private void updatePhysics() { // Update // float deltaTime =; float deltaTime = 1 / 60f; // System.out.println(deltaTime); tweenManager.update(deltaTime); // Setting delta time world.step(deltaTime, 10, 10); Vector2 planetPos = planetModel.getPosition().sub(planetModelOrigin); planetSprite.setPosition(planetPos.x, planetPos.y); planetSprite.setOrigin(planetModelOrigin.x, planetModelOrigin.y); planetSprite.setRotation(planetModel.getAngle() * MathUtils.radiansToDegrees); Vector2 planetCorePos = planetCoreModel.getPosition().sub(planetCoreModelOrigin); planetCoreSprite.setPosition(planetCorePos.x, planetCorePos.y); planetCoreSprite.setOrigin(planetCoreModelOrigin.x, planetCoreModelOrigin.y); planetCoreSprite.setRotation(planetCoreModel.getAngle() * MathUtils.radiansToDegrees); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BALLS; i++) { Vector2 ballPos = ballModels[i].getPosition(); ballSprites[i].setPosition( ballPos.x - ballSprites[i].getWidth() / 2, ballPos.y - ballSprites[i].getHeight() / 2); ballSprites[i].setRotation(ballModels[i].getAngle() * MathUtils.radiansToDegrees); } }
@Override public void create() { float w =; float h =; camera = new OrthographicCamera(1, h / w); batch = new SpriteBatch(); texture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/libgdx.png")); texture.setFilter(TextureFilter.Linear, TextureFilter.Linear); texture_nave = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/nave.png")); sprite_nave = new Sprite(texture_nave, 128, 64); sprite_nave.setPosition(-0.5f, -0.5f); sprite_nave.setSize(0.5f, 0.5f); TextureRegion region = new TextureRegion(texture, 0, 0, 512, 275); sprite = new Sprite(region); sprite2 = new Sprite(region); sprite.setSize(0.9f, 0.9f * sprite.getHeight() / sprite.getWidth()); sprite.setOrigin(sprite.getWidth() / 2, sprite.getHeight() / 2); sprite.setPosition(-sprite.getWidth() / 2, -sprite.getHeight() / 2); sprite.setPosition(0, 0); sprite.setRotation(25); }
@Override public void setValues(Sprite sprite, int i, float[] floats) { switch (Mode.values()[i]) { case SCALE: sprite.setScale(floats[0]); break; case ALPHA: Color color = sprite.getColor(); sprite.setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, floats[0]); break; case POSITION: sprite.setX(floats[0]); sprite.setY(floats[1]); break; case ROTATION: sprite.setRotation(floats[0]); break; default: assert false; } }
public void render(float delta) {, 0, 0.2f, 1);; // tell the camera to update its matrices. camera.update( car.body.getPosition().x * PIXELS_PER_METER, car.body.getPosition().y * PIXELS_PER_METER); spriteBatch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.getCombined()); if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.UP) || Gdx.input.isTouched()) { car.setAccelerate(Car.ACC_ACCELERATE); } else if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.DOWN)) { car.setAccelerate(Car.ACC_BRAKE); } else { car.setAccelerate(Car.ACC_NONE); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.LEFT) || Gdx.input.getAccelerometerY() < -2.5) { car.setSteer(Car.STEER_HARD_LEFT); } else if (Gdx.input.getAccelerometerY() < -1) { car.setSteer(Car.STEER_LEFT); } else if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.RIGHT) || Gdx.input.getAccelerometerY() > 2.5) { car.setSteer(Car.STEER_HARD_RIGHT); } else if (Gdx.input.getAccelerometerY() > 1) { car.setSteer(Car.STEER_RIGHT); } else { car.setSteer(Car.STEER_NONE); } car.update(; /** * Have box2d update the positions and velocities (and etc) of all tracked objects. The second * and third argument specify the number of iterations of velocity and position tests to perform * -- higher is more accurate but is also slower. */ world.step(, 3, 3); world.clearForces(); // draw the sprites spriteBatch.begin(); playerSprite.setPosition( PIXELS_PER_METER * car.body.getPosition().x - playerTexture.getRegionWidth() / 2, PIXELS_PER_METER * car.body.getPosition().y - playerTexture.getRegionHeight() / 2); playerSprite.setRotation((MathUtils.radiansToDegrees * car.body.getAngle())); playerSprite.setFlip(false, true); playerSprite.setScale(0.3f); playerSprite.draw(spriteBatch); spriteBatch.end(); /** Draw this last, so we can see the collision boundaries on top of the sprites and map. */ debugRenderer.render( world, camera.getCombined().scale(PIXELS_PER_METER, PIXELS_PER_METER, PIXELS_PER_METER)); }
