setParameter(i, param.get(i)); } List lst = query.list(); Integer countRecord = (Integer) lst.get(0); if (String.valueOf(count).length() >= 6) { count = countRecord.intValue(); } jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(countRecord.intValue()); } catch (Exception ex) { jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(0); ex.printStackTrace(); } }
public String onInsert() { try { Session session = getSession(); HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("type", pattern.getType()); map.put("pattern", pattern.getPattern()); map.put("value", pattern.getValue()); List checks = findByProperty(Pattern.class, map); if (checks != null && checks.size() > 0) { jsonDataGrid.setLabel("ERROR"); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo("Đã tồn tại bộ giá trị trên!"); } else { if (pattern.getIsactive() == null) pattern.setIsactive('Y'); Date date = new Date(); pattern.setCreateDate(date); pattern.setLastUpdate(date);; session.flush(); jsonDataGrid.setLabel("SUCCESS"); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo("Insert Thành Công!"); } onSearch(); } catch (Exception ex) { jsonDataGrid.setLabel("ERROR"); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(ex.getMessage()); } return "jsonDataGrid"; }
public String onActive() { try { Session session = getSession(); if (getRequest().getParameter("id") != null && getRequest().getParameter("active") != null) { Pattern temp = new Pattern(); temp = (Pattern) session.get(Pattern.class, Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("id"))); if ("Y".equals(getRequest().getParameter("active"))) { temp.setIsactive('N'); } else { temp.setIsactive('Y'); } session.update(temp); session.flush(); } jsonDataGrid.setLabel("SUCCESS"); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo("Cập Nhật Trạng Thái Thành Công!"); } catch (Exception ex) { jsonDataGrid.setLabel("ERROR"); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(ex.getMessage()); } return "jsonDataGrid"; }
public String onSearch() { try { // UserToken userToken = (UserToken) // getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("userToken"); setMaxResult(); List<Tablet> lstResult = new ArrayList<Tablet>(); lstResult = takeTablets(); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstResult); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return "jsonDataGrid"; }
public String onInsert() { try { Session session = getSession(); HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("value", role.getValue()); List checks = findByProperty(Roles.class, map); if (checks != null && checks.size() > 0) { jsonDataGrid.setLabel("ERROR"); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo("Đã tồn tại Role trên!"); } else {; session.flush(); jsonDataGrid.setLabel("SUCCESS"); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo("Insert Thành Công!"); } onSearch(); } catch (Exception ex) { jsonDataGrid.setLabel("ERROR"); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(ex.getMessage()); } return "jsonDataGrid"; }