public void next(BFeatureImpl f) { if (directSegmentMode) {; return; } assignBoundary(bfeatureImpl, currPos); f.copy(bfeatureImpl); advance(); }
public void next(BFeatureImpl f) { if (directSegmentMode) {; return; } f.copy(fImpl); // assignBoundaryInt(f,pos); String name = ""; if (featureCollectMode()) { name += + ".W." + windows[currentWindow]; } setFeatureIdentifier( * windows.length + currentWindow, f.strId.stateId, name, f); assert (!windows[currentWindow].toString().equals("unique") || (!f._startOpen && !f._endOpen && (f._startB == f._endB))); assert (!windows[currentWindow].toString().equals("end") || (f._startOpen && !f._endOpen && (f._startB + 1 == f._endB))); // next((FeatureImpl)f); // f.copyBoundary(boundary); // assert((boundary._startB >= 0) && (boundary._endB < dataSeq.length())); advance(); }
private void initFeatureOpenFlag(Window twindow, BFeatureImpl tfeatureImpl) { switch (getWindowType(twindow)) { case WIN_LEFT: tfeatureImpl._startOpen = false; tfeatureImpl._endOpen = (twindow.maxLength == Integer.MAX_VALUE); break; case WIN_RIGHT: tfeatureImpl._startOpen = (twindow.maxLength == Integer.MAX_VALUE); tfeatureImpl._endOpen = false; break; case WIN_MIDDLE: tfeatureImpl._startOpen = twindow.maxLength == Integer.MAX_VALUE; tfeatureImpl._endOpen = twindow.maxLength == Integer.MAX_VALUE; break; default: assert (false); } }
private boolean nextFeatureNew() { Window twindow = windows[currWin]; currBdry++; if (currBdry <= cfRange.end) { switch (getWindowType(twindow)) { case WIN_LEFT: fboundary._startB = currBdry; fboundary._endB = fboundary._startB + minWinLength - 1; break; case WIN_RIGHT: fboundary._endB = currBdry; fboundary._startB = fboundary._endB - minWinLength + 1; break; case WIN_MIDDLE: fboundary._startB = currBdry; fboundary._endB = fboundary._startB + maxGap - 1; break; } return true; } else { featureValid = false; return false; } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see iitb.Model.FeatureTypes#startScanFeaturesAt(iitb.CRF.DataSequence, int) * all windows that overlap with this position * */ private void assignBoundaryInt(BFeatureImpl feature, int pos) { Window w = windows[currentWindow]; if (w.startRelativeToLeft && w.endRelativeToLeft) { // TODO -- handle this case. for each value between w.start..w.end generate a different // feature assert (pos - w.start == pos - w.end); feature._startB = pos - w.start; feature._endB = feature._startB + w.minLength - 1; feature._startOpen = false; feature._endOpen = (w.maxLength == Integer.MAX_VALUE); } else if (w.startRelativeToLeft && !w.endRelativeToLeft) { feature._startB = pos - w.start; feature._endB = pos - w.end; feature._startOpen = (w.maxLength == Integer.MAX_VALUE); feature._endOpen = (w.maxLength == Integer.MAX_VALUE); } else if (!w.startRelativeToLeft && !w.endRelativeToLeft) { assert (pos - w.start == pos - w.end); feature._endB = pos - w.end; feature._startB = feature._endB - w.minLength + 1; feature._startOpen = (w.maxLength == Integer.MAX_VALUE); feature._endOpen = false; } else assert (false); // invalid combination }
public void assignBoundary(BFeatureImpl tfeatureImpl, int tpos) { tfeatureImpl.copyBoundary(fboundary); }