@Override public void render() { camera.update(); // Step the physics simulation forward at a rate of 60hz world.step(1f / 60f, 6, 2); sprite.setPosition( (body.getPosition().x * PIXELS_TO_METERS) - sprite.getWidth() / 2, (body.getPosition().y * PIXELS_TO_METERS) - sprite.getHeight() / 2); sprite.setRotation((float) Math.toDegrees(body2.getAngle())); sprite2.setPosition( (body2.getPosition().x * PIXELS_TO_METERS) - sprite2.getWidth() / 2, (body2.getPosition().y * PIXELS_TO_METERS) - sprite2.getHeight() / 2); sprite2.setRotation((float) Math.toDegrees(body.getAngle()));, 1, 1, 1);; batch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); batch.begin(); batch.draw( sprite, sprite.getX(), sprite.getY(), sprite.getOriginX(), sprite.getOriginY(), sprite.getWidth(), sprite.getHeight(), sprite.getScaleX(), sprite.getScaleY(), sprite.getRotation()); batch.draw( sprite2, sprite2.getX(), sprite2.getY(), sprite2.getOriginX(), sprite2.getOriginY(), sprite2.getWidth(), sprite2.getHeight(), sprite2.getScaleX(), sprite2.getScaleY(), sprite2.getRotation()); batch.end(); }
@Override public void draw(SpriteBatch batch, float parentAlpha) { super.draw(batch, parentAlpha); Vector2 worldPos = getPosition(); sprite.setPosition(worldPos.x - (sprite.getWidth() / 2), worldPos.y - sprite.getHeight() / 2); sprite.setRotation(getRotation()); sprite.draw(batch); }
@Override public void render(SpriteBatch batch) { if (!alive) { return; } if (left_throttle) { flame.setPosition(x - width / 2, y - height); flame.setOrigin(width / 2, height); flame.setRotation(rotation); flame.draw(batch); } if (right_throttle) { flame.setPosition(x, y - height); flame.setOrigin(0, height); flame.setRotation(rotation); flame.draw(batch); } sprite.draw(batch); }
@Override public void render() { sprite.setRotation(rotacion); if (Gdx.input.isTouched()) { rotacion++; }, 0.5f, 0.75f, 1f);; batch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); batch.begin(); sprite.draw(batch); sprite.draw(batch); sprite2.draw(batch); sprite_nave.draw(batch); batch.end(); }
public void draw(SpriteBatch batch, float parentAlpha) { stateTime +=; Sprite toRender = currentAnimation.getKeyFrame(stateTime); // -1 to account for the sword below his feet toRender.setPosition(getX(), getY() - 1); toRender.setOrigin( toRender.getX() + toRender.getWidth(), toRender.getY() + toRender.getHeight()); toRender.setRotation(getRotation()); setSize(toRender.getWidth(), toRender.getHeight()); setOrigin(toRender.getOriginX(), toRender.getOriginY()); toRender.draw(batch); if (TheLoveOfRice.DRAW_DEBUG) { drawDebug(batch); } }
public void draw( Batch batch, float x, float y, float originX, float originY, float width, float height, float scaleX, float scaleY, float rotation) { sprite.setOrigin(originX, originY); sprite.setRotation(rotation); sprite.setScale(scaleX, scaleY); sprite.setBounds(x, y, width, height); Color color = sprite.getColor(); sprite.setColor(Color.tmp.set(color).mul(batch.getColor())); sprite.draw(batch); sprite.setColor(color); }
@Override public void render(float delta) { begin1.setColor(color); begin2.setColor(rayColor); mid1.setColor(color); mid2.setColor(rayColor); end1.setColor(color); end2.setColor(rayColor); mid1.setSize(mid1.getWidth(), len); mid2.setSize(mid1.getWidth(), len); begin1.setPosition(positon.x, positon.y); begin2.setPosition(positon.x, positon.y); mid1.setPosition(begin1.getX(), begin1.getY() + begin1.getHeight()); mid2.setPosition(begin1.getX(), begin1.getY() + begin1.getHeight()); end1.setPosition(begin1.getX(), begin1.getY() + begin1.getHeight() + mid1.getHeight()); end2.setPosition(begin1.getX(), begin1.getY() + begin1.getHeight() + mid1.getHeight()); begin1.setOrigin(begin1.getWidth() / 2, 0); begin2.setOrigin(begin1.getWidth() / 2, 0); mid1.setOrigin(mid1.getWidth() / 2, -begin1.getHeight()); mid2.setOrigin(mid2.getWidth() / 2, -begin1.getHeight()); end1.setOrigin(mid1.getWidth() / 2, -begin1.getHeight() - mid1.getHeight()); end2.setOrigin(mid2.getWidth() / 2, -begin1.getHeight() - mid2.getHeight()); begin1.setRotation(degrees); begin2.setRotation(degrees); mid1.setRotation(degrees); mid2.setRotation(degrees); end1.setRotation(degrees); end2.setRotation(degrees); Engine.getSpriteBatch().setBlendFunction(GL10.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL10.GL_ONE); begin1.draw(Engine.getSpriteBatch()); begin2.draw(Engine.getSpriteBatch()); mid1.draw(Engine.getSpriteBatch()); mid2.draw(Engine.getSpriteBatch()); end1.draw(Engine.getSpriteBatch()); end2.draw(Engine.getSpriteBatch()); Engine.getSpriteBatch().setBlendFunction(GL10.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL10.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); }
