public void move(Path path, boolean checkStock) throws SOSActionException { if (!( instanceof Human)) { log().warn("can't use move in Center Agent " + me + "\n"); return; } if (path == null) { log().error("move to null??....doing random walk"); ((PlatoonAgent<?>) me).randomWalk(true); } log().debug("MOVE TO : " + path + "\n"); if (checkStock) checkStock(path); Point2D xy = path.getDestination().second(); me.informationStacker.addInfo(me.model(), new MoveAction(path)); me.send( new AKMove(me.getID(), me.model().time(), path.getIds(), (int) xy.getX(), (int) xy.getY())); throw new SOSActionException("MoveXY(" + path + ", " + xy + ")"); }
private void computeCenter(int[] apexes) { rescuecore2.geometry.Point2D p = SOSGeometryTools.computeCentroid(apexes); centerX = (int) p.getX(); centerY = (int) p.getY(); if (apexes.length < 6) return; try { Point2D point1 = null, point2 = null, middlePoint = null; ArrayList<rescuecore2.geometry.Point2D> twoPointOutOfLine = null; if (!contains(centerX, centerY)) { // if the point is not inside the polygon /////////////////////// finding a point inside polygon//////////////// FOR: for (int i = 0; i < apexes.length - 2; i += 2) { point1 = new rescuecore2.geometry.Point2D(apexes[i], apexes[i + 1]); point2 = new rescuecore2.geometry.Point2D(apexes[i + 2], apexes[i + 3]); middlePoint = new rescuecore2.geometry.Point2D( (apexes[i] + apexes[i + 2]) / 2, (apexes[i + 1] + apexes[i + 3]) / 2); twoPointOutOfLine = Utility.get2PointsAroundAPointOutOfLine(point1, point2, middlePoint, 2); for (rescuecore2.geometry.Point2D point2d : twoPointOutOfLine) { if (contains(point2d.getX(), point2d.getY())) { centerX = (int) point2d.getX(); centerY = (int) point2d.getY(); break FOR; } } } /* if (!contains(centerX, centerY)) {"SOS Shape", new ShapeDebugFrame.AWTShapeInfo(this, "apexes=" + Arrays.toString(apexes),, false), new ShapeDebugFrame.Point2DShapeInfo(point1, "Point 1",, true), new ShapeDebugFrame.Point2DShapeInfo(point2, "Point 2",, true), new ShapeDebugFrame.Point2DShapeInfo(middlePoint, "middlePoint",, true), new ShapeDebugFrame.Point2DShapeInfo(twoPointOutOfLine.get(0), "twoPointOutOfLine 1", Color.magenta, true), new ShapeDebugFrame.Point2DShapeInfo(twoPointOutOfLine.get(1), "twoPointOutOfLine 2",, true), new ShapeDebugFrame.DetailInfo("area:" + SOSGeometryTools.computeAreaUnsigned(apexes)) ); } */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " have error" + e.getMessage()); } }
@Override public int getWeightFromXYToXY(Area area, Point2D start, Point2D end) { int dstlength = ((int) start.distance(end)) / MoveConstants.DIVISION_UNIT; if (area instanceof Building || !area.isBlockadesDefined()) return dstlength; ReachablityState rs = Reachablity.isReachable((Road) area, start, end); switch (rs) { case Close: return MoveConstants.UNREACHABLE_COST_FOR_GRAPH_WEIGTHING; case FoggyClose: return dstlength * 5; case FoggyOpen: return dstlength * 2; default: return dstlength; } }
private void check2CycleStock() throws SOSActionException { CycleInformations cycleinfo1 = me.informationStacker.getInformations(1); CycleInformations cycleinfo2 = me.informationStacker.getInformations(2); if (!(cycleinfo1.getAct() instanceof MoveAction) || cycleinfo1.getAct() instanceof StockMoveAction) return; if (!(cycleinfo2.getAct() instanceof MoveAction) || cycleinfo1.getAct() instanceof StockMoveAction) return; Path path1 = ((MoveAction) cycleinfo1.getAct()).getPath(); // Path path2 = ((MoveAction) cycleinfo2.getAct()).getPath(); log().info("Two(2) cycle move ...."); log().debug("current position:" +; log().debug("1 cycle ago position:" + cycleinfo1.getPositionPair()); log().debug("2 cycle ago position:" + cycleinfo2.getPositionPair()); if (!cycleinfo1.getPositionPair().first().equals(cycleinfo2.getPositionPair().first())) return; if (!cycleinfo1.getPositionPair().first().equals( return; if (SOSGeometryTools.getDistance( cycleinfo1.getPositionPair().second(), cycleinfo2.getPositionPair().second()) > MoveConstants.TRAFFIC_CHECKING_DISTANCE) return; //////////////// Stock Occured log().debug("2 cycle stock occured!!!!!!!"); ArrayList<EntityID> entityPath = new ArrayList<EntityID>(); Area area =; log().debug("Current Position:" + area); entityPath.add(area.getID()); Edge ed; Area ne; if (path1.getIds().size() > 0 && !path1.getIds().get(0).equals(area.getID())) { ne = (Area) me.model().getEntity(path1.getIds().get(0)); ed = area.getEdgeTo(ne); } else if (path1.getIds().size() > 1 && path1.getIds().get(0).equals(area.getID())) { ne = (Area) me.model().getEntity(path1.getIds().get(1)); ed = area.getEdgeTo(ne); } else { ne = area.getNeighbours().get(0); ed = area.getEdgeTo(ne); } log().debug("ne:" + ne + " ed:" + ed + " last move path:" + path1); if (ed == null) { log().error("[Move]edge is null!!!!!some problem!!!!"); ne = area.getNeighbours().get(0); ed = area.getEdgeTo(ne); log().debug("changed!!!! ne:" + ne + " ed:" + ed + " last move path:" + path1); } Point2D destXYAPointNearEdge; if (ed != null) { // if (area instanceof Road) { Pair<Point2D, Point2D> points = getAPointInReachblePartEdges(area, ed); destXYAPointNearEdge = points.second(); // } else { // Line2D wallLine = ed.getLine();// new Line2D(edge.getStartX(), edge.getStartY(), // edge.getEndX() - edge.getStartX(), edge.getEndY() - edge.getStartY()); // // ppp.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Line2DShapeInfo(wallLine, "edge", Color.white.darker(), // false, false)); // Vector2D offset; // if (lastStockTime < me.time() - 4) { // if (AliGeometryTools.havecorrectDirection(area)) { // offset = wallLine.getDirection().getNormal().normalised().scale(1500); // } else { // offset = wallLine.getDirection().getNormal().normalised().scale(-1500); // } // } else { // if (!AliGeometryTools.havecorrectDirection(area)) { // offset = wallLine.getDirection().getNormal().normalised().scale(1500); // } else { // offset = wallLine.getDirection().getNormal().normalised().scale(-1500); // } // } // destXYAPointNearEdge = ed.getMidPoint().plus(offset); // } } else { log().error("[Move]edge is null!!!!!some problem!!!!"); destXYAPointNearEdge = area.getPositionPair().second(); } log().debug("dest area for stock:" + area + " dst point:" + destXYAPointNearEdge); me.send( new AKMove( me.getID(), me.time(), entityPath, (int) destXYAPointNearEdge.getX(), (int) destXYAPointNearEdge.getY())); Path path = new Path( null, null, entityPath,, new Pair<Area, Point2D>(area, destXYAPointNearEdge), false); me.informationStacker.addInfo(me.model(), new StockMoveAction(path)); // log().warn("Traffic Handeling should be change due to server doesn't support AKMotion"); lastStockTime = me.time(); throw new SOSActionException("Move Stock(" + area + " " + destXYAPointNearEdge + ")"); }
private void checkEarlyStock(Path path) throws SOSActionException { Area source =; if (me.informationStacker.getInformations(1).getAct() instanceof MoveAction && me.informationStacker.getInformations(1).getPositionPair().first() instanceof Building) { log() .debug( "last act is move and current position is in building ==> don't check early stock"); return; } if (me.informationStacker.getInformations(1).getAct() instanceof StockMoveAction) { log().debug("last act is stock move ==> don't check early stock"); return; } if (source instanceof Building) { log().debug("early stock detected!!! agent is in " + source); ArrayList<EntityID> entityPath = new ArrayList<EntityID>(); entityPath.add(source.getID()); Area second = null; Area third = null; if (path.getIds().size() > 0 && !path.getIds().get(0).equals(source.getID())) { second = (Area) me.model().getEntity(path.getIds().get(0)); if (path.getIds().size() > 1) third = (Area) me.model().getEntity(path.getIds().get(1)); } else if (path.getIds().size() > 1 && path.getIds().get(0).equals(source.getID())) { second = (Area) me.model().getEntity(path.getIds().get(1)); if (path.getIds().size() > 2) third = (Area) me.model().getEntity(path.getIds().get(2)); } else { log().warn("move path size is 0 can't checkEarlyStock!!!"); return; } if (second == null) { log().warn("second is null can't checkEarlyStock!!!"); return; } else { ArrayList<Edge> edges = second.getEdgesTo(source); int minDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (Edge edge : edges) { minDistance = (int) Math.min( minDistance, SOSGeometryTools.distance(edge,; } // Edge fedge = second.getEdgeTo(source); // if (SOSGeometryTools.distance(fedge, < // MoveConstants.ENTRACE_DISTANCE_MM+1000) // return; if (minDistance < MoveConstants.ENTRACE_DISTANCE_MM + 1000) { log().debug("I'm too neat to edge in building... no need to check early stock"); return; } entityPath.add(second.getID()); } if (third == null) { log().debug("Move path is too small!!! no need to early stock handle"); return; } else { Edge ed = second.getEdgeTo(third); Point2D destXYAPointNearEdge; if (ed != null) { Line2D wallLine = ed .getLine(); // new Line2D(edge.getStartX(), edge.getStartY(), edge.getEndX() - // edge.getStartX(), edge.getEndY() - edge.getStartY()); // ppp.