protected int runEclipse(String message, File location, String[] args, File extensions) {
   File root = new File(Activator.getBundleContext().getProperty("java.home"));
   root = new File(root, "bin");
   File exe = new File(root, "javaw.exe");
   if (!exe.exists()) exe = new File(root, "java");
   assertTrue("Java executable not found in: " + exe.getAbsolutePath(), exe.exists());
   List<String> command = new ArrayList<String>();
       new String[] {
         (new File(location == null ? output : location, getExeFolder() + "eclipse"))
   Collections.addAll(command, args);
   Collections.addAll(command, new String[] {"-vmArgs", "-Dosgi.checkConfiguration=true"});
   // command-line if you want to run and allow a remote debugger to connect
   if (debug)
         new String[] {
           "-Xdebug", "-Xnoagent", "-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8787"
   int result = run(message, command.toArray(new String[command.size()]));
   // 13 means that we wrote something out in the log file.
   // so try and parse it and fail via that message if we can.
   if (result == 13) parseExitdata(message);
   return result;
  * Set up the platform binary download and get it ready to run the tests.
  * This method is not intended to be called by clients, it will be called
  * automatically when the clients use a ReconcilerTestSuite. If the executable isn't
  * found on the file-system after the call, then we fail.
 public void initialize() throws Exception {
   initialized = false;
   File file = getPlatformZip();
   output = getUniqueFolder();
   // for now we will exec to un-tar archives to keep the executable bits
   if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) {
     try {
       FileUtils.unzipFile(file, output);
     } catch (IOException e) {
       fail("0.99", e);
   } else {
     untar("1.0", file);
   File exe = new File(output, getExeFolder() + "eclipse.exe");
   if (!exe.exists()) {
     exe = new File(output, getExeFolder() + "eclipse");
     if (!exe.exists())
           "Executable file: "
               + exe.getAbsolutePath()
               + "(or .exe) not found after extracting: "
               + file.getAbsolutePath()
               + " to: "
               + output);
   initialized = true;
 public int runDirectorToInstall(
     String message, File installFolder, String sourceRepo, String iuToInstall) {
   String[] command =
       new String[] { //
         "org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director", //
         iuToInstall, //
         installFolder.getAbsolutePath(), //
         installFolder.getAbsolutePath(), //
         "org.eclipse.update.install.features=true", //
   return runEclipse(message, command);
    /** @param workTokDir Token directory (common for multiple nodes). */
    private void cleanupResources(File workTokDir) {
      RandomAccessFile lockFile = null;

      FileLock lock = null;

      try {
        lockFile = new RandomAccessFile(new File(workTokDir, LOCK_FILE_NAME), "rw");

        lock = lockFile.getChannel().lock();

        if (lock != null) processTokenDirectory(workTokDir);
        else if (log.isDebugEnabled())
              "Token directory is being processed concurrently: " + workTokDir.getAbsolutePath());
      } catch (OverlappingFileLockException ignored) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
              "Token directory is being processed concurrently: " + workTokDir.getAbsolutePath());
      } catch (FileLockInterruptionException ignored) {
      } catch (IOException e) {
        U.error(log, "Failed to process directory: " + workTokDir.getAbsolutePath(), e);
      } finally {
Example #5
 public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
   File f1 = (File) o1;
   File f2 = (File) o2;
   if (f1.isDirectory()) {
     if (f2.isDirectory()) {
       switch (mode) {
           // Filename or Type
         case 1:
         case 4:
           return sign
               * f1.getAbsolutePath()
           // Filesize
         case 2:
           return sign * (new Long(f1.length()).compareTo(new Long(f2.length())));
           // Date
         case 3:
           return sign * (new Long(f1.lastModified()).compareTo(new Long(f2.lastModified())));
           return 1;
     } else return -1;
   } else if (f2.isDirectory()) return 1;
   else {
     switch (mode) {
       case 1:
         return sign
             * f1.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase().compareTo(f2.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase());
       case 2:
         return sign * (new Long(f1.length()).compareTo(new Long(f2.length())));
       case 3:
         return sign * (new Long(f1.lastModified()).compareTo(new Long(f2.lastModified())));
       case 4:
         { // Sort by extension
           int tempIndexf1 = f1.getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf('.');
           int tempIndexf2 = f2.getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf('.');
           if ((tempIndexf1 == -1) && (tempIndexf2 == -1)) { // Neither have an extension
             return sign
                 * f1.getAbsolutePath()
           // f1 has no extension
           else if (tempIndexf1 == -1) return -sign;
           // f2 has no extension
           else if (tempIndexf2 == -1) return sign;
           // Both have an extension
           else {
             String tempEndf1 = f1.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase().substring(tempIndexf1);
             String tempEndf2 = f2.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase().substring(tempIndexf2);
             return sign * tempEndf1.compareTo(tempEndf2);
         return 1;
  * Untar the given file in the output directory.
 private void untar(String message, File file) {
   String name = file.getName();
   File gzFile = new File(output, name);
   run(message, new String[] {"cp", file.getAbsolutePath(), gzFile.getAbsolutePath()});
   run(message, new String[] {"tar", "-zpxf", gzFile.getAbsolutePath()});
Example #7
  // Derived from
  public static File getRelativeFile(File targetFile, File baseFile) {
    try {
      targetFile = targetFile.getCanonicalFile();
      baseFile = baseFile.getCanonicalFile();
    } catch (IOException ignored) {
    String pathSeparator = File.separator;
    String basePath = baseFile.getAbsolutePath();
    String normalizedTargetPath = normalize(targetFile.getAbsolutePath(), pathSeparator);
    String normalizedBasePath = normalize(basePath, pathSeparator);

