Example #1
  public void keyTyped(final KeyEvent e) {
    if (!hist.active()
        || control(e)
        || DELNEXT.is(e)
        || DELPREV.is(e)
        || ESCAPE.is(e)
        || CUT2.is(e)) return;

    final int caret = editor.pos();

    // remember if marked text is to be deleted
    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1).append(e.getKeyChar());
    final boolean indent = TAB.is(e) && editor.indent(sb, e.isShiftDown());

    // delete marked text
    final boolean selected = editor.selected() && !indent;
    if (selected) editor.delete();

    final int move = ENTER.is(e) ? editor.enter(sb) : editor.add(sb, selected);

    // refresh history and adjust cursor position
    hist.store(editor.text(), caret, editor.pos());
    if (move != 0) editor.pos(Math.min(editor.size(), caret + move));

    // adjust text height
Example #2
  public final void mouseDragged(final MouseEvent e) {
    if (!SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)) return;

    // selection mode
    select(e.getPoint(), false);
    final int y = Math.max(20, Math.min(e.getY(), getHeight() - 20));
    if (y != e.getY()) scroll.pos(scroll.pos() + e.getY() - y);
Example #3
  * Returns the specified color from the color gradient.
  * @param i color index
  * @return color
 public static Color color(final int i) {
   return COLORS[Math.min(COLORS.length - 1, i)];