public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof StructureViewTreeElementWrapper) { return Comparing.equal( unwrapValue(getValue()), unwrapValue(((StructureViewTreeElementWrapper) o).getValue())); } else if (o instanceof StructureViewTreeElement) { return Comparing.equal(unwrapValue(getValue()), ((StructureViewTreeElement) o).getValue()); } return false; }
public boolean equalsByActualOffset(@NotNull HighlightInfo info) { if (info == this) return true; return info.getSeverity() == getSeverity() && info.getActualStartOffset() == getActualStartOffset() && info.getActualEndOffset() == getActualEndOffset() && Comparing.equal(info.type, type) && Comparing.equal(info.gutterIconRenderer, gutterIconRenderer) && Comparing.equal(info.forcedTextAttributes, forcedTextAttributes) && Comparing.equal(info.forcedTextAttributesKey, forcedTextAttributesKey) && Comparing.strEqual(info.getDescription(), getDescription()); }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) return true; if (!(obj instanceof HighlightInfo)) return false; HighlightInfo info = (HighlightInfo) obj; return info.getSeverity() == getSeverity() && info.startOffset == startOffset && info.endOffset == endOffset && Comparing.equal(info.type, type) && Comparing.equal(info.gutterIconRenderer, gutterIconRenderer) && Comparing.equal(info.forcedTextAttributes, forcedTextAttributes) && Comparing.equal(info.forcedTextAttributesKey, forcedTextAttributesKey) && Comparing.strEqual(info.getDescription(), getDescription()); }
private static boolean addToPath( AbstractTreeNode<?> rootElement, Object element, ArrayList<AbstractTreeNode> result, Collection<Object> processedElements) { Object value = rootElement.getValue(); if (value instanceof StructureViewTreeElement) { value = ((StructureViewTreeElement) value).getValue(); } if (!processedElements.add(value)) { return false; } if (Comparing.equal(value, element)) { result.add(0, rootElement); return true; } Collection<? extends AbstractTreeNode> children = rootElement.getChildren(); for (AbstractTreeNode child : children) { if (addToPath(child, element, result, processedElements)) { result.add(0, rootElement); return true; } } return false; }
public XmlAttribute setAttribute(String name, String namespace, String value) throws IncorrectOperationException { if (!Comparing.equal(namespace, "")) { final String prefix = getPrefixByNamespace(namespace); if (prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0) name = prefix + ":" + name; } return setAttribute(name, value); }
@Nullable public XmlAttribute getAttribute(String qname) { if (qname == null) return null; final XmlAttribute[] attributes = getAttributes(); final boolean caseSensitive = isCaseSensitive(); for (final XmlAttribute attribute : attributes) { final LeafElement attrNameElement = (LeafElement) XmlChildRole.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_FINDER.findChild(attribute.getNode()); if (attrNameElement != null && (caseSensitive && Comparing.equal(attrNameElement.getChars(), qname) || !caseSensitive && Comparing.equal(attrNameElement.getChars(), qname, false))) { return attribute; } } return null; }
public static void convert( Element element, final Map<String, SmartRefElementPointer> persistentEntryPoints) { List content = element.getChildren(); for (final Object aContent : content) { Element entryElement = (Element) aContent; if (ENTRY_POINT_ATTR.equals(entryElement.getName())) { String fqName = entryElement.getAttributeValue(SmartRefElementPointerImpl.FQNAME_ATTR); final String type = entryElement.getAttributeValue(SmartRefElementPointerImpl.TYPE_ATTR); if (Comparing.strEqual(type, RefJavaManager.METHOD)) { int spaceIdx = fqName.indexOf(' '); int lastDotIdx = fqName.lastIndexOf('.'); int parenIndex = fqName.indexOf('('); while (lastDotIdx > parenIndex) lastDotIdx = fqName.lastIndexOf('.', lastDotIdx - 1); boolean notype = false; if (spaceIdx < 0 || spaceIdx + 1 > lastDotIdx || spaceIdx > parenIndex) { notype = true; } final String className = fqName.substring(notype ? 