private void drawSelection(Graphics2D g2d) {
    if (srcx != destx || srcy != desty) {
      int x1 = (srcx < destx) ? srcx : destx;
      int y1 = (srcy < desty) ? srcy : desty;
      int x2 = (srcx > destx) ? srcx : destx;
      int y2 = (srcy > desty) ? srcy : desty;

      rectSelection.x = x1;
      rectSelection.y = y1;
      rectSelection.width = (x2 - x1) + 1;
      rectSelection.height = (y2 - y1) + 1;
      if (rectSelection.width > 0 && rectSelection.height > 0) {
        g2d.drawImage(scr_img.getSubimage(x1, y1, x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1), null, x1, y1);

      int cx = (x1 + x2) / 2;
      int cy = (y1 + y2) / 2;
      g2d.drawLine(cx, y1, cx, y2);
      g2d.drawLine(x1, cy, x2, cy);

      if (Screen.getNumberScreens() > 1) {
        drawScreenFrame(g2d, srcScreenId);
 /** Enlarge the canvas if the user enlarges the window. */
 void resizeCanvas(int width, int height) {
   ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
   // IJ.log("resizeCanvas: "+srcRect+" "+imageWidth+"  "+imageHeight+" "+width+"  "+height+"
   // "+dstWidth+"  "+dstHeight+" "+win.maxBounds);
   if (!maxBoundsReset
       && (width > dstWidth || height > dstHeight)
       && win != null
       && win.maxBounds != null
       && width != win.maxBounds.width - 10) {
     if (resetMaxBoundsCount != 0)
       resetMaxBounds(); // Works around problem that prevented window from being larger than
                         // maximized size
   if (IJ.altKeyDown()) {
   if (srcRect.width < imageWidth || srcRect.height < imageHeight) {
     if (width > imageWidth * magnification) width = (int) (imageWidth * magnification);
     if (height > imageHeight * magnification) height = (int) (imageHeight * magnification);
     setDrawingSize(width, height);
     srcRect.width = (int) (dstWidth / magnification);
     srcRect.height = (int) (dstHeight / magnification);
     if ((srcRect.x + srcRect.width) > imageWidth) srcRect.x = imageWidth - srcRect.width;
     if ((srcRect.y + srcRect.height) > imageHeight) srcRect.y = imageHeight - srcRect.height;
   // IJ.log("resizeCanvas2: "+srcRect+" "+dstWidth+"  "+dstHeight+" "+width+"  "+height);
  public void zoomIn() {
    Dimension asz = this.getSize();
    int maxzf = 3;
    int coef = 1;
    int r;

    cmdline =
        "/bin/sh "
            + j2kfilename
            + " "
            + iw
            + " "
            + ih
            + " "
            + rect.x
            + " "
            + rect.y
            + " "
            + rect.width
            + " "
            + rect.height;

    rect.x = rect.y = rect.width = rect.height = 0;

    img ="out.pgm");

    iw = img.getWidth(this);
    ih = img.getHeight(this);
    bi = new BufferedImage(iw, ih, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    big = bi.createGraphics();
    selected = 0;
    fullRefresh = true;
 protected Dimension canEnlarge(int newWidth, int newHeight) {
   // if ((flags&Event.CTRL_MASK)!=0 || IJ.controlKeyDown()) return null;
   ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
   if (win == null) return null;
   Rectangle r1 = win.getBounds();
   Insets insets = win.getInsets();
   Point loc = getLocation();
   if (loc.x > insets.left + 5 || loc.y > + 5) {
     r1.width = newWidth + insets.left + insets.right + 10;
     r1.height = newHeight + + insets.bottom + 10;
     if (win instanceof StackWindow) r1.height += 20;
   } else {
     r1.width = r1.width - dstWidth + newWidth + 10;
     r1.height = r1.height - dstHeight + newHeight + 10;
   Rectangle max = win.getMaxWindow(r1.x, r1.y);
   boolean fitsHorizontally = r1.x + r1.width < max.x + max.width;
   boolean fitsVertically = r1.y + r1.height < max.y + max.height;
   if (fitsHorizontally && fitsVertically) return new Dimension(newWidth, newHeight);
   else if (fitsVertically && newHeight < dstWidth) return new Dimension(dstWidth, newHeight);
   else if (fitsHorizontally && newWidth < dstHeight) return new Dimension(newWidth, dstHeight);
   else return null;
 private void drawScreenFrame(Graphics2D g2d, int scrId) {
   if (screenFrame == null) {
     screenFrame = Screen.getBounds(scrId);
     Rectangle ubound = scrOCP.getBounds();
     screenFrame.x -= ubound.x;
     screenFrame.y -= ubound.y;
     int sw = (int) (strokeScreenFrame.getLineWidth() / 2);
     screenFrame.x += sw;
     screenFrame.y += sw;
     screenFrame.width -= sw * 2;
     screenFrame.height -= sw * 2;
   * Gets the template location at which the best match occurs in a rectangle and along a line. May
   * return null.
   * @param target the image to search
   * @param searchRect the rectangle to search within the target image
   * @param x0 the x-component of a point on the line
   * @param y0 the y-component of a point on the line
   * @param slope the slope of the line
   * @param spread the spread of the line (line width = 1+2*spread)
   * @return the optimized template location of the best match, if any
  public TPoint getMatchLocation(
      BufferedImage target, Rectangle searchRect, double x0, double y0, double theta, int spread) {
    wTarget = target.getWidth();
    hTarget = target.getHeight();
    // determine insets needed to accommodate template
    int left = wTemplate / 2, right = left;
    if (wTemplate % 2 > 0) right++;
    int top = hTemplate / 2, bottom = top;
    if (hTemplate % 2 > 0) bottom++;

