/** Overrides <code>Graphics.drawChars</code>. */ public void drawChars(char data[], int offset, int length, int x, int y) { DebugGraphicsInfo info = info(); Font font = graphics.getFont(); if (debugLog()) { info().log(toShortString() + " Drawing chars at " + new Point(x, y)); } if (isDrawingBuffer()) { if (debugBuffered()) { Graphics debugGraphics = debugGraphics(); debugGraphics.drawChars(data, offset, length, x, y); debugGraphics.dispose(); } } else if (debugFlash()) { Color oldColor = getColor(); int i, count = (info.flashCount * 2) - 1; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { graphics.setColor((i % 2) == 0 ? info.flashColor : oldColor); graphics.drawChars(data, offset, length, x, y); Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().sync(); sleep(info.flashTime); } graphics.setColor(oldColor); } graphics.drawChars(data, offset, length, x, y); }
public void centerText(String s1, String s2, Graphics g, Color c, int x, int y, int w, int h) { // locs[0].centerText(s1, s2, this.getGraphics(), // Color.white, 400,0,200,50); // g.setXORMode(unselected_color); // centerText("pic" + im, null, g, Color.black, x, y, w, h); Font f = g.getFont(); FontMetrics fm = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getFontMetrics(f); int ascent = fm.getAscent(); int height = fm.getHeight(); int width1 = 0, width2 = 0, x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = 0, y1 = 0; width1 = fm.stringWidth(s1); if (s2 != null) width2 = fm.stringWidth(s2); x0 = x + (w - width1) / 2; x0 = x + (w - width2) / 2; if (s2 == null) y0 = y + (h - height) / 2 + ascent; else { y0 = y + (h - (int) (height * 2.2)) / 2 + ascent; y1 = y0 + (int) (height * 1.2); } g.setColor(c); g.drawString(s1, x0, y0); if (s2 != null) g.drawString(s2, x1, y1); }
/** * Returns the Font used for text drawing operations. * * @see #setFont */ public Font getFont() { return graphics.getFont(); }
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; RenderingHints rh = g2d.getRenderingHints(); rh.put(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); rh.put(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); g2d.setRenderingHints(rh); // Background. D = this.getSize(); g.setColor(backgroundColor); g.fillRect(0, 0, D.width, D.height); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setStroke(lineStroke); // Axes, bounding box. g.setColor(Color.gray); g.drawLine(inset, D.height - inset, D.width - inset, D.height - inset); g.drawLine(D.width - inset, inset, D.width - inset, D.height - inset); g.drawLine(inset, inset, inset, D.height - inset); g.drawLine(inset, inset, D.width - inset, inset); double xDelta = (maxX - minX) / numIntervals; // X-ticks and labels. for (int i = 1; i <= numIntervals; i++) { double xTickd = i * xDelta; int xTick = (int) (xTickd / (maxX - minX) * (D.width - 2 * inset)); g.drawLine(inset + xTick, D.height - inset - 5, inset + xTick, D.height - inset + 5); double x = minX + i * xDelta; g.drawString(df.format(x), xTick + inset - 5, D.height - inset + 20); } // Y-ticks double yDelta = (maxY - minY) / numIntervals; for (int i = 0; i < numIntervals; i++) { int yTick = (i + 1) * (int) ((D.height - 2 * inset) / (double) numIntervals); g.drawLine(inset - 5, D.height - yTick - inset, inset + 5, D.height - yTick - inset); double y = minY + (i + 1) * yDelta; g.drawString(df.format(y), 1, D.height - yTick - inset); } // Zoom+move Font savedFont = g.getFont(); g.setFont(plusFont); g.drawString("+", D.width - 25, 20); g.setFont(minusFont); g.drawString("-", D.width - 25, 50); drawArrow(g2d, D.width - 70, 20, D.width - 70, 0, 1.0f, lineStroke); // Up drawArrow(g2d, D.width - 70, 30, D.width - 70, 50, 1.0f, lineStroke); // Down drawArrow(g2d, D.width - 65, 25, D.width - 45, 25, 1.0f, lineStroke); // Right drawArrow(g2d, D.width - 75, 25, D.width - 95, 25, 1.0f, lineStroke); // Left g.setFont(savedFont); // See if standard axes are in the middle. g.setColor(Color.gray); if ((minX < 0) && (maxX > 0) && (drawMiddleAxes)) { // Draw y-axis int x = (int) ((0 - minX) / (maxX - minX) * (D.width - 2 * inset)); g.drawLine(inset + x, D.height - inset, inset + x, inset); } if ((minY < 0) && (maxY > 0) && (drawMiddleAxes)) { // Draw x-axis int y = (int) ((0 - minY) / (maxY - minY) * (D.height - 2.0 * inset)); g.drawLine(inset, D.height - y - inset, D.width - inset, D.height - y - inset); } // Draw the objects. drawObjects(g, points, lines, ovals, rectangles, images, labels, eqnLines); if (animationMode) { drawObjects(g, animPoints, animLines, animOvals, animRectangles, null, labels, eqnLines); // No images in animation mode. } drawScribbles(g); }
static void paintShadowTitle( Graphics g, String title, int x, int y, Color frente, Color shadow, int desp, int tipo, int orientation) { // Si hay que rotar la fuente, se rota Font f = g.getFont(); if (orientation == SwingConstants.VERTICAL) { AffineTransform rotate = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(Math.PI / 2); f = f.deriveFont(rotate); } // Si hay que pintar sombra, se hacen un monton de cosas if (shadow != null) { int matrix = (tipo == THIN ? MATRIX_THIN : MATRIX_FAT); Rectangle2D rect = g.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(title, g); int w, h; if (orientation == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL) { w = (int) rect.getWidth() + 6 * matrix; // Hay que dejar espacio para las sombras y el borde h = (int) rect.getHeight() + 6 * matrix; // que ConvolveOp ignora por el EDGE_NO_OP } else { h = (int) rect.getWidth() + 6 * matrix; // Hay que dejar espacio para las sombras y el borde w = (int) rect.getHeight() + 6 * matrix; // que ConvolveOp ignora por el EDGE_NO_OP } // La sombra del titulo BufferedImage iTitulo = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); BufferedImage iSombra = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g2 = iTitulo.createGraphics(); g2.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON); g2.setFont(f); g2.setColor(shadow); g2.drawString(title, 3 * matrix, 3 * matrix); // La pintamos en el centro ConvolveOp cop = new ConvolveOp((tipo == THIN ? kernelThin : kernelFat), ConvolveOp.EDGE_NO_OP, null); cop.filter(iTitulo, iSombra); // A ditorsionar // Por fin, pintamos el jodio titulo g.drawImage( iSombra, x - 3 * matrix + desp, // Lo llevamos a la posicion original y le sumamos 1 y - 3 * matrix + desp, // para que la sombra quede pelin desplazada null); } // Si hay que pintar el frente, se pinta if (frente != null) { g.setFont(f); g.setColor(frente); g.drawString(title, x, y); } }
/** * parse the text. When the text is parsed the width, height, leading are all calculated. The text * will only be truly parsed if the graphics context has changed or the text has changed or the * font has changed. Otherwise nothing is done when this method is called. * * @param g Graphics context. */ public void parseText(Graphics g) { FontMetrics fm; TextState current = new TextState(); char ch; Stack state = new Stack(); int w = 0; if (lg != g) parse = true; lg = g; if (!parse) return; parse = false; width = 0; leading = 0; ascent = 0; descent = 0; height = 0; maxAscent = 0; maxDescent = 0; if (text == null || g == null) return; list.removeAllElements(); if (font == null) current.f = g.getFont(); else current.f = font; state.push(current); list.addElement(current); fm = g.getFontMetrics(current.f); for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { ch = text.charAt(i); switch (ch) { case '$': i++; if (i < text.length()) current.s.append(text.charAt(i)); break; /* ** Push the current state onto the state stack ** and start