 protected final V pointwiseOp(final V a, final T b) {
   if (a.getRealDouble() > b.getRealDouble()) {
     return a;
   V r = a.createVariable();
   return r;
Example #2
  * Computes an alpha trimmed mean upon the current region of the current function. Note that this
  * method uses memory to make a copy of the input values. Larger input regions might require a lot
  * of memory.
  * @param alpha A number between 0 and 0.5 specifying the proportion of samples to ignore on each
  *     end.
  * @return The measured value
 public double alphaTrimmedMean(double alpha) {
   if ((alpha < 0) || (alpha >= 0.5))
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("alpha value must be >= 0 and < 0.5");
   T tmp = func.createOutput();
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     long[] pos = iter.next();
     func.compute(pos, tmp);
   double tailSize = alpha * values.size();
   // can we avoid interpolation?
   if (tailSize == Math.floor(tailSize)) {
     // yes, trim count is exactly an integer
     return calcTrimmedMean(values, (int) tailSize);
   // no, trim count is a float value
   // calc two trimmed means and interpolate to find the value between them
   double mean1 = calcTrimmedMean(values, (int) Math.floor(tailSize));
   double mean2 = calcTrimmedMean(values, (int) Math.ceil(tailSize));
   double fraction = tailSize - Math.floor(tailSize);
   double interpolation = ((1 - fraction) * mean1) + (fraction * mean2);
   return interpolation;
  protected final boolean checkPixelAddToQueue(final V p, final V q, final T i) {
    double pd = p.getRealDouble();
    double qd = q.getRealDouble();
    double id = i.getRealDouble();

    return qd > pd && qd > id;
  public <T extends RealType<T>> double computeAverage(final Iterable<T> input) {
    final RealSum realSum = new RealSum();
    long count = 0;

    for (final T type : input) {

    return realSum.getSum() / count;
Example #5
  * Computes the product of all the values of the current region of the current function.
  * @return The measured value
 public double product() {
   T tmp = func.createOutput();
   double prod = 1;
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     long[] pos = iter.next();
     func.compute(pos, tmp);
     double value = tmp.getRealDouble();
     prod *= value;
   return prod;
Example #6
  * Computes a trimmed mean upon the current region of the current function. Note that this method
  * uses memory to make a copy of the input values. Larger input regions might require a lot of
  * memory.
  * @param halfTrimSize The number of samples to ignore from each end of the data
  * @return The measured value
 public double trimmedMean(int halfTrimSize) {
   T tmp = func.createOutput();
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     long[] pos = iter.next();
     func.compute(pos, tmp);
   return calcTrimmedMean(values, halfTrimSize);
Example #7
  * Computes the sum of all the values of the current region of the current function.
  * @return The measured value
 public double sum() {
   T tmp = func.createOutput();
   double sum = 0;
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     long[] pos = iter.next();
     func.compute(pos, tmp);
     double value = tmp.getRealDouble();
     sum += value;
   return sum;
Example #8
  * Computes the minimum value upon the current region of the current function.
  * @return The measured value
 public double min() {
   T tmp = func.createOutput();
   double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     long[] pos = iter.next();
     func.compute(pos, tmp);
     double value = tmp.getRealDouble();
     min = Math.min(min, value);
   return min;
Example #9
  * Computes the maximum value upon the current region of the current function.
  * @return The measured value
 public double max() {
   T tmp = func.createOutput();
   double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     long[] pos = iter.next();
     func.compute(pos, tmp);
     double value = tmp.getRealDouble();
     max = Math.max(max, value);
   return max;
Example #10
  * Computes the arithmetic mean (or average) upon the current region of the current function.
  * @return The measured value
 public double arithmeticMean() {
   T tmp = func.createOutput();
   double sum = 0;
   long numElements = 0;
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     long[] pos = iter.next();
     func.compute(pos, tmp);
     sum += tmp.getRealDouble();
   return sum / numElements;
Example #11
  * Computes the sum of squared deviations of the values of the current region of the current
  * function.
  * @return The measured value
 public double sumOfSquaredDeviations() {
   T tmp = func.createOutput();
   final double xbar = arithmeticMean();
   double sum = 0;
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     long[] pos = iter.next();
     func.compute(pos, tmp);
     double value = tmp.getRealDouble();
     double term = value - xbar;
     sum += (term * term);
   return sum;
Example #12
  * Computes the harmonic mean upon the current region of the current function.
  * @return The measured value
 public double harmonicMean() {
   T tmp = func.createOutput();
   double sum = 0;
   long numElements = 0;
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     long[] pos = iter.next();
     func.compute(pos, tmp);
     double value = tmp.getRealDouble();
     sum += 1 / value;
   return numElements / sum; // looks weird but it is correct
Example #13
  * Computes the contraharmonic mean upon the current region of the current function.
  * @return The measured value
 public double contraharmonicMean(double order) {
   T tmp = func.createOutput();
   double sum1 = 0;
   double sum2 = 0;
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     long[] pos = iter.next();
     func.compute(pos, tmp);
     double value = tmp.getRealDouble();
     sum1 += Math.pow(value, order + 1);
     sum2 += Math.pow(value, order);
   return sum1 / sum2;
Example #14
  * Computes a weighted sum of the current function values over the current region. The weights are
  * provided and there must be as many weights as there are points in the current region.
  * @return The measured value
 public double weightedSum(double[] weights) {
   long numElements = region.size();
   if (numElements != weights.length)
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("number of weights does not equal number of samples");
   T tmp = func.createOutput();
   double sum = 0;
   int i = 0;
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     long[] pos = iter.next();
     func.compute(pos, tmp);
     double value = tmp.getRealDouble();
     sum += weights[i++] * value;
   return sum;
Example #15
  * Computes the center of mass point of the current region of the current function. Returns it as
  * a pair of Doubles. The first element in the pair is the x component and the second element is
  * the y component.
  * @return The measured point stored in a Tuple2
 public Tuple2<Double, Double> centerOfMassXY() {
   T tmp = func.createOutput();
   double sumV = 0;
   double sumX = 0;
   double sumY = 0;
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     long[] pos = iter.next();
     func.compute(pos, tmp);
     double v = tmp.getRealDouble();
     sumV += v;
     sumX += v * pos[0];
     sumY += v * pos[1];
   double cx = (sumX / sumV) + 0.5;
   double cy = (sumY / sumV) + 0.5;
   return new Tuple2<Double, Double>(cx, cy);
  double alignStep(final RandomAccessibleInterval<T> image) {
    // compute error image = warped image - template
    computeDifference(Views.extendBorder(image), currentTransform, template, error);