    String[] base = normalizedBasePath.split(Pattern.quote(pathSeparator));
    String[] target = normalizedTargetPath.split(Pattern.quote(pathSeparator));

    StringBuilder common = new StringBuilder();

    int commonIndex = 0;
    while (commonIndex < target.length
        && commonIndex < base.length
        && target[commonIndex].equals(base[commonIndex])) {

    if (commonIndex == 0) {
      throw new Error(
          "No common path element found for '"
              + normalizedTargetPath
              + "' and '"
              + normalizedBasePath
              + '\'');

    boolean baseIsFile = true;

    if (baseFile.exists()) {
      baseIsFile = baseFile.isFile();
    } else if (basePath.endsWith(pathSeparator)) {
      baseIsFile = false;

    StringBuilder relative = new StringBuilder();

    if (base.length != commonIndex) {
      int numDirsUp = baseIsFile ? base.length - commonIndex - 1 : base.length - commonIndex;

      for (int i = 0; i < numDirsUp; i++) {
    return new File(relative.toString());
Example #8
  private void updateLinuxServiceInstaller() {
    try {
      File dir = new File(directory, "CTP");
      if (suppressFirstPathElement) dir = dir.getParentFile();
      Properties props = new Properties();
      String ctpHome = dir.getAbsolutePath();
      cp.appendln(, "...CTP_HOME: " + ctpHome);
      ctpHome = ctpHome.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\");
      props.put("CTP_HOME", ctpHome);
      File javaHome = new File(System.getProperty("java.home"));
      String javaBin = (new File(javaHome, "bin")).getAbsolutePath();
      cp.appendln(, "...JAVA_BIN: " + javaBin);
      javaBin = javaBin.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\");
      props.put("JAVA_BIN", javaBin);

      File linux = new File(dir, "linux");
      File install = new File(linux, "");
      cp.appendln(, "Linux service installer:");
      cp.appendln(, "...file: " + install.getAbsolutePath());
      String bat = getFileText(install);
      bat = replace(bat, props); // do the substitutions
      bat = bat.replace("\r", "");
      setFileText(install, bat);

      // If this is an ISN installation, put the script in the correct place.
      String osName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
      if (programName.equals("ISN") && !osName.contains("windows")) {
        install = new File(linux, "");
        cp.appendln(, "ISN service installer:");
        cp.appendln(, "...file: " + install.getAbsolutePath());
        bat = getFileText(install);
        bat = replace(bat, props); // do the substitutions
        bat = bat.replace("\r", "");
        File initDir = new File("/etc/init.d");
        File initFile = new File(initDir, "ctpService");
        if (initDir.exists()) {
          setOwnership(initDir, "edge", "edge");
          setFileText(initFile, bat);
          initFile.setReadable(true, false); // everybody can read //Java 1.6
          initFile.setWritable(true); // only the owner can write //Java 1.6
          initFile.setExecutable(true, false); // everybody can execute //Java 1.6
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      System.err.println("Unable to update the Linux service file");
Example #9
  private void loadObjects() throws ConfigurationException {
    if (!isExecutionMode()) {
      // Import objects from file system
      File objectsDirectory = new File(tangaraPath.getParentFile(), "objects");
      System.out.println("using path " + objectsDirectory.getAbsolutePath());

      // 1st Load libraries
      File libDirectory = new File(objectsDirectory, "lib");
      File libraries[] = libDirectory.listFiles();
      for (int i = 0; i < libraries.length; i++) {
        if (libraries[i].getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
          System.out.println("Loading library " + libraries[i].getName());

      // 2nd load objects
      File objects[] = objectsDirectory.listFiles();
      for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
        if (objects[i].getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
          System.out.println("Loading object " + objects[i].getName());
    // import the localized objects package
  private boolean checkIfRequestedFileLegal(HtmlRequest htmlRequest) throws IOException {

    String requestedFileStr = htmlRequest.requestedFile;

    // Check if it is default
    if (requestedFileStr.equals("/")) {
      htmlRequest.requestedFile = "/" + defaultPage.toString();
      requestedFileStr = htmlRequest.requestedFile;
    String requestedFileFullPath = rootDirectory.getCanonicalPath() + requestedFileStr;
    File requestedFile = new File(requestedFileFullPath);

    // Checking that the requested file path is under the root directory
    if (!requestedFile.getAbsolutePath().startsWith(rootDirectory.getCanonicalPath())) {
      return false;

    // Checking if it is a directory
    if (requestedFile.isDirectory()) {
      return false;

    // Check if the file exists
    if (!requestedFile.exists()) {
      return false;

    return true;
Example #11
  public void loadProperty() {

    try {

      File file = new File(confFileName);

      log.debug("file=" + file.getAbsolutePath());

      confProperties = new Properties();
      confProperties.loadFromXML(new FileInputStream(file));

      bonitaApiHost = confProperties.getProperty("");
      bonitaApiUsername = confProperties.getProperty("bonita.api.username");
      bonitaApiPassword = confProperties.getProperty("bonita.api.password");
      bonitaApiHttpUsername = confProperties.getProperty("bonita.api.http.username");
      bonitaApiHttpPassword = confProperties.getProperty("bonita.api.http.password");
      bonitaApiPath = confProperties.getProperty("bonita.api.path");

      rallyApiHost = confProperties.getProperty("");
      rallyApiHttpUsername = confProperties.getProperty("rally.api.http.username");
      rallyApiHttpPassword = confProperties.getProperty("rally.api.http.password");
      rallyProjectIds = confProperties.getProperty("rally.project.ids");

      // bonitaProcessId=properties.getProperty("");

      workflowServiceUrl = confProperties.getProperty("service.url");

    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("", e);
Example #12
  public void setUp() throws Exception {
    theDaemon = getMockLockssDaemon();
    tempDir = getTempDir();
    String tempDirPath = tempDir.getAbsolutePath();
    System.setProperty("", tempDirPath);

    Properties p = new Properties();
    p.setProperty(IdentityManager.PARAM_IDDB_DIR, tempDirPath + "iddb");
    p.setProperty(ConfigManager.PARAM_PLATFORM_DISK_SPACE_LIST, tempDirPath);
    p.setProperty(IdentityManager.PARAM_LOCAL_IP, "");
    p.setProperty(V3LcapMessage.PARAM_REPAIR_DATA_THRESHOLD, "4096");
    IdentityManager idmgr = theDaemon.getIdentityManager();
    mPollMgr = new MockPollManager();
    try {
      m_testID = idmgr.stringToPeerIdentity("");
    } catch (IOException ex) {
      fail("can't open test host " + ex);
    m_repairProps = new CIProperties();
    m_repairProps.setProperty("key1", "val1");
    m_repairProps.setProperty("key2", "val2");
    m_repairProps.setProperty("key3", "val3");

    m_testVoteBlocks = V3TestUtils.makeVoteBlockList(10);
    m_testMsg = this.makeTestVoteMessage(m_testVoteBlocks);
Example #13
File: Project: bramk/bnd
  String ls(String args[], boolean relative) {
    if (args.length < 2)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "the ${ls} macro must at least have a directory as parameter");

    File dir = domain.getFile(args[1]);
    if (!dir.isAbsolute())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "the ${ls} macro directory parameter is not absolute: " + dir);

    if (!dir.exists())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "the ${ls} macro directory parameter does not exist: " + dir);

    if (!dir.isDirectory())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "the ${ls} macro directory parameter points to a file instead of a directory: " + dir);

    Collection<File> files = new ArrayList<File>(new SortedList<File>(dir.listFiles()));

    for (int i = 2; i < args.length; i++) {
      Instructions filters = new Instructions(args[i]);
      files =, true);

