public GameMenu(GameMain midlet_ /*,ConnectionServer conn_,RoleDataValue roleData_*/) { // true->使用GameAction(boolean suppressKeyEvents) , false->不使用GameAction(boolean // suppressKeyEvents) super(false); // 使用全螢幕 setFullScreenMode(true); midlet = midlet_; // music = music_; // roleData = roleData_; display = midlet.getDisplay(); layMa = new LayerManager(); spInterface = new Sprite(createImage("/image/gameInterface/inface.png"), bgWidth, bgHeight); spName = new Sprite(createImage("/image/gameInterface/Title.png"), 84, 15); menustate = 0; menuNum = 3; // setFullScreenMode(true); g = getGraphics(); /*if(!(getWidth()<176) || !(getHeight()<208)){ disWidth = (getWidth()-176)/2;//抓取螢幕的中心點 disHeight = (getHeight()-208)/2;//抓取螢幕的中心點 }*/ // 設定Sprite位置 spName.setPosition(80, 20); spInterface.setPosition(0, 0); // 加入到LayerManager layMa.append(spName); spName.setVisible(false); layMa.append(spInterface); spInterface.setFrame(0); System.out.println("start"); start(); }
/** * Metoda wyswietlajaca okreg obrazujacy postep wykrywania urzadzen * * @param g Referencja do obiektu klasy Graphics, ktory pozwala na narysowanie pasku postepu * @param progress Liczba z zakresu 0 - 359: zakres luku */ public void showInquiryProgress(Graphics g, int progress) { int c = g.getColor(); g.setColor(255, 255, 255); g.drawArc(screenWidth - 25, screenHeight - 57, 10, 16, 0, progress); g.setColor(c); bluetoothLogoSmallSprite.setPosition(screenWidth - 24, screenHeight - 56); bluetoothLogoSmallSprite.paint(g); }
private int[] getDiceX() { int w = getWidth(); int diceWidth = red_dice.getWidth(); int ax = w / 2 - MoveDialog.distanceFromCenter - diceWidth / 2; int dx = w / 2 + MoveDialog.distanceFromCenter - diceWidth / 2; return new int[] {ax, dx}; }
public void run() { try { if (init) { Thread.sleep(500); disWidth = (getWidth() - 176) / 2; // 抓取螢幕的中心點 disHeight = (getHeight() - 208) / 2; // 抓取螢幕的中心點 drawDisplay(); systemShowInf("建立資料庫..."); new DataBaseWrite(); systemShowInf("設定音樂..."); = new BackupMusic(); music =; systemShowInf("設定遊戲環境..."); GameMain.roleData = new RoleDataValue(); roleData = GameMain.roleData; GameMain.gaminf = new GameInfString();"1"); spInterface.setFrame(1); drawDisplay(); changeMeun(); init = false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/* * 图片特旋转 */ public Image effect_rotate(Image src, int direction) { Sprite sprite = new Sprite(src); switch (direction) { case 1: sprite.setTransform(sprite.TRANS_ROT270); break; case 2: sprite.setTransform(sprite.TRANS_ROT90); break; } Image temp = Image.createImage(src.getHeight(), src.getWidth()); Graphics g = temp.getGraphics(); sprite.setPosition(0, 0); sprite.paint(g); return temp; }
/** * Set up all of the data. * * <p>This is called from a separate init method in order to limit the amount of resource loading * that is done by the thread that called the startApp method. */ public void init() throws Exception { // TODO: [Exercise 3][step 1] - initialization code. Please, don't forget to fix the missing // imports and fields mazeDesign = new MazeGameDesign(); // [Exercise3] jamesSprite = mazeDesign.getJamesS(); // [Exercise3] dukeSprite = mazeDesign.getDukeS(); // [Exercise3] dukeSprite.defineReferencePixel(dukeSprite.getWidth() / 2, 0); // [Exercise3] dukeSpriteAnimator = new SpriteAnimationTask(dukeSprite, false); // [Exercise3] myWalls = mazeDesign.getMaze1(); // [Exercise3] mazeDesign.updateLayerManagerForLevel1(this); // [Exercise3] timer = new Timer(); // [Exercise3] timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(dukeSpriteAnimator, 0, mazeDesign.dukeSseq001Delay); // [Exercise3] // this sets the view screen so that the player is // in the center. myViewWindowX = dukeSprite.getX() - ((DISP_HEIGHT - SQUARE_WIDTH) / 2); myViewWindowY = dukeSprite.getY() - ((DISP_HEIGHT - SQUARE_WIDTH) / 2); System.gc(); }
public boolean animate(Graphics g) { if (animatedOnce) { if (frameSkipRate == 0) { sprite.nextFrame(); } else { frameCurrent++; if (frameCurrent > 1000) frameCurrent = 0; if (frameCurrent % frameSkipRate == 0) sprite.nextFrame(); } } else { animatedOnce = true; } sprite.paint(g); if (sprite.getFrame() == endFrame) { executeCustomMethods(); return false; } return true; }
