public void _deriveAll() { this.getKnownType(); ElementReference type = this.getType(); if (type != null) { type.deriveAll(); } }
public void checkConstraints(Collection<ConstraintViolation> violations) { if (!this.assignedSourceKnownTypeDerivation()) { violations.add(new ConstraintViolation("assignedSourceKnownTypeDerivation", this)); } ElementReference type = this.getType(); if (type != null) { type.checkConstraints(violations); } }
public void print(String prefix, boolean includeDerived) { System.out.println(prefix + "[" + this.getId() + "]" + this._toString(includeDerived)); ElementReference source = this.getSource(); if (source != null) { System.out.println(prefix + " source:" + source.toString(includeDerived)); } ElementReference type = this.getType(); if (type != null) { System.out.println(prefix + " type:"); type.print(prefix + " ", includeDerived); } }
public String createNodeInDataBrowser() throws Exception { goToWebadminStartPage(); clickOnTab("Data browser"); String prevItemHeadline = getCurrentDatabrowserItemSubtitle(); clickOnButton("Node"); dataBrowserItemSubtitle.waitForTextToChangeFrom(prevItemHeadline); return getCurrentDatabrowserItemSubtitle(); }
public String createRelationshipInDataBrowser() throws Exception { createNodeInDataBrowser(); String prevItemHeadline = getCurrentDatabrowserItemSubtitle(); clickOnButton("Relationship"); getElement("create-relationship-to")).sendKeys("0"); clickOnButton("Create"); dataBrowserItemSubtitle.waitForTextToChangeFrom(prevItemHeadline); return getCurrentDatabrowserItemSubtitle(); }
public long createRelationshipInDataBrowser() { createNodeInDataBrowser(); String prevItemHeadline = getCurrentDatabrowserItemSubtitle(); clickOnButton("Relationship"); getElement("create-relationship-to")).sendKeys("0"); clickOnButton("Create"); dataBrowserItemSubtitle.waitForTextToChangeFrom(prevItemHeadline); return extractEntityIdFromLastSegmentOfUrl(getCurrentDatabrowserItemSubtitle()); }
public void print(String prefix, boolean includeDerived) { super.print(prefix, includeDerived); if (includeDerived) { Collection<AssignedSource> assignmentBefore = this.getAssignmentBefore(); if (assignmentBefore != null && assignmentBefore.size() > 0) { System.out.println(prefix + " /assignmentBefore:"); for (Object _object : assignmentBefore.toArray()) { AssignedSource _assignmentBefore = (AssignedSource) _object; System.out.println(prefix + " " + _assignmentBefore.toString(includeDerived)); } } } if (includeDerived) { Collection<AssignedSource> assignmentAfter = this.getAssignmentAfter(); if (assignmentAfter != null && assignmentAfter.size() > 0) { System.out.println(prefix + " /assignmentAfter:"); for (Object _object : assignmentAfter.toArray()) { AssignedSource _assignmentAfter = (AssignedSource) _object; System.out.println(prefix + " " + _assignmentAfter.toString(includeDerived)); } } } Expression index = this.getIndex(); if (index != null) { System.out.println(prefix + " index:"); index.print(prefix + " ", includeDerived); } if (includeDerived) { ElementReference referent = this.getReferent(); if (referent != null) { System.out.println(prefix + " /referent:" + referent.toString(includeDerived)); } } if (includeDerived) { ElementReference type = this.getType(); if (type != null) { System.out.println(prefix + " /type:" + type.toString(includeDerived)); } } }
private void resolveElement(ElementReference elementReference) throws UndefinedElementException { if (!elementReference.isResolved()) { LOG.logDebug( "Resolving reference to element '" + elementReference.getName().getLocalName() + "'."); if (elementReference.getName().isInNamespace(this.targetNamespace)) { ElementDeclaration element = elementMap.get(elementReference.getName()); if (element == null) { LOG.logDebug("Cannot be resolved!"); throw new UndefinedElementException( "Element '" + elementReference.getName() + "' is not defined."); } LOG.logDebug("OK."); elementReference.resolve(element); } else { LOG.logDebug("Skipped (not in target namespace)."); elementReference.resolve(); } } }
