public void addMySQLPlayer() { mcMMO.database.write( "INSERT INTO " + Config.getInstance().getMySQLTablePrefix() + "users (user, lastlogin) VALUES ('" + playerName + "'," + System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + ")"); userId = mcMMO.database.getInt( "SELECT id FROM " + Config.getInstance().getMySQLTablePrefix() + "users WHERE user = '******'"); mcMMO.database.write( "INSERT INTO " + Config.getInstance().getMySQLTablePrefix() + "cooldowns (user_id) VALUES (" + userId + ")"); mcMMO.database.write( "INSERT INTO " + Config.getInstance().getMySQLTablePrefix() + "skills (user_id) VALUES (" + userId + ")"); mcMMO.database.write( "INSERT INTO " + Config.getInstance().getMySQLTablePrefix() + "experience (user_id) VALUES (" + userId + ")"); }
private void checkModConfigs() { if (!Config.getInstance().getToolModsEnabled()) { getLogger() .info("MCPC+ implementation found, but the custom tool config for mcMMO is disabled!"); getLogger().info("To enable, set Mods.Tool_Mods_Enabled to TRUE in config.yml."); } if (!Config.getInstance().getArmorModsEnabled()) { getLogger() .info("MCPC+ implementation found, but the custom armor config for mcMMO is disabled!"); getLogger().info("To enable, set Mods.Armor_Mods_Enabled to TRUE in config.yml."); } if (!Config.getInstance().getBlockModsEnabled()) { getLogger() .info("MCPC+ implementation found, but the custom block config for mcMMO is disabled!"); getLogger().info("To enable, set Mods.Block_Mods_Enabled to TRUE in config.yml."); } if (!Config.getInstance().getEntityModsEnabled()) { getLogger() .info("MCPC+ implementation found, but the custom entity config for mcMMO is disabled!"); getLogger().info("To enable, set Mods.Entity_Mods_Enabled to TRUE in config.yml."); } }
private void loadConfigFiles() { // Force the loading of config files TreasureConfig.getInstance(); HiddenConfig.getInstance(); AdvancedConfig.getInstance(); PotionConfig.getInstance(); new ChildConfig(); List<Repairable> repairables = new ArrayList<Repairable>(); if (Config.getInstance().getToolModsEnabled()) { repairables.addAll(CustomToolConfig.getInstance().getLoadedRepairables()); } if (Config.getInstance().getArmorModsEnabled()) { repairables.addAll(CustomArmorConfig.getInstance().getLoadedRepairables()); } if (Config.getInstance().getBlockModsEnabled()) { CustomBlockConfig.getInstance(); } if (Config.getInstance().getEntityModsEnabled()) { CustomEntityConfig.getInstance(); } // Load repair configs, make manager, and register them at this time RepairConfigManager rManager = new RepairConfigManager(this); repairables.addAll(rManager.getLoadedRepairables()); repairableManager = new SimpleRepairableManager(repairables.size()); repairableManager.registerRepairables(repairables); }
/** * Handle the Leaf Blower ability. * * @param player Player using the ability * @param block Block being broken */ public static void leafBlower(Player player, Block block) { FakePlayerAnimationEvent armswing = new FakePlayerAnimationEvent(player); mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(armswing); if (Config.getInstance().getWoodcuttingRequiresTool()) { Skills.abilityDurabilityLoss( player.getItemInHand(), Config.getInstance().getAbilityToolDamage()); } if (mcMMO.spoutEnabled) { SpoutSounds.playSoundForPlayer(SoundEffect.POP, player, block.getLocation()); } }
private static int durabilityLossCalulate(ArrayList<Block> toBeFelled, int level) { int durabilityLoss = 0; for (Block x : toBeFelled) { if (random.nextInt(level + 1) > 0) { } // Don't add durabilityLoss, because Unbreaking enchantment does it's work. else if (x.getType().equals(Material.LOG) || (Config.getInstance().getBlockModsEnabled() && ModChecks.isCustomLogBlock(x))) { durabilityLoss = durabilityLoss + Config.getInstance().getAbilityToolDamage(); } } return durabilityLoss; }
