public void onAdFetchFailure() { Log.d("MoPub", "AdSense failed. Trying another"); MoPubView view = mMoPubViewReference.get(); if (view != null) { view.loadFailUrl(); } }
@Override public void onBannerCollapsed() { if (isInvalidated()) return; mMoPubView.setAutorefreshEnabled(mStoredAutorefresh); mMoPubView.adClosed(); }
public void onClickAd() { Log.d("MoPub", "AdSense clicked"); MoPubView view = mMoPubViewReference.get(); if (view != null) { view.registerClick(); } }
@Override public void onBannerExpanded() { if (isInvalidated()) return; mStoredAutorefresh = mMoPubView.getAutorefreshEnabled(); mMoPubView.setAutorefreshEnabled(false); mMoPubView.adPresentedOverlay(); }
private int getTimeoutDelayMilliseconds() { if (mMoPubView == null || mMoPubView.getAdTimeoutDelay() == null || mMoPubView.getAdTimeoutDelay() < 0) { return DEFAULT_BANNER_TIMEOUT_DELAY; } return mMoPubView.getAdTimeoutDelay() * 1000; }
@Override public void onDestroy() { if (mBannerView != null) { mBannerView.destroy(); } if (mMrectView != null) { mMrectView.destroy(); } super.onDestroy(); }
public void execute() { AdView adView = mWeakAdView.get(); if (adView == null || adView.isDestroyed()) { return; } adView.setIsLoading(false); MoPubView mpv = adView.mMoPubView; mpv.loadNativeSDK(mParamsMap); }
/* * Returns the last known location of the device using its GPS and network location providers. * May be null if: * - Location permissions are not requested in the Android manifest file * - The location providers don't exist * - Location awareness is disabled in the parent MoPubView */ private Location getLastKnownLocation() { LocationAwareness locationAwareness = mMoPubView.getLocationAwareness(); int locationPrecision = mMoPubView.getLocationPrecision(); Location result = null; if (locationAwareness == LocationAwareness.LOCATION_AWARENESS_DISABLED) { return null; } LocationManager lm = (LocationManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); Location gpsLocation = null; try { gpsLocation = lm.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER); } catch (SecurityException e) { Log.d("MoPub", "Failed to retrieve GPS location: access appears to be disabled."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.d("MoPub", "Failed to retrieve GPS location: device has no GPS provider."); } Location networkLocation = null; try { networkLocation = lm.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER); } catch (SecurityException e) { Log.d("MoPub", "Failed to retrieve network location: access appears to be disabled."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.d("MoPub", "Failed to retrieve network location: device has no network provider."); } if (gpsLocation == null && networkLocation == null) { return null; } else if (gpsLocation != null && networkLocation != null) { if (gpsLocation.getTime() > networkLocation.getTime()) result = gpsLocation; else result = networkLocation; } else if (gpsLocation != null) result = gpsLocation; else result = networkLocation; // Truncate latitude/longitude to the number of digits specified by locationPrecision. if (locationAwareness == LocationAwareness.LOCATION_AWARENESS_TRUNCATED) { double lat = result.getLatitude(); double truncatedLat = BigDecimal.valueOf(lat) .setScale(locationPrecision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN) .doubleValue(); result.setLatitude(truncatedLat); double lon = result.getLongitude(); double truncatedLon = BigDecimal.valueOf(lon) .setScale(locationPrecision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN) .doubleValue(); result.setLongitude(truncatedLon); } return result; }
/* * CustomEventBanner.Listener implementation */ @Override public void onBannerLoaded(View bannerView) { if (isInvalidated()) return; if (mMoPubView != null) { cancelTimeout(); mMoPubView.nativeAdLoaded(); mMoPubView.setAdContentView(bannerView); if (!(bannerView instanceof HtmlBannerWebView)) { mMoPubView.trackNativeImpression(); } } }
public void onFinishFetchAd() { MoPubView view = mMoPubViewReference.get(); if (view != null) { view.removeAllViews(); mAdView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); FrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams( FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); layoutParams.gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL; view.addView(mAdView, layoutParams); view.adLoaded(); } }
private void adDidLoad() { Log.i("MoPub", "Ad successfully loaded."); mIsLoading = false; scheduleRefreshTimerIfEnabled(); mMoPubView.removeAllViews(); FrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams( FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, Gravity.CENTER); mMoPubView.addView(this, layoutParams); mMoPubView.adLoaded(); }