/** * Obtiene un documento XML con la información de la instancia de la documentación. * * @param request Obheto HTTPServletRequest para construir URLS * @param export Indica si la información en el documento XML estará procesada para exportación * estática. * @return Documento XML con la información de la instancia de la documentación. */ public Document getXMLDocument(HttpServletRequest request, boolean export) { Document doc = SWBUtils.XML.getNewDocument(); Process p = getProcessRef(); Element root = doc.createElement("root"); root.setAttribute("title", p.getTitle()); root.setAttribute("uri", p.getURI()); root.setAttribute("export", String.valueOf(export)); root.setAttribute("contextPath", SWBPortal.getContextPath()); doc.appendChild(root); String colorTask = ""; boolean hasModel = false; try { Iterator<DocumentSectionInstance> itdsi = SWBComparator.sortSortableObject(listDocumentSectionInstances()); while (itdsi.hasNext()) { // Sections DocumentSectionInstance dsi =; if (!dsi.getSecTypeDefinition().isActive()) { continue; } SemanticClass cls = dsi.getSecTypeDefinition() != null && dsi.getSecTypeDefinition().getSectionType() != null ? dsi.getSecTypeDefinition().getSectionType().transformToSemanticClass() : null; if (cls != null) { if (cls.equals(Model.sclass)) { // Model hasModel = true; continue; } root.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\n\t")); Element section = doc.createElement("section"); root.appendChild(section); section.setAttribute("className", cls.getName()); section.setAttribute("title", dsi.getSecTypeDefinition().getTitle()); section.setAttribute("uri", dsi.getURI()); section.setAttribute("idSection", dsi.getId()); section.setAttribute("url", cls.getName() + dsi.getId()); Iterator<SectionElement> itse = SWBComparator.sortSortableObject(dsi.listDocuSectionElementInstances()); int count = 1; while (itse.hasNext()) { // Instances boolean addInstance = true; section.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\n\t\t")); SectionElement se =; // System.out.println("Procesando elemento "+se.getURI()); Element instance = doc.createElement("instance"); instance.setAttribute("id", se.getId()); instance.setAttribute("uri", se.getURI()); instance.setAttribute("className", cls.getName()); if (cls.isSubClass(Instantiable.swpdoc_Instantiable, false)) { // Elements Instantiable // System.out.println(" Es un instanciable"); String[] props = dsi.getSecTypeDefinition().getVisibleProperties().split("\\|"); for (String propt : props) { // System.out.println(" -Agregando propiedad // "+propt); String idprop = propt.substring(propt.indexOf(";") + 1, propt.length()); String titleprop = propt.substring(0, propt.indexOf(";")); SemanticProperty prop = SWBPlatform.getSemanticMgr().getVocabulary().getSemanticPropertyById(idprop); String value = ""; Element property = doc.createElement("property"); instance.appendChild(property); property.setAttribute("title", titleprop); property.setAttribute("propid", idprop); // System.out.println(" -SemanticProperty: "+prop); if (prop != null && !prop.getPropId().equals(Referable.swpdoc_file.getPropId())) { // System.out.println(" -Prop is not file // ref"); value = (se.getSemanticObject().getProperty(prop) != null ? se.getSemanticObject().getProperty(prop) : ""); // System.out.println(" -Prop value: "+value); } else { // Show URL download file // System.out.println(" -Prop is file ref"); if (se instanceof ElementReference) { ElementReference er = (ElementReference) se; if (er.getElementRef() == null) { dsi.removeDocuSectionElementInstance(er); er.remove(); continue; } se = (SectionElement) er.getElementRef(); } Referable ref = (Referable) SWBPlatform.getSemanticMgr().getOntology().getGenericObject(se.getURI()); if (!ref.hasRepositoryReference()) addInstance = false; // System.out.println("addInstance: // "+addInstance); if (!addInstance) continue; // System.out.println(" ...Continue adding // element"); RepositoryDirectory rd = ref.getRefRepository().getRepositoryDirectory(); SWBResourceURL urld = new SWBResourceURLImp( request, rd.getResource(), rd, SWBResourceModes.UrlType_RENDER); RepositoryElement re = (RepositoryElement) ref.getRefRepository(); VersionInfo vi = ref.getVersion() != null ? ref.getVersion() : re.getLastVersion(); urld.setMode(ProcessFileRepository.MODE_GETFILE) .setCallMethod(SWBResourceURL.Call_DIRECT) .setParameter("fid", ref.getRefRepository().getId()); urld.setParameter("verNum", vi.getVersionNumber() + ""); String urlDownload = urld.toString(); if (export) { // add file to zip String basePath = SWBPortal.getWorkPath() + "/models/" + p.getProcessSite().getId() + "/swp_RepositoryFile/" + ref.getRefRepository().getId() + "/" + vi.getVersionNumber() + "/"; File baseDir = new File(basePath); String basePathDest = SWBPortal.getWorkPath() + "/models/" + p.getProcessSite().getId() + "/Resource/" + p.getId() + "/download/"; File repFile = new File( basePathDest + "rep_files/" + ref.getRefRepository().getId() + "/" + vi.getVersionNumber() + "/"); if (!repFile.exists()) { repFile.mkdirs(); } if (baseDir.isDirectory()) { File[] files = baseDir.listFiles(); for (File file : files) { urlDownload = "rep_files/" + ref.getRefRepository().getId() + "/" + vi.getVersionNumber() + "/" + file.getName(); SWPUtils.copyFile( file.getAbsolutePath(), repFile.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + file.getName()); break; } } } if (re instanceof RepositoryFile) { value = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + urlDownload + "\">" + ref.getRefRepository().getTitle() + " <i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a>"; } else if (re instanceof RepositoryURL) { value = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + vi.getVersionFile() + "\">" + ref.getRefRepository().getTitle() + " <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>"; } } // System.out.println("Adding property with val: // "+value); property.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(value)); } } else if (cls.equals(FreeText.sclass)) { // FreeText // Validar el export FreeText ft = (FreeText) se; String html = ft.getText().replace("“", """); html = html.replace("”", """); html = html.replace("–", "-"); html = html.replace("—", "-"); html = html.replace("•", "<li>"); org.jsoup.nodes.Document d = null; if (html != null) { d = Jsoup.parse(html); Elements elements ="[src]"); for (org.jsoup.nodes.Element src : elements) { if (src.tagName().equals("img") || src.tagName().equals("iframe")) { String attr = src.attr("src"); if (attr.contains("../..")) { src.attr("src", src.attr("src").substring(5)); } if (export && !attr.contains("http")) { File file = new File(SWBPortal.getWorkPath() + "/" + src.attr("src").substring(5)); String basePathDest = SWBPortal.getWorkPath() + "/models/" + p.getProcessSite().getId() + "/Resource/" + p.getId() + "/download/"; File repFile = new File(basePathDest + "rep_files/" + se.getId() + "/"); if (!repFile.exists()) { repFile.mkdirs(); } SWPUtils.copyFile( file.getAbsolutePath(), repFile.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + file.getName()); src.attr("src", "rep_files/" + se.getId() + "/" + file.getName()); } } } } instance.appendChild(doc.createTextNode((d != null ? d.html() : ""))); } else if (cls.equals(Activity.sclass)) { // Activity Activity a = (Activity) se; Element property = doc.createElement("property"); instance.appendChild(property); property.setAttribute("title", Descriptiveable.swb_title.getLabel()); property.setAttribute("propid", Descriptiveable.swb_title.getPropId()); property.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(a.getTitle() != null ? a.getTitle() : "")); Element propertyd = doc.createElement("propertyd"); instance.appendChild(propertyd); propertyd.setAttribute("title", Descriptiveable.swb_description.getLabel()); propertyd.setAttribute("propid", Descriptiveable.swb_description.getPropId()); String html = a.getDescription(); org.jsoup.nodes.Document d = null; if (html != null) { d = Jsoup.parse(html); Elements elements ="[src]"); for (org.jsoup.nodes.Element src : elements) { if (src.tagName().equals("img") || src.tagName().equals("iframe")) { String attr = src.attr("src"); if (attr.contains("../..")) { src.attr("src", src.attr("src").substring(5)); } if (export && !attr.contains("http")) { File file = new File(SWBPortal.getWorkPath() + "/" + src.attr("src").substring(5)); String basePathDest = SWBPortal.getWorkPath() + "/models/" + p.getProcessSite().getId() + "/Resource/" + p.getId() + "/download/"; File repFile = new File(basePathDest + "rep_files/" + se.getId() + "/"); if (!repFile.exists()) { repFile.mkdirs(); } SWPUtils.copyFile( file.getAbsolutePath(), repFile.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + file.getName()); src.attr("src", "rep_files/" + se.getId() + "/" + file.getName()); } } } } propertyd.