public java.util.List listaSolicitacoes(String setorDest, String status) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { List dadosSol = new ArrayList(); Conecta c = new Conecta(); Statement st = c.pegaConeccao(); String consulta = "SELECT " + " idsol, " + " nmsolicitante, " + " st.nm_setor, " + " dtsolicitacao, " + " ramal, " + " t.descricao as tipo, " + " Substr(solicitacao,1,40)||'...' as solicitacao, " + " s.status " + "FROM " + " desenv.sadm_solicitacao s, " + " dbamv.setor st, " + " desenv.sadm_tpchamado t " + "where " + " s.setorsolcitante = st.cd_setor " + "and s.tipochamado_idtp = t.idtp " + "and s.status IN (" + status + ")" + "and S.setordestino = '" + setorDest + "'" + "order by idsol,s.status "; ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(consulta); while ( { int codigo = rs.getInt("idsol"); String solictante = rs.getString("nmsolicitante"); String setor = rs.getString("nm_setor"); String data = rs.getString("dtsolicitacao"); String ramal = rs.getString("ramal"); String tipo = rs.getString("tipo"); String solicitacao = rs.getString("solicitacao"); String vstatus = rs.getString("status"); dadosSol.add( new ListaSolicitacoes( codigo, solictante, setor, data, ramal, tipo, solicitacao, vstatus)); } rs.close(); st.close(); c.fechaConeccao(); return dadosSol; }
public String consSetorUsuario(String login) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { String setorUsuario = null; Conecta c = new Conecta(); Statement st = c.pegaConeccao(); String consulta = "SELECT setor FROM desenv.sadm_usuario where login = '******'"; ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(consulta); while ( { setorUsuario = rs.getString("setor"); } rs.close(); st.close(); c.fechaConeccao(); return setorUsuario; }
public String conNmSetor(int codigo) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { String nm = null; Conecta c = new Conecta(); Statement st = c.pegaConeccao(); String consulta = "Select nm_setor From dbamv.setor Where cd_setor = '" + codigo + "'"; ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(consulta); while ( { nm = rs.getString("nm_setor"); } rs.close(); st.close(); c.fechaConeccao(); return nm; }
public int conIdUsuario(String login) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { int codigo = 0; Conecta c = new Conecta(); Statement st = c.pegaConeccao(); String consulta = "SELECT iduser FROM desenv.sadm_usuario where login= '******'"; ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(consulta); while ( { codigo = rs.getInt("iduser"); } rs.close(); st.close(); c.fechaConeccao(); return codigo; }
public String consultaData() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { String dtsolic = null; Conecta c = new Conecta(); Statement st = c.pegaConeccao(); String consulta = "select to_char(sysdate, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') as dataSolicitacao from dual"; ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(consulta); while ( { dtsolic = rs.getString("dataSolicitacao"); } rs.close(); st.close(); c.fechaConeccao(); return dtsolic; }
public java.util.List consultaSetor() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { List dadosSetor = new ArrayList(); Conecta c = new Conecta(); Statement st = c.pegaConeccao(); String consulta = "select cd_setor,nm_setor from dbamv.setor order by nm_setor"; ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(consulta); while ( { int codigo = rs.getInt("cd_setor"); String desc = rs.getString("nm_setor"); dadosSetor.add(new Setor(codigo, desc)); } rs.close(); st.close(); c.fechaConeccao(); return dadosSetor; }
public String consDescTipoChamado(int codigo) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { String desc = null; Conecta c = new Conecta(); Statement st = c.pegaConeccao(); String consulta = "sELECT t.descricao FROM desenv.sadm_solicitacao s, desenv.sadm_tpchamado t " + "where s.tipochamado_idtp = t.idtp and s.idsol = '" + codigo + "'"; ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(consulta); while ( { desc = rs.getString("descricao"); } rs.close(); st.close(); c.fechaConeccao(); return desc; }
public java.util.List listaSolicitPeriodo( String setorDest, String status, String setor01, String setor02, String dt01, String dt02) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { List dadosSol = new ArrayList(); Conecta c = new Conecta(); Statement st = c.pegaConeccao(); String consulta = "SELECT " + " s.status, " + " idsol, " + " nmsolicitante, " + " ramal, " + " lpad(st.cd_setor,4,'0')||' - '|| st.nm_setor as setor, " + " dtsolicitacao, " + " t.descricao as tipo, " + " u.nome as executante, " + " s.dtexecucao as execucao " + " FROM " + " desenv.sadm_solicitacao s, " + " dbamv.setor st, " + " desenv.sadm_tpchamado t, " + " desenv.sadm_usuario u " + " where " + " s.setorsolcitante between '" + setor01 + "' and '" + setor02 + "'" + " and trunc(to_date(s.dtsolicitacao, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss' )) between to_date('" + dt01 + "','dd/mm/yyyy') and " + " to_date('" + dt02 + "','dd/mm/yyyy') " + " and s.setorsolcitante = st.cd_setor " + " and s.tipochamado_idtp = t.idtp " + " and s.usuario_iduser = u.iduser(+) " + " and s.status like ('" + status + "') " + " and S.setordestino = '" + setorDest + "'" + " order by dtsolicitacao, status "; ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(consulta); while ( { int codigo = rs.getInt("idsol"); String solictante = rs.getString("nmsolicitante"); String setor = rs.getString("setor"); String data = rs.getString("dtsolicitacao"); String ramal = rs.getString("ramal"); String tipo = rs.getString("tipo"); String vstatus = rs.getString("status"); String executante = rs.getString("executante"); String dtexecucao = rs.getString("execucao"); dadosSol.add( new ListaSolicitacoes( codigo, solictante, setor, data, ramal, tipo, vstatus, executante, dtexecucao)); } rs.close(); st.close(); c.fechaConeccao(); return dadosSol; }