Exemple #1
  /** Constructs the majorityTree. Used to make Network so remember to call this first! */
  public CTree constructMajorityTree() {
    int numOfNode = 0;
    CTree tree = new CTree();
    // Creates the clusters.
    tree.clusters = constructClusters(partitions, resPercentage);

    // Begins by constructing the star tree.

    for (TreeNode node : tree.clusters.get(0)) {
      TreeNode root = tree.getRoot(); // Retrieves the root,
      node.parent = root; // Parent of this node -> root.
      root.children.add(node); // Adds this node as the children of the root.
      tree.nodeList.add(node); // Adds this node to the list of nodes.
      assert tree.nodeList.get(0).name.equals("root");
      tree.parentList.put(node.name, 0); // Adds "this node -> root" parent mapping.

    // Constructs internal nodes for the rest of the majority bi-partitions and rewires them.

    for (int z = 1; z < tree.clusters.size(); z++) {
      Cluster cluster = tree.clusters.get(z);
      // only take the majority ones....!
      if (cluster.isMajority == true) {

        // 1. Retrieves the parent of the first node in this cluster.
        TreeNode parent = tree.nodeList.get(tree.parentList.get(cluster.get(0).name));

        // 2. Constructs a new internal node.
        String nodeName = "int" + Integer.toString(numOfNode);
        TreeNode internalNode = new TreeNode(nodeName);
        internalNode.addProperty("noOfOccurrences", cluster.noOfOccurrences);
        internalNode.edgeLength = cluster.edgeLength;
        internalNode.parent = parent;

        // 3. Insert the new node into the node list.
        assert tree.nodeList.get(tree.nodeList.size() - 1).name.equals(internalNode.name);
        tree.parentList.put(nodeName, tree.nodeList.size() - 1);

        // update the clusters node references...
        // (use a method of storing edges that referenced the positions in the Tree's nodelists for
        // reference later.)
        tree.clusters.get(z).nodeRefA = tree.parentList.get(cluster.get(0).name);
        tree.clusters.get(z).nodeRefB = (tree.nodeList.size() - 1);

        for (TreeNode node : cluster) {
          // 4. Makes this node the child of the new internal node.
          node.parent = internalNode;
          assert node.parent.name.equals(tree.nodeList.get(tree.nodeList.size() - 1).name);
          tree.parentList.put(node.name, tree.nodeList.size() - 1);

          // 5. Delete the moved node(s) from the parent's children.
          // TODO: optimize? probably not.
          for (int i = 0; i < parent.children.size(); i++) {
            if (parent.children.get(i).name.equals(node.name)) {
        // Wires up the internal node.
    return tree;
   * @param args
   * @throws InvalidEducationValueException
  public static void main(String[] args) throws InvalidEducationValueException {
    final ClusterNumberFormat cnf = new ClusterNumberFormat();
    final ClusterTestData ctd = new ClusterTestData();

    Cluster tempClusterI = null;
    Cluster tempClusterJ = null;
    Cluster minClusterA = null;
    Cluster minClusterB = null;
    Instance tempClusterIInstance = null;
    Instance tempClusterJInstance = null;
    Instance minInstanceA = null;
    Instance minInstanceB = null;

    double dist = 0.0;
    double minDist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    ArrayList<Cluster> clusters = ctd.getClusters();

    while (clusters.size() > 1) {
      for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < clusters.size(); j++) {
          tempClusterI = clusters.get(i);
          tempClusterJ = clusters.get(j);

              "Cluster "
                  + tempClusterI.getName()
                  + " has Instance(s) "
                  + tempClusterI.getInstancesNameSet());
              "Cluster "
                  + tempClusterJ.getName()
                  + " has Instance(s) "
                  + tempClusterJ.getInstancesNameSet());

          for (int k = 0; k < tempClusterI.size(); k++) {
            for (int l = 0; l < tempClusterJ.size(); l++) {
              tempClusterIInstance = tempClusterI.get(k);
              tempClusterJInstance = tempClusterJ.get(l);

              dist = ClusterCalculation.distance(tempClusterIInstance, tempClusterJInstance);

                  "   DIST("
                      + tempClusterIInstance.getName()
                      + ","
                      + tempClusterJInstance.getName()
                      + ") = "
                      + cnf.format(dist));

              if (dist < minDist) {
                minDist = dist;
                minClusterA = tempClusterI;
                minInstanceA = tempClusterIInstance;
                minClusterB = tempClusterJ;
                minInstanceB = tempClusterJInstance;

          "*** Minimum exists between Instance "
              + minInstanceA.getName()
              + " of Cluster "
              + minClusterA.getName()
              + " and Instance "
              + minInstanceB.getName()
              + " of Cluster "
              + minClusterB.getName()
              + " with a distance of "
              + cnf.format(minDist));
          "  * Merging cluster "
              + minClusterB.getName()
              + " into cluster "
              + minClusterA.getName()
              + ": ");

      // minClusterA and minClusterB are the two clusters with the closest member Instance(s).
      // Merge B into A and remove B from the list of Clusters.