public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) { super.draw(batch, parentAlpha); rotation = (rotation + 0); sprite.setSize(screenRectangle.width, screenRectangle.height); sprite.setPosition(screenRectangle.x, screenRectangle.y); sprite.setOriginCenter(); if (Gdx.input.isKeyJustPressed(keyRight)) { body.setTransform(body.getPosition().x + 5, body.getPosition().y, body.getAngle()); } elapsedTime +=; // body.setTransform(body.getPosition(), rotation); batch.end(); batch.begin(); sprite.setRotation(rotation); sprite.draw(batch); // batch.draw(animation.getKeyFrame(elapsedTime, true), screenRectangle.x, screenRectangle.y, // screenRectangle.width, screenRectangle.height ); // animation.setFrameDuration(0.09f); }
@Override public void start() { OwnedObjectData data = new OwnedObjectData(); data.drawAfter = true; if (bullet.getTicksAlive() < 20) animationPlaying = true; createTick = game.getTick(); bullet.addOwnedObject(this, data); final Sprite current = (Sprite) this.ani.getKeyFrame(getTicksAlive()); Polygon hitbox = bullet.getHitbox(); Rectangle rect = hitbox != null ? hitbox.getBoundingRectangle() : current.getBoundingRectangle(); final float modifier = 3f; float width = rect.getWidth() * modifier; float height = rect.getHeight() * modifier; final float scaleX = width / current.getWidth(); final float scaleY = height / current.getHeight(); current.setScale(scaleX, scaleY); current.setRotation(bullet.getRotationDeg()); current.setOriginCenter(); Color c = bullet.getDeletionColor().cpy(); float min = Math.min(c.g, Math.min(c.r, c.b)); c.r -= min; c.g -= min; c.b -= min; float mul = 0.8f; float start = (1f - mul) + 0.3f; Color color = new Color(start + (c.r * mul), start + (c.g * mul), start + (c.b * mul), 0f); current.setColor(color); current.setAlpha(1f); final SaveableObject<ScaleAlphaPhaseAnimation> sani = new SaveableObject<ScaleAlphaPhaseAnimation>(); Getter<Sprite> getter = new Getter<Sprite>() { @Override public Sprite get() { Sprite current = (Sprite) ani.getKeyFrame(getTicksAlive()); int over = 5; int ticks = (int) ((time.toTicks() - over) - getTicksAlive()); double mul = 1f - (ticks <= 0 ? -(float) ticks / over : 0f); ScaleAlphaPhaseAnimation ani = sani.getObject(); if (ani == null) return current; if (ticks <= 0) { animationPlaying = false; ani.setAlpha((float) Math.max(0, mul)); } current.setPosition( bullet.getX() - current.getWidth() / 2f, bullet.getY() - current.getHeight() / 2f); current.setOriginCenter(); current.setRotation(bullet.getRotationDeg()); return current; } }; final ScaleAlphaPhaseAnimation ani = new ScaleAlphaPhaseAnimation(getter, bullet); sani.setObject(ani); ani.setTime(time); ani.setAddedScale(scaleX * 3f, scaleY * 3f); ani.setAlpha(-0.1f); ani.start(); bullet.removeOwnedObject(ani); bullet.addOwnedObject(ani, data); }
public void reset() { setOriginPosition(initPos); velocity = initVelocity; sprite.setRotation(initRotation); updateSides(); }
void AdjustToBody(Sprite sprite, Vector2 origin, Body body, float sizeX, float sizeY) { sprite.setOrigin(origin.x, origin.y); sprite.setPosition(body.getPosition().sub(origin).x, body.getPosition().sub(origin).y); sprite.setSize(sizeX, sizeY); sprite.setRotation(body.getAngle() * MathUtils.radiansToDegrees); }
public void rotate(float angle) { sprite.setRotation(angle); }
public static void drawSpriteLine( Batch batch, Sprite sprite, Sprite spriteEnd, float overlap, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { // chk NPE if (batch == null || sprite == null || spriteEnd == null) return; float angle = 0; // Pi-basiert, x-Achse 0, gegen Uhrzeigersinn if (x1 < x2) // 0-)90( Grad; )270(-360 Grad if (y1 <= y2) // 0-)90( Grad angle = (float) Math.atan((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)); else // )270(-)360( Grad angle = (float) (2 * Math.PI - (float) Math.atan((y1 - y2) / (x2 - x1))); else if (x1 > x2) // )90( - 180 Grad, 180 - )270( Grad if (y1 <= y2) // )90( - 180 Grad angle = (float) (Math.PI - (float) Math.atan((y2 - y1) / (x1 - x2))); else // )270(-)360( Grad angle = (float) (Math.PI + (float) Math.atan((y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2))); else // 90 Grad, 270 Grad if (y1 < y2) // 90 Grad angle = (float) (0.5 * Math.PI); else