private void recalculateMaxValues() {
      myIdxLeft = widestEditor(myLeftEditors);
      final Editor leftEditor = myLeftEditors.get(myIdxLeft);
      final int wholeWidth = leftEditor.getContentComponent().getWidth();
      final Rectangle va = leftEditor.getScrollingModel().getVisibleArea();
      final int visibleLeft = leftEditor.xyToVisualPosition(new Point(va.width, 0)).column;

      myMaxColumnsLeft = (int) (visibleLeft * ((double) wholeWidth / va.getWidth()));

      myIdxRight = widestEditor(myRightEditors);
      final Editor rightEditor = myRightEditors.get(myIdxRight);
      final int wholeWidthRight = rightEditor.getContentComponent().getWidth();
      final Rectangle vaRight = rightEditor.getScrollingModel().getVisibleArea();
      final int visibleRight = rightEditor.xyToVisualPosition(new Point(va.width, 0)).column;

      myMaxColumnsRight = (int) (visibleRight * ((double) wholeWidthRight / vaRight.getWidth()));

      myByLeft = !(myMaxColumnsLeft <= visibleLeft);
      if (!myByLeft) {
        // check right editor
        if (myLeftScroll.getVisibleAmount() != visibleRight) {
      } else {
        if (myLeftScroll.getVisibleAmount() != visibleLeft) {
   * @param x x coordinate in PDF units
   * @param y y coordinate in PDF units
   * @param centre if true, centre this location in the viewport, otherwise cause it to be displayed
   *     at the top left of the viewport.
  private void ensureVisible(PDFPage page, double x, double y, boolean centre) {
    PDFPage oldPage = view.getPage();
    Collection<PagePanel> oldPagePanels = view.getPagePanels();
    view.setPage(page, false);
    Rectangle pageRect = view.getPageRectangle(page);

    if (pageRect != null) {
      Rectangle2D crop = PagePanel.getFullPageView(page);
      int xoffset = pageRect.x, yoffset = pageRect.y;
      if (x > crop.getMinX()) { // Also confirms !NaN
        xoffset += pointsToPixels((float) (Math.min(crop.getMaxX(), x) - crop.getMinX()));
      if (y < crop.getMaxY()) { // Also confirms !NaN
        yoffset += pointsToPixels((float) (crop.getHeight() - Math.max(0, y - crop.getMinY())));

      JScrollBar hsb = scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar();
      JScrollBar vsb = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar();
      if (centre) {
        xoffset -= hsb.getVisibleAmount() / 2;
        yoffset -= vsb.getVisibleAmount() / 2;
      if (getPagePanel() != null && getPagePanel().getClip() != null) {
        hsb.setValue(xoffset); // Don't want to smooth scroll if we're clipping
        vsb.setValue(yoffset); // the page rectangles.
      } else {
        smoothScroll(xoffset, yoffset, hsb, vsb);
    if (page != oldPage) {
      DocumentPanel docpanel = getDocumentPanel();
      if (docpanel != null) {
        DocumentPanelEvent dpe = DocumentPanelEvent.createPageChanged(docpanel);
      Collection<PagePanel> newPagePanels = view.getPagePanels();
      for (Iterator<PagePanel> i = oldPagePanels.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        PagePanel oldPagePanel =;
        if (!newPagePanels.contains(oldPagePanel)) {
          oldPagePanel.raisePagePanelEvent(PagePanelEvent.createPageHidden(oldPagePanel, oldPage));
      for (Iterator<PagePanel> i = newPagePanels.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        PagePanel newPagePanel =;
        if (!oldPagePanels.contains(newPagePanel)) {
          newPagePanel.raisePagePanelEvent(PagePanelEvent.createPageVisible(newPagePanel, page));
Example #3
 private void formComponentResized(
     java.awt.event.ComponentEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_formComponentResized
   if (enBas) {
     JScrollBar scroll = jScrollPane1.getVerticalScrollBar();
     scroll.setValue(scroll.getMaximum() - scroll.getVisibleAmount());
 } // GEN-LAST:event_formComponentResized
  public void toChatScreen(String toScreen, boolean selfSeen)
      throws IOException, BadLocationException {
    // Timestamp ts = new Timestamp();
    String toScreenFinal = "";
    Date now = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
    SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm");
    String ts = format.format(now);

    // chatScreen.append(ts + " " + toScreen + "\n");
    toScreenFinal = "<font color=gray>" + ts + "</font> ";
    if (selfSeen) toScreenFinal = toScreenFinal + "<font color=red>" + toScreen + "</font>";
    else toScreenFinal = toScreenFinal + toScreen;

    // chatter.addTo(toScreen);

