/* * Add HolyHandGrenades to world */ private void addHHG(World world) { for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_HHG; i++) { Location loc = Util.getRandomEmptyLocation(world); HolyHandGrenade hhg = new HolyHandGrenade(loc); world.addItem(hhg); world.addActor(hhg); } }
/* * Add HolyHandGrenade Tanks to world */ private void addHHGTank(World world) { for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_HHGTANK; i++) { Location loc = Util.getRandomEmptyLocation(world); HolyGrenadeTank tank = new HolyGrenadeTank(loc); world.addItem(tank); world.addActor(tank); } }
/* * Add Mines to world */ private void addMine(World world) { for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_MINE; i++) { Location loc = Util.getRandomEmptyLocation(world); Mine mine = new Mine(loc); world.addItem(mine); world.addActor(mine); } }
/* * Add Gnats to world */ private void addGnats(World world) { for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_GNATS; i++) { Location loc = Util.getRandomEmptyLocation(world); Gnat gnat = new Gnat(loc); world.addItem(gnat); world.addActor(gnat); } }
/* * Add KillerRabbits to world */ private void addKillerRabbits(World world) { KillerRabbitAI killerRabbitAI = new KillerRabbitAI(); for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_KILLER_RABBITS; i++) { Location loc = Util.getRandomEmptyLocation(world); KillerRabbit caerbonnog = new KillerRabbit(killerRabbitAI, loc); world.addItem(caerbonnog); world.addActor(caerbonnog); } }
/* * Add Bulldozers to world */ private void addBulldozer(World world) { for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_BULLDOZER; i++) { Location loc = Util.getRandomEmptyLocation(world); Bulldozer bulldozer = new Bulldozer(loc); world.addItem(bulldozer); world.addActor(bulldozer); } }
/* * Add Donald Trumps to world */ private void addTrumps(World world) { for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_TRUMPS; i++) { Location loc = Util.getRandomEmptyLocation(world); DonaldTrump trump = new DonaldTrump(loc); world.addItem(trump); world.addActor(trump); } }
/* * Add Sniper to world */ private void addSniper(World world) { SniperAI sniperAI = new SniperAI(); for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_SNIPERS; i++) { Location loc = Util.getRandomEmptyLocation(world); Sniper sniper = new Sniper(sniperAI, loc); world.addItem(sniper); world.addActor(sniper); } }
/* * Add Knights to world */ private void addKnights(World world) { KnightAI knightAI = new KnightAI(); for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_KNIGHTS; i++) { Location loc = Util.getRandomEmptyLocation(world); Knight knight = new Knight(knightAI, loc); world.addItem(knight); world.addActor(knight); } }
/* * Add Rabbits to world */ private void addRabbits(World world) { RabbitAI rabbitAI = new RabbitAI(); for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_RABBITS; i++) { Location loc = Util.getRandomEmptyLocation(world); Rabbit rabbit = new Rabbit(rabbitAI, loc); world.addItem(rabbit); world.addActor(rabbit); } }
/* * Add Foxes to world */ private void addFoxes(World world) { FoxAI foxAI = new FoxAI(); for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_FOXES; i++) { Location loc = Util.getRandomEmptyLocation(world); Fox fox = new Fox(foxAI, loc); world.addItem(fox); world.addActor(fox); } }
/* * Add wall to world */ private void addWall(World world) { for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_WALL; i++) { Location loc = Util.getRandomEmptyLocation(world); world.addItem(new Wall(loc)); } }
/* * Add grass to world */ private void addGrass(World world) { for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_GRASS; i++) { Location loc = Util.getRandomEmptyLocation(world); world.addItem(new Grass(loc)); } }