CurveData(final X9ECParameters params) { ECCurve curve = params.getCurve(); this.a = curve.getA().toBigInteger().toString(16); this.b = curve.getB().toBigInteger().toString(16); this.x = params.getG().getAffineXCoord().toBigInteger().toString(16); this.y = params.getG().getAffineYCoord().toBigInteger().toString(16); this.n = params.getN().toString(16); this.h = params.getH().intValue(); if (curve instanceof ECCurve.Fp) { this.type = P; ECCurve.Fp c = (ECCurve.Fp) curve; this.sfield = c.getQ().toString(16); } else // if (curve instanceof ECCurve.F2m) { this.type = B; ECCurve.F2m c = (ECCurve.F2m) curve; int m = c.getM(); int[] ks = new int[] {c.getK1(), c.getK2(), c.getK3()}; BigInteger rp = BigInteger.ONE; rp = rp.setBit(m); for (int j = 0; j < ks.length; j++) { if (ks[j] > 0) { rp = rp.setBit(ks[j]); } } this.sfield = rp.toString(16); } }
/** * 利用BigInteger对权限进行2的权的和计算 * * @param rights String型权限编码数组 * @return 2的权的和 */ public static BigInteger sumRights(String[] rights) { BigInteger num = new BigInteger("0"); for (int i = 0; i < rights.length; i++) { num = num.setBit(Integer.parseInt(rights[i])); } return num; }
/** * Find the number in between the high and the low value with the most zeroes. * * @param value the lower bound for the number * @param highValue the upper bound for the nubmer * @return the value for the number with the most zeroes between the two bounds */ private BigInteger maxZeroes(BigInteger value, BigInteger highValue) { // Find the highest bit that would be possible to add one to before // going over the high value. int i = highValue.xor(value).bitLength(); int j; while (--i >= 0) { // If you hit a zero bit... if (!value.testBit(i)) { // ...change that bit to a 1. value = value.setBit(i); // Create a bit mask to compare with. byte[] comparatorBytes = value.toByteArray(); Arrays.fill(comparatorBytes, (byte) 0xFF); BigInteger comparator = new BigInteger(comparatorBytes); comparator = comparator.shiftLeft(i); // And the value with the bit mask. Everything after the changed // bit will be cleared en masse. Way faster than clearing bits // individually. value = value.and(comparator); break; } } return value; }
/** @tests java.math.BigInteger#negate() */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "negate", args = {}) public void test_negate() { assertTrue("Single negation of zero did not result in zero", zero.negate().equals(zero)); assertTrue( "Single negation resulted in original nonzero number", !aZillion.negate().equals(aZillion)); assertTrue( "Double negation did not result in original number", aZillion.negate().negate().equals(aZillion)); assertTrue("0.neg", zero.negate().equals(zero)); assertTrue("1.neg", one.negate().equals(minusOne)); assertTrue("2.neg", two.negate().equals(minusTwo)); assertTrue("-1.neg", minusOne.negate().equals(one)); assertTrue("-2.neg", minusTwo.negate().equals(two)); assertTrue( "0x62EB40FEF85AA9EBL*2.neg", BigInteger.valueOf(0x62EB40FEF85AA9EBL * 2) .negate() .equals(BigInteger.valueOf(-0x62EB40FEF85AA9EBL * 2))); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { BigInteger midbit = zero.setBit(i); BigInteger negate = midbit.negate(); assertTrue("negate negate", negate.negate().equals(midbit)); assertTrue("neg fails on bit " + i, midbit.negate().add(midbit).equals(zero)); } }
public static BigInteger f(final long value) { BigInteger bigInt = BigInteger.valueOf(value & UNSIGNED_MASK); if (value < 0) { bigInt = bigInt.setBit(Long.SIZE - 1); } return bigInt; }
public BigInteger getBigInteger() { BigInteger bigInt = BigInteger.valueOf(raw & UNSIGNED_MASK); if (raw < 0) { bigInt = bigInt.setBit(Long.SIZE - 1); } return bigInt; }
/** @return the rules packed into a single {@link BigInteger} value. */ public final BigInteger getRuleAsBigInt() { BigInteger r = BigInteger.ZERO; for (int i = rules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { r = r.shiftLeft(1); if (rules[i]) { r = r.setBit(0); } } return r; }