    // if(standardWindow) {
    //    chatScreen.setCaretPosition(chatScreen.getDocument().getLength());
    // }
    // else {
    JScrollBar vBar = scrollChat.getVerticalScrollBar();
    int vSize = vBar.getVisibleAmount();
    int maxVBar = vBar.getMaximum();
    int currVBar = vBar.getValue() + vSize;
    kit.insertHTML(doc, doc.getLength(), toScreenFinal, 0, 0, null);
    if (maxVBar == currVBar) {

    // }

    // kit.insertHTML(doc, doc.getLength(), toScreenFinal, 0, 0, null);

   * This method is used to append a line of text to be displayed.
   * @param text Is the text to be apppended
  private void append(final String text) {

    JScrollBar vertBar = this.scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar();

    if (vertBar.getValue() == vertBar.getMaximum() - vertBar.getVisibleAmount()) {
      this.autoscroll = true;
 public void showMessage(String message) {
   int x = frame.getX() + (frame.getWidth() - WIDTH) / 2,
       y = frame.getY() + (frame.getHeight() - HEIGHT) / 2;
   setLocation(x, y);
   textArea.append(message + "\n");
   int value = jsbar.getMaximum() - jsbar.getVisibleAmount();
   if (!isVisible()) {
Example #7
  public void ecrire(String s) {
    JScrollBar scroll = jScrollPane1.getVerticalScrollBar();
    scrollMax = scroll.getMaximum();
    scrollVisible = scroll.isShowing();

    if (scroll.getValue() + scroll.getVisibleAmount() == scrollMax) {
      // enBas = false;
      scrollAuto = true;
      // scrollMax = scroll.getMaximum();
    } else {
      enBas = false;
      scrollAuto = false;

    HTMLDocument d = (HTMLDocument) afficheurHTML.getStyledDocument();
    Element a = d.getParagraphElement(1);
    // Element a=d.getElement("conversation");
    try {
      if (!vide) {
        d.insertBeforeEnd(a, "<br />" + s);
      } else {
        d.insertBeforeEnd(a, s);
        vide = false;
    } catch (BadLocationException | IOException ex) {
      Logger.getLogger(FenetreJeu.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

     * if (enBas) { while (scroll.getMaximum() == scrollMax) { try {
     * Thread.sleep(5);
     * } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
     * Logger.getLogger(FenetreJeu.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null,
     * ex); } } scroll.setValue(scroll.getMaximum() -
     * scroll.getVisibleAmount()); }

     * if (jScrollPane1.getVerticalScrollBar().getValue() ==
     * jScrollPane1.getVerticalScrollBar().getMaximum()) {
     * afficheurHTML.setCaretPosition(afficheurHTML.getDocument().getLength());
     * }
    // System.out.println(afficheurHTML.getText());
    // System.out.println(jScrollPane1.getVerticalScrollBar().getMaximum());
 public void insert(final String text, final int pos) {
   final ScrollableJTextArea pane = getDelegate();
   synchronized (getDelegateLock()) {
     final JTextArea area = pane.getView();
     final boolean doScroll =
         pos >= area.getDocument().getLength() && area.getDocument().getLength() != 0;
     area.insert(text, pos);
     if (doScroll) {
       final JScrollBar vbar = pane.getVerticalScrollBar();
       if (vbar != null) {
         vbar.setValue(vbar.getMaximum() - vbar.getVisibleAmount());
Example #9
  private void displayMessages(boolean friendSignedOff) {
    String chatDoc =
            messages, currentChatState, conversationName, friendSignedOff);
    LOG.debugf("Chat doc: {0}", chatDoc);
    final JScrollBar verticalScrollBar = conversationScroll.getVerticalScrollBar();
    final int scrollValue = verticalScrollBar.getValue();

    // LWC-2262: If the scroll bar was moved above the bottom of the scrollpane, reset the value of
    // the bar to where it was before the text was updated.  This needs to be issued to the end of
    // the
    // queue because the actual repainting/resizing of the scrollbar happens later in a
    // task added to the EDT by the plaf listener of the editor's document.
    // A better fix for this behavior may be possible
    if (verticalScrollBar.getMaximum()
        > (scrollValue + verticalScrollBar.getVisibleAmount() + PADDING)) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
    } else {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {


Example #10
  protected void layoutHScrollbar(JScrollBar sb) {
    if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isLinuxStyleScrollBarOn()) {
      Dimension sbSize = sb.getSize();
      Insets sbInsets = sb.getInsets();
      int sizeW = sbSize.width - sbInsets.left - sbInsets.right;

