Example #1
  /** Annotate a VCF entry */
  public boolean annotate(Variant variant, Map<String, String> info) {
    if (verbose) Gpr.showMark(++countVariants, SHOW_EVERY);

    // Find in database
    Collection<DbNsfpEntry> dbEntries = dbNsfp.query(variant);
    if (dbEntries == null || dbEntries.isEmpty()) return false;

    // Add all INFO fields that refer to this allele
    boolean annotated = false;
    for (String fieldKey : fieldsToAdd.keySet()) {
      // Are there any values to annotate?
      String infoValue = getVcfInfo(dbEntries, fieldKey);

      // Missing or empty?
      if (annotateEmpty) {
        if (infoValue.isEmpty()) infoValue = ".";
      } else if (isDbNsfpValueEmpty(infoValue)) {
        infoValue = null;

      // Add annotations
      if (infoValue != null) {
        String oldInfo = info.get(fieldKey);
        if (oldInfo == null) oldInfo = "";

        info.put(fieldKey, oldInfo + (oldInfo.isEmpty() ? "" : ",") + infoValue);
        annotated = true;

    // Show progress
    if (annotated) {
      if (debug) Gpr.debug("Annotated: " + variant.toStr());

    return annotated;