    List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (File file : files) result.add(relative ? file.getName() : file.getAbsolutePath());

    return Processor.join(result, ",");
 void put(final URI uri, ArtifactData data) throws Exception {
   reporter.trace("put %s %s", uri, data);
   File tmp = createTempFile(repoDir, "mtp", ".whatever");
   try {
     copy(uri.toURL(), tmp);
     byte[] sha = SHA1.digest(tmp).digest();
     reporter.trace("SHA %s %s", uri, Hex.toHexString(sha));
     ArtifactData existing = get(sha);
     if (existing != null) {
       xcopy(existing, data);
     File meta = new File(repoDir, Hex.toHexString(sha) + ".json");
     File file = new File(repoDir, Hex.toHexString(sha));
     rename(tmp, file);
     reporter.trace("file %s", file);
     data.file = file.getAbsolutePath();
     data.sha = sha;
     data.busy = false;
     CommandData cmddata = parseCommandData(data);
     if (cmddata.bsn != null) { = cmddata.bsn + "-" + cmddata.version;
     } else = Strings.display(cmddata.title, cmddata.bsn,, uri);
     reporter.trace("TD = " + data);
   } finally {
     reporter.trace("puted %s %s", uri, data);
  /** Related to issues [JACKSON-155], [#170]. */
  public void testFile() throws Exception {
    // Not portable etc... has to do:
    File src = new File("/test").getAbsoluteFile();
    String abs = src.getAbsolutePath();

    // escape backslashes (for portability with windows)
    String json = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(abs);
    File result = MAPPER.readValue(json, File.class);
    assertEquals(abs, result.getAbsolutePath());

    // Then #170
    final ObjectMapper mapper2 = new ObjectMapper();
    mapper2.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.CREATOR, Visibility.NONE);

    result = mapper2.readValue(json, File.class);
    assertEquals(abs, result.getAbsolutePath());
 protected void addPathFile(final File pathComponent) throws IOException {
   if (!this.pathComponents.contains(pathComponent)) {
   if (pathComponent.isDirectory()) {
   final String absPathPlusTimeAndLength =
           + pathComponent.lastModified()
           + "-"
           + pathComponent.length();
   String classpath = AntClassLoader.pathMap.get(absPathPlusTimeAndLength);
   if (classpath == null) {
     JarFile jarFile = null;
     try {
       jarFile = new JarFile(pathComponent);
       final Manifest manifest = jarFile.getManifest();
       if (manifest == null) {
       classpath = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH);
     } finally {
       if (jarFile != null) {
     if (classpath == null) {
       classpath = "";
     AntClassLoader.pathMap.put(absPathPlusTimeAndLength, classpath);
   if (!"".equals(classpath)) {
     final URL baseURL = AntClassLoader.FILE_UTILS.getFileURL(pathComponent);
     final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(classpath);
     while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
       final String classpathElement = st.nextToken();
       final URL libraryURL = new URL(baseURL, classpathElement);
       if (!libraryURL.getProtocol().equals("file")) {
             "Skipping jar library "
                 + classpathElement
                 + " since only relative URLs are supported by this"
                 + " loader",
       } else {
         final String decodedPath = Locator.decodeUri(libraryURL.getFile());
         final File libraryFile = new File(decodedPath);
         if (!libraryFile.exists() || this.isInPath(libraryFile)) {
Example #17
  // function to do the compute use case
  public static void compute() throws Exception {
    HttpPost method = new HttpPost(url + "/compute");

    method.setEntity(new StringEntity(username, "UTF-8"));

    try {
      ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
      connIp = client.execute(method, responseHandler);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("Fatal transport error: " + e.getMessage());

    System.out.println("Give the file name which has to be put in the grid for computation");

    // input of the file name to be computed
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    String name = in.readLine();

    // get the absolute path of the current working directory
    File directory = new File(".");
    String pwd = directory.getAbsolutePath();

    // get present time
    date = new Date();
    long start = date.getTime();

    String cmd = "java -classpath " + pwd + "/vishwa/JVishwa.jar:. " + name + " " + connIp;

    // Execute the vishwa compute process
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);

    // wait till the compute process is completed
    // check for the status code (0 for successful termination)
    int status = p.waitFor();

    if (status == 0) {
      System.out.println("Compute operation successful. Check the directory for results");

    date = new Date();
    long end = date.getTime();
    long durationInt = end - start;

    String duration = String.valueOf(durationInt);
    method = new HttpPost(url + "/computeAck");
    method.setEntity(new StringEntity(username + ";" + duration, "UTF-8"));
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("Fatal transport error: " + e.getMessage());
Example #18
  protected long getTotalFileSizeSupport(File file) throws TOTorrentException {