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(d != null ? d.html() : "")); instance.setAttribute("fill", a.getFill()); instance.setAttribute("id", a.getActivityRef().getProcessActivity().getId()); // Activity act = (Activity) // SWBPlatform.getSemanticMgr().getOntology().getGenericObject(se.getURI()); if (a.getFill() != null) { if (colorTask.length() > 0) { colorTask += "|"; } colorTask += a.getActivityRef().getProcessActivity().getURI() + ";" + a.getFill(); } Iterator<SectionElementRef> itser = SWBComparator.sortSortableObject(a.listSectionElementRefs()); if (itser.hasNext()) { instance.setAttribute("related", "true"); } else { instance.setAttribute("related", "false"); } Map mapSect = new HashMap(); while (itser.hasNext()) { SectionElementRef ser =; if (ser.getSectionElement() != null) { String uris; if (mapSect.containsKey(ser.getSectionElement().getParentSection())) { uris = mapSect.get(ser.getSectionElement().getParentSection()).toString() + "|" + ser.getSectionElement(); } else { uris = ser.getSectionElement().getURI(); } mapSect.put(ser.getSectionElement().getParentSection(), uris); } } Iterator itset = mapSect.entrySet().iterator(); while (itset.hasNext()) { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry); Element eds = doc.createElement("documentSection"); instance.appendChild(eds); eds.setAttribute("uri", e.getKey().toString()); DocumentSection ds = (DocumentSection) e.getKey(); String[] props = ds.getVisibleProperties().split("\\|"); eds.setAttribute("title", ds.getTitle()); eds.setAttribute("url", "related" + ds.getId() + "act" + a.getId()); String[] uris = e.getValue().toString().split("\\|"); int i = 0; for (String uri : uris) { Element related = doc.createElement("related"); related.setAttribute("count", i + ""); i++; SemanticClass scls = ds.getSectionType().transformToSemanticClass(); eds.appendChild(related); related.setAttribute("uri", uri); related.setAttribute("className", scls.getName()); SectionElement ser = (SectionElement) SWBPlatform.getSemanticMgr().getOntology().getGenericObject(uri); SemanticObject so = SemanticObject.createSemanticObject(uri); if (so != null) { for (String propt : props) { String idprop = propt.substring(propt.indexOf(";") + 1, propt.length()); String titleprop = propt.substring(0, propt.indexOf(";")); SemanticProperty prop = SWBPlatform.getSemanticMgr() .getVocabulary() .getSemanticPropertyById(idprop); Element erprop = doc.createElement("relatedprop"); related.appendChild(erprop); erprop.setAttribute("title", titleprop); erprop.setAttribute("propid", idprop); String value = ""; if (prop != null && !prop.getPropId().equals(Referable.swpdoc_file.getPropId())) { value = ser.getSemanticObject().getProperty(prop) != null ? ser.getSemanticObject().getProperty(prop) : ""; } else { // Show URL download file if (ser instanceof ElementReference) { ElementReference er = (ElementReference) ser; if (er.getElementRef() == null) { dsi.removeDocuSectionElementInstance(er); er.remove(); continue; } ser = (SectionElement) er.getElementRef(); } Referable ref = (Referable) SWBPlatform.getSemanticMgr() .getOntology() .getGenericObject(ser.getURI()); RepositoryDirectory rd = ref.getRefRepository().getRepositoryDirectory(); SWBResourceURL urld = new SWBResourceURLImp( request, rd.getResource(), rd, SWBResourceModes.UrlType_RENDER); urld.setMode(ProcessFileRepository.MODE_GETFILE) .setCallMethod(SWBResourceURL.Call_DIRECT) .setParameter("fid", ref.getRefRepository().getId()); RepositoryElement re = (RepositoryElement) ref.getRefRepository(); VersionInfo vi = ref.getVersion() != null ? ref.getVersion() : re.getLastVersion(); urld.setParameter("verNum", vi.getVersionNumber() + ""); String urlDownload = urld.toString(); if (export) { // add file to zip String basePath = SWBPortal.getWorkPath() + "/models/" + p.getProcessSite().getId() + "/swp_RepositoryFile/" + ref.getRefRepository().getId() + "/" + vi.getVersionNumber() + "/"; File baseDir = new File(basePath); String basePathDest = SWBPortal.getWorkPath() + "/models/" + p.getProcessSite().getId() + "/Resource/" + p.getId() + "/download/"; File repFile = new File( basePathDest + "rep_files/" + ref.getRefRepository().getId() + "/" + vi.getVersionNumber() + "/"); if (!repFile.exists()) { repFile.mkdirs(); } if (baseDir.isDirectory()) { File[] files = baseDir.listFiles(); for (File file : files) { urlDownload = "rep_files/" + ref.getRefRepository().getId() + "/" + vi.getVersionNumber() + "/" + file.getName(); SWPUtils.copyFile( file.getAbsolutePath(), repFile.