/** * Check XP gain for woodcutting. * * @param player The player breaking the block * @param block The block being broken */ public static void woodcuttingBlockCheck(Player player, Block block) { PlayerProfile profile = Users.getProfile(player); int xp = 0; if (mcMMO.placeStore.isTrue(block)) { return; } if (Config.getInstance().getBlockModsEnabled() && ModChecks.isCustomLogBlock(block)) { xp = ModChecks.getCustomBlock(block).getXpGain(); } else { byte type = block.getData(); if ((type & 0x4) == 0x4) type ^= 0x4; if ((type & 0x8) == 0x8) type ^= 0x8; TreeSpecies species = TreeSpecies.getByData(type); // Apparently species can be null in certain cases (custom server mods?) // if (species == null) return; switch (species) { case GENERIC: xp += Config.getInstance().getWoodcuttingXPOak(); break; case REDWOOD: xp += Config.getInstance().getWoodcuttingXPSpruce(); break; case BIRCH: xp += Config.getInstance().getWoodcuttingXPBirch(); break; case JUNGLE: xp += Config.getInstance().getWoodcuttingXPJungle(); break; default: break; } } WoodCutting.woodCuttingProcCheck(player, block); Skills.xpProcessing(player, profile, SkillType.WOODCUTTING, xp); }
public void processAbilityActivation(SkillType skill) { if (Config.getInstance().getAbilitiesOnlyActivateWhenSneaking() && !player.isSneaking()) { return; } ItemStack inHand = player.getItemInHand(); if (mcMMO.getModManager().isCustomTool(inHand) && !mcMMO.getModManager().getTool(inHand).isAbilityEnabled()) { return; } if (!getAbilityUse()) { return; } for (AbilityType abilityType : AbilityType.values()) { if (getAbilityMode(abilityType)) { return; } } AbilityType ability = skill.getAbility(); ToolType tool = skill.getTool(); /* * Woodcutting & Axes need to be treated differently. * Basically the tool always needs to ready and we check to see if the cooldown is over when the user takes action */ if (ability.getPermissions(player) && tool.inHand(inHand) && !getToolPreparationMode(tool)) { if (skill != SkillType.WOODCUTTING && skill != SkillType.AXES) { int timeRemaining = calculateTimeRemaining(ability); if (!getAbilityMode(ability) && timeRemaining > 0) { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Skills.TooTired", timeRemaining)); return; } } if (Config.getInstance().getAbilityMessagesEnabled()) { player.sendMessage(tool.getRaiseTool()); } setToolPreparationMode(tool, true); new ToolLowerTask(this, tool) .runTaskLaterAsynchronously(mcMMO.p, 4 * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR); } }
public static void mcMMObackup() throws IOException { if (Config.getInstance().getUseMySQL()) { System.out.println("No Backup performed, in SQL Mode."); return; } try { if (BackupDir.mkdir()) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Created Backup Directory."); } } catch (Exception e) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe(e.toString()); } // Generate the proper date for the backup filename Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss"); File fileZip = new File(BackupDirectory + File.separator + dateFormat.format(date) + ".zip"); // Create the Source List, and add directories/etc to the file. List<File> sources = new ArrayList<File>(); sources.add(FlatFileDirectory); sources.add(ModFileDirectory); sources.add(UsersFile); sources.add(ConfigFile); sources.add(TreasuresFile); sources.add(Leaderboards); // Actually do something System.out.println("Backing up your mcMMO Configuration... "); packZip(fileZip, sources); }
/** Summon an ocelot to your side. */ public void summonOcelot() { if (!Permissions.callOfTheWild(getPlayer(), EntityType.OCELOT)) { return; } callOfTheWild(EntityType.OCELOT, Config.getInstance().getTamingCOTWCost(EntityType.OCELOT)); }
public PlayerProfile(String playerName, boolean addNew) { this.playerName = playerName; party = PartyManager.getInstance().getPlayerParty(playerName); for (AbilityType abilityType : AbilityType.values()) { skillsDATS.put(abilityType, 0); } for (SkillType skillType : SkillType.values()) { if (skillType != SkillType.ALL) { skills.put(skillType, 0); skillsXp.put(skillType, 0); } } if (Config.getInstance().getUseMySQL()) { if (!loadMySQL() && addNew) { addMySQLPlayer(); loaded = true; } } else if (!load() && addNew) { addPlayer(); loaded = true; } }
/** Summon a horse to your side. */ public void summonHorse() { if (!Permissions.callOfTheWild(getPlayer(), EntityType.HORSE)) { return; } callOfTheWild(EntityType.HORSE, Config.getInstance().getTamingCOTWCost(EntityType.HORSE)); }