public int insideButton(int x, int y) { // <copy-pasta> int imageAreaHeight = getImageAreaHeight(); int heightOfComponents = ((MoveDialog.DialogLayout) getContentPane().getLayout()) .getHeightOfComponents(getContentPane()); // this is the MIDDLE of the images area int xOffset = getContentPane().getWidth() / 2; int yOffset = (getContentPane().getHeight() - heightOfComponents) / 2 + imageAreaHeight / 4 + getContentPane().getY(); int y1 = yOffset + imageAreaHeight / 4; // top of dice int y2 = y1 + red_dice.getHeight() + XULLoader.adjustSizeToDensity(2); int y3 = y2 + red_dice.getHeight() + XULLoader.adjustSizeToDensity(2); // </copy-pasta> int[] diceXs = getDiceX(); int ax = diceXs[0], dx = diceXs[1]; int W = red_dice.getWidth(); int H = red_dice.getHeight(); if (x >= ax && x < (ax + W) && y >= y1 && y < (y1 + H)) { return 1; } else if (x >= ax && x < (ax + W) && y >= y2 && y < (y2 + H)) { return 2; } else if (x >= ax && x < (ax + W) && y >= y3 && y < (y3 + H)) { return 3; } else if (x >= dx && x < (dx + W) && y >= y1 && y < (y1 + H)) { return 4; } else if (x >= dx && x < (dx + W) && y >= y2 && y < (y2 + H)) { return 5; } else if (x >= dx && x < (dx + W) && y >= y3 && y < (y3 + H)) { return 6; } return 0; }
/** * Metoda wczytujaca obrazki z zasobow i tworzaca tlo oraz ikony * * @throws IOException */ public void loadResources() throws IOException { int i, j; Image image = Image.createImage("/res/layer.png"); // wczytanie obrazku tla Image iconsImage = Image.createImage("/res/icons.png"); // wczytanie obrazu przechowujacego ikony przyciskow Image logoImage = Image.createImage( "/res/blue_logo_small.png"); // wczytanie obrazku przechowujacego male logo Bluetooth int rows = getHeight() / 16; int cols = getWidth() / 16; backgroundLayer = new TiledLayer(cols, rows, image, 16, 16); backgroundLayer.setCell(0, 0, 3); for (i = 0; i < cols - 2; i++) backgroundLayer.setCell(i + 1, 0, 2); backgroundLayer.setCell(cols - 1, 0, 1); for (i = 1; i < rows - 1; i++) { backgroundLayer.setCell(0, i, 4); backgroundLayer.setCell(cols - 1, i, 8); } backgroundLayer.setCell(0, rows - 1, 5); for (i = 0; i < cols - 2; i++) backgroundLayer.setCell(i + 1, rows - 1, 6); backgroundLayer.setCell(cols - 1, rows - 1, 7); for (i = 1; i < cols - 1; i++) for (j = 1; j < rows - 1; j++) backgroundLayer.setCell(i, j, 9); backgroundLayer.setPosition( (getWidth() % 16) / 2, (getHeight() % 16) / 2); // przesuniecie utworzonej warstwy na srodek wyswietlacza playPauseSprite = new Sprite(iconsImage, 32, 32); playPauseSprite.setFrame(PLAY_ICON); nextSprite = new Sprite(iconsImage, 32, 32); nextSprite.setFrame(NEXT_ICON); // ustawienie sprite'a tak, aby wyswietlal ikone 'Next' previousSprite = new Sprite(iconsImage, 32, 32); previousSprite.setFrame( PREVIOUS_ICON); // ustawienie sprite'a tak, aby wyswietlal ikone 'Previous' bluetoothLogoSmallSprite = new Sprite(logoImage, 8, 14); }
public void drawButton(GuiButton selectedButton) { if (!drawButton) { if (!Touch.isInputHandled() && Touch.isPressed() && checkPoint(Touch.getX(), Touch.getY())) { Touch.setInputHandled(); } return; } if (getButtonImage() != buttonImage) { initButtonSprite(); } boolean flag = false; if ((!Touch.isInputHandled() || cc.currentScreen == null) && Touch.isPressed() && checkPoint(Touch.getX(), Touch.getY())) { flag = true; } else if (selectedButton == this) { flag = true; } int i = getHooverState(flag); int y = yPos; if (selectedButton != null && selectedButton.yPos + selectedButton.getHeight() > Comcraft.screenHeight) { y -= selectedButton.yPos + selectedButton.getHeight() - Comcraft.screenHeight + 10; } buttonSprite.setPosition(xPos, y); buttonSprite.setFrame(i); buttonSprite.paint(cc.g); drawButtonString(flag, y); }
public void drawDice(boolean isAttacker, int result, int dx, int dy, Graphics2D g) { g.translate(dx, dy); if (isAttacker) { g.drawSprite(red_dice, DICE_NORMAL, 0, 0); } else { g.drawSprite(blue_dice, DICE_NORMAL, 0, 0); } int w = red_dice.getWidth(); int size = (int) (w / (29D / 3D) + 0.5); int close = (int) (w / (29D / 7D) + 0.5); int middle = (w - size) / 2; int far = w - close - size; g.setColor(0xC8FFFFFF); if (result == 0) { g.fillOval(middle, middle, size, size); } else if (result == 1) { g.fillOval(close, close, size, size); g.fillOval(far, far, size, size); } else if (result == 2) { g.fillOval(close, close, size, size); g.fillOval(middle, middle, size, size); g.fillOval(far, far, size, size); } else