Example #1
  * Prepare a script for execution in an iframe environment
  * @param script The script to modify
  * @return The modified script
 public static String remoteEval(String script) {
   // We need to define the "r" redirector variable inside the eval as well
   // as it can't access the global "r" defined in the response closure.
   return "r._eval(\"var r=dwr._[dwr.engine._instanceId]; "
       + JavascriptUtil.escapeJavaScript(script)
       + "\");";
Example #2
   * Evade the 2 connection limit by sending scripts to the wrong window and having that use
   * window.name to push it to the right window
   * @param original The script that we wish to be proxied
   * @param windowName The window to which we wish the window to be proxied
   * @return A script to send to a different window to cause proxying
  public static ScriptBuffer createForeignWindowProxy(String windowName, ScriptBuffer original) {
    String proxy = JavascriptUtil.escapeJavaScript(original.toString());

    ScriptBuffer reply = new ScriptBuffer();
    reply.appendCall("r.handleForeign", windowName, proxy);
    return reply;
Example #3
   * Call dwr.engine.remote.handleServerException() in the browser
   * @param batchId The identifier of the batch that we are handling a response for
   * @param ex The exception from which we make a reply
   * @return The script to send to the browser
  public static String getRemoteHandleBatchExceptionScript(String batchId, Exception ex) {
    StringBuffer reply = new StringBuffer();

    String output = JavascriptUtil.escapeJavaScript(ex.getMessage());
    String params = "{ name:'" + ex.getClass().getName() + "', message:'" + output + "' }";
    if (batchId != null) {
      params += ", '" + batchId + "'";


    return reply.toString();
   * Convert a map of strings to objects to json
   * @param map object to convert
   * @param sb StringBuffer to append to
  private void toJSONString(Map<String, Object> map, StringBuffer sb) {
    boolean first = true;

    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
      if (first) first = false;
      else sb.append(',');

      if (entry.getKey() == null) sb.append("null");
      else sb.append(JavascriptUtil.escapeJavaScript(entry.getKey()));

  * Convert all other objects to json
  * @param object object to convert
  * @param sb StringBuffer to append to
 private void toJSONString(Object object, StringBuffer sb) {
   if (object == null) sb.append("null");
   else sb.append('"').append(JavascriptUtil.escapeJavaScript(object.toString())).append('"');
Example #6
  * Take an XML string, and convert it into some Javascript that when executed will return a DOM
  * object that represents the same XML object
  * @param xml The XML string to convert
  * @return The Javascript
 public static String xmlStringToJavascriptDomDocument(String xml) {
   String xmlout = JavascriptUtil.escapeJavaScript(xml);
   return "r.toDomDocument(\"" + xmlout + "\")";
Example #7
 /* (non-Javadoc)
  * @see org.directwebremoting.Converter#convertOutbound(java.lang.Object, org.directwebremoting.OutboundContext)
 public OutboundVariable convertOutbound(Object data, OutboundContext outctx)
     throws ConversionException {
   URI uri = (URI) data;
   String escaped = JavascriptUtil.escapeJavaScript(uri.toString());
   return new NonNestedOutboundVariable('\"' + escaped + '\"');