    String name = file.getName();



    if (name.equals(".") || name.equals("..")) {

      return (0);

    if (!file.exists()) {

      throw (new TOTorrentException(
          "TOTorrentCreate: file '" + file.getName() + "' doesn't exist",

    if (file.isFile()) {

      if (!ignoreFile(name)) {


        return (file.length());

      } else {

        return (0);
    } else {

      File[] dir_files = file.listFiles();

      if (dir_files == null) {

        throw (new TOTorrentException(
            "TOTorrentCreate: directory '"
                + file.getAbsolutePath()
                + "' returned error when listing files in it",

      long length = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i < dir_files.length; i++) {

        length += getTotalFileSizeSupport(dir_files[i]);

      return (length);
  public void displayPage(JEditorPane pane, String text) {
    try {
      File helpFile = new File((String) locations.get(text));
      String loc = "file:" + helpFile.getAbsolutePath();
      URL page = new URL(loc);


    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Help Topic Unavailable");
Example #20
  private void updateWindowsServiceInstaller() {
    try {
      File dir = new File(directory, "CTP");
      if (suppressFirstPathElement) dir = dir.getParentFile();
      File windows = new File(dir, "windows");
      File install = new File(windows, "install.bat");
      cp.appendln(, "Windows service installer:");
      cp.appendln(, "...file: " + install.getAbsolutePath());
      String bat = getFileText(install);
      Properties props = new Properties();
      String home = dir.getAbsolutePath();
      cp.appendln(, "...home: " + home);
      home = home.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\");
      props.put("home", home);

      bat = replace(bat, props);
      setFileText(install, bat);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      System.err.println("Unable to update the windows service install.barfile.");
Example #21
  /** Runs a Solaris installer */
  public static boolean runSolarisInstaller(String installPath, File installFile) {

    /** Build temp. script file */
    File script = null;
    boolean success = false;
    try {
      script = SolarisInstaller.createTempShellScript();

      String[] args = new String[3];
      args[0] = installPath;
      args[1] = script.getAbsolutePath();
      args[2] = installFile.getAbsolutePath();
      String execString = getExecuteString(args);
      success = SolarisInstaller.execute(execString);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      Config.trace("Got ioe: " + ioe);
      return false;
    } finally {
      if (script != null) script.delete();
    return success;
 private String createTemporaryPreinstallFile() {
   try {
     File tempFile = File.createTempFile("preinstall", null);
     InstallUtil.copyResourceToFile("/gnu/io/installer/resources/macosx/preinstall", tempFile);
     String absPath = tempFile.getAbsolutePath();
     Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] {"chmod", "a+x", absPath});
     return absPath;
   } catch (Throwable t) {
   return null;
Example #23
   * Copies a file or directory
   * @param src the file or directory to copy
   * @param dest where copy
   * @throws IOException
  public static void copyFile(File src, File dest) throws IOException {
    if (!src.exists()) throw new IOException("File not found '" + src.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
    BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dest));
    BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(src));

    byte[] read = new byte[4096];
    int len;
    while ((len = > 0) out.write(read, 0, len);

