private static void check(MimeType type, String str) throws Exception { References references; Node node = WORLD.getTemp().createTempFile(); node.writeString(str); references = References.create(type, true, node); references.readBytes(); node.deleteFile(); System.gc(); Thread.sleep(1000); System.out.println("Startup done"); Thread.sleep(20000); System.out.println("computing ..."); node = WORLD.getTemp().createTempFile(); node.writeString(str); references = References.create(type, true, node); references.readBytes(); node.deleteFile(); System.out.println("busy wait to keep references"); for (; ; ) ; }
public static WarConfig fromXml(Node webapp) throws IOException { String path; Element root; Selector selector; List<String> statics; try { root = webapp.join("WEB-INF/project.xml").readXml().getDocumentElement(); selector = webapp.getWorld().getXml().getSelector(); statics = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element element : selector.elements(root, "application/static/path")) { path = element.getTextContent(); path = path.trim(); if (path.isEmpty() || path.startsWith("/")) { throw new IllegalStateException(path); } if (!path.endsWith("/")) { path = path + "/"; } statics.add(path); } return new WarConfig(statics); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new IOException("cannot load project descriptor: " + e); } }
protected void writeCssTo(Writer writer, Output output) throws IOException { Object[] results; Mapper mapper; Node node; if (output.getMuted()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } mapper = SSASS.newInstance(); mapper.setErrorHandler(new ExceptionErrorHandler()); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { node = nodes.get(i); if (i > 0) { writer.write(LF); } if (!overallMinimize) { writer.write(type.comment(location(node))); } results =; if (results == null) { throw new IOException(node.toString() + ": css/sass error"); } output.setMuted(declarationsOnly.get(i)); try { ((Stylesheet) results[0]).toCss(output); } catch (GenericException e) { throw new IOException(node.toString() + ": css generation failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } if (output.getMuted() != declarationsOnly.get(i)) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } }
public void save(String json, String action, String method) { try { Node file = methodDirectory(method).join(filename(action, ".log")); file.writeString(json); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("ToDo: Handle this", e); } }
public void save(byte[] screenshot, String action, String method) { try { Node file = methodDirectory(method).join(filename(action, ".png")); file.writeBytes(screenshot); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("ToDo: Handle this", e); } }
/* @return -1 for unknown */ public long getLastModified() throws GetLastModifiedException { long result; result = Long.MIN_VALUE; for (Node node : nodes) { if (node instanceof WebdavNode) { // skip getLastModified - it's not supported by Webservice Stub Servlet } else { result = Math.max(result, node.getLastModified()); } } return result == Long.MIN_VALUE ? -1 : result; }
private Node methodWithParameters(String method) throws IOException { String methodName = method.substring(0, method.indexOf('[')); Node screenshotDir = classDirectory().join(methodName); int offset = 1; String unsplittedParameters = method.substring(method.indexOf('[') + offset, method.indexOf(']')); String[] parameters = unsplittedParameters.split("\\|"); for (String parameter : parameters) { screenshotDir = screenshotDir.join(parameter); } return screenshotDir.mkdirsOpt(); }
// avoids node.list() call if there is exactly 1 include with a literal head private List<? extends Node> list(Node node, List<Object[]> includes) throws IOException { Node child; if (includes.size() == 1 && includes.get(0)[0] instanceof String) { child = node.join((String) includes.get(0)[0]); if (child.exists()) { return Collections.singletonList(child); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } else { return node.list(); } }
private void doInvoke( int currentDepth, Node parent, boolean parentIsLink, List<Object[]> includes, List<Object[]> excludes, Action result) throws IOException { List<? extends Node> children; List<Object[]> remainingIncludes; List<Object[]> remainingExcludes; String name; boolean childIsLink; boolean in; boolean ex; if (currentDepth >= maxDepth) { return; } if (!followLinks && parentIsLink) { return; } try { children = list(parent, includes); } catch (IOException e) { result.enterFailed(parent, parentIsLink, e); return; } if (children == null) { // ignore file } else { result.enter(parent, parentIsLink); currentDepth++; for (Node child : children) { name = child.getName(); childIsLink = child.isLink(); remainingIncludes = new ArrayList<>(); remainingExcludes = new ArrayList<>(); in = doMatch(name, includes, remainingIncludes); ex = doMatch(name, excludes, remainingExcludes); if (in && !ex && currentDepth >= minDepth && matchPredicates(child, childIsLink)) {, childIsLink); } if (remainingIncludes.size() > 0 && !excludesAll(remainingExcludes)) { doInvoke(currentDepth, child, childIsLink, remainingIncludes, remainingExcludes, result); } } result.leave(parent, parentIsLink); } }
private static String readString(Node node) throws IOException { try { return node.readString(); } catch (CreateInputStreamException e) { if ((e.getCause() instanceof org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException) && (node instanceof WebdavNode)) { try { return node.readString(); } catch (IOException e2) { e.addSuppressed(e2); throw e; } } throw e; } }
// do not return full paths -- security! public static String location(Node node) { String name; int idx; if (node instanceof ZipNode) { name = ((ZipNode) node).getRoot().getZip().getName(); idx = name.lastIndexOf('/'); if (idx >= 0) { name = name.substring(idx + 1); } return "zip:" + name + "/" + node.getPath(); } else if (node instanceof FileNode) { return "file:" + node.getRelative(node.getWorld().getWorking()); } else if (node instanceof WebdavNode) { return "http:" + node.getName() + ((WebdavNode) node).getQuery(); } else { return node.getName(); } }
/** * Main methods of this class. * * @throws IOException as thrown by the specified FileTask */ public void invoke(Node root, Action result) throws IOException { doInvoke(0, root, root.isLink(), new ArrayList<>(includes), new ArrayList<>(excludes), result); }
public boolean matches(Node node, boolean isLink) throws ExistsException { return node.isDirectory(); }
private Node classDirectory() throws IOException { return baseDirectory.join(testClass.getSimpleName()).mkdirsOpt(); }