       * Height and top edge of the buttons and thumb.
      int itemY =;
      int itemH = sbSize.height - ( + sbInsets.bottom); // Math.min(itemW, sizeH / 2);
      int itemW = Math.min(itemH, sizeW / 2); // sbSize.width - (sbInsets.left + sbInsets.right);

      /* Nominal locations of the buttons, assuming their preferred
       * size will fit.
      int decrButtonX = sbSize.width - sbInsets.right - itemW - itemW + 1;
      int incrButtonX = sbSize.width - sbInsets.right - itemW;

      /* Compute the width and origin of the thumb. The case
       * where the thumb is at the right edge is handled specially
       * to avoid numerical problems in computing thumbX.  Enforce
       * the thumbs min/max dimensions. If the thumb doesn't
       * fit in the track (trackW) we'll hide it later.
      float trackW = sbSize.width - sbInsets.left - sbInsets.right - itemH - itemH + 1;
      float min = sb.getMinimum();
      float max = sb.getMaximum();
      float extent = sb.getVisibleAmount();
      float range = max - min;
      float value = sb.getValue();

      int maxThumbW = getMaximumThumbSize().width;
      int minThumbW = getMinimumThumbSize().width;
      int thumbW = (range <= 0) ? maxThumbW : (int) (trackW * (extent / range));
      thumbW = Math.max(thumbW, minThumbW);
      thumbW = Math.min(thumbW, maxThumbW);

      int thumbX = decrButtonX - thumbW;
      if (value < (max - extent)) {
        float thumbRange = trackW - thumbW;
        thumbX = (int) (0.5f + (thumbRange * ((value - min) / (range - extent))));

      /* If the thumb isn't going to fit, zero it's bounds.  Otherwise
       * make sure it fits between the buttons.  Note that setting the
       * thumbs bounds will cause a repaint.
      if (thumbW > trackW) {
        setThumbBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);
      } else {
        setThumbBounds(thumbX, itemY, thumbW, itemH);
      decrButton.setBounds(decrButtonX, itemY, itemW, itemH);
      incrButton.setBounds(incrButtonX, itemY, itemW, itemH);

      /* Update the trackRect field.
      trackRect.setBounds(0, itemY, (int) trackW, itemH);

    } else {
Example #11
  protected void alternateLayoutVScrollbar(JScrollBar sb) {
    Dimension sbSize = sb.getSize();
    Insets sbInsets = sb.getInsets();

     * Width and left edge of the buttons and thumb.
    int itemW = sbSize.width - (sbInsets.left + sbInsets.right);
    int itemX = sbInsets.left;

    /* Nominal locations of the buttons, assuming their preferred
     * size will fit.
    int incrButtonH = incrButton.getPreferredSize().height;
    int incrButtonY = sbSize.height - (sbInsets.bottom + incrButtonH);

    int decrButtonH = decrButton.getPreferredSize().height;
    int decrButtonY = incrButtonY - decrButtonH;

    /* The thumb must fit within the height left over after we
     * subtract the preferredSize of the buttons and the insets.
    int sbInsetsH = + sbInsets.bottom;
    int sbButtonsH = decrButtonH + incrButtonH;
    float trackH = sbSize.height - (sbInsetsH + sbButtonsH);

    /* Compute the height and origin of the thumb.   The case
     * where the thumb is at the bottom edge is handled specially
     * to avoid numerical problems in computing thumbY.  Enforce
     * the thumbs min/max dimensions.  If the thumb doesn't
     * fit in the track (trackH) we'll hide it later.
    float min = sb.getMinimum();
    float extent = sb.getVisibleAmount();
    float range = sb.getMaximum() - min;
    float value = sb.getValue();

    int thumbH = (range <= 0) ? getMaximumThumbSize().height : (int) (trackH * (extent / range));
    thumbH = Math.max(thumbH, getMinimumThumbSize().height);
    thumbH = Math.min(thumbH, getMaximumThumbSize().height);

    int thumbY = decrButtonY - thumbH; // incrButtonY - thumbH;
    if (sb.getValue() < (sb.getMaximum() - sb.getVisibleAmount())) {
      float thumbRange = trackH - thumbH;
      thumbY = (int) (0.5f + (thumbRange * ((value - min) / (range - extent))));
      // thumbY +=  decrButtonY + decrButtonH;

    /* If the buttons don't fit, allocate half of the available
     * space to each and move the lower one (incrButton) down.
    int sbAvailButtonH = (sbSize.height - sbInsetsH);
    if (sbAvailButtonH < sbButtonsH) {
      incrButtonH = decrButtonH = sbAvailButtonH / 2;
      incrButtonY = sbSize.height - (sbInsets.bottom + incrButtonH);
    decrButton.setBounds(itemX, decrButtonY, itemW, decrButtonH);
    incrButton.setBounds(itemX, incrButtonY, itemW, incrButtonH);

