/** * This paints the entire plot. It calls the draw methods of all the attached axis and data sets. * The order of drawing is - Axis first, data legends next, data last. * * @params g Graphics state. */ public void paint(Graphics g) { int i; Graphics lg = g.create(); Rectangle r = bounds(); /* The r.x and r.y returned from bounds is relative to the ** parents space so set them equal to zero. */ r.x = 0; r.y = 0; if (DefaultBackground == null) DefaultBackground = this.getBackground(); if (DataBackground == null) DataBackground = this.getBackground(); // System.out.println("Graph2D paint method called!"); if (!paintAll) return; r.x += borderLeft; r.y += borderTop; r.width -= borderLeft + borderRight; r.height -= borderBottom + borderTop; paintFirst(lg, r); if (!axis.isEmpty()) r = drawAxis(lg, r); else { if (clearAll) { Color c = g.getColor(); g.setColor(DataBackground); g.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); g.setColor(c); } drawFrame(lg, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } paintBeforeData(lg, r); if (!dataset.isEmpty()) { datarect.x = r.x; datarect.y = r.y; datarect.width = r.width; datarect.height = r.height; for (i = 0; i < dataset.size(); i++) { ((DataSet) dataset.elementAt(i)).draw_data(lg, r); } } paintLast(lg, r); lg.dispose(); }
/** end displaying message and force a graph repaint */ public void end() { super.stop(); g2d.clearAll = true; g2d.paintAll = true; if (lg != null) lg.dispose(); g2d.repaint(); }
/** * Parse the text then draw it without any rotation. * * @param g Graphics context * @param x pixel position of the text * @param y pixel position of the text */ public void draw(Graphics g, int x, int y) { TextState ts; int xoffset = x; int yoffset = y; if (g == null || text == null) return; Graphics lg = g.create(); parseText(g); if (justification == CENTER) { xoffset = x - width / 2; } else if (justification == RIGHT) { xoffset = x - width; } if (background != null) { lg.setColor(background); lg.fillRect(xoffset, yoffset - ascent, width, height); lg.setColor(g.getColor()); } if (font != null) lg.setFont(font); if (color != null) lg.setColor(color); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { ts = ((TextState) (list.elementAt(i))); if (ts.f != null) lg.setFont(ts.f); if (ts.s != null) lg.drawString(ts.toString(), ts.x + xoffset, ts.y + yoffset); } lg.dispose(); lg = null; }