    // trim search rectangle if necessary
    searchRect.x = Math.max(left, Math.min(wTarget - right, searchRect.x));
    searchRect.y = Math.max(top, Math.min(hTarget - bottom, searchRect.y));
    searchRect.width = Math.min(wTarget - searchRect.x - right, searchRect.width);
    searchRect.height = Math.min(hTarget - searchRect.y - bottom, searchRect.height);
    if (searchRect.width <= 0 || searchRect.height <= 0) {
      peakHeight = Double.NaN;
      peakWidth = Double.NaN;
      return null;
    // set up test pixels to search (rectangle plus template)
    int xMin = Math.max(0, searchRect.x - left);
    int xMax = Math.min(wTarget, searchRect.x + searchRect.width + right);
    int yMin = Math.max(0, searchRect.y - top);
    int yMax = Math.min(hTarget, searchRect.y + searchRect.height + bottom);
    wTest = xMax - xMin;
    hTest = yMax - yMin;
    if (target.getType() != BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) {
      BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(wTarget, hTarget, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
      image.createGraphics().drawImage(target, 0, 0, null);
      target = image;
    targetPixels = new int[wTest * hTest];
    target.getRaster().getDataElements(xMin, yMin, wTest, hTest, targetPixels);
    // get the points to search along the line
    ArrayList<Point2D> searchPts = getSearchPoints(searchRect, x0, y0, theta);
    if (searchPts == null) {
      peakHeight = Double.NaN;
      peakWidth = Double.NaN;
      return null;
    // collect differences in a map as they are measured
    HashMap<Point2D, Double> diffs = new HashMap<Point2D, Double>();
    // find the point with the minimum difference from template
    double matchDiff = largeNumber; // larger than typical differences
    int xMatch = 0, yMatch = 0;
    double avgDiff = 0;
    Point2D matchPt = null;
    for (Point2D pt : searchPts) {
      int x = (int) pt.getX();
      int y = (int) pt.getY();
      double diff = getDifferenceAtTestPoint(x, y);
      diffs.put(pt, diff);
      avgDiff += diff;
      if (diff < matchDiff) {
        matchDiff = diff;
        xMatch = x;
        yMatch = y;
        matchPt = pt;
    avgDiff /= searchPts.size();
    peakHeight = avgDiff / matchDiff - 1;
    peakWidth = Double.NaN;
    double dl = 0;
    int matchIndex = searchPts.indexOf(matchPt);

    // if match is not exact, fit a Gaussian and find peak
    if (!Double.isInfinite(peakHeight) && matchIndex > 0 && matchIndex < searchPts.size() - 1) {
      // fill data arrays
      Point2D pt = searchPts.get(matchIndex - 1);
      double diff = diffs.get(pt);
      xValues[0] = -pt.distance(matchPt);
      yValues[0] = avgDiff / diff - 1;
      xValues[1] = 0;
      yValues[1] = peakHeight;
      pt = searchPts.get(matchIndex + 1);
      diff = diffs.get(pt);
      xValues[2] = pt.distance(matchPt);
      yValues[2] = avgDiff / diff - 1;

