@EventHandler public void asyncChatTrigger(final AsyncPlayerChatEvent event) { if (event.isCancelled()) return; // Return if "Use asynchronous event" is false in config file if (!Settings.ChatAsynchronous()) return; Callable<Boolean> call = new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() { return process(event.getPlayer(), event.getMessage()); } }; Boolean cancelled = false; try { cancelled = event.isAsynchronous() ? Bukkit.getScheduler().callSyncMethod(DenizenAPI.getCurrentInstance(), call).get() : call.call(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // dB.echoError(e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { dB.echoError(e); } catch (Exception e) { dB.echoError(e); } event.setCancelled(cancelled); }
@Override public boolean check(RequirementsContext context, List<String> args) throws RequirementCheckException { boolean outcome = false; String name = null; String value = "true"; String index = ""; Type type = Type.PLAYER; for (String arg : args) { if (aH.matchesArg("GLOBAL, NPC, DENIZEN, GLOBAL", arg)) type = Type.valueOf(arg.toUpperCase().replace("DENIZEN", "NPC")); else if (arg.split(":", 2).length > 1) { String[] flagArgs = arg.split(":"); value = flagArgs[1].toUpperCase(); if (flagArgs[0].contains("[")) { name = flagArgs[0].split("\\[", 2)[0].trim(); index = flagArgs[0].split("\\[", 2)[1].split("\\]", 2)[0].trim(); } else { name = flagArgs[0].toUpperCase(); } } else name = arg.toUpperCase(); } FlagManager flagMng = DenizenAPI.getCurrentInstance().flagManager(); FlagManager.Flag flag = null; String player = context.getPlayer().getName(); switch (type) { case NPC: flag = flagMng.getNPCFlag(context.getNPC().getId(), name); break; case PLAYER: flag = flagMng.getPlayerFlag(player, name); break; case GLOBAL: flag = flagMng.getGlobalFlag(name); break; } if (index.length() == 0) { if (flag.getLast().asString().equalsIgnoreCase(value)) outcome = true; else dB.echoDebug( context.getScriptContainer(), "... does not match '" + flag.getLast().asString() + "'."); } else if (index.matches("\\d+")) { if (flag.get(Integer.parseInt(index)).asString().equalsIgnoreCase(value)) outcome = true; else dB.echoDebug( context.getScriptContainer(), "... does not match '" + flag.get(Integer.parseInt(index)).asString() + "'."); } return outcome; }
public void action(String actionName, Player player) { if (getCitizen() != null) { if (getCitizen().hasTrait(AssignmentTrait.class)) DenizenAPI.getCurrentInstance() .getNPCRegistry() .getActionHandler() .doAction(actionName, this, player, getAssignmentTrait().getAssignment()); } }
@Override public void onSpawn() { if (text != null) { Bukkit.getScheduler() .scheduleSyncDelayedTask( DenizenAPI.getCurrentInstance(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { npc.getBukkitEntity().setCustomNameVisible(true); npc.getBukkitEntity().setCustomName(text); } }, 2); } if (getColor() != null) { refreshTag(getNPC()); } }
public static void walkTo( final Entity entity, Location location, double speed, final Runnable callback) { if (entity == null || location == null) return; net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.Entity nmsEntityEntity = ((CraftEntity) entity).getHandle(); if (!(nmsEntityEntity instanceof EntityInsentient)) return; final EntityInsentient nmsEntity = (EntityInsentient) nmsEntityEntity; final NavigationAbstract entityNavigation = nmsEntity.getNavigation(); final PathEntity path; final boolean aiDisabled = isAIDisabled(entity); if (aiDisabled) { toggleAI(entity, true); nmsEntity.onGround = true; } path = entityNavigation.a(location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ()); if (path != null) { entityNavigation.a(path, 1D); entityNavigation.a(2D); final double oldSpeed = nmsEntity.getAttributeInstance(GenericAttributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).b(); nmsEntity.getAttributeInstance(GenericAttributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).setValue(speed); new BukkitRunnable() { @Override public void run() { if (entityNavigation.m() || path.b()) { if (callback != null) callback.run(); nmsEntity.getAttributeInstance(GenericAttributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).setValue(oldSpeed); if (aiDisabled) toggleAI(entity, false); cancel(); } } }.runTaskTimer(DenizenAPI.getCurrentInstance(), 1, 1); } // if (!Utilities.checkLocation(location, entity.getLocation(), 20)) { // TODO: generate waypoints to the target location? else { entity.teleport(location); } }
