Example #1
  public final void mouseDragged(final MouseEvent e) {
    if (!SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)) return;

    // selection mode
    select(e.getPoint(), false);
    final int y = Math.max(20, Math.min(e.getY(), getHeight() - 20));
    if (y != e.getY()) scroll.pos(scroll.pos() + e.getY() - y);
Example #2
 public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
   final Graphics g = getGraphics();
   w = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
   h = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
   int max = 0;
   while (more(g)) {
     if (text.curr() == 0x0A) max = Math.max(x, max);
   return new Dimension(Math.max(x, max) + fwidth[' '], y + fontH);
Example #3
  public void keyTyped(final KeyEvent e) {
    if (!hist.active()
        || control(e)
        || DELNEXT.is(e)
        || DELPREV.is(e)
        || ESCAPE.is(e)
        || CUT2.is(e)) return;

    final int caret = editor.pos();

    // remember if marked text is to be deleted
    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1).append(e.getKeyChar());
    final boolean indent = TAB.is(e) && editor.indent(sb, e.isShiftDown());

    // delete marked text
    final boolean selected = editor.selected() && !indent;
    if (selected) editor.delete();

    final int move = ENTER.is(e) ? editor.enter(sb) : editor.add(sb, selected);

    // refresh history and adjust cursor position
    hist.store(editor.text(), caret, editor.pos());
    if (move != 0) editor.pos(Math.min(editor.size(), caret + move));

    // adjust text height
Example #4
   * Initializes colors.
   * @param prop gui properties
  public static void init(final GUIProp prop) {
    final int r = prop.num(GUIProp.COLORRED);
    final int g = prop.num(GUIProp.COLORGREEN);
    final int b = prop.num(GUIProp.COLORBLUE);

    // calculate color c:
    // c = (255 - expectedColor) * 10 / factor (= GUIRED/BLUE/GREEN)
    color1 = new Color(col(r, 24), col(g, 25), col(b, 40));
    color2 = new Color(col(r, 32), col(g, 32), col(b, 44));
    color3 = new Color(col(r, 48), col(g, 50), col(b, 40));
    color4 = new Color(col(r, 140), col(g, 100), col(b, 70));
    color1A = new Color(col(r, 110), col(g, 150), col(b, 160), 100);

    colormark1A = new Color(col(r, 32), col(g, 160), col(b, 320), 100);
    colormark2A = new Color(col(r, 16), col(g, 80), col(b, 160), 100);
    colormark1 = new Color(col(r, 16), col(g, 120), col(b, 240));
    colormark2 = new Color(col(r, 16), col(g, 80), col(b, 160));
    colormark3 = new Color(col(r, 32), col(g, 160), col(b, 320));
    colormark4 = new Color(col(r, 1), col(g, 40), col(b, 80));

    // create color array
    for (int l = 1; l < COLORS.length + 1; ++l) {
      COLORS[l - 1] =
          new Color(Math.max(255 - l * r, 0), Math.max(255 - l * g, 0), Math.max(255 - l * b, 0));
    final Color c = COLORS[16];
    color2A = new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), 40);
    color3A = new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), 100);

    final String f = prop.get(GUIProp.FONT);
    final int type = prop.num(GUIProp.FONTTYPE);
    fontSize = prop.num(GUIProp.FONTSIZE);
    font = new Font(f, type, fontSize);
    mfont = new Font(prop.get(GUIProp.MONOFONT), type, fontSize);
    bfont = new Font(f, Font.BOLD, fontSize);
    lfont = new Font(f, type, 18 + (fontSize >> 1));
    dmfont = new Font(prop.get(GUIProp.MONOFONT), 0, TFONT.getSize() - 1);

    final Container comp = new Container();
    dwidth = comp.getFontMetrics(dmfont).getWidths();
    fwidth = comp.getFontMetrics(font).getWidths();
    lwidth = comp.getFontMetrics(lfont).getWidths();
    mfwidth = comp.getFontMetrics(mfont).getWidths();
    bwidth = comp.getFontMetrics(bfont).getWidths();
Example #5
  * Paints the error marker.
  * @param g graphics reference
 private void drawError(final Graphics g) {
   final int ww = wordW != 0 ? wordW : charW(g, ' ');
   final int s = Math.max(1, fontH / 8);
   g.fillRect(x, y + 2, ww, s);
   for (int xp = x; xp < x + ww; xp++) {
     if ((xp & 1) == 0) g.drawLine(xp, y + 2, xp, y + s + 1);
Example #6
  * Converts color value with specified factor.
  * @param c color
  * @param f factor
  * @return converted color value
 private static int col(final int c, final int f) {
   return Math.max(0, 255 - c * f / 10);
Example #7
  * Returns the specified color from the color gradient.
  * @param i color index
  * @return color
 public static Color color(final int i) {
   return COLORS[Math.min(COLORS.length - 1, i)];
Example #8
  void drawRectangles(final Graphics g, final MapRects rects, final float scale) {
    // some additions to set up borders
    final MapRect l = view.layout.layout;
    l.x = (int) scale * l.x;
    l.y = (int) scale * l.y;
    l.w = (int) scale * l.w;
    l.h = (int) scale * l.h;
    final int ww = view.getWidth();
    final int hh = view.getWidth();

    final Data data = view.gui.context.data();
    final int fsz = GUIConstants.fontSize;

    final int off = gopts.get(GUIOptions.MAPOFFSETS);
    final int rs = rects.size;
    for (int ri = 0; ri < rs; ++ri) {
      // get rectangle information
      final MapRect r = rects.get(ri);
      final int pre = r.pre;

      // level 1: next context node, set marker pointer to 0
      final int lvl = r.level;

      final boolean full = r.w == ww && r.h == hh;
      Color col = color(rects, ri);
      final boolean mark = col != null;

      r.pos =
          view.gui.context.marked.ftpos != null
              ? view.gui.context.marked.ftpos.get(data, pre)
              : null;
      g.setColor(mark ? col : GUIConstants.color(lvl));

      if (r.w < l.x + l.w || r.h < l.y + l.h || off < 2 || ViewData.leaf(gopts, data, pre)) {
        g.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h);
      } else {
        // painting only border for non-leaf nodes..
        g.fillRect(r.x, r.y, l.x, r.h);
        g.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.w, l.y);
        g.fillRect(r.x + r.w - l.w, r.y, l.w, r.h);
        g.fillRect(r.x, r.y + r.h - l.h, r.w, l.h);

      if (!full) {
        col = mark ? GUIConstants.colormark3 : GUIConstants.color(lvl + 2);
        g.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h);
        col = mark ? GUIConstants.colormark4 : GUIConstants.color(Math.max(0, lvl - 2));
        g.drawLine(r.x + r.w, r.y, r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h);
        g.drawLine(r.x, r.y + r.h, r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h);

      // skip drawing of string if there is no space
      if (r.w <= 3 || r.h < GUIConstants.fontSize) continue;

      r.x += 3;
      r.w -= 3;

      final int kind = data.kind(pre);
      if (kind == Data.ELEM || kind == Data.DOC) {
        BaseXLayout.chopString(g, ViewData.name(gopts, data, pre), r.x, r.y, r.w, fsz);
      } else {
        g.setColor(GUIConstants.color(r.level * 2 + 8));
        final byte[] text = ViewData.content(data, pre, false);

        r.thumb = MapRenderer.calcHeight(g, r, text, fsz) >= r.h;
        if (r.thumb) {
          MapRenderer.drawThumbnails(g, r, text, fsz);
        } else {
          MapRenderer.drawText(g, r, text, fsz);
      r.x -= 3;
      r.w += 3;