if (result == 3) { g.fillOval(close, close, size, size); g.fillOval(far, close, size, size); g.fillOval(far, far, size, size); g.fillOval(close, far, size, size); } else if (result == 4) { g.fillOval(close, close, size, size); g.fillOval(far, close, size, size); g.fillOval(far, far, size, size); g.fillOval(close, far, size, size); g.fillOval(middle, middle, size, size); } else if (result == 5) { g.fillOval(close, close, size, size); g.fillOval(far, close, size, size); g.fillOval(far, far, size, size); g.fillOval(close, far, size, size); g.fillOval(middle, close, size, size); g.fillOval(middle, far, size, size); } g.translate(-dx, -dy); }
public void moveFight() { sptSword.setPosition( fightRange[fightCurIndex][1] * MyGameCanvas.CHECKWIDTH, fightRange[fightCurIndex][0] * MyGameCanvas.CHECKHEIGHT); int dR = fightRange[fightCurIndex][0] - thisRow; int dC = fightRange[fightCurIndex][1] - thisCol; if (abs(dR) > abs(dC)) { if (dR > 0) direction = DOWN; else direction = UP; } else { if (dC > 0) direction = RIGHT; else direction = LEFT; } setFrame(moveFrame[direction][0]); }
/** * Internal to requestMove. Set the duke sprite to the correct frame depending on her movements.. */ private void updateSprite(int hdirection, int vdirection) { // if the duke is moving left or right, we set // his image to be facing the right direction if (hdirection > 0) { dukeSprite.setTransform(Sprite.TRANS_NONE); } else if (hdirection < 0) { dukeSprite.setTransform(Sprite.TRANS_MIRROR); } // in case that duke is moving, change the showing sprite image if (lastHorDirection != hdirection) { dukeSprite.setFrameSequence( mazeDesign.dukeSseq001); // TODO: [Exercise 3][step 2] Let the duke move set to vertical // sequence } if (lastVertDirection != vdirection) { if (vdirection > 0) { // he's jumping dukeSprite.setFrameSequence( mazeDesign.dukeSfalling); // TODO: [Exercise 3][step 2] set to falling sequence } else if (vdirection < 0) { dukeSprite.setFrameSequence( mazeDesign.dukeSjumping); // TODO: [Exercise 3][step 2] set to jumping sequence } } if ((vdirection != 0) || (hdirection != 0)) { dukeSpriteAnimator.forward(); } else { dukeSpriteAnimator.setMoving(false); dukeSprite.setFrameSequence( mazeDesign.dukeSseq001); // TODO: [Exercise 3][step 2] set to vertical sequence } lastHorDirection = hdirection; lastVertDirection = vdirection; }
// 畫面選單改變 public void changePage() { try { switch (page) { case -1: spName.setVisible(false); spInterface.setFrame(1); drawDisplay(); break; case 0: // 遊戲帳號輸入選單 menustate = 0; spName.setVisible(true); spInterface.setFrame(2); spName.setFrame(0); drawDisplay(); for (int i = 0; i < loginStr.length; i++) nowString[i] = loginStr[i]; menuNum = loginStr.length; // MENU 數量 // System.out.println(page); break; case 1: // 遊戲說明選單 spInterface.setFrame(2); spName.setFrame(1); drawDisplay(); for (int i = 2; i < nowString.length; i++) nowString[i] = gameInfo[i - 2]; menuNum = loginStr.length; menustate = 2; break; case 2: // 遊戲姓名輸入選單 spInterface.setFrame(2); spName.setFrame(2); spName.setVisible(true); drawDisplay(); for (int i = 1; i < nowString.length; i++) nowString[i] = gameNameInp[i - 1]; menuNum = loginStr.length; menustate = 1; break; case 3: // 遊戲角色建立成功選單 spName.setVisible(false); spInterface.setFrame(3); drawDisplay(); for (int i = 2; i < nowString.length; i++) nowString[i] = showGameUser[i - 2]; menuNum = loginStr.length; menustate = 2; break; } drawMenu(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** Metoda odpowiedzialna za przerysowanie ekranu */ public void updateScreen() { Graphics g = getGraphics(); if (displayedScreen == PLAYER_SCREEN) { if (backgroundLayer != null) { backgroundLayer.paint(g); } if ((bluetoothPlayer.getIsConnectedToServer() == false) && (bluetoothPlayer.getBluetoothError() == false)) drawText(g, "Connecting...", 0); else if (bluetoothPlayer.getBluetoothError() == true) drawText(g, "Disconnected", 0); else { if (bluetoothPlayer.getTitle() != null) { drawText(g, bluetoothPlayer.getTitle(), 0); } if (bluetoothPlayer.getArtist() != null) { drawText(g, bluetoothPlayer.getArtist(), 1); } if (showVolume > 0) { showVolume--; drawText(g, " Volume: " + volumeLevel + "%", 2); } } if (bluetoothPlayer.isBluetoothOn()) { if (bluetoothPlayer.getInquiryStarted()) { showInquiryProgress(g, inquiryProgress += 20); if (inquiryProgress >= 360) inquiryProgress = 0; } else { inquiryProgress = 0; showInquiryProgress(g, 0); } } else { drawText(g, "Please turn your Bluetooth device on", 1); } playPauseSprite.setPosition(screenWidth / 2 - 16, screenHeight - 66 + buttonsLocation); previousSprite.setPosition(screenWidth / 2 - 55, screenHeight - 66 + buttonsLocation); nextSprite.setPosition(screenWidth / 2 + 23, screenHeight - 66 + buttonsLocation); playPauseSprite.paint(g); previousSprite.paint(g); nextSprite.paint(g); if (bluetoothPlayer.getTotalTime() != 0) showProgressBar(g, bluetoothPlayer.getCurrentTime(), bluetoothPlayer.getTotalTime()); else showProgressBar(g, 0, 100); } else if (displayedScreen == MEDIA_LIBRARY_LOADING) { if (backgroundLayer != null) { backgroundLayer.paint(g); } if (bluetoothPlayer.getIsConnectedToServer() == true) { drawText(g, "Loading media library", 0); drawText(g, "Please wait...", 1); // display size of the media library if (bluetoothPlayer.getMediaLibrarySize() >= 1024) { drawText( g, "Total size: " + bluetoothPlayer.getMediaLibrarySize() / 1024 + "." + (bluetoothPlayer.getMediaLibrarySize() % 1024) * 100 / 1024 + " kB", 3); } else drawText(g, "Total size: " + bluetoothPlayer.getMediaLibrarySize() + " B", 3); int size = bluetoothPlayer.getMediaLibrarySize(); if (size == 0) // to avoid dividing by zero size = 1; showProgressBar(g, bluetoothPlayer.getMediaLibraryDownloadedBytes(), size); // if the playlist file was downloaded and parsed if (bluetoothPlayer.getMediaLibrary().getLibraryDownloadedAndParsed() == true) setDisplayedScreen(MainCanvas.MEDIA_LIBRARY_SCREEN); } else drawText(g, "You're not connected", 0); } else if (displayedScreen == MEDIA_LIBRARY_SCREEN) { if (backgroundLayer != null) { backgroundLayer.paint(g); } showMediaLibrary( g, bluetoothPlayer, mediaLibrarySelectedItemOnScreen, mediaLibraryItemsNumberOnScreen); } flushGraphics(); }
/** Metoda sprawdzajaca stan klawiszy i aktualizujaca zmienne odpowiedzialne za stan gry */ public void updateState() { int keys = getKeyStates(); if (bluetoothPlayer.getIsConnectedToServer() == true) { if (displayedScreen == PLAYER_SCREEN) { // jesli wyswietlany jest ekran odtwarzacza // jesli przycisk 'Play / Pause' jest wcisniety, a pozostale nie sa wcisniete if (((keys & FIRE_PRESSED) != 0) && (nextPressed == false) && (previousPressed == false)) { if (playPauseSprite.getFrame() == PLAY_ICON) { playPauseSprite.setFrame(PLAY_ICON_PRESSED); } else if (playPauseSprite.getFrame() == PAUSE_ICON) { playPauseSprite.setFrame(PAUSE_ICON_PRESSED); } if (firePressed == false); firePressed = true; } // przycisk zostal zwolniony else if (((keys & FIRE_PRESSED) == 0) && (firePressed == true)) { if (playPauseSprite.getFrame() == PLAY_ICON_PRESSED) { // zmiana stanu przycisku; playPauseSprite.setFrame(PAUSE_ICON); } else if (playPauseSprite.getFrame() == PAUSE_ICON_PRESSED) { bluetoothPlayer.pause(); playPauseSprite.setFrame(PLAY_ICON); } firePressed = false; } // jesli przycisk 'Next' jest wcisniety, a pozostale nie sa wcisniete if (((keys & RIGHT_PRESSED) != 0) && (firePressed == false) && (previousPressed == false)) { if (nextSprite.getFrame() == NEXT_ICON) nextSprite.setFrame(NEXT_ICON_PRESSED); if (nextPressed == false) {; } nextPressed = true; } // przycisk zostal zwolniony else if (((keys & RIGHT_PRESSED) == 0) && (nextPressed == true)) { if (nextSprite.getFrame() == NEXT_ICON_PRESSED) nextSprite.setFrame(NEXT_ICON); bluetoothPlayer.addCommandToProcess(BluetoothPlayer.COMMAND_NEXT); nextPressed = false; if (bluetoothPlayer.getTotalTime() != 0) // jesli utwor jest odtwarzany lub zapauzowany playPauseSprite.setFrame(PAUSE_ICON); } // jesli przycisk 'Previous' jest wcisniety, a pozostale nie sa wcisniete if (((keys & LEFT_PRESSED) != 0) && (nextPressed == false) && (firePressed == false)) { if (previousSprite.getFrame() == PREVIOUS_ICON) previousSprite.setFrame(PREVIOUS_ICON_PRESSED); if (previousPressed == false) {; } previousPressed = true; } // przycisk zostal zwolniony else if (((keys & LEFT_PRESSED) == 0) && (previousPressed == true)) { if (previousSprite.getFrame() == PREVIOUS_ICON_PRESSED) previousSprite.setFrame(PREVIOUS_ICON); bluetoothPlayer.addCommandToProcess(BluetoothPlayer.COMMAND_PREV); previousPressed = false; if (bluetoothPlayer.getTotalTime() != 0) // jesli utwor jest odtwarzany lub zapauzowany playPauseSprite.setFrame(PAUSE_ICON); } // jesli przycisk 'Up' jest wcisniety, a pozostale nie sa wcisniete if (((keys & UP_PRESSED) != 0) && (previousPressed == false) && (nextPressed == false) && (firePressed == false)) { if (previousPressed == false) {; } bluetoothPlayer.volumeUp(); } // jesli przycisk 'Down' jest wcisniety, a pozostale nie sa wcisniete if (((keys & DOWN_PRESSED) != 0) && (previousPressed == false) && (nextPressed == false) && (firePressed == false)) { if (previousPressed == false) {; } bluetoothPlayer.volumeDown(); } } } // jesli wyswietlany jest ekran biblioteki muzycznej if (displayedScreen == MEDIA_LIBRARY_SCREEN) { // jesli przycisk akcji jest wcisniety, a pozostale nie sa wcisniete if (((keys & FIRE_PRESSED) != 0) && (nextPressed == false) && (previousPressed == false)) { buttonPressedInARowCount = 0; if (firePressed == false); firePressed = true; } // przycisk zostal zwolniony else if (((keys & FIRE_PRESSED) == 0) && (firePressed == true)) { buttonPressedInARowCount = 0; firePressed = false; } // jesli przycisk 'Down' jest wcisniety, a pozostale nie sa wcisniete if (((keys & DOWN_PRESSED) != 0) && (firePressed == false) && (previousPressed == false)) { if (nextPressed == true) buttonPressedInARowCount++; else buttonPressedInARowCount = 0; nextPressed = true; } // button was released or hold down for more than MAX_BUTTON_PRESSED_IN_A_ROW_COUNT clicks if ((((keys & DOWN_PRESSED) == 0) && (nextPressed == true)) || (((keys & DOWN_PRESSED) != 0) && (buttonPressedInARowCount >= MAX_BUTTON_PRESSED_IN_A_ROW_COUNT))) { // jesli wybrany utwor nie byl ostatni na liscie if (bluetoothPlayer.getMediaLibrary().selectItemInMediaLibrary(NEXT_ITEM) == true) { if (mediaLibrarySelectedItemOnScreen < mediaLibraryItemsNumberOnScreen - 1) mediaLibrarySelectedItemOnScreen++; } // nextPressed is set to false only if button was released if ((((keys & DOWN_PRESSED) != 0) && (buttonPressedInARowCount >= MAX_BUTTON_PRESSED_IN_A_ROW_COUNT)) == false) nextPressed = false; } // jesli przycisk 'Previous' jest wcisniety, a pozostale nie sa wcisniete if (((keys & UP_PRESSED) != 0) && (nextPressed == false) && (firePressed == false)) { if (previousPressed == true) buttonPressedInARowCount++; else buttonPressedInARowCount = 0; previousPressed = true; } // button was released or hold down for more than MAX_BUTTON_PRESSED_IN_A_ROW_COUNT clicks if ((((keys & UP_PRESSED) == 0) && (previousPressed == true)) || (((keys & UP_PRESSED) != 0) && (buttonPressedInARowCount >= MAX_BUTTON_PRESSED_IN_A_ROW_COUNT))) { // jesli wybrany utwor nie byl pierwszy na liscie if (bluetoothPlayer.getMediaLibrary().selectItemInMediaLibrary(PREVIOUS_ITEM) == true) { if (mediaLibrarySelectedItemOnScreen > 0) mediaLibrarySelectedItemOnScreen--; } // previousPressed is set to false only if button was released if ((((keys & UP_PRESSED) != 0) && (buttonPressedInARowCount >= MAX_BUTTON_PRESSED_IN_A_ROW_COUNT)) == false) previousPressed = false; } } // if volume level has changed if (volumeLevel != bluetoothPlayer.getVolumeLevel()) { showVolume = 15; volumeLevel = bluetoothPlayer.getVolumeLevel(); } if (bluetoothPlayer.getIsConnectedToServer() == false) { if (buttonsLocation < 70) buttonsLocation += 5; } if ((bluetoothPlayer.getIsConnectedToServer() == true) && (buttonsLocation > 0)) { buttonsLocation -= 5; } if (bluetoothPlayer.getStateChanged()) { String state = bluetoothPlayer.getPlayingState(); if (state != null) { if (state.equals("PLAY") || state.equals("OTHER")) { playPauseSprite.setFrame(PAUSE_ICON); } else if (state.equals("PAUSE") || state.equals("STOP")) playPauseSprite.setFrame(PLAY_ICON); }; } }
public boolean collidesWith(Sprite s, boolean pixelLevel) { java.awt.Rectangle r1 = new java.awt.Rectangle(this.getX(), this.getY(), getWidth(), getHeight()); java.awt.Rectangle r2 = new java.awt.Rectangle(s.getX(), s.getY(), s.getWidth(), s.getHeight()); return r1.intersects(r2); }