@Override public void onEnable() { Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, DenizenAPI.getCurrentInstance()); }
public boolean execute(ScriptEntry scriptEntry) { Matcher m; StringBuffer sb; if (scriptEntry.getCommandName().indexOf('%') != -1) { m = definition_pattern.matcher(scriptEntry.getCommandName()); sb = new StringBuffer(); while (m.find()) { String definition = scriptEntry.getResidingQueue().getDefinition(m.group(1)); if (definition == null) definition = "null"; m.appendReplacement(sb, definition); } m.appendTail(sb); scriptEntry.setCommandName(sb.toString()); } // Get the command instance ready for the execution of the scriptEntry AbstractCommand command = plugin.getCommandRegistry().get(scriptEntry.getCommandName()); if (command == null) { dB.echoDebug( scriptEntry, DebugElement.Header, "Executing command: " + scriptEntry.getCommandName()); dB.echoError( scriptEntry.getCommandName() + " is an invalid dCommand! Are you sure it loaded?"); dB.echoDebug(scriptEntry, DebugElement.Footer); return false; } // Debugger information if (scriptEntry.getPlayer() != null) dB.echoDebug( scriptEntry, DebugElement.Header, "Executing dCommand: " + scriptEntry.getCommandName() + "/" + scriptEntry.getPlayer().getName()); else dB.echoDebug( scriptEntry, DebugElement.Header, "Executing dCommand: " + scriptEntry.getCommandName() + (scriptEntry.getNPC() != null ? "/" + scriptEntry.getNPC().getName() : "")); // Don't execute() if problems arise in parseArgs() boolean keepGoing = true; try { // Throw exception if arguments are required for this command, but not supplied. if (command.getOptions().REQUIRED_ARGS > scriptEntry.getArguments().size()) throw new InvalidArgumentsException(""); if (scriptEntry.has_tags) scriptEntry.setArguments( TagManager.fillArguments( scriptEntry.getArguments(), scriptEntry, true)); // Replace tags /* If using NPC:# or PLAYER:Name arguments, these need to be changed out immediately because... * 1) Denizen/Player flags need the desired NPC/PLAYER before parseArgs's getFilledArguments() so that * the Player/Denizen flags will read from the correct Object. If using PLAYER or NPCID arguments, * the desired Objects are obviously not the same objects that were sent with the ScriptEntry. * 2) These arguments should be valid for EVERY ScriptCommand, so why not just take care of it * here, instead of requiring each command to take care of the argument. */ List<String> newArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); // Don't fill in tags if there were brackets detected.. // This means we're probably in a nested if. int nested_depth = 0; // Watch for IF command to avoid filling player and npc arguments // prematurely boolean if_ignore = false; for (aH.Argument arg : aH.interpret(scriptEntry.getArguments())) { if (arg.getValue().equals("{")) nested_depth++; if (arg.getValue().equals("}")) nested_depth--; // If nested, continue. if (nested_depth > 0) { newArgs.add(arg.raw_value); continue; } if (arg.raw_value.indexOf('%') != -1) { m = definition_pattern.matcher(arg.raw_value); sb = new StringBuffer(); while (m.find()) { String definition = scriptEntry.getResidingQueue().getDefinition(m.group(1)); if (definition == null) definition = "null"; m.appendReplacement(sb, definition); } m.appendTail(sb); arg = aH.Argument.valueOf(sb.toString()); } // If using IF, check if we've reached the command + args // so that we don't fill player: or npc: prematurely if (command.