0 : spaceIdx + 1, lastDotIdx); final String methodSignature = notype ? fqName.substring(lastDotIdx + 1) : fqName.substring(0, spaceIdx) + ' ' + fqName.substring(lastDotIdx + 1); fqName = className + " " + methodSignature; } else if (Comparing.strEqual(type, RefJavaManager.FIELD)) { final int lastDotIdx = fqName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDotIdx > 0 && lastDotIdx < fqName.length() - 2) { String className = fqName.substring(0, lastDotIdx); String fieldName = fqName.substring(lastDotIdx + 1); fqName = className + " " + fieldName; } else { continue; } } SmartRefElementPointerImpl entryPoint = new SmartRefElementPointerImpl(type, fqName); persistentEntryPoints.put(entryPoint.getFQName(), entryPoint); } } }
public void refreshPresentation() { // 1. vertical 2. number of lines 3. soft wraps (4. ignore spaces) PresentationState current = new PresentationState(); if (myFragmentedContent != null && !Comparing.equal(myPresentationState, current)) { myFragmentedContent.recalculate(); refreshData(myFragmentedContent); } myPreviousDiff.registerCustomShortcutSet(myPreviousDiff.getShortcutSet(), myParent); myNextDiff.registerCustomShortcutSet(myNextDiff.getShortcutSet(), myParent); }
public Couple<String> setText(@Nullable final String text, @Nullable final String requestor) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(text) && !Comparing.equal(requestor, myCurrentRequestor) && !EventLog.LOG_REQUESTOR.equals(requestor)) { return Couple.of(myInfoPanel.getText(), myCurrentRequestor); } boolean logMode = myInfoPanel.updateText(EventLog.LOG_REQUESTOR.equals(requestor) ? "" : text); myCurrentRequestor = logMode ? EventLog.LOG_REQUESTOR : requestor; return Couple.of(text, requestor); }
public boolean equals(Object object) { if (!(object instanceof ActionUrl)) { return false; } ActionUrl url = (ActionUrl) object; Object comp = myComponent instanceof Pair ? ((Pair) myComponent).first : myComponent; Object thatComp = url.myComponent instanceof Pair ? ((Pair) url.myComponent).first : url.myComponent; return Comparing.equal(comp, thatComp) && myGroupPath.equals(url.myGroupPath) && myAbsolutePosition == url.getAbsolutePosition(); }
@Override public void visitReferenceExpression(final PsiReferenceExpression reference) { if (myLineRange.intersects(reference.getTextRange())) { final PsiElement psiElement = reference.resolve(); if (psiElement instanceof PsiVariable) { final PsiVariable var = (PsiVariable) psiElement; if (var instanceof PsiField) { if (myCollectExpressions && !DebuggerUtils.hasSideEffectsOrReferencesMissingVars( reference, myVisibleLocals)) { /* if (var instanceof PsiEnumConstant && reference.getQualifier() == null) { final PsiClass enumClass = ((PsiEnumConstant)var).getContainingClass(); if (enumClass != null) { final PsiExpression expression = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(var.getProject()).getParserFacade().createExpressionFromText(enumClass.getName() + "." + var.getName(), var); final PsiReference ref = expression.getReference(); if (ref != null) { ref.bindToElement(var); myExpressions.add(new TextWithImportsImpl(expression)); } } } else { myExpressions.add(new TextWithImportsImpl(reference)); } */ final PsiModifierList modifierList = var.getModifierList(); boolean isConstant = (var instanceof PsiEnumConstant) || (modifierList != null && modifierList.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.STATIC) && modifierList.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.FINAL)); if (!isConstant) { myExpressions.add(new TextWithImportsImpl(reference)); } } } else { if (myVisibleLocals.contains(var.getName())) { myVars.add(var.getName()); } else { // fix for variables used in inner classes if (!Comparing.equal( PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(reference, PsiClass.class), PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(var, PsiClass.class))) { myExpressions.add(new TextWithImportsImpl(reference)); } } } } } super.visitReferenceExpression(reference); }
