  protected void onApply(CtBehavior behavior, Bytecode bytecode) throws BadBytecode {

    bytecode = BytecodeTools.prepareMethodForBytecode(behavior, bytecode);

    // loop through the opcodes and change any GT/GE opcodes to ICMPGT/ICMPGE
    CodeIterator iterator = behavior.getMethodInfo().getCodeAttribute().iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      int index = iterator.next();
      int opcode = iterator.byteAt(index);
      switch (opcode) {
        case Opcode.IFGT:

          // overwrite the opcode
          iterator.writeByte(Opcode.IF_ICMPGT, index);

          // insert the method call
          iterator.insertAt(index, bytecode.get());


        case Opcode.IFGE:

          // overwrite the opcode
          iterator.writeByte(Opcode.IF_ICMPGE, index);

          // insert the method call
          iterator.insertAt(index, bytecode.get());

Example #2
 private String from(Expr expr) {
   CtBehavior source = expr.where();
   return " in "
       + source.getName()
       + "("
       + expr.getFileName()
       + ":"
       + expr.getLineNumber()
       + ")";
  * Filters the caller methods.
  * @param method the method to filter
  * @return boolean true if the method should be filtered away
 private boolean methodFilterCaller(final CtBehavior method) {
   if (Modifier.isNative(method.getModifiers())
       || Modifier.isInterface(method.getModifiers())
       || method.getName().equals(TransformationUtil.GET_META_DATA_METHOD)
       || method.getName().equals(TransformationUtil.SET_META_DATA_METHOD)
       || method.getName().equals(TransformationUtil.CLASS_LOOKUP_METHOD)
       || method.getName().equals(TransformationUtil.GET_UUID_METHOD)) {
     return true;
   } else {
     return false;
Example #4
   * Return javaassist source snippet which lists all the parameters and their values. If available
   * the source names are extracted from the debug information and used, otherwise just a number is
   * shown.
   * @param method
   * @return
   * @throws NotFoundException
  public static String getSignature(CtBehavior method) throws NotFoundException {

    CtClass[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();

    CodeAttribute codeAttribute = method.getMethodInfo().getCodeAttribute();

    LocalVariableAttribute locals = null;

    if (codeAttribute != null) {
      AttributeInfo attribute;
      attribute = codeAttribute.getAttribute("LocalVariableTable");
      locals = (LocalVariableAttribute) attribute;

    String methodName = method.getName();

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(methodName).append("(\" ");
    for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
      if (i > 0) {
        // add a comma and a space between printed values
        sb.append(" + \", \" ");

      CtClass parameterType = parameterTypes[i];
      boolean isArray = parameterType.isArray();
      CtClass arrayType = parameterType.getComponentType();
      if (isArray) {
        while (arrayType.isArray()) {
          arrayType = arrayType.getComponentType();

      sb.append(" + \"");
      try {
        sb.append(parameterNameFor(method, locals, i));
      } catch (Exception e) {
        sb.append(i + 1);
      sb.append("\" + \"=");

      if (parameterType.isPrimitive()) {
        // let the compiler handle primitive -> string
        sb.append("\"+ $").append(i + 1);
      } else {
        String s = "org.slf4j.instrumentation.ToStringHelper.render";
        sb.append("\"+ ").append(s).append("($").append(i + 1).append(')');

    String signature = sb.toString();
    return signature;
Example #5
   * Determine the name of parameter with index i in the given method. Use the locals attributes
   * about local variables from the classfile. Note: This is still work in progress.
   * @param method
   * @param locals
   * @param i
   * @return the name of the parameter if available or a number if not.
  static String parameterNameFor(CtBehavior method, LocalVariableAttribute locals, int i) {

    if (locals == null) {
      return Integer.toString(i + 1);

    int modifiers = method.getModifiers();

    int j = i;

    if (Modifier.isSynchronized(modifiers)) {
      // skip object to synchronize upon.
      // System.err.println("Synchronized");
    if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) == false) {
      // skip "this"
      // System.err.println("Instance");
    String variableName = locals.variableName(j);
    // if (variableName.equals("this")) {
    // System.err.println("'this' returned as a parameter name for "
    // + method.getName() + " index " + j
    // +
    // ", names are probably shifted. Please submit source for class in slf4j bugreport");
    // }
    return variableName;
 public boolean isTarget(CtClass self, CtBehavior behavior) {
   try {
     CtClass[] params = behavior.getParameterTypes();
     return params.length == 2 && params[0] == CtClass.intType && params[1] == CtClass.intType;
   } catch (NotFoundException e) {
     return false;
Example #7
  public void enhanceThisClass(ApplicationClass applicationClass) throws Exception {

    final CtClass ctClass = makeClass(applicationClass);
    if (ctClass.isInterface()) {
    if (ctClass.getName().endsWith(".package")) {