/** * Check if Tree Feller is being too aggressive. * * @param currentBlock The current block being felled * @param newBlock The next block to be felled * @return true if Tree Feller is too aggressive, false otherwise */ private static boolean isTooAggressive(Block currentBlock, Block newBlock) { Material currentType = currentBlock.getType(); Material newType = newBlock.getType(); if ((currentType.equals(Material.LEAVES) || currentType.equals(Material.AIR) || (Config.getInstance().getBlockModsEnabled() && ModChecks.isCustomLeafBlock(currentBlock))) && (newType.equals(Material.LEAVES) || newType.equals(Material.AIR) || (Config.getInstance().getBlockModsEnabled() && ModChecks.isCustomLeafBlock(currentBlock)))) { return true; } else { return false; } }
@Override protected void permissionsCheck() { Config configInstance = Config.getInstance(); canTreeFell = permInstance.treeFeller(player); canDoubleDrop = permInstance.woodcuttingDoubleDrops(player); canLeafBlow = permInstance.leafBlower(player); doubleDropsDisabled = configInstance.woodcuttingDoubleDropsDisabled(); }
public static void mcMMObackup() throws IOException { if (Config.getInstance().getUseMySQL()) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("This server is running in SQL Mode."); mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Only config files will be backed up."); } try { if (BackupDir.mkdir()) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Created Backup Directory."); } } catch (Exception e) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe(e.toString()); } // Generate the proper date for the backup filename Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss"); File fileZip = new File(BackupDirectory + File.separator + dateFormat.format(date) + ".zip"); // Create the Source List, and add directories/etc to the file. List<File> sources = new ArrayList<File>(); if (!Config.getInstance().getUseMySQL()) { sources.add(FlatFileDirectory); } sources.add(ConfigFile); sources.add(TreasuresFile); sources.add(AdvancedConfigFile); sources.add(RepairFile); if (ModFileDirectory.exists()) { sources.add(ModFileDirectory); } if (SpoutFile.exists()) { sources.add(SpoutFile); } // Actually do something mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Backing up your mcMMO Configuration... "); packZip(fileZip, sources); }
@Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) { if (CommandUtils.noConsoleUsage(sender)) { return true; } switch (args.length) { case 0: McMMOPlayer mcMMOPlayer = UserManager.getPlayer(sender.getName()); Player player = mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer(); if (Config.getInstance().getMcstatsScoreboardsEnabled()) { ScoreboardManager.setupPlayerScoreboard(player.getName()); ScoreboardManager.enablePlayerStatsScoreboard(mcMMOPlayer); } else { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Stats.Own.Stats")); player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("mcMMO.NoSkillNote")); CommandUtils.printGatheringSkills(player); CommandUtils.printCombatSkills(player); CommandUtils.printMiscSkills(player); int powerLevelCap = Config.getInstance().getPowerLevelCap(); if (powerLevelCap != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { player.sendMessage( LocaleLoader.getString( "Commands.PowerLevel.Capped", UserManager.getPlayer(player).getPowerLevel(), powerLevelCap)); } else { player.sendMessage( LocaleLoader.getString( "Commands.PowerLevel", UserManager.getPlayer(player).getPowerLevel())); } } return true; default: return false; } }
/** * Begins an experience gain. The amount will be affected by skill modifiers, global rate and * perks * * @param skill Skill being used * @param xp Experience amount to process */ public void beginUnsharedXpGain(SkillType skill, float xp, XPGainReason xpGainReason) { applyXpGain(skill, modifyXpGain(skill, xp), xpGainReason); if (party == null) { return; } if (!Config.getInstance().getPartyXpNearMembersNeeded() || !PartyManager.getNearMembers(this).isEmpty()) { party.applyXpGain(modifyXpGain(skill, xp)); } }
private void checkForUpdates() { if (!Config.getInstance().getUpdateCheckEnabled()) { return; } Updater updater = new Updater(this, 31030, mcmmo, UpdateType.NO_DOWNLOAD, false); if (updater.getResult() != UpdateResult.UPDATE_AVAILABLE) { this.updateAvailable = false; return; } if (updater.getLatestType().equals("beta") && !Config.getInstance().getPreferBeta()) { this.updateAvailable = false; return; } this.updateAvailable = true; getLogger().info(LocaleLoader.getString("UpdateChecker.Outdated")); getLogger().info(LocaleLoader.getString("UpdateChecker.NewAvailable")); }
