private static void handleException( Throwable e, ReflectorConstructor refConstr, Object[] params) { if ((e instanceof InvocationTargetException)) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } if ((e instanceof IllegalArgumentException)) { Config.warn("*** IllegalArgumentException ***"); Config.warn("Constructor: " + refConstr.getTargetConstructor()); Config.warn("Parameter classes: " + Config.arrayToString(getClasses(params))); Config.warn("Parameters: " + Config.arrayToString(params)); } Config.warn("*** Exception outside of constructor ***"); Config.warn("Constructor deactivated: " + refConstr.getTargetConstructor()); refConstr.deactivate(); e.printStackTrace(); }
private static void handleException( Throwable e, Object obj, ReflectorMethod refMethod, Object[] params) { if ((e instanceof InvocationTargetException)) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } if ((e instanceof IllegalArgumentException)) { Config.warn("*** IllegalArgumentException ***"); Config.warn("Method: " + refMethod.getTargetMethod()); Config.warn("Object: " + obj); Config.warn("Parameter classes: " + Config.arrayToString(getClasses(params))); Config.warn("Parameters: " + Config.arrayToString(params)); } Config.warn("*** Exception outside of method ***"); Config.warn("Method deactivated: " + refMethod.getTargetMethod()); refMethod.deactivate(); e.printStackTrace(); }
private static void dbgCallVoid( boolean isStatic, String callType, ReflectorMethod refMethod, Object[] params) { String className = refMethod.getTargetMethod().getDeclaringClass().getName(); String methodName = refMethod.getTargetMethod().getName(); String staticStr = ""; if (isStatic) { staticStr = " static"; } Config.dbg( callType + staticStr + " " + className + "." + methodName + "(" + Config.arrayToString(params) + ")"); }