private static void doReqs(NodeMod mod) throws PipelineException { JobReqs req = mod.getJobRequirements(); req.addSelectionKey("Lair"); mod.setJobRequirements(req); }
/** @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { String user = "******"; String view = "build"; String toolset = "csg_rev18"; MasterMgrClient client = new MasterMgrClient(); Wrapper w = null; String project = "lr"; try { w = new Wrapper(user, view, toolset, client); PluginMgrClient.init(); } catch (PipelineException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } String baseModel = "/projects/lr/assets/prop/asylianHelmet/asylianHelmet"; String finalizeMel = "/projects/lr/assets/tools/mel/finalize-character"; int pass = 3; LinkedList<String> toAdd = new LinkedList<String>(); for (int i = 2; i <= 10; i++) { toAdd.add("asylianHelmet" + i); } if (pass == 1) { try { SonyAsset baseAsset = SonyConstants.stringToAsset(w, baseModel); Globals.getNewest( w, baseAsset.finalScene, CheckOutMode.OverwriteAll, CheckOutMethod.AllFrozen); Globals.getNewest( w, baseAsset.lr_finalScene, CheckOutMode.OverwriteAll, CheckOutMethod.AllFrozen); AssetType baseType = baseAsset.assetType; for (String name : toAdd) { TreeSet<String> addedNodes = new TreeSet<String>(); try { SonyAsset as = new SonyAsset(project, name, baseType); log(as.texGroup + " : "); if (!Globals.doesNodeExists(w, as.texGroup)) { logLine("Building"); NodeMod mod = Globals.registerNode(w, as.texGroup, null, Plugins.editorKWrite(w)); addedNodes.add(as.texGroup); BaseAction act = Plugins.actionListSources(w); mod.setAction(act); doReqs(mod); client.modifyProperties(user, view, mod); } else logLine("Already Exists"); log(as.matScene + " : "); if (!Globals.doesNodeExists(w, as.matScene)) { logLine("Building"); NodeMod mod = Globals.registerNode(w, as.matScene, "ma", Plugins.editorMaya(w)); addedNodes.add(as.matScene); BaseAction act = Plugins.actionMayaReference(w); Globals.referenceNode(w, as.matScene, baseAsset.rigScene, act, REF, "rig");, view, as.matScene, as.texGroup, REF, LINKALL, null); mod.setAction(act); doReqs(mod); client.modifyProperties(user, view, mod); } else logLine("Already Exists"); log(as.finalScene + " : "); if (!Globals.doesNodeExists(w, as.finalScene)) { logLine("Building"); NodeMod mod = Globals.registerNode(w, as.finalScene, "ma", Plugins.editorMaya(w)); addedNodes.add(as.finalScene); BaseAction act = Plugins.actionMayaImport(w); Globals.referenceNode(w, as.finalScene, as.matScene, act, DEP, "mat");, view, as.finalScene, finalizeMel, DEP, LINKALL, null); act.setSingleParamValue("ModelMEL", finalizeMel); mod.setAction(act); doReqs(mod); client.modifyProperties(user, view, mod); } else logLine("Already Exists"); log(as.lr_matScene + " : "); if (!Globals.doesNodeExists(w, as.lr_matScene)) { logLine("Building"); NodeMod mod = Globals.registerNode(w, as.lr_matScene, "ma", Plugins.editorMaya(w)); addedNodes.add(as.lr_matScene); BaseAction act = Plugins.actionMayaReference(w); Globals.referenceNode(w, as.lr_matScene, baseAsset.lr_rigScene, act, REF, "rig"); mod.setAction(act); doReqs(mod); client.modifyProperties(user, view, mod); } else logLine("Already Exists"); log(as.lr_finalScene + " : "); if (!Globals.doesNodeExists(w, as.lr_finalScene)) { logLine("Building"); NodeMod mod = Globals.registerNode(w, as.lr_finalScene, "ma", Plugins.editorMaya(w)); addedNodes.add(as.lr_finalScene); BaseAction act = Plugins.actionMayaImport(w); Globals.referenceNode(w, as.lr_finalScene, as.lr_matScene, act, DEP, "mat");, view, as.lr_finalScene, finalizeMel, DEP, LINKALL, null); act.setSingleParamValue("ModelMEL", finalizeMel); mod.setAction(act); doReqs(mod); client.modifyProperties(user, view, mod); } else logLine("Already Exists"); try { client.submitJobs(user, view, as.finalScene, null); client.submitJobs(user, view, as.lr_finalScene, null); } catch (PipelineException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } catch (PipelineException ex) { try { Globals.releaseNodes(w, addedNodes); } catch (PipelineException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ex.printStackTrace(); return; } } } catch (PipelineException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (pass == 2) { for (String name : toAdd) { try { logLine(name); SonyAsset baseAsset = SonyConstants.stringToAsset(w, baseModel); AssetType baseType = baseAsset.assetType; SonyAsset as = new SonyAsset(project, name, baseType); Globals.disableAction(w, as.matScene); Globals.disableAction(w, as.lr_matScene); } catch (PipelineException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (pass == 3) { for (String name : toAdd) { try { logLine(name); SonyAsset baseAsset = SonyConstants.stringToAsset(w, baseModel); AssetType baseType = baseAsset.assetType; SonyAsset as = new SonyAsset(project, name, baseType); NodeID nodeID = new NodeID(user, view, as.finalScene); client.checkIn( nodeID, "Inital model tree built by the BuildDerivedModels tool. Built off the " + baseModel + " model", VersionID.Level.Minor); nodeID = new NodeID(user, view, as.lr_finalScene); client.checkIn( nodeID, "Inital model tree built by the BuildDerivedModels tool. Built off the " + baseModel + " model", VersionID.Level.Minor); } catch (PipelineException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }