public static List<PriceBar> getPriceDatas( String sym, java.util.Date beginDT, java.util.Date endDT, int priceMagnifier, int multiplier) { List<PriceBar> priceDatas = new ArrayList<PriceBar>(); try { PreparedStatement datedRangeBySymbol = DBopsMySql.datedRangeBySymbol( sym, new Timestamp(beginDT.getTime()), new Timestamp(endDT.getTime())); ResultSet res = datedRangeBySymbol.executeQuery(); while ( { PriceBar priceBar = new PriceBar( res.getTimestamp("datetime").getTime(), res.getDouble("open") / priceMagnifier * multiplier, res.getDouble("high") / priceMagnifier * multiplier, res.getDouble("low") / priceMagnifier * multiplier, res.getDouble("close") / priceMagnifier * multiplier, res.getLong("volume")); priceDatas.add(priceBar); } // int i = 1; } catch (SQLException ex) { MsgBox.err2(ex); } catch (Exception ex) { MsgBox.err2(ex); } finally { return priceDatas; } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------// public void addTasktoProject(int projectid, Task task, Connection conn) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); Timestamp currentdate = new Timestamp(date.getTime()); conn = select(); String sql = "INSERT INTO TASKS(TASK_ID,PROJ_ID,TASK_DESCRIPTION,TASK_NOTES,TASK_DEADLINE,TASK_FROM,TASK_TO,TASK_ACTIVE,TASK_TYPE,TASK_USER_NOTES,ROWVERSION,INSERTED_AT,INSERTED_BY,MODIFIED_AT,MODIFIED_BY)" + " VALUES(PROJ_SEQ.NEXTVAL,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); prepStmt.setInt(1, projectid); prepStmt.setString(2, task.getTask_DESC()); prepStmt.setString(3, task.getTask_NOTES()); prepStmt.setDate(4, task.getTask_DEADLINE()); prepStmt.setDate(5, task.getTask_STARDATE()); prepStmt.setDate(6, task.getTask_ENDDATE()); if (task.isTask_ACTIVE()) prepStmt.setString(7, "Y"); else prepStmt.setString(7, "N"); prepStmt.setString(8, task.getTask_Type()); prepStmt.setString(9, task.getTask_USERNOTES()); prepStmt.setInt(10, 1); if (task.getTask_INSERTEDAT() != null) prepStmt.setTimestamp(11, currentdate); else prepStmt.setDate(11, null); prepStmt.setString(12, "Grigoris"); if (task.getTask_MODIFIEDAT() != null) prepStmt.setTimestamp(13, currentdate); else prepStmt.setDate(13, null); if (task.getTask_MODIFIEDAT() != null) prepStmt.setString(14, "Grigoris"); else prepStmt.setString(14, "Grigoris"); prepStmt.executeUpdate(); return; }
@Override public String executeSqlQuery(String json) { System.out.println("obj json " + json); String response = null; String sqlCommand = null; JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(json); Connection connect = null; try { connect = SqlQueries.getConnection(); } catch (SQLException e) { } Statement statement = null; // ResultSet rset = null; JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); java.util.Date javaDate = new java.util.Date(); long javaTime = javaDate.getTime(); java.sql.Date sqldate = new java.sql.Date(javaTime); java.sql.Time sqltime = new java.sql.Time(javaTime); sqlCommand = "INSERT INTO userinfos " + "(reportdate, reporttime, patientname, measuredarm, position, systole, diastole," + " heartrate, bodytemp) VALUES('" + sqldate + "', '" + sqltime + "','" + obj.get("patientname").toString() + "','" + obj.get("arm").toString() + "','" + obj.get("position").toString() + "'," + obj.get("systole") + "," + obj.get("diastole") + "," + obj.get("heartRate") + "," + obj.get("bodyTemp") + ");"; System.out.println(sqlCommand); try { statement = connect.createStatement(); statement.executeUpdate(sqlCommand); } catch (SQLException e) { } object.put("status", true); System.out.println("object : " + object); response = object.toString(); return response; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------// public void updateTasktoProject(Task task, Connection conn) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); Timestamp currentdate = new Timestamp(date.getTime()); conn = select(); String sql = "UPDATE TASKS SET TASK_DESCRIPTION=?,TASK_NOTES=?,TASK_DEADLINE=?,TASK_FROM=?,TASK_TO=?,TASK_ACTIVE=?,TASK_TYPE=?,TASK_USER_NOTES=?,ROWVERSION=+ROWVERSION+1,INSERTED_AT=?,INSERTED_BY=?,MODIFIED_AT=?,MODIFIED_BY=?" + " WHERE TASK_ID=?"; prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); prepStmt.setString(1, task.getTask_DESC()); prepStmt.setString(2, task.getTask_NOTES()); prepStmt.setDate(3, task.getTask_DEADLINE()); prepStmt.setDate(4, task.getTask_STARDATE()); prepStmt.setDate(5, task.getTask_ENDDATE()); if (task.isTask_ACTIVE()) prepStmt.setString(6, "Y"); else prepStmt.setString(6, "N"); prepStmt.setString(7, task.getTask_Type()); prepStmt.setString(8, task.getTask_USERNOTES()); if (task.getTask_INSERTEDAT() != null) prepStmt.setTimestamp(9, currentdate); else prepStmt.setDate(9, null); prepStmt.setString(10, "Grigoris"); if (task.getTask_MODIFIEDAT() != null) prepStmt.setTimestamp(11, currentdate); else prepStmt.setDate(11, null); prepStmt.setString(12, "Grigoris"); prepStmt.setInt(13, task.getTask_ID()); prepStmt.executeUpdate(); return; }
// Hakee ja palauttaa tämänhetkisen ajan, eli pelkän ajan, ei pvm public java.sql.Time haeAika() { java.util.Date a = new java.util.Date(); long aikaL = a.getTime(); java.sql.Time aika = new java.sql.Time(aikaL); return aika; }
public Timestamp generateTimeStamp() { // 1) create a java calendar instance Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); // 2) get a java.util.Date from the calendar instance. // this date will represent the current instant, or "now". java.util.Date now = calendar.getTime(); // 3) a java current time (now) instance return new java.sql.Timestamp(now.getTime()); }
// ambil id dan Hipotesis private void prosesH() { ResultSet rs = null; try { // pSel.setString(1,"1"); rs = pSel.executeQuery(); String h = ""; int id = -1; while ( { // pasti dapat 1 id = rs.getInt(1); h = rs.getString(2); System.out.println(id + ":" + h); } if (h.equals("")) { // nggak boleh kosong! System.out.println("Error: h kosong"); return; } // konversi H ke bentuk valid URL // contoh, // input: // Capt. Scott reached Scott Island in December 1902 -nltk -linguistics -nlp -github // -entailment // output: // String parH =, "utf-8"); // panggil API google, hasilnya simpan String hasilSE = urlReader(parH); // System.out.println("hasil crawl:"+hasilSE); // save ke DB // "update rte3_babak2 " + // "set hasilsearch=?, // isproses=1, // timestamp=? where id=?"); java.util.Date date = new Date(); Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(date.getTime()); pIns.setString(1, hasilSE); pIns.setTimestamp(2, timestamp); pIns.setInt(3, id); pIns.execute(); rs.close(); // koneksi ditutup di method close() } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void register(String email, String password, String username) throws SQLException { Statement stmnt = conn.createStatement(); java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date(); Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(d.getTime()); String created_at = ts.toString(); String updated_at = created_at; String sql = "INSERT INTO members (email,encrypted_password,username,created_at,updated_at) VALUES('" + email + "','" + BCrypt.hashpw(password, BCrypt.gensalt()) + "','" + username + "','" + created_at + "','" + updated_at + "')"; stmnt.execute(sql); }
public static void addToResultsFile( String executingDatabaseName, long runTime, long rowsLoaded, long rowsLoadedPerSecond, File resultsFile) { boolean resultsFileCreated = false; try { if (!resultsFile.exists()) { resultsFileCreated = resultsFile.createNewFile(); } OutputStream resultsFileStream = new FileOutputStream(resultsFile, true); if (resultsFileCreated) { // Write header lines. String header = "timeOfTest, runTime, databaseBeingTested, rowsLoaded, rowsLoadedPerSecond, hotStart, config, replicas" + "\n"; resultsFileStream.write(header.getBytes()); } String results = startDate.getTime() + ", " + runTime + ", " + executingDatabaseName + ", " + rowsLoaded + ", " + rowsLoadedPerSecond + ", " + hotStart + ", " + configInfo + ", " + numberOfReplicas + "\n"; resultsFileStream.write(results.getBytes()); resultsFileStream.flush(); resultsFileStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------// public int editProject(Project project, Connection conn) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; int rtrn = -1; java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); Timestamp currentdate = new Timestamp(date.getTime()); conn = select(); String sql = "UPDATE PROJECTS SET PROJ_NAME=?,MODIFIED_AT=?,MODIFIED_BY=?,PROJ_ACTIVE=?,PROJ_BUDGET=?,PROJ_DEADLINE=?,PROJ_DESCRIPTION=?,PROJ_FROM=?,PROJ_TYPE=?,PROJ_TO=?,CUST_ID=?,ROWVERSION=ROWVERSION+1" + "WHERE