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + file.getName()); break; } } } if (re instanceof RepositoryFile) { value = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + urlDownload + "\">" + ref.getRefRepository().getTitle() + " <i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i></a>"; } else if (re instanceof RepositoryURL) { value = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + vi.getVersionFile() + "\">" + ref.getRefRepository().getTitle() + " <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>"; } // if (re instanceof // RepositoryFile) { // value = "<a href=\"" + // urld + "\">" + ref.getRefRepository().getTitle() + " <i class=\"fa // fa-download\"></i></a>"; // } else if (re instanceof // RepositoryURL) { // value = "<a // target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + vi.getVersionFile() + "\">" + // ref.getRefRepository().getTitle() + " <i class=\"fa // fa-external-link\"></i></a>"; // } } erprop.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(value)); } } } } } if (addInstance) { instance.setAttribute("count", count + ""); count++; section.appendChild(instance); } } } } if (hasModel) { Process process = getProcessRef(); Element model = doc.createElement("model"); model.setAttribute("id", process.getId()); root.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\n\t")); String data = process.getData(); model.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(data)); root.appendChild(model); root.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\n\t")); if (colorTask.length() > 0) { Element colorTaskE = doc.createElement("colorTask"); root.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\n\t")); String[] tasks = colorTask.split("\\|"); int i = 1; String script = "<script>" + "$(document).ready(function(){"; for (String task : tasks) { script += "var colorTask" + i + " = $(document.getElementById('" + task.substring(0, task.lastIndexOf(";")) + "')).attr('style', 'fill:#" + task.substring(task.lastIndexOf(";") + 1, task.length()) + "');"; i++; } script += "});" + "</script>"; colorTaskE.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(script + "\n\t\t")); root.appendChild(colorTaskE); root.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\n\t")); } } } catch (DOMException doe) { log.error("Error on getDocument, DOMEXception" + doe); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("Error on getDocument, IOEXception" + ioe); } // try { // // Use a Transformer for output // TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); // Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(); // // DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc); // StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new FileOutputStream(new // File("/Users/hasdai/Documents/xmlDocumentation.xml"))); // transformer.transform(source, result); // } catch (Exception ex) { // // } return doc; }
/** * Builds the dependency for a method element. * * <p>This creates an <code>ElementReference</code> for the given element that points to all the * referenced elements, and adds the given element as a dependent element to all the referenced * elements. This should only be called once for each method element. * * @param element A method element. * @return A <code>PackageDependency</code>. */ private PackageDependency buildDependencyFor(MethodElement element) { if (element == null) { return null; } IConfigurationManager configMgr = LibraryService.getInstance().getConfigurationManager(config); if (configMgr != null) { SupportingElementData seData = configMgr.getSupportingElementData(); if (seData != null && seData.isEnabled()) { seData.processVariabilityChildren(element, null); } } // Build the dependency on the selectable element/parent only MethodElement selectableElement = (MethodElement) LibraryUtil.getSelectable(element); if (selectableElement == null) { return null; } PackageDependency dependency = getDependency(selectableElement, true); // Remove any existing element reference for this element. dependency.removeReference(element); /* // Get the