@Override public View onCreateView( LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState); final MoPubSampleAdUnit adConfiguration = MoPubSampleAdUnit.fromBundle(getArguments()); final View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.banner_detail_fragment, container, false); final DetailFragmentViewHolder views = DetailFragmentViewHolder.fromView(view); mMoPubView = (MoPubView) view.findViewById(; hideSoftKeyboard(views.mKeywordsField); final String adUnitId = adConfiguration.getAdUnitId(); views.mDescriptionView.setText(adConfiguration.getDescription()); views.mAdUnitIdView.setText(adUnitId); views.mLoadButton.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { final String keywords = views.mKeywordsField.getText().toString(); loadMoPubView(adUnitId, keywords); } }); mMoPubView.setBannerAdListener(this); loadMoPubView(adUnitId, null); return view; }
@Test public void loadAd_shouldPropagateLocationInLocalExtras() throws Exception { Location expectedLocation = new Location(""); expectedLocation.setLongitude(10.0); expectedLocation.setLongitude(20.1); stub(moPubView.getLocation()).toReturn(expectedLocation); subject = new CustomEventBannerAdapter(moPubView, CLASS_NAME, null); subject.loadAd(); expectedLocalExtras.put("location", moPubView.getLocation()); verify(banner) .loadBanner( any(Context.class), eq(subject), eq(expectedLocalExtras), eq(expectedServerExtras)); }
@Test public void onBannerCollapsed_shouldRestoreRefreshSettingAndCallAdClosed() throws Exception { stub(moPubView.getAutorefreshEnabled()).toReturn(true); subject.onBannerExpanded(); reset(moPubView); subject.onBannerCollapsed(); verify(moPubView).setAutorefreshEnabled(eq(true)); verify(moPubView).adClosed(); stub(moPubView.getAutorefreshEnabled()).toReturn(false); subject.onBannerExpanded(); reset(moPubView); subject.onBannerCollapsed(); verify(moPubView).setAutorefreshEnabled(eq(false)); verify(moPubView).adClosed(); }
public void execute() { AdView adView = mWeakAdView.get(); if (adView == null || adView.isDestroyed()) { return; } adView.setIsLoading(false); MoPubView moPubView = adView.mMoPubView; if (mParamsMap == null) { Log.i("MoPub", "Couldn't invoke custom event because the server did not specify one."); moPubView.adFailed(); return; } moPubView.loadCustomEvent(mParamsMap); }
private void loadMoPubView(MoPubView moPubView, String adUnitId, String keywords) { if (moPubView == null) { logToast(getActivity(), "Unable to inflate MoPubView from xml."); return; } try { validateAdUnitId(adUnitId); } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) { logToast(getActivity(), exception.getMessage()); return; } moPubView.setBannerAdListener(this); moPubView.setAdUnitId(adUnitId); moPubView.setKeywords(keywords); moPubView.loadAd(); }
@Override public void onDestroyView() { super.onDestroyView(); if (mMoPubView != null) { mMoPubView.destroy(); mMoPubView = null; } }
@Override public void onBannerFailed(MoPubErrorCode errorCode) { if (isInvalidated()) return; if (mMoPubView != null) { if (errorCode == null) { errorCode = UNSPECIFIED; } cancelTimeout(); mMoPubView.loadFailUrl(errorCode); } }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { moPubView = mock(MoPubView.class); stub(moPubView.getAdTimeoutDelay()).toReturn(null); subject = new CustomEventBannerAdapter(moPubView, CLASS_NAME, JSON_PARAMS); expectedLocalExtras = new HashMap<String, Object>(); expectedServerExtras = new HashMap<String, String>(); banner = CustomEventBannerFactory.create(CLASS_NAME); }
public void execute() { AdView adView = mWeakAdView.get(); if (adView == null || adView.isDestroyed()) { return; } adView.setIsLoading(false); MoPubView mpv = adView.mMoPubView; if (mHeader == null) { Log.i("MoPub", "Couldn't call custom method because the server did not specify one."); mpv.loadFailUrl(); return; } String methodName = mHeader.getValue(); Log.i("MoPub", "Trying to call method named " + methodName); Class<? extends Activity> c; Method method; Activity userActivity = mpv.getActivity(); try { c = userActivity.getClass(); method = c.getMethod(methodName, MoPubView.class); method.invoke(userActivity, mpv); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { Log.d( "MoPub", "Couldn't perform custom method named " + methodName + "(MoPubView view) because your activity class has no such method"); mpv.loadFailUrl(); return; } catch (Exception e) { Log.d("MoPub", "Couldn't perform custom method named " + methodName); mpv.loadFailUrl(); return; } }
private void handleCustomIntentFromUri(Uri uri) { mMoPubView.adClicked(); String action = uri.getQueryParameter("fnc"); String adData = uri.getQueryParameter("data"); Intent customIntent = new Intent(action); if (adData != null) customIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_AD_CLICK_DATA, adData); try { getContext().startActivity(customIntent); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { Log.w( "MoPub", "Could not handle custom intent: " + action + ". Is your intent spelled correctly?"); } }
public void loadAd() { if (mAdUnitId == null) { Log.d( "MoPub", "Can't load an ad in this ad view because the ad unit ID is null. " + "Did you forget to call setAdUnitId()?"); return; } if (mLocation == null) mLocation = getLastKnownLocation(); String adUrl = generateAdUrl(); mMoPubView.adWillLoad(adUrl); loadUrl(adUrl); }