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("if") && DenizenAPI.getCurrentInstance().getCommandRegistry().get(arg.getValue()) != null) if_ignore = true; // Fill player/off-line player if (arg.matchesPrefix("player") && !if_ignore) { dB.echoDebug(scriptEntry, "...replacing the linked player with " + arg.getValue()); String value = TagManager.tag( scriptEntry.getPlayer(), scriptEntry.getNPC(), arg.getValue(), false, scriptEntry); dPlayer player = dPlayer.valueOf(value); if (player == null || !player.isValid()) { dB.echoError(value + " is an invalid player!"); return false; } scriptEntry.setPlayer(player); } // Fill NPCID/NPC argument else if (arg.matchesPrefix("npc, npcid") && !if_ignore) { dB.echoDebug(scriptEntry, "...replacing the linked NPC with " + arg.getValue()); String value = TagManager.tag( scriptEntry.getPlayer(), scriptEntry.getNPC(), arg.getValue(), false, scriptEntry); dNPC npc = dNPC.valueOf(value); if (npc == null || !npc.isValid()) { dB.echoError(value + " is an invalid NPC!"); return false; } scriptEntry.setNPC(npc); } // Save the scriptentry if needed later for fetching scriptentry context else if (arg.matchesPrefix("save") && !if_ignore) { dB.echoDebug(scriptEntry, "...remembering this script entry!"); scriptEntry.getResidingQueue().holdScriptEntry(arg.getValue(), scriptEntry); } else newArgs.add(arg.raw_value); } // Add the arguments back to the scriptEntry. scriptEntry.setArguments(newArgs); // Now process non-instant tags. if (scriptEntry.has_tags) scriptEntry.setArguments( TagManager.fillArguments(scriptEntry.getArguments(), scriptEntry, false)); // Parse the rest of the arguments for execution. command.parseArgs(scriptEntry); } catch (InvalidArgumentsException e) { keepGoing = false; // Give usage hint if InvalidArgumentsException was called. dB.echoError("Woah! Invalid arguments were specified!"); if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().length() > 0) dB.log( ChatColor.YELLOW + "+> MESSAGE follows: " + ChatColor.WHITE + "'" + e.getMessage() + "'"); dB.log("Usage: " + command.getUsageHint()); dB.echoDebug(scriptEntry, DebugElement.Footer); scriptEntry.setFinished(true); } catch (Exception e) { keepGoing = false; dB.echoError("Woah! An exception has been called with this command!"); dB.echoError(e); dB.echoDebug(scriptEntry, DebugElement.Footer); scriptEntry.setFinished(true); } finally { if (keepGoing) try { // Run the execute method in the command command.execute(scriptEntry); } catch (Exception e) { dB.echoError("Woah!! An exception has been called with this command!"); dB.echoError(e); scriptEntry.setFinished(true); } } return true; }
public static dNPCRegistry getCurrentInstance() { return DenizenAPI.getCurrentInstance().getNPCRegistry(); }
@Deprecated public boolean isInteracting() { if (!DenizenAPI._commandRegistry().get(EngageCommand.class).getEngaged(getCitizen())) return true; else return false; }
public static void follow( final Entity target, final Entity follower, final double speed, final double lead, final double maxRange, final boolean allowWander) { if (target == null || follower == null) return; final net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.Entity nmsEntityFollower = ((CraftEntity) follower).getHandle(); if (!(nmsEntityFollower instanceof EntityInsentient)) return; final EntityInsentient nmsFollower = (EntityInsentient) nmsEntityFollower; final NavigationAbstract followerNavigation = nmsFollower.getNavigation(); UUID uuid = follower.getUniqueId(); if (followTasks.containsKey(uuid)) followTasks.get(uuid).cancel(); final int locationNearInt = (int) Math.floor(lead); final boolean hasMax = maxRange > lead; followTasks.put( follower.getUniqueId(), new BukkitRunnable() { private boolean inRadius = false; public void run() { if (!target.isValid() || !follower.isValid()) { this.cancel(); } followerNavigation.a(2F); Location targetLocation = target.getLocation(); PathEntity path; if (hasMax && !Utilities.checkLocation(targetLocation, follower.getLocation(), maxRange) && !target.isDead() && target.isOnGround()) { if (!inRadius) { follower.teleport( Utilities.getWalkableLocationNear(targetLocation, locationNearInt)); } else { inRadius = false; path = followerNavigation.a( targetLocation.getX(), targetLocation.getY(), targetLocation.getZ()); if (path != null) { followerNavigation.a(path, 1D); followerNavigation.a(2D); } } } else if (!inRadius && !Utilities.checkLocation(targetLocation, follower.getLocation(), lead)) { path = followerNavigation.a( targetLocation.getX(), targetLocation.getY(), targetLocation.getZ()); if (path != null) { followerNavigation.a(path, 1D); followerNavigation.a(2D); } } else { inRadius = true; } if (inRadius && !allowWander) { followerNavigation.n(); } nmsFollower.getAttributeInstance(GenericAttributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).setValue(speed); } }.runTaskTimer(DenizenAPI.getCurrentInstance(), 0, 20)); }