PROJ_ID=?"; prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); prepStmt.setString(1, project.getName()); prepStmt.setTimestamp(2, currentdate); prepStmt.setString(3, project.getModified_by()); if (project.isActive()) prepStmt.setString(4, "Y"); else prepStmt.setString(4, "N"); if (project.getBudget() != -1) prepStmt.setFloat(5, project.getBudget()); else prepStmt.setInt(5, 0); if (project.getNextDeadline() == null) prepStmt.setDate(6, null); else prepStmt.setDate(6, new java.sql.Date(project.getNextDeadline().getTime())); prepStmt.setString(7, project.getDescription()); prepStmt.setDate(8, new java.sql.Date(project.getStartDate().getTime())); prepStmt.setString(9, project.getProjectType()); if (project.getEndDate() == null) prepStmt.setDate(10, null); else prepStmt.setDate(10, new java.sql.Date(project.getEndDate().getTime())); prepStmt.setInt(11, project.getCustomerID()); prepStmt.setInt(12, project.getProjectID()); prepStmt.executeUpdate(); rtrn = project.getProjectID(); return rtrn; }
public static Anotacao inserir(Anotacao a) { Anotacao anot = null; // Pegar data atual java.util.Date today = new java.util.Date(); java.sql.Date date = new java.sql.Date(today.getTime()); try { // Criação do insert String sql = "INSERT INTO anotacao(id_termo, termo_papel, id_classe, classe_papel, linha_termo, id_usuario, data_anot, propriedade) " + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; Conexao conex = new Conexao( "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/teste", "org.postgresql.Driver", "postgres", "123456"); Connection con = conex.obterConexao(); PreparedStatement comando = con.prepareStatement(sql); comando.setInt(1, a.getTermo()); comando.setString(2, a.getTermo_papel()); comando.setInt(3, a.getClasse()); comando.setString(4, a.getClasse_papel()); comando.setString(5, a.getLinha()); comando.setInt(6, a.getUsuario().getId()); comando.setDate(7, date); comando.setString(8, a.getPropriedade()); comando.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } anot = new Anotacao( a.getTermo(), a.getTermo_papel(), a.getClasse(), a.getClasse_papel(), a.getLinha(), a.getUsuario(), a.getPropriedade()); return anot; }
public Query addParameter(String name, java.util.Date value) { Date sqlDate = value == null ? null : new Date(value.getTime()); if (sqlDate != null && this.connection.getSql2o().quirksMode == QuirksMode.DB2) { // With the DB2 driver you can get an error if trying to put a date value into a timestamp // column, // but of some reason it works if using setObject(). return addParameter(name, (Object) sqlDate); } else { return addParameter(name, sqlDate); } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------// public int insertProject(Project project, Connection conn) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; int rtrn = -1; java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); Timestamp currentdate = new Timestamp(date.getTime()); conn = select(); String sql = "INSERT INTO PROJECTS(PROJ_ID,PROJ_NAME,INSERTED_AT,INSERTED_BY,MODIFIED_AT,MODIFIED_BY,PROJ_ACTIVE,PROJ_BUDGET,PROJ_DEADLINE,PROJ_DESCRIPTION,PROJ_FROM,PROJ_TYPE,PROJ_TO,CUST_ID,ROWVERSION)" + " VALUES(PROJ_SEQ.NEXTVAL,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; String cols[] = {"PROJ_ID"}; prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql, cols); prepStmt.setString(1, project.getName()); prepStmt.setTimestamp(2, currentdate); prepStmt.setString(3, project.getInserted_by()); prepStmt.setDate(4, null); prepStmt.setString(5, null); if (project.isActive()) prepStmt.setString(6, "Y"); else prepStmt.setString(6, "N"); if (project.getBudget() != -1) prepStmt.setFloat(7, project.getBudget()); else prepStmt.setInt(7, 0); if (project.getNextDeadline() == null) prepStmt.setDate(8, null); else prepStmt.setDate(8, new java.sql.Date(project.getNextDeadline().getTime())); prepStmt.setString(9, project.getDescription()); prepStmt.setDate(10, new java.sql.Date(project.getStartDate().getTime())); prepStmt.setString(11, project.getProjectType()); if (project.getEndDate() == null) prepStmt.setDate(12, null); else prepStmt.setDate(12, new java.sql.Date(project.getEndDate().getTime())); prepStmt.setInt(13, project.getCustomerID()); prepStmt.setInt(14, project.getRowversion()); prepStmt.executeUpdate(); ResultSet rs = prepStmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { rtrn = rs.getInt(1); } rs.close(); return rtrn; }
public ByteArrayOutputStream getReportCode() { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Document document = new Document(PageSize.B4, 40, 200, 120, 20); try { PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, baos); MyPageEvents events = new MyPageEvents(); writer.setPageEvent(events);; if (data.size() == 0) { PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(1); table.addCell(printStr("", 6, 8, false, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, 0)); document.add(table); } PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(1); table.setWidthPercentage(100); int border = 0; // Receipt Infos String row[] = (String[]) data.get(0); table.addCell(printStr("", 1, 18, false, border, 1)); table.addCell(printStr(row[17], 1, 22, false, border, 1)); table.addCell(printStr(" ", 1, 18, false, border, 1)); table.addCell(printStr(" ", 1, 18, false, border, 1)); table.addCell(printStr("Name: " + row[0], 1, 22, false, border, 0)); table.addCell(printStr(" " + row[13], 1, 22, false, border, 0)); table.addCell(printStr("Sex: " + row[14], 1, 22, false, border, 0)); table.addCell(printStr("DOB: " + row[15], 1, 22, false, border, 0)); if (row[12].equals("A")) table.addCell( printStr( "Nationality: " + GeneralDataInHtml.getCountryName(row[2]), 1, 22, false, border, 0)); table.addCell(printStr("PPT/Ref. No.: " + row[1], 1, 22, false, border, 0)); table.addCell(printStr(" ", 1, 18, false, border, 1)); table.addCell(printStr(" ", 1, 18, false, border, 1)); double cashTotal = 0; double chequeTotal = 0; table.addCell(printStr(row[3] + " x " + row[4] + " @$" + row[5], 1, 22, false, border, 0)); for (int i = 1; i < data.size(); i++) { String item[] = (String[]) data.get(i); table.addCell( printStr(item[3] + " x " + item[4] + " @$" + item[5], 1, 22, false, border, 0)); } table.addCell(printStr(" ", 1, 18, false, border, 1)); table.addCell(printStr(" ", 1, 18, false, border, 1)); double amt = Double.parseDouble(row[9]); if (row[7].equals("cash")) { table.addCell(printStr("Cash Total: HK$" + amt + "0", 1, 22, false, border, 0)); } else { table.addCell(printStr("Cheque: HK$" + amt + "0", 1, 22, false, border, 0)); table.addCell(printStr("--" + row[8], 1, 22, false, border, 0)); } table.addCell(printStr(" ", 1, 18, false, border, 1)); // Count Collection Date Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; int dayAdd = 2; int dayCount = 2; // int receiptDate = Integer.parseInt(row[18]); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); java.util.Date rDate = sdf.parse(row[18]); java.sql.Timestamp receiptDate = new java.sql.Timestamp(rDate.getTime()); // 86400000 milliseconds in a day long oneDay = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; try { conn = JdbcConnection.getConnection(); for (int k = 1; k <= dayCount; k++) { receiptDate.setTime(receiptDate.getTime() + oneDay); // System.out.println("select 1 from holiday where date = "+(receiptDate)); ps = conn.prepareStatement("select 1 from holiday where date = ?"); ps.setTimestamp(1, receiptDate); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { dayCount += 1; dayAdd += 1; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (rs != null) try { rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (ps != null) try { ps.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (conn != null) try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set( Integer.parseInt(row[18].substring(0, 4)), Integer.parseInt(row[18].substring(4, 6)) - 1, Integer.parseInt(row[18].substring(6))); cal.add(cal.DATE, dayAdd); Date date = cal.getTime(); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy (EEE)", Locale.US); table.addCell(printStr(" ", 1, 18, false, border, 1)); if (row[12].equals("A")) { table.addCell(printStr("Collection Date: " + df.format(date), 1, 22, false, border, 1)); table.addCell(printStr("Collection Time: 4:00pm to 5:00pm", 1, 22, false, border, 1)); table.addCell(printStr(" ", 1, 22, false, border, 1)); table.addCell(printStr(row[10] + " " + row[16], 1, 22, false, border, 1)); table.addCell(printStr(" ", 1, 22, false, border, 1)); table.addCell( printStr( "APPLICATION IS SUBJECTED TO APPROVAL, PLEASE BRING THIS RECEIPT ON COLLECTION DAY", 1, 22, false, border, 1)); table.addCell(printStr(row[11], 1, 32, false, border, 1)); table.addCell(printStr("(" + this.params + ")", 1, 22, false, border, 2)); } else { table.addCell(printStr("THANK YOU", 1, 22, false, border, 1)); table.addCell(printStr(row[10] + " " + row[16], 1, 22, false, border, 1)); table.addCell(printStr(" ", 1, 22, false, border, 1)); table.addCell(printStr(row[11], 1, 22, false, border, 1)); table.addCell(printStr("(" + this.params + ")", 1, 22, false, border, 2)); } float[] widths4 = {10}; table.setWidths(widths4); document.add(table); document.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return baos; }
public static int searchForTwits(int id, String text, Connection conn, String getDate) throws TwitterException, SQLException, LangDetectException, ParseException { Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance(); int countTweets = 0; int pageNumber = 1; int n = 0; do { Query query = new Query(text).rpp(100).page(pageNumber); QueryResult result =; for (Tweet tweet : result.getTweets()) { java.util.Date date = tweet.getCreatedAt(); Format formatter; formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String newDate = formatter.format(date); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); java.util.Date oldDate = df.parse(getDate); Statement input = conn.createStatement(); countTweets++; if (date.after(oldDate)) { Detector detector = DetectorFactory.create(); detector.append(tweet.getText()); String lang; try { lang = detector.detect(); if (lang.equals("lv") || lang.equals("ru")) { try { input.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO tweet " + "VALUES (null, '" + tweet.getId() + "', '" + tweet.getFromUser() + "', '" + tweet.getText().replace("'", "’") + "', '" + newDate + "', null, null, null)"); input.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO tweet_brand " + "VALUES (null, '" + tweet.getId() + "', '" + id + "')"); } catch (SQLException ex) { } n++; } else continue; } catch (LangDetectException ex) { } } else continue; } pageNumber++; if (countTweets == 100) countTweets = 0; else break; } while (pageNumber != 16); System.out.print(text + " "); return n; }
void runProcTest() { setProgressMinMax(0, m_nNumRuns - 1); int nProgressStep = m_nNumRuns / 10 + 1; CallableStatement stmt = null; try { boolean m_bTransactionsUsed = m_bTrans && m_conn.getMetaData().supportsTransactions(); stmt = m_conn.prepareCall("{call ODBC_BENCHMARK(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}"); int nAccNum, nBranchNum, nTellerNum; double dDelta, dBalance; log( "Starting procedure benchmark for " + m_nNumRuns + ((m_time > 0) ? " min.\n" : " runs\n"), 0); java.util.Random rand = new java.util.Random(m_nMaxAccount + m_nMaxBranch + m_nMaxTeller); for (int nRun = 0; (m_time > 0) ? true : nRun < m_nNumRuns; nRun++) { if (m_time > 0) { java.util.Date current = new java.util.Date(); if ((current.getTime() - m_time) > (m_nNumRuns * 60000)) break; } try { nAccNum = (int) (rand.nextFloat() * rand.nextFloat() * (m_nMaxAccount - 1)) + 1; nBranchNum = (int) (rand.nextFloat() * (m_nMaxBranch - 1)) + 1; nTellerNum = (int) (rand.nextFloat() * (m_nMaxTeller - 1)) + 1; dDelta = ((double) ((long) ((((int) (rand.nextFloat() * (m_nMaxTeller - 1)) + 1) * (rand.nextFloat() > 0.5 ? -1 : 1)) * 100))) / 100; stmt.clearParameters(); stmt.setInt(1, nRun + 1); stmt.setInt(2, nAccNum); stmt.setInt(3, nTellerNum); stmt.setInt(4, nBranchNum); stmt.setFloat(5, (float) dDelta); stmt.registerOutParameter(6, Types.FLOAT); stmt.setString(7, BenchPanel.strFiller.substring(0, 22)); java.util.Date startTime = new java.util.Date(); log( "{call ODBC_BENCHMARK(" + nRun + ", " + nAccNum + "," + nTellerNum + "," + nBranchNum + "," + dDelta + ",?,\'" + BenchPanel.strFiller.substring(0, 22) + "\')}\n", 2); stmt.execute(); stmt.getFloat(6); if (m_bQuery) executeQuery(); java.util.Date endTime = new java.util.Date(); m_nTrans += 1; double diff = endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime(); if (diff < 1000) m_nTrans1Sec += 1; else if (diff < 2000) m_nTrans2Sec += 1; m_nTimeSum += diff / 1000; } catch (SQLException e1) { // System.err.println(e1.getMessage()); // e1.printStackTrace(); break; } if (nRun % nProgressStep == 0) setProgressValue(nRun); // yield(); } setProgressValue(m_nNumRuns - 1); } catch (SQLException e) { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage(), "SQL Error in proc test", // JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); log("SQLError in procedure test : " + e.getMessage(), 0); } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } stmt = null; } }
public void gather( String dbase, String table1, String table2, String table3, String field1, String field2, String field3) { this.dbase = dbase; this.table1 = table1; this.table2 = table2; this.table3 = table3; this.field1 = field1; this.field2 = field2; this.field3 = field3; nseer_db db = new nseer_db(dbase); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date(); try { String sql3 = "delete from " + table1 + ""; db.executeUpdate(sql3); String sql = "select * from " + table2 + " where tag='1'"; rs = db.executeQuery(sql); int i = 0; while ( { idgroup[i] = rs.getString(field1); alarmgroup[i] = rs.getString(field2); i++; } for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { java.util.Date date1 = new java.util.Date(); long Time = (now.getTime() / 1000) - 60 * 60 * 24 * Integer.parseInt(alarmgroup[j]); date1.setTime(Time * 1000); String time = formatter.format(date1); sql1 = "select * from " + table3 + " where " + field1 + "='" + idgroup[j] + "'&&" + field3 + "<='" + time + "'&&tag='0'"; rs1 = db.executeQuery(sql1); while ( { java.util.Date date2 = formatter.parse(rs1.getString(field3)); long days = (long) ((date1.getTime() - date2.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) + 0.5); String sql2 = "insert into " + table1 + "(" + field1 + ",ordernum,sumtotal,invoicetime," + field2 + ",days) values('" + idgroup[j] + "','" + rs1.getString("ordernum") + "','" + rs1.getString("sumtotal") + "','" + rs1.getString(field3) + "','" + alarmgroup[j] + "','" + days + "')"; db.executeUpdate(sql2); } } db.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
void runPrepareTest() { setProgressMinMax(0, m_nNumRuns - 1); int nProgressStep = m_nNumRuns / 10 + 1; try { boolean m_bTransactionsUsed = m_bTrans && m_conn.getMetaData().supportsTransactions(); boolean bCurrentAutoCommit = m_conn.getAutoCommit(); m_conn.setAutoCommit(!m_bTransactionsUsed); int nAccNum, nBranchNum, nTellerNum; double dDelta, dBalance; log( "Starting SQL prepare/execute benchmark for " + m_nNumRuns + ((m_time > 0) ? " min.\n" : " runs\n"), 0); java.util.Random rand = new java.util.Random(m_nMaxAccount + m_nMaxBranch + m_nMaxTeller); for (int nRun = 0; (m_time > 0) ? true : nRun < m_nNumRuns; nRun++) { if (m_time > 0) { java.util.Date current = new java.util.Date(); if ((current.getTime() - m_time) > (m_nNumRuns * 60000)) break; } PreparedStatement updAccStmt = null, selAccStmt = null, updTellerStmt = null, updBranchStmt = null, insHistStmt = null; try { nAccNum = (int) (rand.nextFloat() * rand.nextFloat() * (m_nMaxAccount - 1)) + 1; nBranchNum = (int) (rand.nextFloat() * (m_nMaxBranch - 1)) + 1; nTellerNum = (int) (rand.nextFloat() * (m_nMaxTeller - 1)) + 1; dDelta = ((double) ((long) ((((int) (rand.nextFloat() * (m_nMaxTeller - 1)) + 1) * (rand.nextFloat() > 0.5 ? -1 : 1)) * 100))) / 100; // prepare statements updAccStmt = m_conn.prepareStatement( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getAccountName() + " SET balance = balance + ? WHERE account = ?"); selAccStmt = m_conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT balance FROM " + m_Driver.getAccountName() + " WHERE account = ?"); updTellerStmt = m_conn.prepareStatement( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getTellerName() + " SET balance = balance + ? WHERE teller = ?"); updBranchStmt = m_conn.prepareStatement( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getBranchName() + " SET balance = balance + ? WHERE branch = ?"); insHistStmt = m_conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO " + m_Driver.getHistoryName() + " (histid, account, teller, branch, amount, timeoftxn, filler) VALUES (? , ? , ? , ? , ? , " + m_nowFunction + " , ?)"); // bind parameters updAccStmt.setDouble(1, dDelta); updAccStmt.setInt(2, nAccNum); // System.out.println(nAccNum); selAccStmt.setInt(1, nAccNum); updTellerStmt.setDouble(1, dDelta); updTellerStmt.setInt(2, nTellerNum); updBranchStmt.setDouble(1, dDelta); updBranchStmt.setInt(2, nBranchNum); insHistStmt.setInt(1, nRun); insHistStmt.setInt(2, nAccNum); insHistStmt.setInt(3, nTellerNum); insHistStmt.setInt(4, nBranchNum); insHistStmt.setDouble(5, dDelta); insHistStmt.setString(6, BenchPanel.strFiller.substring(0, 