          "Cluster "
              + minClusterA.getName()
              + " now contains instance(s) "
              + minClusterA.getInstancesNameSet());

      minDist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
Exemple #3
  private void setupAndStartCluster() throws Exception {
    // form config files
    String masters = cluster.getMaster().getPrivateDnsName() + "\n";
    Files.write(masters.getBytes(), new File(mastersFile));

    List<String> slavesList = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (int i = 0; i < cluster.size(); ++i) {
      Server server = cluster.get(i);
      if (server.isTaskTracker()) {
    String[] slaves = (String[]) slavesList.toArray(new String[0]);
    Files.write(Util.arrayToString(slaves).getBytes(), new File(slavesFile));

    String coreSite = Util.readTextFile("config/" + coreSiteFile);
    coreSite = coreSite.replaceFirst("localhost", cluster.getMaster().getPrivateDnsName());
    Files.write(coreSite.getBytes(), new File(coreSiteFile));

    String mapredSite = Util.readTextFile("config/" + mapredSiteFile);
    mapredSite = mapredSite.replaceFirst("localhost", cluster.getJobTracker().getPrivateDnsName());
    Files.write(mapredSite.getBytes(), new File(mapredSiteFile));

    String cmd;

    String[] output;
    // push config files to the cluster
    logger.info("Configuring the Hadoop cluster");
    ClusterCommand clusterCommand = new ClusterCommand(cluster);
    clusterCommand.runScpWaitForAll(mastersFile, mastersFile);
    clusterCommand.runScpWaitForAll(slavesFile, slavesFile);
    clusterCommand.runScpWaitForAll("config/" + hdfsSiteFile, hdfsSiteFile);
    clusterCommand.runScpWaitForAll(coreSiteFile, coreSiteFile);
    clusterCommand.runScpWaitForAll(mapredSiteFile, mapredSiteFile);
    // copy from home on remote to the config area
    clusterCommand.runCommandWaitForAll("sudo cp " + mastersFile + " /etc/hadoop/conf/");
    clusterCommand.runCommandWaitForAll("sudo cp " + slavesFile + " /etc/hadoop/conf/");
    clusterCommand.runCommandWaitForAll("sudo cp " + hdfsSiteFile + " /etc/hadoop/conf/");
    clusterCommand.runCommandWaitForAll("sudo cp " + coreSiteFile + " /etc/hadoop/conf/");
    clusterCommand.runCommandWaitForAll("sudo cp " + mapredSiteFile + " /etc/hadoop/conf/");
    // create /mnt/tmp for everyone to use
    clusterCommand.runCommandWaitForAll("sudo rm -fr /mnt/tmp");
    clusterCommand.runCommandWaitForAll("sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp");
    clusterCommand.runCommandWaitForAll("sudo chmod 777 /mnt/tmp");
    // create /mnt/tmp for hadoop tmp dir
    clusterCommand.runCommandWaitForAll("sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp/hadoop");
    clusterCommand.runCommandWaitForAll("sudo chmod 777 /mnt/tmp/hadoop");

    logger.info("Hadoop cluster configured, starting the services");
    // shut down all services
    // clean up dfs on slaves
    hadoopReady = false;
    cmd = "for service in /etc/init.d/hadoop-0.20-*; do sudo $service stop; done";
    cmd = "sudo rm -fr /var/lib/hadoop-0.20/cache/*";

    SSHAgent sshAgent = new SSHAgent();

    cmd = "sudo -u hdfs hadoop namenode -format";

    cmd = "sudo service hadoop-0.20-namenode start";
    output = sshAgent.executeCommand(cmd);

    // start all hdfs slaves
    clusterCommand = new ClusterCommand(cluster.getDataNodes());
    cmd = "sudo service hadoop-0.20-datanode start";
    // start all tasktrackers
    clusterCommand = new ClusterCommand(cluster.getTaskTrackers());
    cmd = "sudo service hadoop-0.20-tasktracker start";

    cmd = "sudo service hadoop-0.20-jobtracker start";
    output = sshAgent.executeCommand(cmd);
    logger.info("Cluster configuration and startup is complete");

    cmd = "sudo rm /usr/lib/hadoop/lib/jets3t*.jar";
    clusterCommand = new ClusterCommand(cluster);
    // install a fresh version of FreeEed
    // run a distributed grep app
    if (callingUI != null) {