/** Checks of the player hits a stone wall or a door. */
  boolean checkCollision() {

    return dukeSprite.collidesWith(myWalls, true);
   * respond to keystrokes by deciding where to move and then moving the pieces and the view window
   * correspondingly.
  public void requestMove(int hdirection, int vdirection) {
    // vdirection < 0 indicates that the user has
    // pressed the UP button and would like to jump.
    // therefore, if we're not currently jumping,
    // we begin the jump.
    if ((myIsJumping == NO_JUMP) && (vdirection < 0)) {
    } else if (myIsJumping == NO_JUMP) {
      // if we're not jumping at all, we need to check
      // if the duke should be falling:
      // we (temporarily) move the duke down and see if that
      // causes a collision with the floor:
      dukeSprite.move(0, 1);
      // if the duke can move down without colliding
      // with the floor, then we set the duke to
      // be falling.  The variable myIsJumping starts
      // negative while the duke is jumping up and
      // is zero or positive when the duke is coming
      // back down.  We therefore set myIsJumping to
      // zero to indicate that the duke should start
      // falling.
      if (!checkCollision()) {
        myIsJumping = 0;
      // we move the duke Sprite back to the correct
      // position she was at before we (temporarily) moved
      // her down to see if she would fall.
      dukeSprite.move(0, -1);
    // if the duke is currently jumping or falling,
    // advance the jump (change the vertical distance
    // the duke is supposed to move)
    if ((myIsJumping <= MAX_FREE_FALL) && (myIsJumping != NO_JUMP)) {
    // also accellerate the horizontal motion if the duke
    // runs runs in the same horizontal direction for more than
    // one game tick:
    // But don't accellerate past the maximum speed:
    if (myIsRunning > MAX_SPEED) {
      myIsRunning = MAX_SPEED;
    int horizontal = MOVE_LENGTH * myIsRunning;
    // if the duke is currently jumping or falling,
    // we calculate the vertical distance she should move.
    // This is a parabola given by y = (x*x) * (a + b/c)
    // where x is how far we have advanced in the jump
    // or fall (myIsJumping), and a, b, and c are constants
    // based on the screen size. (The actual values are
    // read from a properties file and were originally
    // computed through trial and error.)
    int vertical = 0;
    if (myIsJumping != NO_JUMP) {
      vertical =
          myIsJumping * myIsJumping * JUMP_INT
              + (myIsJumping * myIsJumping * JUMP_FRAC_NUM) / JUMP_FRAC_DENOM;
      // for the first half of the jump we go up,
      // then for the second half go down:
      if (myIsJumping < 0) {
        vdirection = -1;
      } else {
        vdirection = 1;
    // set the sprite to the correct frame based
    // on the duke's current motion:
    updateSprite(hdirection, vdirection);
    boolean vcrash = false;
    boolean hcrash = false;
    // now calculate the motion one pixel at a time
    // (vertically then horizontally) to see precisely
    // how far the duke can move in each of the
    // requested directions:
    while ((vertical >= 1 && !vcrash) || (horizontal >= 1 && !hcrash)) {
      dukeSprite.move(0, vdirection);
      if (checkCollision()) {
        dukeSprite.move(0, -vdirection);
        vcrash = true;
      } else {
        vertical -= 1;
        vcrash = false;
        myViewWindowY += vdirection;
      dukeSprite.move(MOVE_BUFFER * hdirection, 0);
      if (checkCollision()) {
        dukeSprite.move(-MOVE_BUFFER * hdirection, 0);
        hcrash = true;
      } else {
        dukeSprite.move(-MOVE_BUFFER * hdirection, 0);
        dukeSprite.move(hdirection, 0);
        horizontal -= 1;
        hcrash = false;
        myViewWindowX += hdirection;
    // If the duke is blocked vertically,
    // then the jump or fall in progress stops:
    if (vcrash) {
      myIsJumping = NO_JUMP;
    // If the duke is blocked horizontally,
    // forget any horizontal accelleration:
    if (hcrash) {
      myIsRunning = 0;

    if (dukeSprite.collidesWith(jamesSprite, true)) {