public void setNewChunkBlockTileEntity(int i, int j, int k, TileEntity tileentity) { ChunkPosition chunkposition = new ChunkPosition(i, j, k); tileentity.worldObj = worldObj; tileentity.xCoord = xPosition * 16 + i; tileentity.yCoord = j; tileentity.zCoord = zPosition * 16 + k; newChunkTileEntityMap.put(chunkposition, tileentity); }
public void setChunkBlockTileEntity(int i, int j, int k, TileEntity tileentity) { ChunkPosition chunkposition = new ChunkPosition(i, j, k); tileentity.worldObj = worldObj; tileentity.xCoord = xPosition * 16 + i; tileentity.yCoord = j; tileentity.zCoord = zPosition * 16 + k; if (getBlockID(i, j, k) == 0 || !(Block.blocksList[getBlockID(i, j, k)] instanceof BlockContainer)) { System.out.println("Attempted to place a tile entity where there was no entity tile!"); return; } else { tileentity.func_31004_j(); chunkTileEntityMap.put(chunkposition, tileentity); return; } }
/** Sets the TileEntity for a given block in this chunk */ public void setChunkBlockTileEntity(int par1, int par2, int par3, TileEntity par4TileEntity) { ChunkPosition var5 = new ChunkPosition(par1, par2, par3); par4TileEntity.setWorldObj(this.worldObj); par4TileEntity.xCoord = this.xPosition * 16 + par1; par4TileEntity.yCoord = par2; par4TileEntity.zCoord = this.zPosition * 16 + par3; if (this.getBlockID(par1, par2, par3) != 0 && Block.blocksList[this.getBlockID(par1, par2, par3)] instanceof ITileEntityProvider) { if (this.chunkTileEntityMap.containsKey(var5)) { ((TileEntity) this.chunkTileEntityMap.get(var5)).invalidate(); } par4TileEntity.validate(); this.chunkTileEntityMap.put(var5, par4TileEntity); } }