@Nullable private VirtualFile findNextFile(final VirtualFile file) { final EditorWindow[] windows = getWindows(); // TODO: use current file as base for (int i = 0; i != windows.length; ++i) { final VirtualFile[] files = windows[i].getFiles(); for (final VirtualFile fileAt : files) { if (!Comparing.equal(fileAt, file)) { return fileAt; } } } return null; }
private void registerAdditionalIndentOptions(FileType fileType, IndentOptions options) { boolean exist = false; for (final FileType existing : myAdditionalIndentOptions.keySet()) { if (Comparing.strEqual(existing.getDefaultExtension(), fileType.getDefaultExtension())) { exist = true; break; } } if (!exist) { myAdditionalIndentOptions.put(fileType, options); } }
private static int getSeqNumber(@NotNull PsiClass aClass) { // sequence number of this class among its parent' child classes named the same PsiElement parent = aClass.getParent(); if (parent == null) return -1; int seqNo = 0; for (PsiElement child : parent.getChildren()) { if (child == aClass) return seqNo; if (child instanceof PsiClass && Comparing.strEqual(aClass.getName(), ((PsiClass) child).getName())) { seqNo++; } } return -1; }
private void closeEditor() { boolean unsplit = false; if (mySplittedWindow != null && !mySplittedWindow.isDisposed()) { final EditorWithProviderComposite[] editors = mySplittedWindow.getEditors(); if (editors.length == 1 && Comparing.equal(editors[0].getFile(), myNewVirtualFile)) { unsplit = true; } } FileEditorManager.getInstance(myProject).closeFile(myNewVirtualFile); if (unsplit) { for (EditorWindow editorWindow : mySplittedWindow.findSiblings()) { editorWindow.unsplit(true); } } }
@NotNull public VirtualFile[] getSelectedFiles() { final Set<VirtualFile> files = new ArrayListSet<VirtualFile>(); for (final EditorWindow window : myWindows) { final VirtualFile file = window.getSelectedFile(); if (file != null) { files.add(file); } } final VirtualFile[] virtualFiles = VfsUtilCore.toVirtualFileArray(files); final VirtualFile currentFile = getCurrentFile(); if (currentFile != null) { for (int i = 0; i != virtualFiles.length; ++i) { if (Comparing.equal(virtualFiles[i], currentFile)) { virtualFiles[i] = virtualFiles[0]; virtualFiles[0] = currentFile; break; } } } return virtualFiles; }
@Override public Component getTableCellRendererComponent( JTable table, Object value, boolean selected, boolean focused, int row, int column) { RendererComponent panel = getEditorPanel(table); EditorEx editor = panel.getEditor(); editor.getColorsScheme().setEditorFontSize(table.getFont().getSize()); editor .getColorsScheme() .setColor(EditorColors.SELECTION_BACKGROUND_COLOR, table.getSelectionBackground()); editor .getColorsScheme() .setColor(EditorColors.SELECTION_FOREGROUND_COLOR, table.getSelectionForeground()); editor.setBackgroundColor(selected ? table.getSelectionBackground() : table.getBackground()); panel.setSelected(!Comparing.equal(editor.getBackgroundColor(), table.getBackground())); panel.setBorder( null); // prevents double border painting when ExtendedItemRendererComponentWrapper is used customizeEditor(editor, table, value, selected, row, column); return panel; }
@SuppressWarnings({"HardCodedStringLiteral"}) public void loadState(Element element) { Element entryPointsElement = element.getChild("entry_points"); if (entryPointsElement != null) { final String version = entryPointsElement.getAttributeValue(VERSION_ATTR); if (!Comparing.strEqual(version, VERSION)) { convert(entryPointsElement, myPersistentEntryPoints); } else { List content = entryPointsElement.getChildren(); for (final Object aContent : content) { Element entryElement = (Element) aContent; if (ENTRY_POINT_ATTR.equals(entryElement.getName())) { SmartRefElementPointerImpl entryPoint = new SmartRefElementPointerImpl(entryElement); myPersistentEntryPoints.put(entryPoint.getFQName(), entryPoint); } } } } try { ADDITIONAL_ANNOTATIONS.readExternal(element); } catch (InvalidDataException ignored) { } }