/** * respond to keystrokes by deciding where to move and then moving the pieces and the view window * correspondingly. */ public void requestMove(int hdirection, int vdirection) { // vdirection < 0 indicates that the user has // pressed the UP button and would like to jump. // therefore, if we're not currently jumping, // we begin the jump. if ((myIsJumping == NO_JUMP) && (vdirection < 0)) { myIsJumping++; } else if (myIsJumping == NO_JUMP) { // if we're not jumping at all, we need to check // if the duke should be falling: // we (temporarily) move the duke down and see if that // causes a collision with the floor: dukeSprite.move(0, 1); // if the duke can move down without colliding // with the floor, then we set the duke to // be falling. The variable myIsJumping starts // negative while the duke is jumping up and // is zero or positive when the duke is coming // back down. We therefore set myIsJumping to // zero to indicate that the duke should start // falling. if (!checkCollision()) { myIsJumping = 0; } // we move the duke Sprite back to the correct // position she was at before we (temporarily) moved // her down to see if she would fall. dukeSprite.move(0, -1); } // if the duke is currently jumping or falling, // advance the jump (change the vertical distance // the duke is supposed to move) if ((myIsJumping <= MAX_FREE_FALL) && (myIsJumping != NO_JUMP)) { myIsJumping++; } // also accellerate the horizontal motion if the duke // runs runs in the same horizontal direction for more than // one game tick: myIsRunning++; // But don't accellerate past the maximum speed: if (myIsRunning > MAX_SPEED) { myIsRunning = MAX_SPEED; } int horizontal = MOVE_LENGTH * myIsRunning; // if the duke is currently jumping or falling, // we calculate the vertical distance she should move. // This is a parabola given by y = (x*x) * (a + b/c) // where x is how far we have advanced in the jump // or fall (myIsJumping), and a, b, and c are constants // based on the screen size. (The actual values are // read from a properties file and were originally // computed through trial and error.) int vertical = 0; if (myIsJumping != NO_JUMP) { vertical = myIsJumping * myIsJumping * JUMP_INT + (myIsJumping * myIsJumping * JUMP_FRAC_NUM) / JUMP_FRAC_DENOM; // for the first half of the jump we go up, // then for the second half go down: if (myIsJumping < 0) { vdirection = -1; } else { vdirection = 1; } } // set the sprite to the correct frame based // on the duke's current motion: updateSprite(hdirection, vdirection); boolean vcrash = false; boolean hcrash = false; // now calculate the motion one pixel at a time // (vertically then horizontally) to see precisely // how far the duke can move in each of the // requested directions: while ((vertical >= 1 && !vcrash) || (horizontal >= 1 && !hcrash)) { dukeSprite.move(0, vdirection); if (checkCollision()) { dukeSprite.move(0, -vdirection); vcrash = true; } else { vertical -= 1; vcrash = false; myViewWindowY += vdirection; } dukeSprite.move(MOVE_BUFFER * hdirection, 0); if (checkCollision()) { dukeSprite.move(-MOVE_BUFFER * hdirection, 0); hcrash = true; } else { dukeSprite.move(-MOVE_BUFFER * hdirection, 0); dukeSprite.move(hdirection, 0); horizontal -= 1; hcrash = false; myViewWindowX += hdirection; } } // If the duke is blocked vertically, // then the jump or fall in progress stops: if (vcrash) { myIsJumping = NO_JUMP; } // If the duke is blocked horizontally, // forget any horizontal accelleration: if (hcrash) { myIsRunning = 0; } if (dukeSprite.collidesWith(jamesSprite, true)) { myCanvas.setGameOver(); return; } }
@Override public void paintComponent(Graphics2D g) { int csrc = myrisk.hasArmiesInt(c1num); int cdes = myrisk.hasArmiesInt(c2num); int color1 = myrisk.getColorOfOwner(c1num); int color2 = myrisk.getColorOfOwner(c2num); int imageAreaHeight = getImageAreaHeight(); int heightOfComponents = ((MoveDialog.DialogLayout) getContentPane().getLayout()) .getHeightOfComponents(getContentPane()); // this is the MIDDLE of the images area int xOffset = getContentPane().getWidth() / 2; int yOffset = (getContentPane().getHeight() - heightOfComponents) / 2 + imageAreaHeight / 4 + getContentPane().getY(); // g.setColor(0xFFFF0000); // g.drawRect( (getContentPane().getWidth()-imageAreaHeight)/2 , // (getContentPane().getHeight()-heightOfComponents)/2 + getContentPane().getY(), // imageAreaHeight, imageAreaHeight); MoveDialog.paintMove( g, xOffset, yOffset, c1img, c2img, color1, color2, myrisk.getCountryCapital(c1num), myrisk.getCountryCapital(c2num), myrisk.getCountryName(c1num), myrisk.getCountryName(c2num), csrc, cdes, 