public void setCliffElevation() { cliffElevation.setTargetPosition((int) (climberTheta * ticksPerDegree)); if (cliffRelaxDelay < System.nanoTime() && cliffRelaxDelay > 0) { cliffRelaxDelay = 0; cliffElevation.setPower(0); } }
@Override public void init() { // Treads. rightTread = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("rightTread"); leftTread = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("leftTread"); leftTread.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); rightTread.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODERS); leftTread.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODERS); // Servos. rightPusher = hardwareMap.servo.get("rightPusher"); leftPusher = hardwareMap.servo.get("leftPusher"); rightBumper = hardwareMap.servo.get("rightBumper"); leftBumper = hardwareMap.servo.get("leftBumper"); climber = hardwareMap.servo.get("climber"); rightPusher.setPosition(NeverlandServoConstants.RIGHT_PUSHER_STOWED); leftPusher.setPosition(NeverlandServoConstants.LEFT_PUSHER_STOWED); rightBumper.setPosition(NeverlandServoConstants.RIGHT_BUMPER_DOWN); leftBumper.setPosition(NeverlandServoConstants.LEFT_BUMPER_DOWN); climber.setPosition(NeverlandServoConstants.CLIMBER_STORE); // Beacon arms. BeaconArms beacon = new BeaconArms(rightPusher, leftPusher, true); }
@Override public void loop() { loopctr++; motorR(); // tpos=rightmotor.getTargetPosition(); // curpos=rightmotor.getCurrentPosition(); // togo=tpos-curpos; telemetry.addData("left mode", leftmotor.getMode()); telemetry.addData("lf pos", leftmotor.getCurrentPosition()); telemetry.addData("lf to", leftmotor.getTargetPosition()); /*if (togo<=0) { if (runagain==true) { resetEncode(); rightPos=800; leftPos=800; run1(); runagain=false; run3rd=true; } if (run3rd==true) { resetEncode(); rightPos=6625; leftPos=-6625; run1(); run3rd=false; } }*/ } // end of loop
@Override public void init() { leftmotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motor1a"); rightmotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motor1b"); mc1 = hardwareMap.dcMotorController.get("m1"); devmodeRO = DcMotorController.DeviceMode.READ_ONLY; devmodeWO = DcMotorController.DeviceMode.WRITE_ONLY; leftmotor.setMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODERS); rightmotor.setMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODERS); resetEncode(); motorW(); leftmotor.setMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); rightmotor.setMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); rightPos = 172; leftPos = -172; run1(); /*leftmotor.setPower(0); //rightmotor.setPower(0); motorR(); while (rightmotor.getPower() !=0 ){ // telemetry.addData("rt togo", togo); telemetry.addData("lf pos", leftmotor.getCurrentPosition()); } resetEncode(); rightPos=800; leftPos=800; run1();*/ }
@Override public void loop() { double rightDrive; double leftDrive; rightDrive = -gamepad1.right_stick_y; leftDrive = -gamepad1.left_stick_y; if (gamepad1.dpad_up) { rightDrive = 0.3; leftDrive = 0.3; } else if (gamepad1.dpad_down) { rightDrive = -0.3; leftDrive = -0.3; } else if (gamepad1.dpad_right) { rightDrive = -0.3; leftDrive = 0.3; } else if (gamepad1.dpad_left) { rightDrive = 0.3; leftDrive = -0.3; } motorRight.setPower(rightDrive); motorLeft.setPower(leftDrive); if (gamepad1.a) { servoClimberDumper.setPosition(1.0); } else { servoClimberDumper.setPosition(0.0); } telemetry.addData("trackLifter", Integer.toString(trackLifter.getCurrentPosition())); telemetry.addData("liftCheck", liftCheck.isPressed()); telemetry.addData("ENCLeft", Integer.toString(motorLeft.getCurrentPosition())); telemetry.addData("ENCRight", Integer.toString(motorRight.getCurrentPosition())); telemetry.addData("trigger", gamepad1.right_trigger); }
/* * Code to run when the op mode is first enabled goes here * * @see com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.OpMode#start() */ @Override public void init() { /* * */ motorFrontLeft = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("frontleft"); // port1 left motorFrontRight = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("frontright"); // port1 right motorBackLeft = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("backleft"); // port2 left11a motorBackRight = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("backright"); // port2 right set_drive_power(0, 0); motorFrontRight.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); motorBackRight.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); v_sensor_ods = hardwareMap.opticalDistanceSensor.get("distanceSensor"); v_sensor_ods.enableLed(true); // rightbaseservo = hardwareMap.servo.get("rightbase"); //port1 // leftbaseservo = hardwareMap.servo.get("leftbase"); //port6 // rightmidservo = hardwareMap.servo.get("rightmid"); //port3 // leftmidservo = hardwareMap.servo.get("leftmid"); //port5 // gripper = hardwareMap.servo.get("gripper"); //port2 // rightmidservo.setDirection(Servo.Direction.REVERSE); // rightbaseservo.setDirection(Servo.Direction.REVERSE); // calls=0; // winch = hardwareMap.servo.get("winch"); // winch.setPosition(0.5); }
