public static void convert( Element element, final Map<String, SmartRefElementPointer> persistentEntryPoints) { List content = element.getChildren(); for (final Object aContent : content) { Element entryElement = (Element) aContent; if (ENTRY_POINT_ATTR.equals(entryElement.getName())) { String fqName = entryElement.getAttributeValue(SmartRefElementPointerImpl.FQNAME_ATTR); final String type = entryElement.getAttributeValue(SmartRefElementPointerImpl.TYPE_ATTR); if (Comparing.strEqual(type, RefJavaManager.METHOD)) { int spaceIdx = fqName.indexOf(' '); int lastDotIdx = fqName.lastIndexOf('.'); int parenIndex = fqName.indexOf('('); while (lastDotIdx > parenIndex) lastDotIdx = fqName.lastIndexOf('.', lastDotIdx - 1); boolean notype = false; if (spaceIdx < 0 || spaceIdx + 1 > lastDotIdx || spaceIdx > parenIndex) { notype = true; } final String className = fqName.substring(notype ? 0 : spaceIdx + 1, lastDotIdx); final String methodSignature = notype ? fqName.substring(lastDotIdx + 1) : fqName.substring(0, spaceIdx) + ' ' + fqName.substring(lastDotIdx + 1); fqName = className + " " + methodSignature; } else if (Comparing.strEqual(type, RefJavaManager.FIELD)) { final int lastDotIdx = fqName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDotIdx > 0 && lastDotIdx < fqName.length() - 2) { String className = fqName.substring(0, lastDotIdx); String fieldName = fqName.substring(lastDotIdx + 1); fqName = className + " " + fieldName; } else { continue; } } SmartRefElementPointerImpl entryPoint = new SmartRefElementPointerImpl(type, fqName); persistentEntryPoints.put(entryPoint.getFQName(), entryPoint); } } }
public boolean equalsByActualOffset(@NotNull HighlightInfo info) { if (info == this) return true; return info.getSeverity() == getSeverity() && info.getActualStartOffset() == getActualStartOffset() && info.getActualEndOffset() == getActualEndOffset() && Comparing.equal(info.type, type) && Comparing.equal(info.gutterIconRenderer, gutterIconRenderer) && Comparing.equal(info.forcedTextAttributes, forcedTextAttributes) && Comparing.equal(info.forcedTextAttributesKey, forcedTextAttributesKey) && Comparing.strEqual(info.getDescription(), getDescription()); }
private void registerAdditionalIndentOptions(FileType fileType, IndentOptions options) { boolean exist = false; for (final FileType existing : myAdditionalIndentOptions.keySet()) { if (Comparing.strEqual(existing.getDefaultExtension(), fileType.getDefaultExtension())) { exist = true; break; } } if (!exist) { myAdditionalIndentOptions.put(fileType, options); } }
private static int getSeqNumber(@NotNull PsiClass aClass) { // sequence number of this class among its parent' child classes named the same PsiElement parent = aClass.getParent(); if (parent == null) return -1; int seqNo = 0; for (PsiElement child : parent.getChildren()) { if (child == aClass) return seqNo; if (child instanceof PsiClass && Comparing.strEqual(aClass.getName(), ((PsiClass) child).getName())) { seqNo++; } } return -1; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) return true; if (!(obj instanceof HighlightInfo)) return false; HighlightInfo info = (HighlightInfo) obj; return info.getSeverity() == getSeverity() && info.startOffset == startOffset && info.endOffset == endOffset && Comparing.equal(info.type, type) && Comparing.equal(info.gutterIconRenderer, gutterIconRenderer) && Comparing.equal(info.forcedTextAttributes, forcedTextAttributes) && Comparing.equal(info.forcedTextAttributesKey, forcedTextAttributesKey) && Comparing.strEqual(info.getDescription(), getDescription()); }
@SuppressWarnings({"HardCodedStringLiteral"}) public void loadState(Element element) { Element entryPointsElement = element.getChild("entry_points"); if (entryPointsElement != null) { final String version = entryPointsElement.getAttributeValue(VERSION_ATTR); if (!Comparing.strEqual(version, VERSION)) { convert(entryPointsElement, myPersistentEntryPoints); } else { List content = entryPointsElement.getChildren(); for (final Object aContent : content) { Element entryElement = (Element) aContent; if (ENTRY_POINT_ATTR.equals(entryElement.getName())) { SmartRefElementPointerImpl entryPoint = new SmartRefElementPointerImpl(entryElement); myPersistentEntryPoints.put(entryPoint.getFQName(), entryPoint); } } } } try { ADDITIONAL_ANNOTATIONS.readExternal(element); } catch (InvalidDataException ignored) { } }
public final void setSubId(@Nullable String subId) { if (Comparing.strEqual(mySubId, subId)) return; saveExpandedPaths(); mySubId = subId; }