private static boolean compareParamTypes( @NotNull PsiManager manager, @NotNull PsiType type1, @NotNull PsiType type2) { if (type1 instanceof PsiArrayType) { return type2 instanceof PsiArrayType && compareParamTypes( manager, ((PsiArrayType) type1).getComponentType(), ((PsiArrayType) type2).getComponentType()); } if (!(type1 instanceof PsiClassType) || !(type2 instanceof PsiClassType)) { return type1.equals(type2); } PsiClass class1 = ((PsiClassType) type1).resolve(); PsiClass class2 = ((PsiClassType) type2).resolve(); if (class1 instanceof PsiTypeParameter && class2 instanceof PsiTypeParameter) { return Comparing.equal(class1.getName(), class2.getName()) && ((PsiTypeParameter) class1).getIndex() == ((PsiTypeParameter) class2).getIndex(); } return manager.areElementsEquivalent(class1, class2); }
public boolean matchedWith(NodeDescriptor nodeDescriptor) { return Comparing.equal(myItemId, getDescriptorKey(nodeDescriptor)) && Comparing.equal(myItemType, getDescriptorType(nodeDescriptor)); }
private boolean isJDKChanged(final Sdk newJDK) { if (mySdk == null && newJDK == null) return false; return mySdk == null || newJDK == null || !Comparing.equal(mySdk.getVersionString(), newJDK.getVersionString()); }
public ApplicationImpl( boolean isInternal, boolean isUnitTestMode, boolean isHeadless, boolean isCommandLine, @NotNull String appName) { super(null); getPicoContainer().registerComponentInstance(Application.class, this); CommonBundle.assertKeyIsFound = isUnitTestMode; if ((isInternal || isUnitTestMode) && !Comparing.equal("off", System.getProperty("idea.disposer.debug"))) { Disposer.setDebugMode(true); } myStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); myName = appName; ApplicationManagerEx.setApplication(this); PluginsFacade.INSTANCE = new PluginsFacade() { public IdeaPluginDescriptor getPlugin(PluginId id) { return PluginManager.getPlugin(id); } public IdeaPluginDescriptor[] getPlugins() { return PluginManager.getPlugins(); } }; if (!isUnitTestMode && !isHeadless) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().push(IdeEventQueue.getInstance()); if (Patches.SUN_BUG_ID_6209673) { RepaintManager.setCurrentManager(new IdeRepaintManager()); } IconLoader.activate(); } myIsInternal = isInternal; myTestModeFlag = isUnitTestMode; myHeadlessMode = isHeadless; myCommandLineMode = isCommandLine; loadApplicationComponents(); if (myTestModeFlag) { registerShutdownHook(); } if (!isUnitTestMode && !isHeadless) { Disposer.register(this, Disposer.newDisposable(), "ui"); StartupUtil.addExternalInstanceListener( new Consumer<List<String>>() { @Override public void consume(final List<String> args) { invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final Project project = CommandLineProcessor.processExternalCommandLine(args); final IdeFrame frame; if (project != null) { frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getIdeFrame(project); } else { frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getAllFrames()[0]; } ((IdeFrameImpl) frame).requestFocus(); } }); } }); } final String s = System.getProperty("jb.restart.code"); if (s != null) { try { myRestartCode = Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) { } } }