public static void treeFeller(Block block, Player player) { PlayerProfile PP = Users.getProfile(player); int radius = 1; if (PP.getSkill("woodcutting") >= 500) radius++; if (PP.getSkill("woodcutting") >= 950) radius++; ArrayList<Block> blocklist = new ArrayList<Block>(); ArrayList<Block> toAdd = new ArrayList<Block>(); if (block != null) blocklist.add(block); while (isdone == false) { addBlocksToTreeFelling(blocklist, toAdd, radius); } // This needs to be a hashmap too! isdone = false; /* * Add blocks from the temporary 'toAdd' array list into the 'treeFeller' array list * We use this temporary list to prevent concurrent modification exceptions */ for (Block x : toAdd) { if (!Config.getInstance().isTreeFellerWatched(x)) Config.getInstance().addTreeFeller(x); } toAdd.clear(); }
public void onPlayerChat(PlayerChatEvent event) { Player player = event.getPlayer(); PlayerProfile PP = Users.getProfile(player); String x = ChatColor.GREEN + "(" + ChatColor.WHITE + player.getName() + ChatColor.GREEN + ") "; String y = ChatColor.AQUA + "{" + ChatColor.WHITE + player.getName() + ChatColor.AQUA + "} "; if (Config.getInstance().isPartyToggled(player.getName())) { event.setCancelled(true); log.log( Level.INFO, "[P](" + PP.getParty() + ")" + "<" + player.getName() + "> " + event.getMessage()); for (Player herp : plugin.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) { if (Users.getProfile(herp).inParty()) { if (Party.getInstance().inSameParty(herp, player)) { herp.sendMessage(x + event.getMessage()); } } } return; } if ((player.isOp() || mcPermissions.getInstance().adminChat(player)) && Config.getInstance().isAdminToggled(player.getName())) { log.log(Level.INFO, "[A]" + "<" + player.getName() + "> " + event.getMessage()); event.setCancelled(true); for (Player herp : plugin.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) { if ((herp.isOp() || mcPermissions.getInstance().adminChat(herp))) { herp.sendMessage(y + event.getMessage()); } } return; } /* * Remove from normal chat if toggled for(Player z : event.getRecipients()){ if(Users.getProfile(z.getName()).getPartyChatOnlyToggle() == true) event.getRecipients().remove(z); } */ }
private void scheduleTasks() { // Periodic save timer (Saves every 10 minutes by default) long saveIntervalTicks = Config.getInstance().getSaveInterval() * 1200; new SaveTimerTask().runTaskTimer(this, saveIntervalTicks, saveIntervalTicks); // Cleanup the backups folder new CleanBackupsTask().runTaskAsynchronously(mcMMO.p); // Bleed timer (Runs every two seconds) new BleedTimerTask() .runTaskTimer(this, 2 * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR, 2 * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR); // Old & Powerless User remover long purgeIntervalTicks = Config.getInstance().getPurgeInterval() * 60 * 60 * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR; if (purgeIntervalTicks == 0) { new UserPurgeTask() .runTaskLater(this, 2 * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR); // Start 2 seconds after startup. } else if (purgeIntervalTicks > 0) { new UserPurgeTask().runTaskTimer(this, purgeIntervalTicks, purgeIntervalTicks); } // Automatically remove old members from parties long kickIntervalTicks = Config.getInstance().getAutoPartyKickInterval() * 60 * 60 * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR; if (kickIntervalTicks == 0) { new PartyAutoKickTask() .runTaskLater(this, 2 * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR); // Start 2 seconds after startup. } else if (kickIntervalTicks > 0) { new PartyAutoKickTask().runTaskTimer(this, kickIntervalTicks, kickIntervalTicks); } // Update power level tag scoreboards new PowerLevelUpdatingTask() .runTaskTimer(this, 2 * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR, 2 * Misc.TICK_CONVERSION_FACTOR); }
