private double[] setNewBeta(final double[] newBeta) { final double[] fullBeta; if (_activeCols != null) { fullBeta = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_dinfo.fullN() + 1); int j = 0; for (int i : _activeCols) fullBeta[i] = newBeta[j++]; assert j == newBeta.length - 1; fullBeta[fullBeta.length - 1] = newBeta[j]; } else { assert newBeta.length == _dinfo.fullN() + 1; fullBeta = newBeta; } final double[] newBetaDeNorm; if (_dinfo._standardize) { newBetaDeNorm = fullBeta.clone(); double norm = 0.0; // Reverse any normalization on the intercept // denormalize only the numeric coefs (categoricals are not normalized) final int numoff = _dinfo.numStart(); for (int i = numoff; i < fullBeta.length - 1; i++) { double b = newBetaDeNorm[i] * _dinfo._normMul[i - numoff]; norm += b * _dinfo._normSub[i - numoff]; // Also accumulate the intercept adjustment newBetaDeNorm[i] = b; } newBetaDeNorm[newBetaDeNorm.length - 1] -= norm; } else newBetaDeNorm = null; _model.setLambdaSubmodel( _lambdaIdx, newBetaDeNorm == null ? fullBeta : newBetaDeNorm, newBetaDeNorm == null ? null : fullBeta, (_iter + 1)); _model.clone().update(self()); return fullBeta; }
private void run(final double ymu, final long nobs, LMAXTask lmaxt) { String[] warns = null; if ((!lambda_search || !strong_rules_enabled) && (_dinfo.fullN() > MAX_PREDICTORS)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Too many predictors! GLM can only handle " + MAX_PREDICTORS + " predictors, got " + _dinfo.fullN() + ", try to run with strong_rules enabled."); if (lambda_search) { max_iter = Math.max(300, max_iter); assert lmaxt != null : "running lambda search, but don't know what is the lambda max!"; final double lmax = lmaxt.lmax(); final double lambda_min_ratio = _dinfo._adaptedFrame.numRows() > _dinfo.fullN() ? 0.0001 : 0.01; final double d = Math.pow(lambda_min_ratio, 0.01); lambda = new double[100]; lambda[0] = lmax; for (int i = 1; i < lambda.length; ++i) lambda[i] = lambda[i - 1] * d; _runAllLambdas = false; } else if (alpha[0] > 0 && lmaxt != null) { // make sure we start with lambda max (and discard all lambda > lambda max) final double lmax = lmaxt.lmax(); int i = 0; while (i < lambda.length && lambda[i] > lmax) ++i; if (i != 0) { "GLM: removing " + i + " lambdas > lambda_max: " + Arrays.toString(Arrays.copyOf(lambda, i))); warns = i == lambda.length ? new String[] { "Removed " + i + " lambdas > lambda_max", "No lambdas < lambda_max, returning null model." } : new String[] {"Removed " + i + " lambdas > lambda_max"}; } lambda = i == lambda.length ? new double[] {lambda_max} : Arrays.copyOfRange(lambda, i, lambda.length); } _model = new GLMModel( GLM2.this, dest(), _dinfo, _glm, beta_epsilon, alpha[0], lambda_max, lambda, ymu, prior); _model.warnings = warns; _model.clone().delete_and_lock(self()); if (lambda[0] == lambda_max && alpha[0] > 0) { // fill-in trivial solution for lambda max _beta = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_dinfo.fullN() + 1); _beta[_beta.length - 1] = + _iceptAdjust; _model.setLambdaSubmodel(0, _beta, _beta, 0); if (lmaxt != null) _model.setAndTestValidation(0, lmaxt._val); _lambdaIdx = 1; } if (_lambdaIdx == lambda.length) // ran only with one lambda > lambda_max => return null model GLM2.this.complete(); // signal we're done to anyone waiting for the job else { ++_iter; if (lmaxt != null && strong_rules_enabled) activeCols(lambda[_lambdaIdx], lmaxt.lmax(), lmaxt.gradient(l2pen())); "GLM2 staring GLM after " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms of preprocessing (mean/lmax/strong rules computation)"); new GLMIterationTask( GLM2.this, _activeData, _glm, true, false, false, null, _ymu = ymu, _reg = 1.0 / nobs, new Iteration()) .asyncExec(_activeData._adaptedFrame); } }