if (y1 > y2) // 270 Grad angle = (float) (1.5 * Math.PI); else // 0 Grad angle = 0; float SpriteHalfX = sprite.getWidth() / 2; float SpriteHalfY = sprite.getHeight() / 2; sprite.setOrigin(SpriteHalfX, SpriteHalfY); sprite.setRotation( (float) (angle * MathUtils.RAD_DEG) - 90); // Grad-basiert, y-Achse 0 Grad, gegen Uhrzeigersinn float SpriteEndHalfX = spriteEnd.getWidth() / 2; float SpriteEndHalfY = spriteEnd.getHeight() / 2; spriteEnd.setOrigin(SpriteEndHalfX, SpriteEndHalfY); spriteEnd.setRotation( (float) (angle * MathUtils.RAD_DEG) - 90); // Grad-basiert, y-Achse 0 Grad, gegen Uhrzeigersinn float h = sprite.getHeight() * overlap; double sina = Math.sin(angle); double cosa = Math.cos(angle); int l = (int) (Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1))); int n = (int) ((l - h / 2) / h); if (n * h < l - h / 2) n += 1; for (int i = 0; i < n + 1; i++) { float x = (float) ((i * h * cosa) + x1); float y = (float) ((i * h * sina) + y1); if (i == 0 || i == n) { spriteEnd.setPosition(x - SpriteEndHalfX, y - SpriteEndHalfY); spriteEnd.draw(batch); } else { sprite.setPosition(x - SpriteHalfX, y - SpriteHalfY); sprite.draw(batch); } } }
public GameScreen(Game game, Array<Integer> playerList, Array<Integer> cpuList) { super(game); Gdx.input.setCatchBackKey(true); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(this); cam = new OrthographicCamera(width, height); cam.position.x = 400; cam.position.y = 240; cam.update(); numPlayers = playerList.size; if (numPlayers == 1) { touchAreaP1 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3(-((this.width - 800) / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + this.height, 0)); } else if (numPlayers == 2) { touchAreaP1 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3(-((this.width - 800) / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + this.height, 0)); touchAreaP2 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + this.width, -((this.height - 480) / 2) + this.height, 0)); } else if (numPlayers == 3) { touchAreaP1 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3(-((this.width - 800) / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + (this.height / 2), 0)); touchAreaP2 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + (this.height / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + this.height, 0)); touchAreaP3 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + this.width, -((this.height - 480) / 2) + this.height, 0)); } else if (numPlayers == 4) { touchAreaP1 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3(-((this.width - 800) / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + (this.height / 2), 0)); touchAreaP2 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + (this.height / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + this.height, 0)); touchAreaP3 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + this.width, -((this.height - 480) / 2) + (this.height / 2), 0)); touchAreaP4 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + (this.height / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + this.width, -((this.height - 480) / 2) + this.height, 0)); } // camera = new OrthographicCamera(800, 480); // camera.translate(400, 240, 0); if (playerList.size + cpuList.size != 3) { POSITIONS.add(new Vector2(150, 180)); POSITIONS.add(new Vector2(450, 180)); POSITIONS.add(new Vector2(300, 335)); POSITIONS.add(new Vector2(300, 25)); } else { POSITIONS.add(new Vector2(170, 92)); POSITIONS.add(new Vector2(432, 100)); POSITIONS.add(new Vector2(300, 335)); } // Fade blackFade = Resources.getInstance().blackFade; fadeBatch = new SpriteBatch(); fadeBatch.getProjectionMatrix().setToOrtho2D(0, 0, 2, 2); stouchAreaP1 = Resources.getInstance().touchArea1; stouchAreaP2 = Resources.getInstance().touchArea2; stouchAreaP3 = Resources.getInstance().touchArea3; stouchAreaP4 = Resources.getInstance().touchArea4; if (playerList.size > 0 && playerList.get(0) == 1) { p1 = Resources.getInstance().factoryP1Small; } else if (playerList.size > 0 && playerList.get(0) == 2) { p1 = Resources.getInstance().factoryP2Small; } else if (playerList.size > 0 && playerList.get(0) == 3) { p1 = Resources.getInstance().factoryP3Small; } else if (playerList.size > 0 && playerList.get(0) == 4) { p1 = Resources.getInstance().factoryP4Small; } if (playerList.size > 1 && playerList.get(1) == 1) { p2 = Resources.getInstance().factoryP1Small; } else if (playerList.size > 1 && playerList.get(1) == 2) { p2 = Resources.getInstance().factoryP2Small; } else if (playerList.size > 1 && playerList.get(1) == 3) { p2 = Resources.getInstance().factoryP3Small; } else if (playerList.size > 1 && playerList.get(1) == 4) { p2 = Resources.getInstance().factoryP4Small; } if (playerList.size > 2 && playerList.get(2) == 1) { p3 = Resources.getInstance().factoryP1Small; } else if (playerList.size > 2 && playerList.get(2) == 2) { p3 = Resources.getInstance().factoryP2Small; } else if (playerList.size > 2 && playerList.get(2) == 3) { p3 = Resources.getInstance().factoryP3Small; } else if (playerList.size > 2 && playerList.get(2) == 4) { p3 = Resources.getInstance().factoryP4Small; } if (playerList.size > 3 && playerList.get(3) == 1) { p4 = Resources.getInstance().factoryP1Small; } else if (playerList.size > 3 && playerList.get(3) == 2) { p4 = Resources.getInstance().factoryP2Small; } else if (playerList.size > 3 && playerList.get(3) == 3) { p4 = Resources.getInstance().factoryP3Small; } else if (playerList.size > 3 && playerList.get(3) == 4) { p4 = Resources.getInstance().factoryP4Small; } if (playerList.size > 0) p1.setScale(.2f); if (playerList.size > 1) p2.setScale(.2f); if (playerList.size > 2) p3.setScale(.2f); if (playerList.size > 3) p4.setScale(.2f); if (playerList.size > 0) p1.rotate(-90); if (playerList.size > 1) p2.rotate(90); if (playerList.size > 2) p3.rotate(-90); if (playerList.size > 3) p4.rotate(90); stouchAreaP1.setRotation(-90); stouchAreaP2.setRotation(90); stouchAreaP1.setRotation(-90); stouchAreaP2.setRotation(90); gameBatch = new SpriteBatch(); gameBatch.getProjectionMatrix().set(cam.combined); // init player positions // Array<Vector2> positons = generatePositions(numPlayers + 1); int currentPos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < playerList.size; ++i) { Vector2 temp1 = new Vector2(POSITIONS.get(currentPos).x, POSITIONS.get(currentPos).y); Vector2 temp2 = new Vector2(POSITIONS.get(currentPos).x, POSITIONS.get(currentPos).y); Vector2 facing = new Vector2(-temp1.sub(CENTER).y, temp2.sub(CENTER).x).nor(); playerProduction = new PlayerProduction(playerList.get(i), POSITIONS.get(currentPos), facing); GameInstance.getInstance().factorys.add(playerProduction); ++currentPos; } for (int i = 0; i < cpuList.size; ++i) { Vector2 temp1 = new Vector2(POSITIONS.get(currentPos).x, POSITIONS.get(currentPos).y); Vector2 temp2 = new Vector2(POSITIONS.get(currentPos).x, POSITIONS.get(currentPos).y); Vector2 facing = new Vector2(-temp1.sub(CENTER).y, temp2.sub(CENTER).x).nor(); if (GameInstance.getInstance().difficultyConfig == 0) { enemyProduction = new EasyEnemyProduction(cpuList.get(i), POSITIONS.get(currentPos), facing); } else if (GameInstance.getInstance().difficultyConfig == 1) { enemyProduction = new MediumEnemyProduction(cpuList.get(i), POSITIONS.get(currentPos), facing); } else { enemyProduction = new HardEnemyProduction(cpuList.get(i), POSITIONS.get(currentPos), facing); } GameInstance.getInstance().factorys.add(enemyProduction); ++currentPos; } // // add cpu if only one player plays // if (idP2 == -1) { // temp1 = new Vector2(POSITIONS.get(1).x, POSITIONS.get(1).y); // temp2 = new Vector2(POSITIONS.get(1).x, POSITIONS.get(1).y); // facing = new Vector2(-temp1.sub(CENTER).y, temp2.sub(CENTER).x).nor(); // if(GameInstance.getInstance().difficultyConfig == 0) { // enemyProduction = new EasyEnemyProduction((idP1+1)%4, POSITIONS.get(1), facing); // } else if(GameInstance.getInstance().difficultyConfig == 1) { // enemyProduction = new MediumEnemyProduction((idP1+1)%4, POSITIONS.get(1), facing); // } else { // enemyProduction = new HardEnemyProduction((idP1+1)%4, POSITIONS.get(1), facing); // } // GameInstance.getInstance().factorys.add(enemyProduction); // touchedP2 = true; // touchFadeP2 = 0; // // temp1 = new Vector2(POSITIONS.get(2).x, POSITIONS.get(2).y); // temp2 = new Vector2(POSITIONS.get(2).x, POSITIONS.get(2).y); // facing = new Vector2(-temp1.sub(CENTER).y, temp2.sub(CENTER).x).nor(); // if(GameInstance.getInstance().difficultyConfig == 0) { // enemyProduction = new EasyEnemyProduction((idP1+2)%4, POSITIONS.get(2), facing); // } else if(GameInstance.getInstance().difficultyConfig == 1) { // enemyProduction = new MediumEnemyProduction((idP1+2)%4, POSITIONS.get(2), facing); // } else { // enemyProduction = new HardEnemyProduction((idP1+2)%4, POSITIONS.get(2), facing); // } // GameInstance.getInstance().factorys.add(enemyProduction); // touchedP2 = true; // touchFadeP2 = 0; // // temp1 = new Vector2(POSITIONS.get(3).x, POSITIONS.get(3).y); // temp2 = new Vector2(POSITIONS.get(3).x, POSITIONS.get(3).y); // facing = new Vector2(-temp1.sub(CENTER).y, temp2.sub(CENTER).x).nor(); // if(GameInstance.getInstance().difficultyConfig == 0) { // enemyProduction = new EasyEnemyProduction((idP1+3)%4, POSITIONS.get(3), facing); // } else if(GameInstance.getInstance().difficultyConfig == 1) { // enemyProduction = new MediumEnemyProduction((idP1+3)%4, POSITIONS.get(3), facing); // } else { // enemyProduction = new HardEnemyProduction((idP1+3)%4, POSITIONS.get(3), facing); // } // GameInstance.getInstance().factorys.add(enemyProduction); // touchedP2 = true; // touchFadeP2 = 0; // } else { // temp1 = new Vector2(POSITIONS.get(1).x, POSITIONS.get(1).y); // temp2 = new Vector2(POSITIONS.get(1).x, POSITIONS.get(1).y); // facing = new Vector2(-temp1.sub(CENTER).y, temp2.sub(CENTER).x).nor(); // playerProduction = new PlayerProduction(idP2, POSITIONS.get(1), facing); // GameInstance.getInstance().factorys.add(playerProduction); // };; }
@Override public void resize(int width, int height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; if (width == 480 && height == 320) { cam = new OrthographicCamera(700, 466); this.width = 700; this.height = 466; } else if (width == 320 && height == 240) { cam = new OrthographicCamera(700, 525); this.width = 700; this.height = 525; } else if (width == 400 && height == 240) { cam = new OrthographicCamera(800, 480); this.width = 800; this.height = 480; } else if (width == 432 && height == 240) { cam = new OrthographicCamera(700, 389); this.width = 700; this.height = 389; } else if (width == 960 && height == 640) { cam = new OrthographicCamera(800, 533); this.width = 800; this.height = 533; } else if (width == 1366 && height == 768) { cam = new OrthographicCamera(1280, 720); this.width = 1280; this.height = 720; } else if (width == 1366 && height == 720) { cam = new OrthographicCamera(1280, 675); this.width = 1280; this.height = 675; } else if (width == 1536 && height == 1152) { cam = new OrthographicCamera(1366, 1024); this.width = 1366; this.height = 1024; } else if (width == 1920 && height == 1152) { cam = new OrthographicCamera(1366, 854); this.width = 1366; this.height = 854; } else if (width == 1920 && height == 1200) { cam = new OrthographicCamera(1366, 800); this.width = 1280; this.height = 800; } else if (width > 1280) { cam = new OrthographicCamera(1280, 768); this.width = 1280; this.height = 768; } else if (width < 800) { cam = new OrthographicCamera(800, 480); this.width = 800; this.height = 480; } else { cam = new OrthographicCamera(width, height); } cam.position.x = 400; cam.position.y = 240; cam.update(); backgroundFX.resize(width, height); gameBatch.getProjectionMatrix().set(cam.combined); if (numPlayers == 1) { p1.setRotation(-90); stouchAreaP1.setRotation(-90); touchAreaP1 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3(-((this.width - 800) / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + this.height, 0)); stouchAreaP1.setPosition(touchAreaP1.min.x, touchAreaP1.getCenter().y - 40); p1.setPosition(touchAreaP1.min.x + 10, touchAreaP1.getCenter().y - 105); } else if (numPlayers == 2) { p1.setRotation(-90); p2.setRotation(90); stouchAreaP1.setRotation(-90); stouchAreaP2.setRotation(90); touchAreaP1 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3(-((this.width - 800) / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + this.height, 0)); touchAreaP2 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + this.width, -((this.height - 480) / 2) + this.height, 0)); stouchAreaP1.setPosition(touchAreaP1.min.x, touchAreaP1.getCenter().y - 40); p1.setPosition(touchAreaP1.min.tmp().x + 10, touchAreaP1.getCenter().y - 105); stouchAreaP2.setPosition(touchAreaP2.max.x - 170, touchAreaP2.getCenter().y - 40); p2.setPosition(touchAreaP2.max.x - 190, touchAreaP2.getCenter().y - 15); } else if (numPlayers == 3) { p1.setRotation(-90); p2.setRotation(-90); p3.setRotation(90); stouchAreaP1.setRotation(-90); stouchAreaP2.setRotation(-90); stouchAreaP3.setRotation(90); touchAreaP1 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3(-((this.width - 800) / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + (this.height / 2), 0)); touchAreaP2 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + (this.height / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + this.height, 0)); touchAreaP3 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + this.width, -((this.height - 480) / 2) + this.height, 0)); stouchAreaP1.setPosition(touchAreaP1.min.x, touchAreaP1.getCenter().y - 40); p1.setPosition(touchAreaP1.min.tmp().x + 10, touchAreaP1.getCenter().y - 105); stouchAreaP2.setPosition(touchAreaP2.min.x, touchAreaP2.getCenter().y - 40); p2.setPosition(touchAreaP2.min.x + 10, touchAreaP2.getCenter().y - 105); stouchAreaP3.setPosition(touchAreaP3.max.x - 170, touchAreaP3.getCenter().y - 40); p3.setPosition(touchAreaP3.max.x - 190, touchAreaP3.getCenter().y - 15); } else if (numPlayers == 4) { p1.setRotation(-90); p2.setRotation(-90); p3.setRotation(90); p4.setRotation(90); stouchAreaP1.setRotation(-90); stouchAreaP2.setRotation(-90); stouchAreaP3.setRotation(90); stouchAreaP4.setRotation(90); touchAreaP1 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3(-((this.width - 800) / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + (this.height / 2), 0)); touchAreaP2 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + (this.height / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + this.height, 0)); touchAreaP3 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + this.width, -((this.height - 480) / 2) + (this.height / 2), 0)); touchAreaP4 = new BoundingBox( new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + (this.width / 2), -((this.height - 480) / 2) + (this.height / 2), 0), new Vector3( -((this.width - 800) / 2) + this.width, -((this.height - 480) / 2) + this.height, 0)); stouchAreaP1.setPosition(touchAreaP1.min.x, touchAreaP1.getCenter().y - 40); p1.setPosition(touchAreaP1.min.tmp().x + 10, touchAreaP1.getCenter().y - 105); stouchAreaP2.setPosition(touchAreaP2.min.x, touchAreaP2.getCenter().y - 40); p2.setPosition(touchAreaP2.min.x + 10, touchAreaP2.getCenter().y - 105); stouchAreaP3.setPosition(touchAreaP3.max.x - 170, touchAreaP3.getCenter().y - 40); p3.setPosition(touchAreaP3.max.x - 190, touchAreaP3.getCenter().y - 15); stouchAreaP4.setPosition(touchAreaP4.max.x - 170, touchAreaP4.getCenter().y - 40); p4.setPosition(touchAreaP4.max.x - 190, touchAreaP4.getCenter().y - 15); } }
/** Called by game loop, updates then blits or renders current frame of animation to the screen */ @Override public void draw() { if (_flicker) return; if (dirty) // rarely calcFrame(); if (_newTextureData != null) // even more rarely { _pixels.getTexture().load(_newTextureData); _newTextureData = null; } FlxCamera camera = FlxG._activeCamera; if (cameras == null) cameras = FlxG.cameras; if (!cameras.contains(camera, true)) return; if (!onScreen(camera)) return; _point.x = x - (camera.scroll.x * scrollFactor.x) - offset.x; _point.y = y - (camera.scroll.y * scrollFactor.y) - offset.y; _point.x += (_point.x > 0) ? 0.0000001f : -0.0000001f; _point.y += (_point.y > 0) ? 0.0000001f : -0.0000001f; // tinting int tintColor = FlxU.multiplyColors(_color, camera.getColor()); framePixels.setColor( ((tintColor >> 16) & 0xFF) * 0.00392f, ((tintColor >> 8) & 0xFF) * 0.00392f, (tintColor & 0xFF) * 0.00392f, _alpha); // rotate if (_pixels.rotate) framePixels.rotate90(false); if (isSimpleRender()) { // Simple render framePixels.setPosition(_point.x, _point.y); renderSprite(); } else { // Advanced render framePixels.setOrigin(origin.x, origin.y); framePixels.setScale(scale.x, scale.y); if ((angle != 0) && (_bakedRotation <= 0)) framePixels.setRotation(angle); framePixels.setPosition(_point.x, _point.y); if (blend != null && currentBlend != blend) { currentBlend = blend; int[] blendFunc = BlendMode.getOpenGLBlendMode(blend); FlxG.batch.setBlendFunction(blendFunc[0], blendFunc[1]); } else if (FlxG.batchShader == null || ignoreBatchShader) { // OpenGL ES 2.0 shader render renderShader(); // OpenGL ES 2.0 blend mode render renderBlend(); } renderSprite(); } // re-rotate if (_pixels.rotate) framePixels.rotate90(true); _VISIBLECOUNT++; if (FlxG.visualDebug && !ignoreDrawDebug) drawDebug(camera); }