21)); java.util.Date startTime = new java.util.Date(); // execute statements log( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getAccountName() + " SET balance = balance + " + dDelta + " WHERE account = " + nAccNum + "\n", 2); updAccStmt.executeUpdate(); log( "SELECT balance FROM " + m_Driver.getAccountName() + " WHERE account = " + nAccNum + "\n", 2); ResultSet balanceSet = selAccStmt.executeQuery();; dBalance = balanceSet.getFloat(1); // if (balanceSet == null) // System.out.println("balanceSet is NULL"); // else { // String strBalance = balanceSet.getString(1); // System.out.println(balanceSet.wasNull() ? "SQL NULL" : strBalance); // } balanceSet.close(); log( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getTellerName() + " SET balance = balance + " + dDelta + " WHERE teller = " + nTellerNum + "\n", 2); updTellerStmt.executeUpdate(); log( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getBranchName() + " SET balance = balance + " + dDelta + " WHERE branch = " + nBranchNum + "\n", 2); updBranchStmt.executeUpdate(); log( "INSERT INTO " + m_Driver.getHistoryName() + " (histid, account, teller, branch, amount, timeoftxn, filler) VALUES (" + nRun + " , " + nAccNum + " , " + nTellerNum + " , " + nBranchNum + " , " + dDelta + " , " + m_nowFunction + " , \'" + BenchPanel.strFiller.substring(0, 21) + "\')\n", 2); insHistStmt.executeUpdate(); if (m_bQuery) executeQuery(); if (m_bTransactionsUsed) m_conn.commit(); java.util.Date endTime = new java.util.Date(); m_nTrans += 1; double diff = endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime(); if (diff < 1000) m_nTrans1Sec += 1; else if (diff < 2000) m_nTrans2Sec += 1; m_nTimeSum += diff / 1000; } catch (SQLException e1) { // System.err.println(e1.getMessage()); break; } finally { try { if (updAccStmt != null) updAccStmt.close(); if (selAccStmt != null) selAccStmt.close(); if (updTellerStmt != null) updTellerStmt.close(); if (updBranchStmt != null) updBranchStmt.close(); if (insHistStmt != null) insHistStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } if (nRun % nProgressStep == 0) setProgressValue(nRun); // yield(); } setProgressValue(m_nNumRuns - 1); m_conn.setAutoCommit(bCurrentAutoCommit); } catch (SQLException e) { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage(), "SQL Error in Text test", // JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); log("SQLError in prepare test : " + e.getMessage(), 0); } }
void runTextTest() { Statement stmt = null; try { // System.out.println("Thread :" + getName() + " Text test entered"); setProgressMinMax(0, m_nNumRuns - 1); int nProgressStep = m_nNumRuns / 10 + 1; // System.out.println("Thread :" + getName() + " before commit state"); boolean m_bTransactionsUsed = m_bTrans && m_conn.getMetaData().supportsTransactions(); // System.out.println("Thread :" + getName() + " are transactions used"); boolean bCurrentAutoCommit = m_conn.getAutoCommit(); // System.out.println("Thread :" + getName() + "got currentCommit"); m_conn.setAutoCommit(!m_bTransactionsUsed); // System.out.println("Thread :" + getName() + " commit state set"); stmt = m_conn.createStatement(); int nAccNum, nBranchNum, nTellerNum; double dDelta, dBalance; log( "Starting SQL text benchmark for " + m_nNumRuns + ((m_time > 0) ? " min.\n" : " runs\n"), 0); java.util.Random rand = new java.util.Random(m_nMaxAccount + m_nMaxBranch + m_nMaxTeller); for (int nRun = 0; (m_time > 0) ? true : nRun < m_nNumRuns; nRun++) { if (m_time > 0) { java.util.Date current = new java.util.Date(); if ((current.getTime() - m_time) > (m_nNumRuns * 60000)) break; } try { nAccNum = (int) (rand.nextFloat() * rand.nextFloat() * (m_nMaxAccount - 1)) + 1; nBranchNum = (int) (rand.nextFloat() * (m_nMaxBranch - 1)) + 1; nTellerNum = (int) (rand.nextFloat() * (m_nMaxTeller - 1)) + 1; dDelta = ((double) ((long) ((((int) (rand.nextFloat() * (m_nMaxTeller - 1)) + 1) * (rand.nextFloat() > 0.5 ? -1 : 1)) * 100))) / 100; java.util.Date startTime = new java.util.Date(); log( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getAccountName() + " SET balance = balance + " + dDelta + " WHERE account = " + nAccNum + "\n", 