Example #1
	public void addPlayer( Player p )
		if (fPlayers.contains(p))
			return; // already joined this team
		fPlayers.addElement( p );

		// make sure we find out if the team member disconnects

		// act as a damage filter for this member

		// assign new skin
		assignSkinTo( p );
		Object[] args = {p.getName(), fTeamIndex};
		Game.localecast("q2java.ctf.CTFMessages", "join_team", args, Engine.PRINT_HIGH);	
		//update players stats that he joined this team (the yellow line around team-icon)
		int index1 = ( this == Team.TEAM1 ? STAT_CTF_JOINED_TEAM1_PIC : STAT_CTF_JOINED_TEAM2_PIC );
		int index2 = ( this == Team.TEAM1 ? STAT_CTF_JOINED_TEAM2_PIC : STAT_CTF_JOINED_TEAM1_PIC );
		int picnum = Engine.getImageIndex("i_ctfj");
		p.fEntity.setPlayerStat( index1, (short)picnum );
		p.fEntity.setPlayerStat( index2, (short)0      );
Example #2
	public void assignSkinTo( Player p )
		String skin;

		//System.out.println( p.getUserInfo("skin") );

		// assign skin based on team
		skin =  ( p.isFemale() ? "female/" : "male/" );
		skin += ( this == TEAM1 ? CTF_TEAM1_SKIN : CTF_TEAM2_SKIN );
		Engine.setConfigString( Engine.CS_PLAYERSKINS + p.fEntity.getPlayerNum(), p.getName() + "\\" + skin );
		//Engine.debugLog( p.getName() + "\\" + skin );