@Override public void render(float delta) { super.render(); totalGameTimer += delta; // if ((totalGameTimer >= 5) && (levelStarted == false)) { // startLevel("theme1.txt"); // levelStarted = true; // return; // }, 0, 0.2f, 1);; batch.begin(); { // batch.draw(rightFootprintTexture, WIDTH / 2 + footSpacing - 50, // 0); // batch.draw(leftFootprintTexture, WIDTH / 2 - footSpacing - 50, // 0); // batch.draw(rightWall, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); // batch.draw(leftWall, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); // batch.draw(perspectiveTexture, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); } batch.end(); batch.begin(); // sprite.draw(batch); elapsedTime +=; // batch.draw(), x, y, originX, originY, width, height, scaleX, scaleY, // rotation); batch.draw(smokeTexture, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); // System.out.println(level.getSkipped()); int damage = (level.getSkipped() + level.getMisses()) / 3; // System.out.println(damage); if (damage == 5) { leftWallAnimation = new Animation(1 / 45f, leftWallTextureAtlas.getRegions()); rightWallAnimation = new Animation(1 / 45f, rightWallTextureAtlas.getRegions()); } if (damage >= 6) { deathCounter++; ScreenManager.getInstance().show(ScreenManager.Screens.TITLE); endingLevel = true; music.stop(); music.dispose(); } else { batch.draw( pentagramAtlas.findRegion("000" + Integer.toString((damage % 7) + 1)), WIDTH / 2 - (72 / 2), HEIGHT - 72, 72, 72); } // batch.draw(stairTexture, 0, (float) -(level.getCurrPos() * 10), // WIDTH, HEIGHT); batch.draw( stairsAnimation.getKeyFrame(level.getFootstepsBetween(-level.getCurrPos(), 0).size(), true), (float) 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT / 2); batch.draw(leftWallAnimation.getKeyFrame(elapsedTime, true), 0, 0, 225, HEIGHT); batch.draw(rightWallAnimation.getKeyFrame(elapsedTime, true), WIDTH - 225, 0, 225, HEIGHT); batch.end(); // Advance in level // level.addCurrPos(delta); // TODO: level.syncWithMusic(music); // // Announce next footstep, if one has been passed // if (level.getFootsteps().get(nextFootstep).getTime() < // level.getCurrPos()) { // // "Next" footstep is in the past // nextFootstep++; // // // Announce // System.out.println("Next footstep is now: " + // level.getFootsteps().get(nextFootstep).toString()); // } // TODO: Look for input boolean leftPressed = Gdx.input.isKeyJustPressed(Input.Keys.SHIFT_LEFT); boolean rightPressed = Gdx.input.isKeyJustPressed(Input.Keys.SHIFT_RIGHT); if (leftPressed || rightPressed) { // TODO: If pressed BEFORE a footstep, miss the next footstep // If pressed DURING a footstep, mark footstep as hit if it is left. // Otherwise miss. for (Footstep f : level.getActiveFootsteps(HIT_THRESHOLD)) { if (f != null) { Footstep active = f; if ((!active.isDidHit()) && (!active.isDidMiss())) { if (((active.getType() == FootstepType.LEFT) && leftPressed) || ((active.getType() == FootstepType.RIGHT) && rightPressed)) { // HIT! active.setDidHit(true); // System.out.println("HIT FOOTSTEP: " + // active.toString()); } else { // Miss. active.setDidMiss(true); // System.out.println("MISSED FOOTSTEP: " + // active.toString()); } } } } } // Render visible footsteps batch.begin(); { double startTime = -2; double farthestTime = 5.0f; for (Footstep f : level.getFootstepsBetween(startTime, farthestTime)) { float distanceOnRoad = (float) ((f.getTime() - level.getCurrPos()) / (farthestTime - startTime)); distanceOnRoad -= 1; distanceOnRoad = -(-Math.abs(distanceOnRoad * distanceOnRoad * distanceOnRoad) - 1); distanceOnRoad = 2 - (distanceOnRoad); Sprite sprite = new Sprite(rightFootprintTexture); // Flip for left foot sprite.flip(f.getType() == FootstepType.LEFT, false); // Add alpha if (distanceOnRoad > 0) { sprite.setAlpha((1f - distanceOnRoad) * 0.9f + 0.1f); } // Add scaling sprite.setScale((1f - distanceOnRoad) * 0.6f); // Light footsteps that are "active" double distanceTo = f.getTime() - level.getCurrPos(); if (Math.abs(distanceTo) < LIT_THRESHOLD) { sprite.setColor(Color.BLUE); } if (-distanceTo > LIT_THRESHOLD && (!(f.isDidHit() || f.isDidMiss()))) { sprite.setRotation((int) (level.getCurrPos() * 2000)); sprite.setColor(Color.FIREBRICK); } // Mark hits or misses if (f.isDidHit()) { sprite.setColor(Color.GREEN); } else if (f.isDidMiss()) { sprite.setColor(Color.RED); } float leftFactor = 1; if (f.getType() == FootstepType.LEFT) { leftFactor = -1; } float x = WIDTH / 2 + (leftFactor * (WIDTH / 11) * (1 - distanceOnRoad)); float y = (distanceOnRoad * (HEIGHT / 2 + 50 - FOOTSTEP_LINE)) + FOOTSTEP_LINE; // Celebrate hits! if (f.isDidHit()) { y += -distanceTo * 100; } sprite.setCenter(x, y); sprite.draw(batch); } } batch.end(); }
public void Draw(Batch batch) { sprite.setRotation(rotation); sprite.setPosition(X, Y); sprite.draw(batch); }