      // determine approximate offset (dl) and width (w) values
      double pull = -xValues[0] / (yValues[1] - yValues[0]);
      double push = xValues[2] / (yValues[1] - yValues[2]);
      if (Double.isNaN(pull)) pull = LARGE_NUMBER;
      if (Double.isNaN(push)) push = LARGE_NUMBER;
      dl = 0.3 * (xValues[2] - xValues[0]) * (push - pull) / (push + pull);
      double ratio = dl > 0 ? peakHeight / yValues[0] : peakHeight / yValues[2];
      double w = dl > 0 ? dl - xValues[0] : dl - xValues[2];
      w = w * w / Math.log(ratio);

      // set parameters and fit to x data
      dataset.append(xValues, yValues);
      double rmsDev = 1;
      for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
        double c = k == 0 ? w : k == 1 ? w / 3 : w * 3;
        f.setParameterValue(0, peakHeight);
        f.setParameterValue(1, dl);
        f.setParameterValue(2, c);
        rmsDev =;
        if (rmsDev < 0.01) { // fitter succeeded (3-point fit should be exact)	
          dl = f.getParameterValue(1);
          peakWidth = f.getParameterValue(2);
    double dx = dl * Math.cos(theta);
    double dy = dl * Math.sin(theta);
    double xImage = xMatch + searchRect.x - left - trimLeft + dx;
    double yImage = yMatch + searchRect.y - top - trimTop + dy;
    return new TPoint(xImage, yImage);
   * Gets the template location at which the best match occurs in a rectangle. May return null.
   * @param target the image to search
   * @param searchRect the rectangle to search within the target image
   * @return the optimized template location at which the best match, if any, is found
  public TPoint getMatchLocation(BufferedImage target, Rectangle searchRect) {
    wTarget = target.getWidth();
    hTarget = target.getHeight();
    // determine insets needed to accommodate template
    int left = wTemplate / 2, right = left;
    if (wTemplate % 2 > 0) right++;
    int top = hTemplate / 2, bottom = top;
    if (hTemplate % 2 > 0) bottom++;
    // trim search rectangle if necessary
    searchRect.x = Math.max(left, Math.min(wTarget - right, searchRect.x));
    searchRect.y = Math.max(top, Math.min(hTarget - bottom, searchRect.y));
    searchRect.width = Math.min(wTarget - searchRect.x - right, searchRect.width);
    searchRect.height = Math.min(hTarget - searchRect.y - bottom, searchRect.height);
    if (searchRect.width <= 0 || searchRect.height <= 0) {
      peakHeight = Double.NaN;
      peakWidth = Double.NaN;
      return null;
    // set up test pixels to search (rectangle plus template)
    int xMin = Math.max(0, searchRect.x - left);
    int xMax = Math.min(wTarget, searchRect.x + searchRect.width + right);
    int yMin = Math.max(0, searchRect.y - top);
    int yMax = Math.min(hTarget, searchRect.y + searchRect.height + bottom);
    wTest = xMax - xMin;
    hTest = yMax - yMin;
    if (target.getType() != BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) {
      BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(wTarget, hTarget, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
      image.createGraphics().drawImage(target, 0, 0, null);
      target = image;
    targetPixels = new int[wTest * hTest];
    target.getRaster().getDataElements(xMin, yMin, wTest, hTest, targetPixels);
    // find the rectangle point with the minimum difference
    double matchDiff = largeNumber; // larger than typical differences
    int xMatch = 0, yMatch = 0;
    double avgDiff = 0;
    for (int x = 0; x <= searchRect.width; x++) {
      for (int y = 0; y <= searchRect.height; y++) {
        double diff = getDifferenceAtTestPoint(x, y);
        avgDiff += diff;
        if (diff < matchDiff) {
          matchDiff = diff;
          xMatch = x;
          yMatch = y;
    avgDiff /= (searchRect.width * searchRect.height);
    peakHeight = avgDiff / matchDiff - 1;
    peakWidth = Double.NaN;
    double dx = 0, dy = 0;
    // if match is not exact, fit a Gaussian and find peak
    if (!Double.isInfinite(peakHeight)) {
      // fill data arrays
      xValues[1] = yValues[1] = peakHeight;
      for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++) {
        if (i == 0) continue;
        double diff = getDifferenceAtTestPoint(xMatch + i, yMatch);
        xValues[i + 1] = avgDiff / diff - 1;
        diff = getDifferenceAtTestPoint(xMatch, yMatch + i);
        yValues[i + 1] = avgDiff / diff - 1;
      // estimate peakHeight = peak of gaussian
      // estimate offset dx of gaussian
      double pull = 1 / (xValues[1] - xValues[0]);
      double push = 1 / (xValues[1] - xValues[2]);
      if (Double.isNaN(pull)) pull = LARGE_NUMBER;
      if (Double.isNaN(push)) push = LARGE_NUMBER;
      dx = 0.6 * (push - pull) / (push + pull);
      // estimate width wx of gaussian
      double ratio = dx > 0 ? peakHeight / xValues[0] : peakHeight / xValues[2];
      double wx = dx > 0 ? dx + 1 : dx - 1;
      wx = wx * wx / Math.log(ratio);
      // estimate offset dy of gaussian
      pull = 1 / (yValues[1] - yValues[0]);
      push = 1 / (yValues[1] - yValues[2]);
      if (Double.isNaN(pull)) pull = LARGE_NUMBER;
      if (Double.isNaN(push)) push = LARGE_NUMBER;
      dy = 0.6 * (push - pull) / (push + pull);
      // estimate width wy of gaussian
      ratio = dy > 0 ? peakHeight / yValues[0] : peakHeight / yValues[2];
      double wy = dy > 0 ? dy + 1 : dy - 1;
      wy = wy * wy / Math.log(ratio);