    // Add a default constructor if needed
    try {
      boolean hasDefaultConstructor = false;
      for (CtConstructor constructor : ctClass.getDeclaredConstructors()) {
        if (constructor.getParameterTypes().length == 0) {
          hasDefaultConstructor = true;
      if (!hasDefaultConstructor && !ctClass.isInterface()) {
        CtConstructor defaultConstructor =
            CtNewConstructor.make("public " + ctClass.getSimpleName() + "() {}", ctClass);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(e, "Error in PropertiesEnhancer");
      throw new UnexpectedException("Error in PropertiesEnhancer", e);

    if (isScala(applicationClass)) {
      // Temporary hack for Scala. Done.
      applicationClass.enhancedByteCode = ctClass.toBytecode();

    for (CtField ctField : ctClass.getDeclaredFields()) {
      try {

        if (isProperty(ctField)) {

          // Property name
          String propertyName =
              ctField.getName().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + ctField.getName().substring(1);
          String getter = "get" + propertyName;
          String setter = "set" + propertyName;

          try {
            CtMethod ctMethod = ctClass.getDeclaredMethod(getter);
            if (ctMethod.getParameterTypes().length > 0
                || Modifier.isStatic(ctMethod.getModifiers())) {
              throw new NotFoundException("it's not a getter !");
          } catch (NotFoundException noGetter) {

            // Créé le getter
            String code =
                "public "
                    + ctField.getType().getName()
                    + " "
                    + getter
                    + "() { return this."
                    + ctField.getName()
                    + "; }";
            CtMethod getMethod = CtMethod.make(code, ctClass);
            getMethod.setModifiers(getMethod.getModifiers() | AccessFlag.SYNTHETIC);

          if (!isFinal(ctField)) {
            try {
              CtMethod ctMethod = ctClass.getDeclaredMethod(setter);
              if (ctMethod.getParameterTypes().length != 1
                  || !ctMethod.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(ctField.getType())
                  || Modifier.isStatic(ctMethod.getModifiers())) {
                throw new NotFoundException("it's not a setter !");
            } catch (NotFoundException noSetter) {
              // Créé le setter
              CtMethod setMethod =
                      "public void "
                          + setter
                          + "("
                          + ctField.getType().getName()
                          + " value) { this."
                          + ctField.getName()
                          + " = value; }",
              setMethod.setModifiers(setMethod.getModifiers() | AccessFlag.SYNTHETIC);
              createAnnotation(getAnnotations(setMethod), PlayPropertyAccessor.class);

      } catch (Exception e) {
        Logger.error(e, "Error in PropertiesEnhancer");
        throw new UnexpectedException("Error in PropertiesEnhancer", e);

    // Add a default constructor if needed
    try {
      boolean hasDefaultConstructor = false;
      for (CtConstructor constructor : ctClass.getDeclaredConstructors()) {
        if (constructor.getParameterTypes().length == 0) {
          hasDefaultConstructor = true;
      if (!hasDefaultConstructor) {
        CtConstructor defaultConstructor = CtNewConstructor.defaultConstructor(ctClass);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(e, "Error in PropertiesEnhancer");
      throw new UnexpectedException("Error in PropertiesEnhancer", e);

    // Intercept all fields access
    for (final CtBehavior ctMethod : ctClass.getDeclaredBehaviors()) {
          new ExprEditor() {

            public void edit(FieldAccess fieldAccess) throws CannotCompileException {
              try {

                // Acces à une property ?
                if (isProperty(fieldAccess.getField())) {

                  // TODO : vérifier que c'est bien un champ d'une classe de l'application
                  // (fieldAccess.getClassName())

                  // Si c'est un getter ou un setter
                  String propertyName = null;
                  if (fieldAccess
                      || ctMethod
                          .subclassOf(fieldAccess.getField().getDeclaringClass())) {
                    if ((ctMethod.getName().startsWith("get")
                            || (!isFinal(fieldAccess.getField())
                                && ctMethod.getName().startsWith("set")))
                        && ctMethod.getName().length() > 3) {
                      propertyName = ctMethod.getName().substring(3);
                      propertyName =
                          propertyName.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + propertyName.substring(1);

                  // On n'intercepte pas le getter de sa propre property
                  if (propertyName == null || !propertyName.equals(fieldAccess.getFieldName())) {

                    String invocationPoint =
                            + "."
                            + ctMethod.getName()
                            + ", line "
                            + fieldAccess.getLineNumber();

                    if (fieldAccess.isReader()) {

                      // Réécris l'accés en lecture à la property
                          "$_ = ($r)play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor.invokeReadProperty($0, \""
                              + fieldAccess.getFieldName()
                              + "\", \""
                              + fieldAccess.getClassName()
                              + "\", \""
                              + invocationPoint
                              + "\");");

