public List<String> getSchema( String sourceKeyspace, String destKeyspace, Collection<String> tables) { Cluster cluster = peer.getCluster(); Metadata meta = cluster.getMetadata(); KeyspaceMetadata kmeta = meta.getKeyspace(keyspace); Collection<TableMetadata> tmeta = kmeta.getTables(); // List<String> drops = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> created = new ArrayList<>(); for (TableMetadata tab : tmeta) { if (tables.size() != 0) { String name = tab.getName(); if (!tables.contains(name)) continue; } String s = tab.asCQLQuery(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ") .append(destKeyspace) .append(".") .append(tab.getName()) .append(";\n"); created.add(sb.toString()); created.add(s.replaceAll("CREATE TABLE " + sourceKeyspace, "CREATE TABLE " + destKeyspace)); } return created; }
public UserInteractionDao(String[] contactPoints) { Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints(contactPoints).build(); this.session = cluster.connect(); KeyspaceMetadata keyspaceMetadata = this.session.getCluster().getMetadata().getKeyspace(keyspaceName); this.insertUserInteractionStmt = session.prepare(INSERT_INTO_USER_INTERACTION); }
public void connect(String node) { cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint(node).build(); Metadata metadata = cluster.getMetadata(); System.out.printf("Connected to cluster: %s\n", metadata.getClusterName()); for (Host host : metadata.getAllHosts()) { System.out.printf( "Datatacenter: %s; Host: %s; Rack: %s\n", host.getDatacenter(), host.getAddress(), host.getRack()); } session = cluster.connect("whoami"); }
@BeforeClass public static void startCassandra() throws TTransportException, IOException, InterruptedException, ConfigurationException { EmbeddedCassandraServerHelper.startEmbeddedCassandra( CASSANDRA_CONFIG, "build/embeddedCassandra"); cluster = Cluster.builder() .addContactPoint(IntegrationTestConfig.HOST) .withPort(IntegrationTestConfig.PORT) .build(); system = cluster.connect(); }
void callShutDown() { for (PersistenceManagerFactory factory : persistenceManagerFactories) {"Call shutdown on " + factory); factory.shutDown(); } for (Cluster cluster : clusters) { String.format( "Call shutdown on Cluster instance '%s' of cluster name '%s'", cluster, cluster.getClusterName())); cluster.closeAsync().force(); } }
public static synchronized Session getSession(String host, int port) throws UnknownHostException { Session session = hostConnectionMap.getIfPresent(host); if (session == null || session.isClosed()) { Cluster.Builder builder = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint(host).withPort(port); Cluster cluster =; session = cluster.connect(); hostConnectionMap.put(host, session); logger.debug("Created connection to {}.", host); logger.debug("Number of sessions opened are {}.", hostConnectionMap.size()); } return session; }
public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Connecting to db: " + System.getProperty("DB_HOST")); Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints(System.getProperty("DB_HOST").split(",")).build(); Session session = cluster.connect(); session.execute( "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS todolist WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3 };"); session.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS todolist.todo (" + "id int PRIMARY KEY," + "text text);");, args); }
@Override public Object createDataSource(String xmlConfiguration, boolean isDataSourceFactoryReference) throws DataSourceException { try { CassandraConfiguration config = loadConfig(xmlConfiguration); Cluster cluster = createCluster(config); if (CassandraDataSourceConstants.SESSION_MODE.equalsIgnoreCase(config.getMode()) && (config.getKeysapce() != null && config.getKeysapce().trim().length() > 0)) { return cluster.connect(config.getKeysapce()); } return cluster; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataSourceException(ex); } }
public static boolean isClusterActive() { try { Builder builder = Cluster.builder() .withQueryOptions( new QueryOptions() .setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM) .setSerialConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL)); cluster = builder.addContactPoint("").build(); session = cluster.connect(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } }
private Cluster buildCluster() { cluster = Cluster.builder() .addContactPoints(contactPoints.split(",")) .withRetryPolicy(DefaultRetryPolicy.INSTANCE) // .withCredentials("cassandra", "cassandra") .withLoadBalancingPolicy( new TokenAwarePolicy(DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy.builder().build())) .build(); "Built Cluster on thread [" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "]:" + cluster.toString()); return cluster; }
public boolean validateUser(String username, String password) { AeSimpleSHA1 sha1handler = new AeSimpleSHA1(); String EncodedPassword = null; try { EncodedPassword = sha1handler.SHA1(password); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException | NoSuchAlgorithmException et) { System.out.println("Can't check your password"); return false; } Session session = cluster.connect("ducquak"); PreparedStatement pS = session.prepare("SELECT * FROM users"); ResultSet rs = null; BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(pS); rs = session.execute( // this is where the query is executed boundStatement // here you are binding the 'boundStatement' ); if (rs.isExhausted()) { System.out.println("Nothing returned"); return false; } else { for (Row row : rs) { String userName = row.getString("userName"); if (userName.equals(username)) { String StoredPass = row.getString("password"); if (StoredPass.compareTo(EncodedPassword) == 0) return true; } } } return false; }
@PreDestroy public void stop() { if (cluster != null) { cluster.close(); } }
public java.util.LinkedList<Pic> getPicsForUser(String User) { java.util.LinkedList<Pic> Pics = new java.util.LinkedList<>(); Session session = cluster.connect("instagrAndrew"); PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare("select picid, hashtag, pic_added from userpiclist where user =?"); ResultSet rs = null; BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); rs = session.execute( // this is where the query is executed boundStatement.bind( // here you are binding the 'boundStatement' User)); if (rs.isExhausted()) { System.out.println("No Images returned"); return null; } else { for (Row row : rs) { Pic pic = new Pic(); java.util.UUID UUID = row.getUUID("picid"); Date d = row.getDate("pic_added"); java.sql.Timestamp tmp = new java.sql.Timestamp(d.getTime()); pic.setUUID(UUID); pic.setDate(tmp); String ht = row.getString("hashtag"); if (ht != null) { pic.setHashtag(ht); } Pics.add(pic); } } return Pics; }
@Override public void output(Collection<Metric> metrics) { if (!eventRegistered.getAndSet(true)) { EventBusManager.createRegistrationPoint() .subscribe( WriteToStorageEvent.class, w -> { MetricStorage storage = w.storageToWriteTo().getSubStorageCalled("cassandra");"metrics-to-cassandra", metricCount.longValue()); }); EvilManagerHack.subscribe(this.cluster); } if (metrics.size() == 0) { return; } Map<RetentionTable, BatchStatement> stms = LazyMap.<RetentionTable, BatchStatement>lazyMap( new HashMap<>(), () -> new BatchStatement()); for (Metric metric : metrics) { insertMetricIntoBatch(metric, stms); } KeyspaceMetadata metadata = cluster.getMetadata().getKeyspace(keyspace); for (RetentionTable table : stms.keySet()) { createTableIfNecessary(table, metadata); } for (BatchStatement batch : stms.values()) { session.execute(batch); } metricCount.addAndGet(metrics.size()); }
/** * Creates a new Cluster based on the specified configuration. * * @param stormConf the storm configuration. * @return a new a new {@link Cluster} instance. */ @Override protected Cluster make(Map<String, Object> stormConf) { CassandraConf cassandraConf = new CassandraConf(stormConf); Cluster.Builder cluster = Cluster.builder() .withoutJMXReporting() .withoutMetrics() .addContactPoints(cassandraConf.getNodes()) .withPort(cassandraConf.getPort()) .withRetryPolicy(DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy.INSTANCE) .withReconnectionPolicy( new ExponentialReconnectionPolicy(100L, TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1))) .withLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy())); final String username = cassandraConf.getUsername(); final String password = cassandraConf.getPassword(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(username) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(password)) { cluster.withAuthProvider(new PlainTextAuthProvider(username, password)); } QueryOptions options = new QueryOptions().setConsistencyLevel(cassandraConf.getConsistencyLevel()); cluster.withQueryOptions(options); return; }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { cluster = CassandraUnitUtils.cassandraCluster(); session = cluster.connect(CassandraUnitUtils.KEYSPACE); idempotentRepository = new CassandraIdempotentRepository<String>(session); idempotentRepository.start(); }
/** * Obtain common cassandra Cluster Builder. * * @param port port of endpoints * @param contactPoints list of cassandra ip addresses * @return {@link com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.Builder} */ private Cluster.Builder getClusterBuilder(int port, String[] contactPoints) { return Cluster.builder() .addContactPoints(contactPoints) .withPort(port) .withProtocolVersion(ProtocolVersion.V3) .withTimestampGenerator(new AtomicMonotonicTimestampGenerator()); }
/** Common initializer. */ private void init() { Metadata metadata = cluster.getMetadata();"Connected to cluster: {}", metadata.getClusterName()); for (Host h : metadata.getAllHosts()) { "Data center: {}; Hosts: {}; Rack: {}", h.getDatacenter(), h.getAddress(), h.getRack()); } }
public static Cluster getCluster() { System.out.println("getCluster"); cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint(Host).build(); getHosts(cluster); Keyspaces.SetUpKeySpaces(cluster); return cluster; }
public CassandraClient() { // String cashost = ""; String cashost = ""; String keyspace = "iot"; Cluster cluster; Session session; // Connect to the cluster and keyspace "demo" // cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint(cashost).build(); AuthProvider auth = new PlainTextAuthProvider("iotapp", "pwdiotapp"); cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint(cashost).withAuthProvider(auth).build(); session = cluster.connect(keyspace); // INSERT Test this.insert(session); // SELECT Test; // // Update the same user with a new age // session.execute("update users set age = 36 where lastname = // 'Jones'"); // // // Select and show the change // results = session.execute("select * from users where // lastname='Jones'"); // for (Row row : results) { // System.out.format("%s %d\n", row.getString("firstname"), // row.getInt("age")); // } // // // Delete the user from the users table // session.execute("DELETE FROM users WHERE lastname = 'Jones'"); // // // Show that the user is gone // results = session.execute("SELECT * FROM users"); // for (Row row : results) { // System.out.format("%s %d %s %s %s\n", row.getString("lastname"), // row.getInt("age"), row.getString("city"), // row.getString("email"), row.getString("firstname")); // } // Clean up the connection by closing it cluster.close(); }
public PersistentCassandraDrain( E environment, String username, String password, String[] seeds, String keyspace) { Cluster.Builder builder = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints(seeds); builder.withReconnectionPolicy(new ExponentialReconnectionPolicy(500, 60_000)); if (username != null) { if (password != null) { builder = builder.withCredentials(username, password); } else { logger.warn("username was set, password was NOT set - IGNORING username!"); } } this.environment = environment; this.cluster =; this.keyspace = keyspace; this.session = cluster.connect(keyspace); }
@Override public void start() { cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint(address).build(); Metadata metadata = cluster.getMetadata(); LOGGER.debug("Connected to cluster: {0}", metadata.getClusterName()); for (Host host : metadata.getAllHosts()) { LOGGER.debug( "Datacenter: {0}; Host: {1}; Rack: {2}", host.getDatacenter(), host.getAddress(), host.getRack()); } session = cluster.connect(); try { session.execute( "CREATE KEYSPACE modeshape WITH replication " + "= {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':3};"); } catch (AlreadyExistsException e) { } session.execute("USE modeshape;"); try { session.execute( "CREATE TABLE modeshape.binary(" + "cid text