2); stmt.executeUpdate( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getAccountName() + " SET balance = balance + " + dDelta + " WHERE account = " + nAccNum); log( "SELECT balance FROM " + m_Driver.getAccountName() + " WHERE account = " + nAccNum + "\n", 2); ResultSet balanceSet = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT balance FROM " + m_Driver.getAccountName() + " WHERE account = " + nAccNum);; dBalance = balanceSet.getDouble(1); balanceSet.close(); log( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getTellerName() + " SET balance = balance + " + dDelta + " WHERE teller = " + nTellerNum + "\n", 2); stmt.executeUpdate( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getTellerName() + " SET balance = balance + " + dDelta + " WHERE teller = " + nTellerNum); log( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getBranchName() + " SET balance = balance + " + dDelta + " WHERE branch = " + nBranchNum + "\n", 2); stmt.executeUpdate( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getBranchName() + " SET balance = balance + " + dDelta + " WHERE branch = " + nBranchNum); log( "INSERT INTO " + m_Driver.getHistoryName() + " (histid, account, teller, branch, amount, timeoftxn, filler) VALUES (" + nRun + " , " + nAccNum + " , " + nTellerNum + " , " + nBranchNum + " , " + dDelta + " , " + m_nowFunction + " , \'" + BenchPanel.strFiller.substring(0, 21) + "\')\n", 2); stmt.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO " + m_Driver.getHistoryName() + " (histid, account, teller, branch, amount, timeoftxn, filler) VALUES (" + nRun + " , " + nAccNum + " , " + nTellerNum + " , " + nBranchNum + " , " + dDelta + " , " + m_nowFunction + " , \'" + BenchPanel.strFiller.substring(0, 21) + "\')"); if (m_bQuery) executeQuery(); // System.out.println("Done query"); if (m_bTransactionsUsed) m_conn.commit(); java.util.Date endTime = new java.util.Date(); // System.out.println("Done"); m_nTrans += 1; long diff = endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime(); if (diff < 1000) m_nTrans1Sec += 1; else if (diff < 2000) m_nTrans2Sec += 1; m_nTimeSum += ((double) diff) / 1000; } catch (SQLException e1) { // System.err.println(e1.getMessage()); // e1.printStackTrace(); break; } if (nRun % nProgressStep == 0) setProgressValue(nRun); // yield(); } setProgressValue(m_nNumRuns - 1); m_conn.setAutoCommit(bCurrentAutoCommit); } catch (SQLException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage(), "SQL Error in Text test", // JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); log("SQLError in text test : " + e.getMessage(), 0); } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } }
public boolean post(int id, String message) { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; Connection con = null; // 1) create a java calendar instance Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); // 2) get a java.util.Date from the calendar instance. // this date will represent the current instant, or "now". java.util.Date now = calendar.getTime(); // 3) a java current time (now) instance java.sql.Timestamp currentTimestamp = new java.sql.Timestamp(now.getTime()); try { // Get the connection to the database con = getConnection(); // Execute the query stmt = con.prepareStatement("insert into lab1 (id, message, time)" + " values(?, ?, ? )"); stmt.setInt(1, id); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( {} return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { // handle any errors System.out.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage()); System.out.println("SQLState: " + ex.getSQLState()); System.out.println("VendorError: " + ex.getErrorCode()); } finally { // it is a good idea to release // resources in a finally{} block // in reverse-order of their creation // if they are no-longer needed if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore rs = null; } if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore stmt = null; } if (con != null) { try { con.close(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore con = null; } } return false; }
private static java.sql.Timestamp getCurrentTimeStamp() { java.util.Date today = new java.util.Date(); return new java.sql.Timestamp(today.getTime()); }
protected java.sql.Date convertToSqlDate(java.util.Date date) { return new java.sql.Date(date.getTime()); }