 public void testPaginatedLocal() throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
   String[] ARGS = {
     "--apiKey=" + helper.getApiKey(),
     "--references=" + helper.PLATINUM_GENOMES_BRCA1_REFERENCES,
     "--datasetId=" + helper.PLATINUM_GENOMES_DATASET,
     "--output=" + outputPrefix,
 public void testStreamingCloud() throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
   String[] ARGS = {
     "--apiKey=" + helper.getApiKey(),
     "--references=" + helper.PLATINUM_GENOMES_BRCA1_REFERENCES,
     "--datasetId=" + helper.PLATINUM_GENOMES_DATASET,
     "--output=" + outputPrefix,
     "--project=" + helper.getTestProject(),
     "--stagingLocation=" + helper.getTestStagingGcsFolder(),
 // TODO enable this test.  For it to work, we'll need to add alpn to the classpath
 // and figure out https://github.com/googlegenomics/dataflow-java/issues/119
 public void testStreamingLocal() throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
   String[] ARGS = {
     "--apiKey=" + helper.getApiKey(),
     "--references=" + helper.PLATINUM_GENOMES_BRCA1_REFERENCES,
     "--datasetId=" + helper.PLATINUM_GENOMES_DATASET,
     "--output=" + outputPrefix,