      // set x parameters and fit to x data
      dataset.append(pixelOffsets, xValues);
      double rmsDev = 1;
      for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
        double c = k == 0 ? wx : k == 1 ? wx / 3 : wx * 3;
        f.setParameterValue(0, peakHeight);
        f.setParameterValue(1, dx);
        f.setParameterValue(2, c);
        rmsDev =;
        if (rmsDev < 0.01) { // fitter succeeded (3-point fit should be exact)	
          dx = f.getParameterValue(1);
          peakWidth = f.getParameterValue(2);
      if (!Double.isNaN(peakWidth)) {
        // set y parameters and fit to y data
        dataset.append(pixelOffsets, yValues);
        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
          double c = k == 0 ? wy : k == 1 ? wy / 3 : wy * 3;
          f.setParameterValue(0, peakHeight);
          f.setParameterValue(1, dx);
          f.setParameterValue(2, c);
          rmsDev =;
          if (rmsDev < 0.01) { // fitter succeeded (3-point fit should be exact)	
            dy = f.getParameterValue(1);
            peakWidth = (peakWidth + f.getParameterValue(2)) / 2;
        if (rmsDev > 0.01) peakWidth = Double.NaN;
    double xImage = xMatch + searchRect.x - left - trimLeft + dx;
    double yImage = yMatch + searchRect.y - top - trimTop + dy;
    return new TPoint(xImage, yImage);
  protected void paintText(
      Graphics g,
      int tabPlacement,
      Font font,
      FontMetrics metrics,
      int tabIndex,
      String title,
      Rectangle textRect,
      boolean isSelected) {

    int titleWidth = SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(metrics, title);

    int preferredWidth = 0;
    if (isOneActionButtonEnabled()) {
      preferredWidth = calculateTabWidth(tabPlacement, tabIndex, metrics) - WIDTHDELTA - 15;

      if (isCloseEnabled()) preferredWidth -= BUTTONSIZE;

      if (isMaxEnabled()) preferredWidth -= BUTTONSIZE;
    } else {
      preferredWidth = titleWidth;

    while (titleWidth > preferredWidth) {
      if (title.endsWith("...")) title = title.substring(0, title.indexOf("...") - 1).concat("...");
      else title = title.substring(0, title.length() - 4).concat("...");

      titleWidth = SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(metrics, title);

    textRect.width = titleWidth;

    View v = getTextViewForTab(tabIndex);
    if (v != null) {
      // html
      v.paint(g, textRect);
    } else {
      // plain text
      int mnemIndex = tabPane.getDisplayedMnemonicIndexAt(tabIndex);

      if (tabPane.isEnabled() && tabPane.isEnabledAt(tabIndex)) {
        if (isSelected) g.setColor(TAB_SELECTED_FOREGROUND_COLOR);
        else {
          if (this.isTabHighlighted(tabIndex)) {
          } else g.setColor(tabPane.getForegroundAt(tabIndex));

            g, title, mnemIndex, textRect.x, textRect.y + metrics.getAscent());
      } else { // tab disabled
            g, title, mnemIndex, textRect.x, textRect.y + metrics.getAscent());

            g, title, mnemIndex, textRect.x - 1, textRect.y + metrics.getAscent() - 1);
 public void setRGeom(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
   rect.x = Math.min(x1, x2) - offset.x;
   rect.y = Math.min(y1, y2) - offset.y;
   rect.width = Math.abs(x2 - x1);
   rect.height = Math.abs(y2 - y1);