    /* Update the trackRect field.
    int itrackY =;
    int itrackH = decrButtonY - itrackY;
    trackRect.setBounds(itemX, itrackY, itemW, itrackH);

    /* If the thumb isn't going to fit, zero it's bounds.  Otherwise
     * make sure it fits between the buttons.  Note that setting the
     * thumbs bounds will cause a repaint.
    if (thumbH >= (int) trackH) {
      setThumbBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);
    } else {
      if ((thumbY + thumbH) > decrButtonY) {
        thumbY = decrButtonY - thumbH;
      /*	    if (thumbY  < (decrButtonY + decrButtonH)) {
      thumbY = decrButtonY + decrButtonH + 1;
      setThumbBounds(itemX, thumbY, itemW, thumbH);
Example #12
  protected void alternateLayoutHScrollbar(JScrollBar sb) {
    Dimension sbSize = sb.getSize();
    Insets sbInsets = sb.getInsets();

    /* Height and top edge of the buttons and thumb.
    int itemH = sbSize.height - ( + sbInsets.bottom);
    int itemY =;

    /* Nominal locations of the buttons, assuming their preferred
     * size will fit.
    int incrButtonW = incrButton.getPreferredSize().width;
    int incrButtonX = sbSize.width - (sbInsets.right + incrButtonW);

    int decrButtonW = decrButton.getPreferredSize().width;
    int decrButtonX = incrButtonX - decrButtonW;

    /* The thumb must fit within the width left over after we
     * subtract the preferredSize of the buttons and the insets.
    int sbInsetsW = sbInsets.left + sbInsets.right;
    int sbButtonsW = decrButtonW + incrButtonW;
    float trackW = sbSize.width - (sbInsetsW + sbButtonsW);

    /* Compute the width and origin of the thumb.  Enforce
     * the thumbs min/max dimensions.  The case where the thumb
     * is at the right edge is handled specially to avoid numerical
     * problems in computing thumbX.  If the thumb doesn't
     * fit in the track (trackH) we'll hide it later.
    float min = sb.getMinimum();
    float extent = sb.getVisibleAmount();
    float range = sb.getMaximum() - min;
    float value = sb.getValue();

    int thumbW = (range <= 0) ? getMaximumThumbSize().width : (int) (trackW * (extent / range));
    thumbW = Math.max(thumbW, getMinimumThumbSize().width);
    thumbW = Math.min(thumbW, getMaximumThumbSize().width);

    int thumbX = decrButtonX - thumbW;
    if (sb.getValue() < (sb.getMaximum() - sb.getVisibleAmount())) {
      float thumbRange = trackW - thumbW;
      thumbX = (int) (0.5f + (thumbRange * ((value - min) / (range - extent))));
      // thumbX +=  decrButtonX + decrButtonW;

    /* If the buttons don't fit, allocate half of the available
     * space to each and move the right one (incrButton) over.
    int sbAvailButtonW = (sbSize.width - sbInsetsW);
    if (sbAvailButtonW < sbButtonsW) {
      incrButtonW = decrButtonW = sbAvailButtonW / 2;
      incrButtonX = sbSize.width - (sbInsets.right + incrButtonW);

    decrButton.setBounds(decrButtonX, itemY, decrButtonW, itemH);
    incrButton.setBounds(incrButtonX, itemY, incrButtonW, itemH);

    /* Update the trackRect field.
    int itrackX = sbInsets.left; // decrButtonX + decrButtonW;
    int itrackW = decrButtonX - itrackX;
    trackRect.setBounds(itrackX, itemY, itrackW, itemH);

    /* Make sure the thumb fits between the buttons.  Note
     * that setting the thumbs bounds causes a repaint.
    if (thumbW >= (int) trackW) {
      setThumbBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);
    } else {
      if (thumbX + thumbW > incrButtonX) {
        thumbX = incrButtonX - thumbW;
      /*if (thumbX  < decrButtonX + decrButtonW) {
      thumbX = decrButtonX + decrButtonW + 1;
      setThumbBounds(thumbX, itemY, thumbW, itemH);
 private Rectangle getClip() {
   JScrollBar hsb = scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar();
   JScrollBar vsb = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar();
   return new Rectangle(
       hsb.getValue(), vsb.getValue(), hsb.getVisibleAmount(), vsb.getVisibleAmount());
 private void scrollDown() {
   final JScrollBar v = sp.getVerticalScrollBar();
   v.setValue(v.getMaximum() - v.getVisibleAmount());