@Test(dependsOnMethods = "createCustomer")
 private void readCustomer() {
   customerCrudService = (CustomerCrudService) ctx.getBean("customerCrudService");
   // Get Tax Table By ID
   Customer customer = customerCrudService.findById(id);
   // Do assertions
   Assert.assertEquals(customer.getCustomerNumber(), "TH66666");
  @Test(dependsOnMethods = "readCustomer")
  private void updateCustomer() {
    customerCrudService = (CustomerCrudService) ctx.getBean("customerCrudService");

    Customer customer = customerCrudService.findById(id);

    // Update the Record in the Database
    // Retrive the UPdata Record
    Customer updatedCustomer = customerCrudService.findById(id);

    // Test if the Change Happened
    Assert.assertEquals(updatedCustomer.getCustomerNumber(), "TY77777");
  private void createCustomer() {
    // Create the Service Object
    customerCrudService = (CustomerCrudService) ctx.getBean("customerCrudService");

    Name name = AppFactory.getName("Sannie", "Meyer");
    Demographic demo = AppFactory.getDemographic("female", "white");
    Contact contact = AppFactory.getContact("098877777", "878878987");
    Customer customer = AppFactory.getCustomer("TH66666", name, contact, demo);
    // Collect the ID for use in later TESTS
    id = customer.getId();
    // Asssert if we have persisted the Customer