Example #24
 private static void deleteFileItem(FileItem fileItem, int scope) {
   if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && fileItem instanceof DiskFileItem) {
     final File storeLocation = ((DiskFileItem) fileItem).getStoreLocation();
     if (storeLocation != null) {
       final String temporaryFileName = storeLocation.getAbsolutePath();
       final String scopeString =
           (scope == REQUEST_SCOPE)
               ? "request"
               : (scope == SESSION_SCOPE) ? "session" : "application";
       logger.debug("Deleting temporary " + scopeString + "-scoped file: " + temporaryFileName);
Example #25
 private void addClassPathToScriptEngine(File jarFile) throws ConfigurationException {
   try {
     StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder(addClassPathCmd);
     int tagStartPos = cmd.indexOf(parameterTag);
     int tageEndPos = tagStartPos + parameterTag.length();
     cmd.replace(tagStartPos, tageEndPos, jarFile.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/"));
     // System.out.println("cmd " + cmd.toString());
     engine.eval("add-classpath", 1, 1, cmd.toString()); // $NON-NLS-1$
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     String msg = String.format("Failed to load class path %s", jarFile.getName()); // $NON-NLS-1$
     System.err.println(msg + " " + ex);
     throw new ConfigurationException(msg, ex);
Example #26
  * Converts a dir string to a linked dir string
  * @param dir the directory string (e.g. /usr/local/httpd)
  * @param browserLink web-path to Browser.jsp
 public static String dir2linkdir(String dir, String browserLink, int sortMode) {
   File f = new File(dir);
   StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
   while (f.getParentFile() != null) {
     if (f.canRead()) {
       String encPath = URLEncoder.encode(f.getAbsolutePath());
           "<a href=\""
               + browserLink
               + "?sort="
               + sortMode
               + "&amp;dir="
               + encPath
               + "\">"
               + conv2Html(f.getName())
               + File.separator
               + "</a>");
     } else buf.insert(0, conv2Html(f.getName()) + File.separator);
     f = f.getParentFile();
   if (f.canRead()) {
     String encPath = URLEncoder.encode(f.getAbsolutePath());
         "<a href=\""
             + browserLink
             + "?sort="
             + sortMode
             + "&amp;dir="
             + encPath
             + "\">"
             + conv2Html(f.getAbsolutePath())
             + "</a>");
   } else buf.insert(0, f.getAbsolutePath());
   return buf.toString();
Example #27
    // Writes the program to a source file, compiles it, and runs it.
    private void compileAndRun(String fileName, String code) {
      // Exceptions here can pick and choose what font to use, as needed.
      // Exceptions thrown by the program, that cause the Playground to be unstable, should be in
      // blue.

      println("Deleting old temp files...", progErr);
      new File(fileName + ".java").delete();
      new File(fileName + ".class").delete();

      println("Creating source file...", progErr);
      file = new File(fileName + ".java");

      println("Writing code to source file...", progErr);
      try {
        new FileWriter(file).append(code).close();
      } catch (IOException i) {
        println("Had an IO Exception when trying to write the code. Stack trace:", error);
        return; // Exit on error

      println("Compiling code...", progErr);
      // This should only ever be called if the JDK isn't installed. How you'd get here, I don't
      // know.
      if (compiler == null) {
        println("Fatal Error: JDK not installed. Go to and install.", error);

      // Tries to compile. Success code is 0, so if something goes wrong, do stuff.
      int result =

                  .getAbsolutePath()); // Possibly add a new outputstream to parse through the
                                       // compiler errors
      if (result != 0) {
        println("Failed to compile.", error);
        return; // Return on error

      println("Code compiled with 0 errors.", progErr);

      println("Attempting to run code...", progErr);
Example #28
   * Jars up the run directory.
   * @param run The run to jar up
   * @return The resulting jar file
   * @throws IOException Error creating the jar
  public static File jar(Run run) throws IOException {"Preparing run " + run.getRunId() + " for download.");

    String runId = run.getRunId();

    String jarName = runId + ".jar";
    File jar = new File(Config.TMP_DIR, jarName);

    String[] files = new File(Config.OUT_DIR, runId).list();
    if (jar.exists()) jar.delete();

    FileHelper.jar(Config.OUT_DIR + runId, files, jar.getAbsolutePath());
    return jar;
   * @param data
   * @param target
   * @throws Exception
   * @throws IOException
  public String createService(ServiceData data) throws Exception, IOException {

    File sdir = new File(serviceDir,;
    if (!sdir.exists() && !sdir.mkdirs()) {
      throw new IOException("Could not create directory " + data.sdir);
    data.sdir = sdir.getAbsolutePath();

    File lock = new File(data.sdir, LOCK);
    data.lock = lock.getAbsolutePath();

    if ( == null) = new File(data.sdir, "work").getAbsolutePath();
    if (data.user == null) data.user = platform.user();

    if (data.user == null) data.user = "******";

    new File(;

    if (data.log == null) data.log = new File(data.sdir, "log").getAbsolutePath();

    // TODO
    // if (Data.validate(data) != null)
    // return "Invalid service data: " + Data.validate(data);

    if (service == null)
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Missing biz.aQute.jpm.service in repo, should have been installed by init, try reiniting");

    data.serviceLib = service.getAbsolutePath();

    platform.chown(data.user, true, new File(data.sdir));

    String s = platform.createService(data, null, false);
    if (s == null) storeData(new File(data.sdir, "data"), data);
    return s;
  static IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl loadDescriptorFromDir(final File file, @NonNls String fileName) {
    IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl descriptor = null;
    File descriptorFile = new File(file, META_INF + File.separator + fileName);
    if (descriptorFile.exists()) {
      descriptor = new IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl(file);

      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("Cannot load: " + descriptorFile.getAbsolutePath());
    return descriptor;