a new storage string */ case '{': w = current.getWidth(g); if (!current.isEmpty()) { current = current.copyState(); list.addElement(current); } state.push(current); current.x += w; break; /* ** Pop the state off the state stack and set the current ** state to the top of the state stack */ case '}': w = current.x + current.getWidth(g); state.pop(); current = ((TextState) state.peek()).copyState(); list.addElement(current); current.x = w; break; case '^': w = current.getWidth(g); if (!current.isEmpty()) { current = current.copyState(); list.addElement(current); } current.f = getScriptFont(current.f); current.x += w; current.y -= (int) ((double) (current.getAscent(g)) * sup_offset + 0.5); break; case '_': w = current.getWidth(g); if (!current.isEmpty()) { current = current.copyState(); list.addElement(current); } current.f = getScriptFont(current.f); current.x += w; current.y += (int) ((double) (current.getDescent(g)) * sub_offset + 0.5); break; default: current.s.append(ch); break; } } for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { current = ((TextState) (list.elementAt(i))); if (!current.isEmpty()) { width += current.getWidth(g); ascent = Math.max(ascent, Math.abs(current.y) + current.getAscent(g)); descent = Math.max(descent, Math.abs(current.y) + current.getDescent(g)); leading = Math.max(leading, current.getLeading(g)); maxDescent = Math.max(maxDescent, Math.abs(current.y) + current.getMaxDescent(g)); maxAscent = Math.max(maxAscent, Math.abs(current.y) + current.getMaxAscent(g)); } } height = ascent + descent + leading; return; }
private void drawLayout(Graphics g) { g.setColor(Color.blue); g.drawRect(10, 10, width - 20, height - 20); g.setColor(Color.red.brighter()); Iterator f = players.iterator(); int lifeDisplayPosition = 0; while (f.hasNext()) { Player h = (Player) f.next(); if (h.isActive()) { lifeDisplayPosition++; String lifeInformation = "Player " + lifeDisplayPosition + ": "; for (int i = 0; i < h.getLives(); i++) { lifeInformation += "\u2606"; } g.drawString(lifeInformation, 20, lifeDisplayPosition * 40); } } borders[2] = width - 20; borders[3] = height - 20; Iterator i = players.iterator(); Player p; while (i.hasNext()) { p = (Player) i.next(); if (p.isActive() && !countdownF && (p.getX() < borders[0] || p.getY() < borders[1] || p.getX() > borders[2] || p.getY() > borders[3]) && (!p.getImmunity())) { p.decLives(width / 2, height / 2); p.setImmunity(true); } if (p.getLives() <= 0) { if (p instanceof MouseControlledPlayer) { MouseControlledPlayer m = (MouseControlledPlayer) p; removeMouseListener(m); removeMouseMotionListener(m); } else if (p instanceof KeyboardControlledPlayer) { KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager() .removeKeyEventDispatcher((KeyboardControlledPlayer) p); } i.remove(); for (int h = 0; h < 4; h++) { if (deathLocation[h] == -1) { deathLocation[h] = p.getX(); deathLocation[h + 1] = p.getY(); break; } } } } if ((deathLocation[0] != -1) && (deathLocation[1] != -1)) { g.drawLine( deathLocation[0] - 15, deathLocation[1] - 15, deathLocation[0] + 15, deathLocation[1] + 15); g.drawLine( deathLocation[0] + 15, deathLocation[1] - 15, deathLocation[0] - 15, deathLocation[1] + 15); } if ((deathLocation[2] != -1) && (deathLocation[3] != -1)) { g.drawLine( deathLocation[2] - 15, deathLocation[3] - 15, deathLocation[2] + 15, deathLocation[3] + 15); g.drawLine( deathLocation[2] + 15, deathLocation[3] - 15, deathLocation[2] - 15, deathLocation[3] + 15); } if (!onePlayerAlive) { Font old = g.getFont(); g.setFont(new Font("monospaced", Font.BOLD, 20)); g.setColor(Color.red.darker()); g.drawString("GAME OVER", width / 2 - 40, height / 2); g.setFont(old); g.setColor(Color.WHITE); g.drawString("Score", width - 60, 25); g.drawString(String.valueOf(score), width - 60, 40); } }