@Override public void init() { leftMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_drive"); rightMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_drive"); navx_device = AHRS.getInstance( hardwareMap.deviceInterfaceModule.get("dim"), NAVX_DIM_I2C_PORT, AHRS.DeviceDataType.kProcessedData, NAVX_DEVICE_UPDATE_RATE_HZ); rightMotor.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); /* If possible, use encoders when driving, as it results in more */ /* predictable drive system response. */ leftMotor.setChannelMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODERS); rightMotor.setChannelMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODERS); /* Create a PID Controller which uses the Yaw Angle as input. */ yawPIDController = new navXPIDController(navx_device, navXPIDController.navXTimestampedDataSource.YAW); /* Configure the PID controller */ yawPIDController.setSetpoint(TARGET_ANGLE_DEGREES); yawPIDController.setContinuous(true); yawPIDController.setOutputRange(MIN_MOTOR_OUTPUT_VALUE, MAX_MOTOR_OUTPUT_VALUE); yawPIDController.setTolerance(navXPIDController.ToleranceType.ABSOLUTE, TOLERANCE_DEGREES); yawPIDController.setPID(YAW_PID_P, YAW_PID_I, YAW_PID_D); yawPIDController.enable(true); first_iteration = true; }
private void a() { Iterator var1 = this.hardwareMap.servoController.iterator(); while (var1.hasNext()) { ServoController var2 = (ServoController); var2.pwmDisable(); } var1 = this.hardwareMap.dcMotorController.iterator(); while (var1.hasNext()) { DcMotorController var3 = (DcMotorController); var3.setMotorControllerDeviceMode(DeviceMode.WRITE_ONLY); } var1 = this.hardwareMap.dcMotor.iterator(); while (var1.hasNext()) { DcMotor var4 = (DcMotor); var4.setPower(0.0D); var4.setChannelMode(RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODERS); } var1 = this.hardwareMap.lightSensor.iterator(); while (var1.hasNext()) { LightSensor var5 = (LightSensor); var5.enableLed(false); } }
public void moveForwardToWall(double pow, int timeout) throws InterruptedException { double angle = Math.abs(sensor.getGyroYaw()); double startAngle = angle; double power = pow; ElapsedTime time = new ElapsedTime(); time.startTime(); while (Math.abs(angle - startAngle) < 10 && time.milliseconds() < timeout) { angle = Math.abs(sensor.getGyroYaw()); opMode.telemetry.addData("LeftPower", motorBL.getPower()); opMode.telemetry.addData("RightPower", motorBR.getPower()); opMode.telemetry.update(); if (angle < startAngle - 1) { startMotors((power * .75), power); } else if (angle > startAngle + 1) { startMotors(power, (power * .75)); } else { startMotors(power, power); } opMode.idle(); } stopMotors(); angleError = sensor.getGyroYaw(); opMode.telemetry.update(); }
public void moveFowardToLine(double ri, double le, int timeout) throws InterruptedException { double angle; double startAngle = Math.abs(sensor.getGyroYaw()); opMode.telemetry.update(); setNullValue(); ElapsedTime time = new ElapsedTime(); time.startTime(); while (!sensor.isLeftLine() && time.milliseconds() < timeout) { angle = Math.abs(sensor.getGyroYaw()); opMode.telemetry.addData("LeftPower", motorBL.getPower()); opMode.telemetry.addData("RightPower", motorBR.getPower()); opMode.telemetry.update(); // if(angle < startAngle - 2) { // startMotors((power * .75), power); // } else if(angle > startAngle + 2) { // startMotors(power, (power * .75)); // } else { // startMotors(power, power); // } startMotors(ri, le); opMode.idle(); } stopMotors(); opMode.telemetry.update(); angleError = sensor.getGyroYaw(); }
public int getEncoderAvg() { return ((Math.abs(motorBR.getCurrentPosition())) + (Math.abs(motorBL.getCurrentPosition())) + (Math.abs(motorFR.getCurrentPosition())) + (Math.abs(motorFL.getCurrentPosition()))) / 4; }
private void lift(double power) { try { liftLeft.setPower(power); liftRight.setPower(power); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