0); // ##################################################### // ################## drawing DICE!!!!! ################ int[] diceXs = getDiceX(); int ax = diceXs[0], dx = diceXs[1]; int y1 = yOffset + imageAreaHeight / 4; // top of dice int y2 = y1 + red_dice.getHeight() + XULLoader.adjustSizeToDensity(2); int y3 = y2 + red_dice.getHeight() + XULLoader.adjustSizeToDensity(2); // just in case in the middle of the draw the att and def get set to null int[] atti = att; int[] defi = def; // this is the max defend dice allowed for this battle int deadDice = myrisk.hasArmiesInt(c2num); if (deadDice > myrisk.getGame().getMaxDefendDice()) { deadDice = myrisk.getGame().getMaxDefendDice(); } // if we need input if (max != 0) { // selecting the number of attacking dice if (canRetreat) { g.drawSprite(red_dice, DICE_NORMAL, ax, y1); if (noda > 1) { g.drawSprite(red_dice, DICE_NORMAL, ax, y2); } else if (max > 1) { g.drawSprite(red_dice, DICE_DARK, ax, y2); } if (noda > 2) { g.drawSprite(red_dice, DICE_NORMAL, ax, y3); } else if (max > 2) { g.drawSprite(red_dice, DICE_DARK, ax, y3); } // draw the dead dice g.drawSprite(blue_dice, DICE_DARK, dx, y1); if (deadDice > 1) { g.drawSprite(blue_dice, DICE_DARK, dx, y2); } if (deadDice > 2) { g.drawSprite(blue_dice, DICE_DARK, dx, y3); } } // selecting the number of dice to defend else { g.drawSprite(blue_dice, DICE_NORMAL, dx, y1); if (nodd > 1) { g.drawSprite(blue_dice, DICE_NORMAL, dx, y2); } else if (max > 1) { g.drawSprite(blue_dice, DICE_DARK, dx, y2); } if (nodd > 2) { g.drawSprite(blue_dice, DICE_NORMAL, dx, y3); } else if (max > 2) { g.drawSprite(blue_dice, DICE_DARK, dx, y3); } } } // battle open and waiting for the attacker to select there number of dice else if (atti == null && defi == null && !spinD) { // draw the dead dice g.drawSprite(blue_dice, DICE_DARK, dx, y1); if (deadDice > 1) { g.drawSprite(blue_dice, DICE_DARK, dx, y2); } if (deadDice > 2) { g.drawSprite(blue_dice, DICE_DARK, dx, y3); } if (!spinA) { // draw dead dice for attacker int AdeadDice = myrisk.hasArmiesInt(c1num) - 1; // we assume that the attacker can attack with max of 3 dice g.drawSprite(red_dice, DICE_DARK, ax, y1); if (AdeadDice > 1) { g.drawSprite(red_dice, DICE_DARK, ax, y2); } if (AdeadDice > 2) { g.drawSprite(red_dice, DICE_DARK, ax, y3); } } } // ##################################################### // ##################### END DICE ###################### final int SPINS_OFFSET = 3; if (spinA) { g.drawSprite(red_dice, SPINS_OFFSET + r.nextInt(6), ax, y1); if (noda > 1) { g.drawSprite(red_dice, SPINS_OFFSET + r.nextInt(6), ax, y2); } if (noda > 2) { g.drawSprite(red_dice, SPINS_OFFSET + r.nextInt(6), ax, y3); } // g.drawString("ROLLING ATTACKER " + noda +" " + Math.random() , 50, 100); if (spinD) { g.drawSprite(blue_dice, SPINS_OFFSET + r.nextInt(6), dx, y1); if (nodd > 1) { g.drawSprite(blue_dice, SPINS_OFFSET + r.nextInt(6), dx, y2); } if (nodd > 2) { g.drawSprite(blue_dice, SPINS_OFFSET + r.nextInt(6), dx, y3); } // g.drawString("ROLLING DEFENDER " + nodd +" " + Math.random(), 300, 100); } } DirectGraphics g2 = DirectUtils.getDirectGraphics(g.getGraphics()); int offset = (int) (red_dice.getWidth() / (29D / 4D) + 0.5); int bottom = red_dice.getHeight() - offset - 1; // TODO not sure why -1?? int halfDice = red_dice.getHeight() / 2; if (atti != null && defi != null) { { int yCoords[] = {y1 + offset, y1 + bottom, y1 + halfDice}; if (defi[0] >= atti[0]) { int xCoords[] = {dx + offset, dx + offset, ax + bottom}; g2.fillPolygon(xCoords, 0, yCoords, 0, xCoords.length, COLOR_BLUE); } else { int xCoords[] = {ax + bottom, ax + bottom, dx + offset}; g2.fillPolygon(xCoords, 0, yCoords, 0, xCoords.length, COLOR_RED); } } if (atti.length > 1 && defi.length > 1) { int yCoords[] = {y2 + offset, y2 + bottom, y2 + halfDice}; if (defi[1] >= atti[1]) { int xCoords[] = {dx + offset, dx + offset, ax + bottom}; g2.fillPolygon(xCoords, 0, yCoords, 0, xCoords.length, COLOR_BLUE); } else { int xCoords[] = {ax + bottom, ax + bottom, dx + offset}; g2.fillPolygon(xCoords, 0, yCoords, 0, xCoords.length, COLOR_RED); } } if (atti.length > 2 && defi.length > 2) { int yCoords[] = {y3 + offset, y3 + bottom, y3 + halfDice}; if (defi[2] >= atti[2]) { int xCoords[] = {dx + offset, dx + offset, ax + bottom}; g2.fillPolygon(xCoords, 0, yCoords, 0, xCoords.length, COLOR_BLUE); } else { int xCoords[] = {ax + bottom, ax + bottom, dx + offset}; g2.fillPolygon(xCoords, 0, yCoords, 0, xCoords.length, COLOR_RED); } } // draw attacker dice drawDice(true, atti[0], ax, y1, g); if (atti.length > 1) { drawDice(true, atti[1], ax, y2, g); } if (atti.length > 2) { drawDice(true, atti[2], ax, y3, g); } // draw defender dice drawDice(false, defi[0], dx, y1, g); if (defi.length > 1) { drawDice(false, defi[1], dx, y2, g); } if (defi.length > 2) { drawDice(false, defi[2], dx, y3, g); } } }