/** @tests java.math.BigInteger#add(java.math.BigInteger) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.PARTIAL, notes = "Test is OK, but some cases listed below can be reasonable.", method = "add", args = {java.math.BigInteger.class}) public void test_addLjava_math_BigInteger() { assertTrue( "Incorrect sum--wanted a zillion", aZillion.add(aZillion).add(aZillion.negate()).equals(aZillion)); assertTrue("0+0", zero.add(zero).equals(zero)); assertTrue("0+1", zero.add(one).equals(one)); assertTrue("1+0", one.add(zero).equals(one)); assertTrue("1+1", one.add(one).equals(two)); assertTrue("0+(-1)", zero.add(minusOne).equals(minusOne)); assertTrue("(-1)+0", minusOne.add(zero).equals(minusOne)); assertTrue("(-1)+(-1)", minusOne.add(minusOne).equals(minusTwo)); assertTrue("1+(-1)", one.add(minusOne).equals(zero)); assertTrue("(-1)+1", minusOne.add(one).equals(zero)); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { BigInteger midbit = zero.setBit(i); assertTrue("add fails to carry on bit " + i, midbit.add(midbit).equals(zero.setBit(i + 1))); } BigInteger bi2p3 = bi2.add(bi3); BigInteger bi3p2 = bi3.add(bi2); assertTrue("bi2p3=bi3p2", bi2p3.equals(bi3p2)); // BESSER UEBERGREIFENDE TESTS MACHEN IN FORM VON STRESS TEST. // add large positive + small positive BigInteger sum = aZillion; BigInteger increment = one; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {} // add large positive + small negative // add large negative + small positive // add large negative + small negative }
/** */ public ECFieldF2m(int m, int[] ks) { this.m = m; if (this.m <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.getString("security.75")); // $NON-NLS-1$ } // Defensively copies array parameter // to prevent subsequent modification. // NPE as specified if ks is null this.ks = new int[ks.length]; System.arraycopy(ks, 0, this.ks, 0, this.ks.length); // no need to check for null already if (this.ks.length != TPB_MID_LEN && this.ks.length != PPB_MID_LEN) { // must be either trinomial or pentanomial basis throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.getString("security.78")); // $NON-NLS-1$ } // trinomial basis: // check that m > k >= 1, where k is ks[0] // pentanomial basis: // check that m > k3 > k2 > k1 >= 1 // and kx in descending order, where // k3 is ks[0], k2 is ks[1], k1 is ks[2] boolean checkFailed = false; int prev = this.m; for (int i = 0; i < this.ks.length; i++) { if (this.ks[i] < prev) { prev = this.ks[i]; continue; } checkFailed = true; break; } if (checkFailed || prev < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.getString("security.79")); // $NON-NLS-1$ } // Setup rp using ks: // bits 0 and m always set BigInteger rpTmp = BigInteger.ONE.setBit(this.m); // set remaining bits according to ks for (int i = 0; i < this.ks.length; i++) { rpTmp = rpTmp.setBit(this.ks[i]); } rp = rpTmp; }
public static void bitOps(int order) { int failCount1 = 0, failCount2 = 0, failCount3 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size * 5; i++) { BigInteger x = fetchNumber(order); BigInteger y; /* Test setBit and clearBit (and testBit) */ if (x.signum() < 0) { y = BigInteger.valueOf(-1); for (int j = 0; j < x.bitLength(); j++) if (!x.testBit(j)) y = y.clearBit(j); } else { y = BigInteger.ZERO; for (int j = 0; j < x.bitLength(); j++) if (x.testBit(j)) y = y.setBit(j); } if (!x.equals(y)) failCount1++; /* Test flipBit (and testBit) */ y = BigInteger.valueOf(x.signum() < 0 ? -1 : 0); for (int j = 0; j < x.bitLength(); j++) if (x.signum() < 0 ^ x.testBit(j)) y = y.flipBit(j); if (!x.equals(y)) failCount2++; } report("clearBit/testBit", failCount1); report("flipBit/testBit", failCount2); for (int i = 0; i < size * 5; i++) { BigInteger x = fetchNumber(order); /* Test getLowestSetBit() */ int k = x.getLowestSetBit(); if (x.signum() == 0) { if (k != -1) failCount3++; } else { BigInteger z = x.and(x.negate()); int j; for (j = 0; j < z.bitLength() && !z.testBit(j); j++) ; if (k != j) failCount3++; } } report("getLowestSetBit", failCount3); }
public ZrElement sqrt() { // Apply the Tonelli-Shanks Algorithm Element e0 = field.newElement(); Element nqr = field.getNqr(); Element gInv = nqr.duplicate().invert(); // let q be the field.order of the field // q - 1 = 2^s t, for some t odd BigInteger t = field.order.subtract(BigInteger.ONE); int s = BigIntegerUtils.scanOne(t, 0); t = t.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(2 << (s - 1))); BigInteger e = BigInteger.ZERO; BigInteger orderMinusOne = field.order.subtract(BigInteger.ONE); for (int i = 2; i <= s; i++) { e0.set(gInv).pow(e); e0.mul(this).pow(orderMinusOne.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(2 << (i - 1)))); if (!e0.isOne()) e = e.setBit(i - 1); } e0.set(gInv).pow(e); e0.mul(this); t = t.add(BigInteger.ONE); t = t.divide(BigIntegerUtils.TWO); e = e.divide(BigIntegerUtils.TWO); // TODO(-): // (suggested by Hovav Shacham) replace next three lines with // element_pow2_mpz(x, e0, t, nqr, e); // once sliding windows are implemented for pow2 e0.pow(t); set(nqr).pow(e).mul(e0); return this; }