    // compute transform parameter update
    final double[] gradient = new double[numParameters];
    for (int p = 0; p < numParameters; ++p) {
      final Cursor<T> err = Views.flatIterable(error).cursor();
      for (final T t : Views.flatIterable(Views.hyperSlice(descent, n, p)))
        gradient[p] += t.getRealDouble() * err.next().getRealDouble();
    final double[] dp = new double[numParameters];
    LinAlgHelpers.mult(Hinv, gradient, dp);

    // udpate transform

    // return norm of parameter update vector
    return LinAlgHelpers.length(dp);
Example #17
  * Computes the (biased) kurtosis value upon the current region of the current function.
  * @return The measured value
 public double populationKurtosis() {
   T tmp = func.createOutput();
   double xbar = arithmeticMean();
   double s2 = 0;
   double s4 = 0;
   long numElements = 0;
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     long[] pos = iter.next();
     func.compute(pos, tmp);
     double value = tmp.getRealDouble();
     double v = value - xbar;
     double v2 = v * v;
     double v4 = v2 * v2;
     s2 += v2;
     s4 += v4;
   double n = numElements;
   double m2 = s2 / n;
   double m4 = s4 / n;
   return m4 / (m2 * m2);
Example #18
   * Computes the median upon the current region of the current function. Note that this method uses
   * memory to make a copy of the input values. Larger input regions might require a lot of memory.
   * @return The measured value
  public double median() {
    T tmp = func.createOutput();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      long[] pos = iter.next();
      func.compute(pos, tmp);
    final int numElements = values.size();
    if (numElements <= 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("number of samples must be greater than 0");


    // odd number of elements
    if ((numElements % 2) == 1) return values.get(numElements / 2);

    // else an even number of elements
    double value1 = values.get((numElements / 2) - 1);
    double value2 = values.get((numElements / 2));
    return (value1 + value2) / 2;
Example #19
  * Computes the (biased) skew value upon the current region of the current function.
  * @return The measured value
 public double populationSkew() {
   T tmp = func.createOutput();
   double xbar = arithmeticMean();
   double s2 = 0;
   double s3 = 0;
   long numElements = 0;
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     long[] pos = iter.next();
     func.compute(pos, tmp);
     double value = tmp.getRealDouble();
     double v = value - xbar;
     double v2 = v * v;
     double v3 = v2 * v;
     s2 += v2;
     s3 += v3;
   double n = numElements;
   double m2 = s2 / n;
   double m3 = s3 / n;
   return m3 / Math.pow(m2, 1.5);
 public boolean holds(T val) {
   return val.getRealDouble() <= m_constant.getRealDouble();
 public boolean holds(T val1, U val2) {
   return val1.getRealDouble() <= val2.getRealDouble();