@Override public void loop() { if (this.time < 6.5d) { goForward(-1.0); } else if (this.time < 8.0d) { turnRight(1.0); } else if (this.time < 11d) { goForward(-1.0); } else if (this.time < 14d) { turnRight(1.0); armUp = true; motorArm.setPower(0.5); if (this.time > 11.2d) { motorArm.setPower(0.1); } } else if (this.time < 16) { goForward(1.0); motorSlide.setPower(1.0); } else if (this.time < 18) { stopMotors(); motorSlide.setPower(0.0); forwardBack.setPosition(0.75); } else if (this.time < 22) { motorSlide.setPower(-1.0); forwardBack.setPosition(0.5); } telemetry.addData("Text", "*** Robot Data***"); telemetry.addData("..", "time: " + String.format("%.2f", this.time)); }
@Override public void init() { /* Assigns DcMotor objects to physical motors using Hardware Mapping */ lbMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("lbMotor"); lfMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("lfMotor"); rfMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("rfMotor"); rbMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("rbMotor"); hangRotateMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("hangRotateMotor"); hangSlideMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("hangSlideMotor"); armMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("armMotor"); /* Assigns Servo objects to physical servos using Hardware Mapping */ climber = hardwareMap.servo.get("climber"); rSwitch = hardwareMap.servo.get("rSwitch"); lSwitch = hardwareMap.servo.get("lSwitch"); /* resets Servo positions */ climber.setPosition(CLIMBER_DOWN_POSITION); rSwitch.setPosition(RSWITCH_CLOSED_POSITION); lSwitch.setPosition(LSWITCH_CLOSED_POSITION); /* runs backward motors in opposite direction */ lfMotor.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); lbMotor.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); telemetry.addData("init complete", ""); }
@Override public void loop() { telemetry.addData("rightEncoder = ", motorRight.getCurrentPosition()); if (motorRight.getCurrentPosition() <= -5000) { if (finishedForward) { finishedForward = false; finishedTurning = true; telemetry.addData("I did it!", motorRight.getCurrentPosition()); // wait(waitValue); newValue = motorRight.getCurrentPosition() - 250; motorRight.setTargetPosition(-newValue); motorRight.setPower(.50); motorLeft.setPower(-.50); } } if (motorRight.getCurrentPosition() <= -newValue) { if (finishedTurning) { finishedTurning = false; motorRight.setPower(0); motorLeft.setPower(0); } } }
@Override public void loop() { /* reset the navX-Model device yaw angle so that whatever direction */ /* it is currently pointing will be zero degrees. */ if (first_iteration) { first_iteration = false; navx_device.zeroYaw(); yawPIDResult = new navXPIDController.PIDResult(); } /* Wait for new Yaw PID output values, then update the motors with the new PID value with each new output value. */ /* Drive straight forward at 1/2 of full drive speed */ double drive_speed = 0.5; if (yawPIDController.isNewUpdateAvailable(yawPIDResult)) { if (yawPIDResult.isOnTarget()) { leftMotor.setPower(drive_speed); rightMotor.setPower(drive_speed); } else { double output = yawPIDResult.getOutput(); leftMotor.setPower(drive_speed + output); rightMotor.setPower(drive_speed - output); } } else { /* No sensor update has been received since the last time */ /* the loop() function was invoked. Therefore, there's no */ /* need to update the motors at this time. */ } }
// ****************INITIALIZE METHOD****************// public void initializeMapping() { // Debug statements to prevent color1 error telemetry.addData("Version", "Sensorless. COLOR ERROR SHOULD NOT SHOW UP!"); // Driving Mapping motorLeftTread = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("m1"); motorRightTread = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("m2"); motorLeftSecondTread = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("m3"); motorRightSecondTread = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("m4"); // Sensors // sensorRGB_1 = hardwareMap.colorSensor.get("color"); // Other Mapping motorHangingMech = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("m5"); srvoHang_1 = hardwareMap.servo.get("s1"); srvoHang_2 = hardwareMap.servo.get("s2"); /*srvoDong_Left = hardwareMap.servo.get("s3"); //The left servo srvoDong_Right = hardwareMap.servo.get("s4"); //The right servo srvoPushButton = hardwareMap.servo.get("s5"); srvoScoreClimbers = hardwareMap.servo.get("s6");*/ // set the direction of the motors motorRightTread.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); motorRightSecondTread.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); telemetry.addData("Version", "non autonomous. COLOR ERROR SHOULD NOT SHOW UP!"); }