/** * Modifies an experience gain using skill modifiers, global rate and perks * * @param skillType Skill being used * @param xp Experience amount to process * @return Modified experience */ private float modifyXpGain(SkillType skillType, float xp) { if (player.getGameMode() == GameMode.CREATIVE || (skillType.getMaxLevel() <= getSkillLevel(skillType)) || (Config.getInstance().getPowerLevelCap() <= getPowerLevel())) { return 0; } xp = (float) (xp / skillType.getXpModifier() * ExperienceConfig.getInstance().getExperienceGainsGlobalMultiplier()); if (Config.getInstance().getToolModsEnabled()) { CustomTool tool = mcMMO.getModManager().getTool(player.getItemInHand()); if (tool != null) { xp *= tool.getXpMultiplier(); } } return PerksUtils.handleXpPerks(player, xp, skillType); }
/** * Handle triple drops from Giga Drill Breaker. * * @param player The player using the ability * @param block The block to check */ public static void gigaDrillBreaker(Player player, Block block) { Skills.abilityDurabilityLoss( player.getItemInHand(), Config.getInstance().getAbilityToolDamage()); if (!mcMMO.placeStore.isTrue(block)) { FakePlayerAnimationEvent armswing = new FakePlayerAnimationEvent(player); mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(armswing); Excavation.excavationProcCheck(block, player); Excavation.excavationProcCheck(block, player); } if (mcMMO.p.spoutEnabled) { SpoutSounds.playSoundForPlayer(SoundEffect.POP, player, block.getLocation()); } }
private boolean rangeCheck(EntityType type) { double range = Config.getInstance().getTamingCOTWRange(); Player player = getPlayer(); if (range == 0) { return true; } for (Entity entity : player.getNearbyEntities(range, range, range)) { if (entity.getType() == type) { player.sendMessage(Taming.getCallOfTheWildFailureMessage(type)); return false; } } return true; }
private boolean summonAmountCheck(EntityType entityType) { Player player = getPlayer(); int maxAmountSummons = Config.getInstance().getTamingCOTWMaxAmount(entityType); if (maxAmountSummons <= 0) { return true; } List<TrackedTamingEntity> trackedEntities = getTrackedEntities(entityType); int summonAmount = trackedEntities == null ? 0 : trackedEntities.size(); if (summonAmount >= maxAmountSummons) { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Taming.Summon.Fail.TooMany", maxAmountSummons)); return false; } return true; }
public void purgeOldSQL() { plugin.getLogger().info("Purging old users..."); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long purgeTime = 2630000000L * Config.getInstance().getOldUsersCutoff(); HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> usernames = read( "SELECT user FROM " + tablePrefix + "users WHERE ((" + currentTime + " - lastlogin*1000) > " + purgeTime + ")"); write( "DELETE FROM " + tablePrefix + "users WHERE " + tablePrefix + " IN (SELECT * FROM (SELECT id FROM " + tablePrefix + "users WHERE ((" + currentTime + " - lastlogin*1000) > " + purgeTime + ")) AS p)"); int purgedUsers = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= usernames.size(); i++) { String playerName = usernames.get(i).get(0); if (playerName == null) { continue; } profileCleanup(playerName); purgedUsers++; } plugin.getLogger().info("Purged " + purgedUsers + " users from the database."); }
public static SkillType getSkill(String skillName) { if (!Config.getInstance().getLocale().equalsIgnoreCase("en_US")) { for (SkillType type : values()) { if (skillName.equalsIgnoreCase( LocaleLoader.getString(StringUtils.getCapitalized( + ".SkillName"))) { return type; } } } for (SkillType type : values()) { if ( { return type; } } if (!skillName.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { mcMMO.p.getLogger().warning("Invalid mcMMO skill (" + skillName + ")"); // TODO: Localize } return null; }
/** * Check the XP of a skill. * * @param skillType The skill to check */ private void checkXp(SkillType skillType, XPGainReason xpGainReason) { if (getSkillXpLevelRaw(skillType) < getXpToLevel(skillType)) { return; } int levelsGained = 0; float xpRemoved = 0; while (getSkillXpLevelRaw(skillType) >= getXpToLevel(skillType)) { if (hasReachedLevelCap(skillType)) { setSkillXpLevel(skillType, 0); break; } xpRemoved += profile.levelUp(skillType); levelsGained++; } if (!EventUtils.handleLevelChangeEvent( player, skillType, levelsGained, xpRemoved, true, xpGainReason)) { return; } if (Config.getInstance().getLevelUpSoundsEnabled()) { player.playSound( player.getLocation(), Sound.ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP, Misc.LEVELUP_VOLUME, Misc.LEVELUP_PITCH); } player.sendMessage( LocaleLoader.getString( StringUtils.getCapitalized(skillType.toString()) + ".Skillup", levelsGained, getSkillLevel(skillType))); }
