public static void MDVgenerate(String modelPath)
      throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, TException,
          UnknownWordException {

    com.medallia.word2vec.Word2VecModel model = Word2Vec_Medallia.loadModel(modelPath);

    LandxmlLexicon lexicon = readLandXML();
    HashMap<Integer, LandxmlNode> landXMLEnt = lexicon.getMap();

    try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( {
      while (true) {
        System.out.print("Enter word or term (press ENTER to break): ");
        String phrase = br.readLine().trim();
        if (phrase.equals("")) {
          System.out.println("Programe is shut off.");

        // interpreting input string
        List<Concept> cons = Concept.getConcepts(phrase);
        TreeMap<String, Double> matchEntries = new TreeMap<String, Double>();
        for (Concept con : cons) {
          matchEntries.putAll(lexicon.searchAlgorithm2(model, con, 30, 10, 0.3));

        // print the results
        System.out.println("********Mapping result**********************************");
        System.out.println("--------Required data---------------------LandXML entity");

        matchEntries = (TreeMap<String, Double>) shortTreeMap.sortByValues(matchEntries);
        int i = 0;
        for (Entry e : matchEntries.entrySet()) {
          if (i > 5) break;
          String sourceEnt = e.getKey() + ":" + e.getValue();