/** * This method does all of the things required to make each side of the robot move forward by the * given amounts. Seriously, It changes the channelMode, It calculates the pulse counts * Everything! If you understand java and can't use this, you don't deserve to! */ public void measuredDrive(double Rdist, double Ldist) { double frrot = Rdist / frontCirc; double flrot = Ldist / frontCirc; double rPow = .5, lPow = .5; leftMotorf.setTargetPosition((int) flrot * pulsePerRot); rightMotorf.setTargetPosition((int) frrot * pulsePerRot); if (!encodersEnabled) { enableEncoders(true); } if (Rdist < 0) { rPow = -rPow; } else if (Rdist == 0) { rPow = 0; } if (Ldist < 0) { lPow = -lPow; } else if (Ldist == 0) { lPow = 0; } leftMotorf.setPower(frontRatio * lPow); rightMotorf.setPower(frontRatio * rPow); }
@Override public void stop(RobotContext ctx, LinkedList<Object> out) throws Exception { driveForwardLeft.setPower(0); driveForwardRight.setPower(0); driveRearRight.setPower(0); driveRearRight.setPower(0); }
@Override public void loop() { // Gamepad 1 - Drive Controller float rightDriveMotorSpeed = -gamepad1.right_stick_y; float leftDriveMotorSpeed = -gamepad1.left_stick_y; rightDriveMotorSpeed = Range.clip(rightDriveMotorSpeed, -1, 1); leftDriveMotorSpeed = Range.clip(leftDriveMotorSpeed, -1, 1); rightDriveMotorSpeed = (float) scaleInput(rightDriveMotorSpeed); leftDriveMotorSpeed = (float) scaleInput(leftDriveMotorSpeed); System.out.println(rightDriveMotorSpeed); driveRight.setPower(rightDriveMotorSpeed); driveLeft.setPower(leftDriveMotorSpeed); if (gamepad1.a & hookServoClick == 0) { hookServoPosition -= hookServoDelta; System.out.println(hookServoPosition); hookServoClick = 1; hookServo.setPosition(hookServoPosition); } if (gamepad1.a & hookServoClick == 1) { hookServoPosition += hookServoDelta; System.out.println(hookServoPosition); hookServoClick = 0; hookServo.setPosition(hookServoPosition); } if (gamepad1.x & triggerServoClick == 0) { triggerServoPosition -= triggerServoDelta; System.out.println(triggerServoPosition); triggerServoClick = 1; triggerServo.setPosition(triggerServoPosition); } if (gamepad1.x & triggerServoClick == 1) { triggerServoPosition += triggerServoDelta; System.out.println(triggerServoPosition); triggerServoClick = 0; triggerServo.setPosition(triggerServoPosition); } // Gamepad 2 float armStage1MotorSpeed = -gamepad2.right_stick_y; float armStage2MotorSpeed = -gamepad2.left_stick_y; armStage1MotorSpeed = Range.clip(armStage1MotorSpeed, -1, 1); armStage2MotorSpeed = Range.clip(armStage2MotorSpeed, -1, 1); armStage1MotorSpeed = (float) scaleInput(armStage1MotorSpeed); armStage2MotorSpeed = (float) scaleInput(armStage2MotorSpeed); armStage1.setPower(armStage1MotorSpeed); armStage2.setPower(armStage2MotorSpeed); }
public void rest() { fr.setPower(0); fl.setPower(0); bl.setPower(0); br.setPower(0); collector.setPower(0); }
/* * This method will be called repeatedly in a loop * * @see com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.OpMode#run() */ @Override public void loop() { double reflection = 0.0; double left, right = 0.0; // keep manipulator out of the way. arm.setPosition(armPosition); claw.setPosition(clawPosition); /* * Use the 'time' variable of this op mode to determine * how to adjust the motor power. */ if (this.time <= 1) { // from 0 to 1 seconds, run the motors for five seconds. left = 0.15; right = 0.15; } else if (this.time > 5 && this.time <= 8.5) { // between 5 and 8.5 seconds, point turn right. left = 0.15; right = -0.15; } else if (this.time > 8.5 && this.time <= 15) { // between 8 and 15 seconds, idle. left = 0.0; right = 0.0; } else if (this.time > 15d && this.time <= 20.75d) { // between 15 and 20.75 seconds, point turn left. left = -0.15; right = 0.15; } else { // after 20.75 seconds, stop. left = 0.0; right = 0.0; } /* * set the motor power */ motorRight.setPower(left); motorLeft.setPower(right); /* * read the light sensor. */ // reflection = reflectedLight.getLightLevel(); /* * Send telemetry data back to driver station. Note that if we are using * a legacy NXT-compatible motor controller, then the getPower() method * will return a null value. The legacy NXT-compatible motor controllers * are currently write only. */ telemetry.addData("Text", "*** Robot Data***"); telemetry.addData("time", "elapsed time: " + Double.toString(this.time)); telemetry.addData("reflection", "reflection: " + Double.toString(reflection)); telemetry.addData("left tgt pwr", "left pwr: " + Double.toString(left)); telemetry.addData("right tgt pwr", "right pwr: " + Double.toString(right)); }