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Line2DShapeInfo(wallLine, "edge", Color.white.darker(), // false, false)); Vector2D offset; if (AliGeometryTools.havecorrectDirection(second)) { offset = wallLine.getDirection().getNormal().normalised().scale(15); } else { offset = wallLine.getDirection().getNormal().normalised().scale(-15); } destXYAPointNearEdge = ed.getMidPoint().plus(offset); } else { log().error("[Move]edge is null!!!!!some problem!!!!"); destXYAPointNearEdge = second.getPositionPair().second(); } log() .debug( "source:" + source + " dest area for stock:" + second + " dst point:" + destXYAPointNearEdge); me.send( new AKMove( me.getID(), me.time(), entityPath, (int) destXYAPointNearEdge.getX(), (int) destXYAPointNearEdge.getY())); path = new Path( null, null, entityPath,, new Pair<Area, Point2D>(second, destXYAPointNearEdge), false); me.informationStacker.addInfo(me.model(), new StockMoveAction(path)); throw new SOSActionException( "Move Stock(" + source + "," + second + " " + destXYAPointNearEdge + ")"); } } }
@Override public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException { writeDouble(value.getX(), out); writeDouble(value.getY(), out); }
// Morteza2011***************************************************************** public static ArrayList<SOSArea> sortEdges( StandardEntity a, ArrayList<Edge> removedExtraEdgesBlock1, ArrayList<Edge> removedExtraEdgesBlock2, boolean setDirection) throws ReachablityException { ArrayList<SOSArea> areaList = new ArrayList<SOSArea>(); ArrayList<ArrayList<Edge>> edgeList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Edge>>(2); ArrayList<Edge> sortedEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>(); edgeList.add(new ArrayList<Edge>(removedExtraEdgesBlock1)); edgeList.add(new ArrayList<Edge>(removedExtraEdgesBlock2)); short index = 0; short[] indexes = {0, 0}; boolean firstTime = true; while (indexes[0] < edgeList.get(0).size() || indexes[1] < edgeList.get(1).size()) { Point2D start, end; if (indexes[0] < edgeList.get(0).size()) { start = edgeList.get(0).get(indexes[0]).getStart(); end = edgeList.get(0).get(indexes[0]).getEnd(); sortedEdges.add(edgeList.get(0).get(indexes[0])); indexes[0]++; index = 0; } else { start = edgeList.get(1).get(indexes[1]).getStart(); end = edgeList.get(1).get(indexes[1]).getEnd(); sortedEdges.add(edgeList.get(1).get(indexes[1])); indexes[1]++; index = 1; } while (!end.isEqualTo(start)) { if (indexes[index] < edgeList.get(index).size() && edgeList.get(index).get(indexes[index]).getStart().equals(end)) { sortedEdges.add(edgeList.get(index).get(indexes[index])); indexes[index]++; } else if (indexes[1 - index] < edgeList.get(1 - index).size() && edgeList.get(1 - index).get(indexes[1 - index]).getStart().equals(end)) { firstTime = false; index = (short) (1 - index); sortedEdges.add(edgeList.get(index).get(indexes[index])); indexes[index]++; } else { boolean found = false; index = (short) (1 - index); short listSize = (short) (edgeList.get(index).size() - indexes[index]); for (short i = 0; i < listSize; i++) { if (!edgeList.get(index).get(indexes[index]).getStart().equals(end)) { edgeList.get(index).add(edgeList.get(index).get(indexes[index])); indexes[index]++; } else { found = true; firstTime = false; break; } } if (!found) { if (areaList.size() == 0) { if (firstTime && !setDirection) { ArrayList<Edge> newList = new ArrayList<Edge>(removedExtraEdgesBlock2); setEqualDirection(newList); try { return sortEdges(a, removedExtraEdgesBlock1, newList, true); } catch (ReachablityException e) { throw new ReachablityException("need ReExpand!!!"); } } else throw new ReachablityException("need ReExpand!!!"); } else return areaList; } sortedEdges.add(edgeList.get(index).get(indexes[index])); indexes[index]++; } end = sortedEdges.get(sortedEdges.size() - 1).getEnd(); } SOSArea area = new SOSArea(sortedEdges); if (sortedEdges.size() > 2) areaList.add(area); sortedEdges.clear(); } if (edgeList.get(0).size() != indexes[0]) { log(a).warn("Sorting has been completed but 1List has elements yet!!!"); } if (edgeList.get(1).size() != indexes[1]) { log(a).warn("Sorting has been completed but 1List has elements yet!!!"); } return areaList; }