@Test public void timeout_withNonNullAdTimeoutDelay_shouldSignalFailureAndInvalidateWithCustomDelay() throws Exception { stub(moPubView.getAdTimeoutDelay()).toReturn(77); subject.loadAd(); Robolectric.idleMainLooper(77000 - 1); verify(moPubView, never()).loadFailUrl(eq(NETWORK_TIMEOUT)); assertThat(subject.isInvalidated()).isFalse(); Robolectric.idleMainLooper(1); verify(moPubView).loadFailUrl(eq(NETWORK_TIMEOUT)); assertThat(subject.isInvalidated()).isTrue(); }
@Test public void timeout_withNegativeAdTimeoutDelay_shouldSignalFailureAndInvalidateWithDefaultDelay() throws Exception { stub(moPubView.getAdTimeoutDelay()).toReturn(-1); subject.loadAd(); Robolectric.idleMainLooper(CustomEventBannerAdapter.DEFAULT_BANNER_TIMEOUT_DELAY - 1); verify(moPubView, never()).loadFailUrl(eq(NETWORK_TIMEOUT)); assertThat(subject.isInvalidated()).isFalse(); Robolectric.idleMainLooper(1); verify(moPubView).loadFailUrl(eq(NETWORK_TIMEOUT)); assertThat(subject.isInvalidated()).isTrue(); }
public CustomEventBannerAdapter(MoPubView moPubView, String className, String classData) { mHandler = new Handler(); mMoPubView = moPubView; mContext = moPubView.getContext(); mLocalExtras = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mServerExtras = new HashMap<String, String>(); mTimeout = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Log.d("MoPub", "Third-party network timed out."); onBannerFailed(NETWORK_TIMEOUT); invalidate(); } }; Log.d("MoPub", "Attempting to invoke custom event: " + className); try { mCustomEventBanner = CustomEventBannerFactory.create(className); } catch (Exception exception) { Log.d("MoPub", "Couldn't locate or instantiate custom event: " + className + "."); mMoPubView.loadFailUrl(ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND); return; } // Attempt to load the JSON extras into mServerExtras. try { mServerExtras = Json.jsonStringToMap(classData); } catch (Exception exception) { Log.d("MoPub", "Failed to create Map from JSON: " + classData + exception.toString()); } mLocalExtras = mMoPubView.getLocalExtras(); if (mMoPubView.getLocation() != null) { mLocalExtras.put("location", mMoPubView.getLocation()); } if (mMoPubView.getAdViewController() != null) { mLocalExtras.put(AD_CONFIGURATION_KEY, mMoPubView.getAdViewController().getAdConfiguration()); } }
@Override public void onBannerClicked() { if (isInvalidated()) return; if (mMoPubView != null) mMoPubView.registerClick(); }
private void loadMoPubView(final String adUnitId, final String keywords) { mMoPubView.setAdUnitId(adUnitId); mMoPubView.setKeywords(keywords); mMoPubView.loadAd(); }
private void adDidFail() { Log.i("MoPub", "Ad failed to load."); mIsLoading = false; scheduleRefreshTimerIfEnabled(); mMoPubView.adFailed(); }
public void loadAd() { MoPubView view = mMoPubViewReference.get(); if (view == null) { return; } mAdView = new GoogleAdView(view.getContext()); // The following parameters are required. Fail if they aren't set JSONObject object; String pubId; String companyName; String appName; try { object = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(mParams).nextValue(); pubId = object.getString("Gclientid"); companyName = object.getString("Gcompanyname"); appName = object.getString("Gappname"); } catch (JSONException e) { view.adFailed(); return; } // The rest of the parameters are optional AdSenseSpec.AdType adtype = AdType.TEXT_IMAGE; Boolean testState = false; String keywords = ""; String channelId = ""; try { String at = object.getString("Gadtype"); if (at.equals("GADAdSenseTextAdType")) { adtype = AdType.TEXT; } else if (at.equals("GADAdSenseImageAdType")) { adtype = AdType.IMAGE; } } catch (JSONException e) { } try { testState = object.getString("Gtestadrequest").equals("1"); } catch (JSONException e) { } try { keywords = object.getString("Gkeywords"); } catch (JSONException e) { } try { channelId = object.getString("Gchannelids"); } catch (JSONException e) { } if (keywords == null || keywords.equals("")) { keywords = "None"; } AdSenseSpec adSenseSpec = new AdSenseSpec(pubId) // Specify client ID. (Required) .setCompanyName(companyName) // Set company name. (Required) .setAppName(appName) // Set application name. (Required) .setKeywords(keywords) // Specify keywords. .setChannel(channelId) // Set channel ID. .setAdType(adtype) // Set ad type to Text. // .setExpandDirection(AdSenseSpec.ExpandDirection.TOP) .setAdTestEnabled(testState); // Keep if (view.getAdWidth() == 300 && view.getAdHeight() == 250) { adSenseSpec.setAdFormat(AdFormat.FORMAT_300x250); } else { adSenseSpec.setAdFormat(AdFormat.FORMAT_320x50); } mAdView.setAdViewListener(this); Log.d("MoPub", "Showing AdSense ad..."); // The GoogleAdView has to be in the view hierarchy to make a request mAdView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); view.addView( mAdView, new FrameLayout.LayoutParams( FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); mAdView.showAds(adSenseSpec); }
private void adDidClose() { mMoPubView.adClosed(); }