                    } else if (!isFinal(fieldAccess.getField()) && fieldAccess.isWriter()) {

                      // Réécris l'accés en ecriture à la property
                          "play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor.invokeWriteProperty($0, \""
                              + fieldAccess.getFieldName()
                              + "\", "
                              + fieldAccess.getField().getType().getName()
                              + ".class, $1, \""
                              + fieldAccess.getClassName()
                              + "\", \""
                              + invocationPoint
                              + "\");");

              } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new UnexpectedException("Error in PropertiesEnhancer", e);

    // Done.
    applicationClass.enhancedByteCode = ctClass.toBytecode();
Example #8
  private void enhance_(ApplicationClass applicationClass, boolean buildAuthorityRegistryOnly)
      throws Exception {
    Plugin.trace("about to enhance applicationClass: %s", applicationClass);
    CtClass ctClass = makeClass(applicationClass);
    Set<CtBehavior> s = new HashSet<CtBehavior>();
    for (final CtBehavior ctBehavior : s) {
      if (!Modifier.isPublic(ctBehavior.getModifiers())
          || javassist.Modifier.isAbstract(ctBehavior.getModifiers())) {

      boolean needsEnhance = false;
      RequireRight rr = null;
      RequirePrivilege rp = null;
      RequireAccounting ra = null;
      boolean allowSystem = false;
      Object[] aa = ctBehavior.getAnnotations();
      for (Object o : aa) {
        if (o instanceof RequirePrivilege) {
          needsEnhance = true;
          rp = (RequirePrivilege) o;
        if (o instanceof RequireRight) {
          needsEnhance = true;
          rr = (RequireRight) o;
        if (o instanceof AllowSystemAccount) {
          allowSystem = true;
        if (o instanceof RequireAccounting) {
          needsEnhance = true;
          ra = (RequireAccounting) o;
      if (!needsEnhance) continue;

      String key = ctBehavior.getLongName();
      String errMsg = String.format("Error enhancing class %s.%s: ", ctClass, ctBehavior);
      // process rr & rp
      if (null != rr || null != rp) {
        // check before/after enhancement
        Authority.registAuthoriable_(key, rr, rp);
        if (!buildAuthorityRegistryOnly) {
          // verify if before attribute of rr and rp is consistent
          if (null != rr && null != rp && (rr.before() != rp.before())) {
            String reason = "The before setting of RequireRight and RequirePrivilege doesn't match";
            throw new RuntimeException(errMsg + reason);
          boolean before = true;
          if (null != rr) before = rr.before();
          if (null != rp) before = rp.before();
          // try best to guess the target object
          String curObj = "";
          if (null != rr) {
            // target object only impact dynamic access checking, hence rr shall not be null
            boolean isConstructor = ctBehavior instanceof CtConstructor;
            boolean isStatic = false;
            if (!isConstructor) isStatic = Modifier.isStatic(ctBehavior.getModifiers());
            int paraCnt = ctBehavior.getParameterTypes().length;
            int id = rr.target();
            // calibrate target id
            if (0 == id) {
              if (isConstructor) {
                id = -1;
              } else if (isStatic) {
                if (paraCnt > 0) id = 1;
                else id = -1;
            } else if (id > paraCnt) {
              id = paraCnt;
            // speculate cur target statement
            String sid = null;
            if (id == -1) sid = "_";
            if (id > -1) sid = String.valueOf(id);
            if (null != sid) {
              curObj =
                  "play.modules.aaa.PlayDynamicRightChecker.setObjectIfNoCurrent($" + sid + ");";

            if (-1 == id) before = false;
          // check permission enhancement
          if (before) {
                    + " play.modules.aaa.enhancer.Enhancer.Authority.checkPermission(\""
                    + key
                    + "\", "
                    + Boolean.toString(allowSystem)
                    + ");");
          } else {
                    + " play.modules.aaa.enhancer.Enhancer.Authority.checkPermission(\""
                    + key
                    + "\", "
                    + Boolean.toString(allowSystem)
                    + ");");

      if (buildAuthorityRegistryOnly) continue;

      // process ra
      if (null != ra) {
        CtClass[] paraTypes = ctBehavior.getParameterTypes();
        String sParam = null;
        if (0 < paraTypes.length) {
          sParam = "new Object[0]";
        } else {
          sParam = "{$$}";
        String msg = ra.value();
        if (null == msg || "".equals(msg)) msg = key;
        if (ra.before()) {
                  + msg
                  + "\", "
                  + Boolean.toString(allowSystem)
                  + ", "
                  + sParam
                  + ");");
        } else {
                  + msg
                  + "\", "
                  + Boolean.toString(allowSystem)
                  + ", "
                  + sParam
                  + ");");
        CtClass etype = ClassPool.getDefault().get("java.lang.Exception");
            "{play.modules.aaa.utils.Accounting.error($e, \""
                + msg
                + "\", "
                + Boolean.toString(allowSystem)
                + ", "
                + sParam
                + "); throw $e;}",

    if (buildAuthorityRegistryOnly) return;

    applicationClass.enhancedByteCode = ctClass.toBytecode();