PRIMARY KEY," + "mime_type text," + "ext_text text," + "usage int," + "usage_time timestamp," + "payload blob)"); } catch (AlreadyExistsException e) { } try { session.execute("CREATE INDEX USAGE_IDX ON modeshape.binary (usage);"); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { // exists } try { session.execute("CREATE INDEX EXPIRE_IDX ON modeshape.binary (usage_time);"); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { // exists } }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { when(cluster.getMetadata().getKeyspace(keyspaceName)).thenReturn(keyspaceMeta); when(keyspaceMeta.getTables()).thenReturn(new ArrayList<TableMetadata>()); when(keyspaceMeta.getTables()).thenReturn(asList(tableMeta)); when(tableMeta.getName()).thenReturn("tableName"); when(meta.config().getQualifiedTableName()).thenReturn("tableName"); when(meta.config().isSchemaUpdateEnabled()).thenReturn(true); }
@PostConstruct public void start() throws Exception { loadConfig(CONFIG_RESOURCE_NAME); cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints(nodes).withPort(port).build(); String clusterName = cluster.getMetadata().getClusterName();"Connected to Cassandra cluster %s", clusterName); session = cluster.connect(); try { session.execute( String.format(CREATE_KEYSPACE_CQL, keyspaceName, strategyClass, replicationFactor));"Created keyspace %s in cluster %s", keyspaceName, clusterName); } catch (AlreadyExistsException e) {"Found keyspace %s in cluster %s", keyspaceName, clusterName); } session.execute(String.format(USE_KEYSPACE_CQL, keyspaceName)); }
/** * Constructor. Use it when your Cassandra cluster does not support authentication. * * @param hosts cassandra node hosts, comma separated * @param port cassandra node cql service port * @param keyspaceName name of keyspace */ public CassandraConnectionProvider(String hosts, int port, String keyspaceName) { this.hosts = hosts; this.port = String.valueOf(port); this.keyspaceName = keyspaceName; String[] contactPoints = hosts.split(","); cluster = getClusterBuilder(port, contactPoints).build(); init(); session = cluster.connect(keyspaceName); }
private Map<String, TableMetadata> fetchTableMetaData() { Map<String, TableMetadata> tableMetas = new HashMap<String, TableMetadata>(); KeyspaceMetadata keyspaceMeta = cluster.getMetadata().getKeyspace(keyspaceName); Validator.validateTableTrue( keyspaceMeta != null, "Keyspace '%s' doest not exist or cannot be found", keyspaceName); for (TableMetadata tableMeta : keyspaceMeta.getTables()) { tableMetas.put(tableMeta.getName(), tableMeta); } return tableMetas; }
public void createKeyspace(String keyspaceName, String keyclassType, int replicationFactor) { cluster .connect() .execute( "CREATE KEYSPACE " + keyspaceName + " WITH replication " + "= {'class':'" + keyclassType + "', 'replication_factor':" + replicationFactor + "};"); }
public void discard() { if (cluster != null) cluster.close(); if (cassandraCluster == null) { logger.error("No cluster to discard"); } else if (erroredOut) { cassandraCluster.stop();"Error during tests, kept C* logs in " + cassandraCluster.ccmDir); } else { cassandraCluster.remove(); cassandraCluster.ccmDir.delete(); } }
public static String[] getHosts(Cluster cluster) { if (cluster == null) { System.out.println("Creating cluster connection"); cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint(Host).build(); } System.out.println("Cluster Name " + cluster.getClusterName()); Metadata mdata = cluster.getMetadata(); Set<Host> hosts = mdata.getAllHosts(); String sHosts[] = new String[hosts.size()]; Iterator<Host> it = hosts.iterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { Host ch =; sHosts[i] = (String) ch.getAddress().toString(); System.out.println("Hosts" + ch.getAddress().toString()); i++; } return sHosts; }
public void changePassword(String username, String newPassword) { Session session = cluster.connect("ducquak"); Statement s00; s00 ="ducquak", "users"); ResultSet rs = session.execute(s00); for (Row row : rs) { String olduserName = row.getString("userName"); if (olduserName.equals(username)) { Statement s01 = QueryBuilder.update("ducquak", "users") .with(set("password", username)) .where(eq("password", olduserName)); session.execute(s01); } } }