/* * This method will be called repeatedly in a loop * * @see com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.OpMode#run() */ @Override public void loop() { /* * Gamepad 1 * * Gamepad 1 controls the motors via the left stick, and it controls the * wrist/claw via the a,b, x, y buttons */ // throttle: left_stick_y ranges from -1 to 1, where -1 is full up, and // 1 is full down // direction: left_stick_x ranges from -1 to 1, where -1 is full left // and 1 is full right float left_throttle = -gamepad1.left_stick_y; float right_throttle = -gamepad1.right_stick_y; // scale the joystick value to make it easier to control // the robot more precisely at slower speeds. left_throttle = (float) scaleInput(left_throttle); right_throttle = (float) scaleInput(right_throttle); // write the values to the motors front_right.setPower(right_throttle); back_right.setPower(right_throttle); front_left.setPower(left_throttle); back_left.setPower(left_throttle); // update the position of the arm. if (gamepad1.y) { // if the A button is pushed on gamepad1, increment the position of // the arm servo. spinnerPosition += spinnerDelta; } if (gamepad1.a) { // if the Y button is pushed on gamepad1, decrease the position of // the arm servo. spinnerPosition -= spinnerDelta; } // clip the position values so that they never exceed their allowed range. spinnerPosition = Range.clip(spinnerPosition, 0.0, 1.0); // write position values to the wrist and claw servo spinner.setPosition(spinnerPosition); /* * Send telemetry data back to driver station. Note that if we are using * a legacy NXT-compatible motor controller, then the getPower() method * will return a null value. The legacy NXT-compatible motor controllers * are currently write only. */ telemetry.addData("Text", "*** Robot Data***"); telemetry.addData("arm", "arm: " + String.format("%.2f", armPosition)); telemetry.addData("claw", "claw: " + String.format("%.2f", clawPosition)); telemetry.addData("left tgt pwr", "left pwr: " + String.format("%.2f", left)); telemetry.addData("right tgt pwr", "right pwr: " + String.format("%.2f", right)); }
private void tankDrive(double leftY, double rightY) throws InterruptedException { rightY = -rightY; // flip the power of the right side leftfrontMotor.setPower(leftY); // set the according power to each motor leftbackMotor.setPower(leftY); rightfrontMotor.setPower(rightY); rightbackMotor.setPower(rightY); }
/** * Applies power to lift motors based on value in {@code double direction, angle} set in {@link * DriverStation#getNextDrivesysCmd()}. * * @param driverCommand {@link DriverCommand} object with values. */ public void applyCmd(DriverCommand driverCommand) { if (liftArmLengthMotorAvailable) { liftArmLengthMotor.setPower(driverCommand.linliftcmd.armLength); } if (liftAngleMotorAvailable) { liftAngleMotor.setPower(driverCommand.linliftcmd.angle); } }
public void resetEncode() { motorW(); leftmotor.setMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RESET_ENCODERS); rightmotor.setMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RESET_ENCODERS); motorR(); while (leftmotor.getCurrentPosition() != 0) {} return; }
@Override public void init_loop() { // Reverses the Right Wheel driveRight.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); // Sets motors to run without incoders driveLeft.setChannelMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODERS); driveRight.setChannelMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODERS); }
public void getEncoderValues() { telemetry.addData("motorBL", motorBL.getCurrentPosition()); telemetry.addData("motorFR", motorFR.getCurrentPosition()); telemetry.addData("motorBR", motorBR.getCurrentPosition()); telemetry.addData("motorFL", motorFL.getCurrentPosition()); }
@Override public void init() { left1 = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motor1"); right1 = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motor2"); left2 = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motor3"); right2 = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motor4"); left1.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); left2.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); }
/** * This method just sets the power of the Left and right motors to the provided values It also * scales the power to the front motors. */ public void tankDrive(double leftVal, double rightVal) { if (encodersEnabled) { enableEncoders(false); } leftMotorf.setPower(frontRatio * leftVal); rightMotorf.setPower(frontRatio * rightVal); }