/** Things to be run when the plugin is disabled. */ @Override public void onDisable() { try { Alchemy .finishAllBrews(); // Finish all partially complete AlchemyBrewTasks to prevent vanilla // brewing continuation on restart UserManager.saveAll(); // Make sure to save player information if the server shuts down PartyManager.saveParties(); // Save our parties ScoreboardManager.teardownAll(); formulaManager.saveFormula(); placeStore.saveAll(); // Save our metadata placeStore.cleanUp(); // Cleanup empty metadata stores } catch (NullPointerException e) { } getServer().getScheduler().cancelTasks(this); // This removes our tasks HandlerList.unregisterAll(this); // Cancel event registrations if (Config.getInstance().getBackupsEnabled()) { // Remove other tasks BEFORE starting the Backup, or we just cancel it straight away. try { ZipLibrary.mcMMOBackup(); } catch (IOException e) { getLogger().severe(e.toString()); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof NoClassDefFoundError) { getLogger().severe("Backup class not found!"); getLogger().info("Please do not replace the mcMMO jar while the server is running."); } else { getLogger().severe(e.toString()); } } } debug("Was disabled."); // How informative! }
@Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) { switch (args.length) { case 1: if (sender instanceof Player && Config.getInstance().getInspectScoreboardEnabled()) { ScoreboardManager.setupPlayerScoreboard(sender.getName()); } String playerName = Misc.getMatchedPlayerName(args[0]); McMMOPlayer mcMMOPlayer = UserManager.getPlayer(playerName, true); // If the mcMMOPlayer doesn't exist, create a temporary profile and check if it's present in // the database. If it's not, abort the process. if (mcMMOPlayer == null) { PlayerProfile profile = mcMMO.getDatabaseManager().loadPlayerProfile(playerName, false); // Temporary Profile if (CommandUtils.inspectOffline(sender, profile, Permissions.inspectOffline(sender))) { return true; } if (sender instanceof Player && Config.getInstance().getInspectScoreboardEnabled()) { ScoreboardManager.enablePlayerInspectScoreboardOffline((Player) sender, profile); return true; } sender.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Inspect.OfflineStats", playerName)); sender.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Stats.Header.Gathering")); for (SkillType skill : SkillType.GATHERING_SKILLS) { sender.sendMessage(CommandUtils.displaySkill(profile, skill)); } sender.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Stats.Header.Combat")); for (SkillType skill : SkillType.COMBAT_SKILLS) { sender.sendMessage(CommandUtils.displaySkill(profile, skill)); } sender.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Stats.Header.Misc")); for (SkillType skill : SkillType.MISC_SKILLS) { sender.sendMessage(CommandUtils.displaySkill(profile, skill)); } } else { Player target = mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer(); if (CommandUtils.hidden(sender, target, Permissions.inspectHidden(sender))) { if (!Permissions.inspectOffline(sender)) { sender.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Inspect.Offline")); return true; } } else if (CommandUtils.tooFar(sender, target, Permissions.inspectFar(sender))) { return true; } if (sender instanceof Player && Config.getInstance().getInspectScoreboardEnabled()) { ScoreboardManager.enablePlayerInspectScoreboardOnline((Player) sender, mcMMOPlayer); return true; } sender.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Inspect.Stats", target.getName())); CommandUtils.printGatheringSkills(target, sender); CommandUtils.printCombatSkills(target, sender); CommandUtils.printMiscSkills(target, sender); sender.sendMessage( LocaleLoader.getString("Commands.PowerLevel", mcMMOPlayer.getPowerLevel())); } return true; default: return false; } }
public int getMaxLength() { return Config.getInstance().getMaxLength(this); }