/** Checks of the player hits a stone wall or a door. */ boolean checkCollision() { return dukeSprite.collidesWith(myWalls, true); }
public int getSizeX() { return sprite.getWidth(); }
public int getSizeY() { return sprite.getHeight(); }
// 判斷選取的選單選項 public void changeMeunStart() { try { if (page == -1) { switch (menustate) { case 0: page = 0; spName.setVisible(true); changePage(); break; case 1: page = 0; spName.setVisible(true); changePage(); break; case 2: // spWelcome.setVisible(false); spName.setVisible(false); spInterface.setFrame(4); drawDisplay();; exit(); break; } } else { switch (menustate) { case 0: try { new InputText(nowString[0]); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } break; case 1: new InputText(nowString[1]); break; case 2: // 登入 if (page == 0) { // 當在輸入帳號畫面時 // 未輸入帳號 if (username.equals("") || pass.equals("")) { g.drawString("「請 輸入帳號密碼」", disWidth + 75, disHeight + 140, 0); flushGraphics(); } else if (username.equals("xlinx") && pass.equals("x")) { runGame(); g.drawString("進入遊戲...", disWidth + 15, disHeight + 129, 0); flushGraphics(); } else { // 連到Server try { GameMain.conn.setLoginAccess(username, pass); // 送出帳號密碼 } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } g.setColor(255, 255, 255); g.drawString("「登入中」", disWidth + 95, disHeight + 140, 0); flushGraphics(); while (!ConnectionServer.connFin) ; // Server是否回傳完資訊 page = 0; drawDisplay(); g.setColor(255, 255, 255); gameUserInfCount = 0; // 成功登入將繼續到下一頁面(第一次進入遊戲) if (GameMain.conn.getConnSucess() == 1) { g.drawString("「登入成功」", disWidth + 95, disHeight + 140, 0); flushGraphics(); RoleDataValue.userpass = pass; page = 1; changePage(); } else if (GameMain.conn.getConnSucess() == 0) { // 登入,不是第一次遊戲 try { page = -2; g.drawString("「登入成功」", disWidth + 95, disHeight + 140, 0); flushGraphics(); RoleDataValue.userpass = pass; g.drawString("讀取使用者資料....", disWidth + 15, disHeight + 69, 0); flushGraphics(); GameMain.conn.setGameName(""); while (!ConnectionServer.connFin) ; // Server是否回傳完資訊 g.drawString("人物狀態初始化.....", disWidth + 15, disHeight + 89, 0); flushGraphics(); roleData.getFirstRoleStateForInternet(GameMain.conn.getRequestState()); roleData.loginSuccessStart(); g.drawString("地圖初始化..........", disWidth + 15, disHeight + 109, 0); flushGraphics(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } runGame(); g.drawString("進入遊戲...", disWidth + 15, disHeight + 129, 0); flushGraphics(); } else { g.drawString("「登入失敗」", disWidth + 95, disHeight + 140, 0); flushGraphics(); } } } else if (page == 1) { // 當畫面在遊戲說明時 if (gameUserInfCount < gameUserInf.length) // 如果遊戲說明未結速時 changePage(); else { // 遊戲說明完成,畫面改變為輸入遊戲名稱 page = 2; gameUserInfCount = 20; changePage(); } } else if (page == 2) { // 輸入名稱完成,畫面改變為角色建立完成 if (nickname.equals("")) g.drawString("「請輸入名稱」", disWidth + 90, disHeight + 140, 0); else { page = 3; changePage(); } } else if (page == 3) { // 第一進入遊戲,完成輸入名稱 page = -2; GameMain.conn.setGameName(nickname); while (!ConnectionServer.connFin) ; // Server是否回傳完資訊 try { roleData.getFirstRoleStateForInternet(GameMain.conn.getRequestState()); roleData.loginSuccessStart(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } runGame(); } break; case 3: // 回主選單,上一頁 if (page == 0) { page = -1; menustate = 0; menuNum = 3; } // 判斷當為GameInformation時,要回輸入帳號密碼 if (page == 1 && gameUserInfCount == 5) page--; else if (page == 2 || page == 3) // 判斷當不是GameInformation時 page--; // 切換GameInformaion的頁面 if (page == 1) { gameUserInfCount -= 5 * gameUserInfPage; gameUserInfPage++; if (gameUserInfPage >= 3) gameUserInfPage = 2; changePage(); } // 回到輸入姓名部份 else if (page == 2) { // rolesprite=true; Thread.sleep(300); gameUserInfPage = 2; changePage(); } else changePage(); break; } showBufferString(); } } catch (Exception e) { } }