VariabilityElement. ContentElement baseElement = null; if (element instanceof ContentElement) { baseElement = (ContentElement) ((ContentElement) element) .getVariabilityBasedOnElement(); if (baseElement != null) { // Establish the package reference. EObject selectableBase = LibraryUtil.getSelectable(baseElement); if (selectableBase != null) { PackageReference pkgRef = dependency.getReference( selectableBase, true); if (!pkgRef.hasReference(element, baseElement)) { // Add the detail element reference to the package // reference. VariabilityElementReference ref = new VariabilityElementReference( element, baseElement); pkgRef.addReference(ref); } // Set the dependent of the referenced package. getDependency(selectableBase, true).addDependent( selectableElement); } } } List references = element.eCrossReferences(); // Update the dependents of those elements in the list. if (references != null && references.size() > 0) { // Get the selectable references for (Iterator it = references.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EObject refElement = (EObject); EObject selectableRef = LibraryUtil.getSelectable(refElement); if (selectableRef != null) { PackageReference pkgRef = dependency.getReference( selectableRef, true); if (element == selectableElement && refElement == selectableRef) { // No need to add this. continue; } if (!pkgRef.hasReference(element, refElement)) { GeneralReference ref = new GeneralReference(element, refElement); pkgRef.addReference(ref); } getDependency(selectableRef, true).addDependent( selectableElement); } } } */ List properties = LibraryUtil.getStructuralFeatures(element, true); for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) { EStructuralFeature f = (EStructuralFeature) properties.get(i); if (!(f instanceof EReference)) { continue; } EReference feature = (EReference) f; if (feature.isContainer() || feature.isContainment()) { continue; } if (element instanceof Task) { if (feature == UmaPackage.eINSTANCE.getTask_Steps()) { continue; } } if (element instanceof TaskDescriptor) { if (feature == UmaPackage.eINSTANCE.getTaskDescriptor_SelectedSteps()) { continue; } } Object value = TypeDefUtil.getInstance().eGet(element, feature); if (value == null) { continue; } MethodElement refElement = null; List values = null; int count = 0; if (feature.isMany()) { values = (List) value; if (values.size() > 0) { refElement = (MethodElement) values.get(count); } } else if (value instanceof MethodElement) { refElement = (MethodElement) value; if (replacerSet != null) { if (feature == UmaPackage.eINSTANCE.getVariabilityElement_VariabilityBasedOnElement()) { VariabilityElement ve = element instanceof VariabilityElement ? (VariabilityElement) element : null; VariabilityType type = ve == null ? null : ve.getVariabilityType(); if (type == VariabilityType.EXTENDS_REPLACES || type == VariabilityType.REPLACES) { replacerSet.add(ve); } } } } while (refElement != null) { boolean skip = false; if (feature == UmaPackage.eINSTANCE.getRole_Modifies()) { skip = true; } MethodElement selectableRef = skip ? null : (MethodElement) LibraryUtil.getSelectable(refElement); if (selectableRef != null) { PackageReference pkgRef = dependency.getReference(selectableRef, true); if (element == selectableElement && refElement == selectableRef) { // No need to add this. break; } ElementReference ref = pkgRef.getReference(element, refElement); if (ref == null) { ref = new ElementReference(element, refElement); pkgRef.addReference(ref); } ref.addFeature(feature); getDependency(selectableRef, true).addDependent(selectableElement); } refElement = null; if (values != null) { count++; if (count < values.size()) { refElement = (MethodElement) values.get(count); } } } } return dependency; }
public String getCurrentDatabrowserItemSubtitle() { return dataBrowserItemSubtitle.getText(); }
public void searchForInDataBrowser(CharSequence... keysToSend) throws Exception { clearInput(dataBrowserSearchField); dataBrowserSearchField.sendKeys(keysToSend); }
public void searchForInDataBrowser(String query) { dataBrowserSearchField.waitUntilVisible(); executeScript("document.dataBrowserEditor.setValue(\"" + query + "\")");; }
public void writeTo(By by, CharSequence... toWrite) { ElementReference el = getElement(by);; el.clear(); el.sendKeys(toWrite); }