public void applyThreadFilter( @NotNull final DebugProcessImpl debugProcess, @Nullable ThreadReference newFilterThread) { final RequestManagerImpl requestManager = debugProcess.getRequestsManager(); final ThreadReference oldFilterThread = requestManager.getFilterThread(); if (Comparing.equal(newFilterThread, oldFilterThread)) { // the filter already added return; } requestManager.setFilterThread(newFilterThread); if (newFilterThread == null || oldFilterThread != null) { final List<Breakpoint> breakpoints = getBreakpoints(); for (Breakpoint breakpoint : breakpoints) { if (LineBreakpoint.CATEGORY.equals(breakpoint.getCategory()) || MethodBreakpoint.CATEGORY.equals(breakpoint.getCategory())) { requestManager.deleteRequest(breakpoint); breakpoint.createRequest(debugProcess); } } } else { // important! need to add filter to _existing_ requests, otherwise Requestor->Request mapping // will be lost // and debugger trees will not be restored to original state abstract class FilterSetter<T extends EventRequest> { void applyFilter(@NotNull final List<T> requests, final ThreadReference thread) { for (T request : requests) { try { final boolean wasEnabled = request.isEnabled(); if (wasEnabled) { request.disable(); } addFilter(request, thread); if (wasEnabled) { request.enable(); } } catch (InternalException e) {; } } } protected abstract void addFilter(final T request, final ThreadReference thread); } final EventRequestManager eventRequestManager = requestManager.getVMRequestManager(); new FilterSetter<BreakpointRequest>() { @Override protected void addFilter( @NotNull final BreakpointRequest request, final ThreadReference thread) { request.addThreadFilter(thread); } }.applyFilter(eventRequestManager.breakpointRequests(), newFilterThread); new FilterSetter<MethodEntryRequest>() { @Override protected void addFilter( @NotNull final MethodEntryRequest request, final ThreadReference thread) { request.addThreadFilter(thread); } }.applyFilter(eventRequestManager.methodEntryRequests(), newFilterThread); new FilterSetter<MethodExitRequest>() { @Override protected void addFilter( @NotNull final MethodExitRequest request, final ThreadReference thread) { request.addThreadFilter(thread); } }.applyFilter(eventRequestManager.methodExitRequests(), newFilterThread); } }
public ApplicationImpl( boolean isInternal, boolean isUnitTestMode, boolean isHeadless, boolean isCommandLine, @NotNull String appName, Splash splash) { super(null); ApplicationManagerEx.setApplication( this, myLastDisposable); // reset back to null only when all components already disposed getPicoContainer().registerComponentInstance(Application.class, this); CommonBundle.assertKeyIsFound = isUnitTestMode; AWTExceptionHandler.register(); // do not crash AWT on exceptions if ((isInternal || isUnitTestMode) && !Comparing.equal("off", System.getProperty("idea.disposer.debug"))) { Disposer.setDebugMode(true); } myStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); mySplash = splash; myName = appName; PluginsFacade.INSTANCE = new PluginsFacade() { public IdeaPluginDescriptor getPlugin(PluginId id) { return PluginManager.getPlugin(id); } public IdeaPluginDescriptor[] getPlugins() { return PluginManager.getPlugins(); } }; myIsInternal = isInternal; myTestModeFlag = isUnitTestMode; myHeadlessMode = isHeadless; myCommandLineMode = isCommandLine; myDoNotSave = myTestModeFlag || myHeadlessMode; loadApplicationComponents(); if (myTestModeFlag) { registerShutdownHook(); } if (!isUnitTestMode && !isHeadless) { Disposer.register(this, Disposer.newDisposable(), "ui"); StartupUtil.addExternalInstanceListener( new Consumer<List<String>>() { @Override public void consume(final List<String> args) { invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final Project project = CommandLineProcessor.processExternalCommandLine(args); final IdeFrame frame; if (project != null) { frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getIdeFrame(project); } else { frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getAllFrames()[0]; } ((IdeFrameImpl) frame).requestFocus(); } }); } }); } final String s = System.getProperty("jb.restart.code"); if (s != null) { try { myRestartCode = Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) { } } registerFont("/fonts/Inconsolata.ttf"); }
public final void setSubId(@Nullable String subId) { if (Comparing.strEqual(mySubId, subId)) return; saveExpandedPaths(); mySubId = subId; }