/** * Returns a matrix which is the result of an element by element multiplication of 'this' and 'b': * c<sub>i,j</sub> = a<sub>i,j</sub>*b<sub>i,j</sub> . * * @param b A simple matrix. * @return The element by element multiplication of 'this' and 'b'. */ public T elementMult(T b) { T c = createMatrix(mat.numRows, mat.numCols); CommonOps.elementMult(mat, b.getMatrix(), c.getMatrix()); return c; }
/** * Returns the result of matrix subtraction:<br> * <br> * c = a - b <br> * <br> * where c is the returned matrix, a is this matrix, and b is the passed in matrix. * * @param b m by n matrix. Not modified. * @return The results of this operation. * @see CommonOps#sub(org.ejml.data.D1Matrix64F , org.ejml.data.D1Matrix64F , * org.ejml.data.D1Matrix64F) */ public T minus(T b) { T ret = copy(); CommonOps.subEquals(ret.getMatrix(), b.getMatrix()); return ret; }
/** * Performs a matrix addition and scale operation.<br> * <br> * c = a + β*b <br> * <br> * where c is the returned matrix, a is this matrix, and b is the passed in matrix. * * @param beta the beta * @param b m by n matrix. Not modified. * @return A matrix that contains the results. * @see CommonOps#add(org.ejml.data.D1Matrix64F , double , org.ejml.data.D1Matrix64F , * org.ejml.data.D1Matrix64F) */ public T plus(double beta, T b) { T ret = copy(); CommonOps.addEquals(ret.getMatrix(), beta, b.getMatrix()); return ret; }
/** * Returns a matrix which is the result of matrix multiplication:<br> * <br> * c = a * b <br> * <br> * where c is the returned matrix, a is this matrix, and b is the passed in matrix. * * @param b A matrix that is n by bn. Not modified. * @return The results of this operation. * @see CommonOps#mult(org.ejml.data.RowD1Matrix64F , org.ejml.data.RowD1Matrix64F , * org.ejml.data.RowD1Matrix64F) */ public T mult(T b) { T ret = createMatrix(mat.numRows, b.getMatrix().numCols); CommonOps.mult(mat, b.getMatrix(), ret.getMatrix()); return ret; }
/** * Solves for X in the following equation:<br> * <br> * x = a<sup>-1</sup>b<br> * <br> * where 'a' is this matrix and 'b' is an n by p matrix. * * <p>If the system could not be solved then SingularMatrixException is thrown. Even if no * exception is thrown 'a' could still be singular or nearly singular. * * @param b n by p matrix. Not modified. * @return The solution for 'x' that is n by p. * @see CommonOps#solve(DenseMatrix64F, DenseMatrix64F, DenseMatrix64F) */ public T solve(T b) { T x = createMatrix(mat.numCols, b.getMatrix().numCols); if (!CommonOps.solve(mat, b.getMatrix(), x.getMatrix())) { throw new SingularMatrixException(); } return x; }
/** * Extracts a row or column from this matrix. The returned vector will either be a row or column * vector depending on the input type. * * @param extractRow If true a row will be extracted. * @param element The row or column the vector is contained in. * @return Extracted vector. */ public T extractVector(boolean extractRow, int element) { int length = extractRow ? mat.numCols : mat.numRows; T ret = extractRow ? createMatrix(1, length) : createMatrix(length, 1); if (extractRow) { SpecializedOps.subvector(mat, element, 0, length, true, 0, ret.getMatrix()); } else { SpecializedOps.subvector(mat, 0, element, length, false, 0, ret.getMatrix()); } return ret; }
/** * Returns the transpose of this matrix.<br> * a<sup>T</sup> * * @return A matrix that is n by m. * @see org.ejml.ops.CommonOps#transpose(DenseMatrix64F,DenseMatrix64F) */ public T transpose() { T ret = createMatrix(mat.numCols, mat.numRows); CommonOps.transpose(mat, ret.getMatrix()); return ret; }
/** * Returns the inverse of this matrix.<br> * <br> * b = a<sup>-1<sup><br> * * <p>If the matrix could not be inverted then SingularMatrixException is thrown. Even if no * exception is thrown the matrix could still be singular or nearly singular. * * @return The inverse of this matrix. * @see CommonOps#invert(DenseMatrix64F, DenseMatrix64F) */ public T invert() { T ret = createMatrix(mat.numRows, mat.numCols); if (!CommonOps.invert(mat, ret.getMatrix())) { throw new SingularMatrixException(); } return ret; }
/** * Returns the result of dividing each element by 'val': b<sub>i,j</sub> = a<sub>i,j</sub>/val . * * @param val Divisor. * @return Matrix with its elements divided by the specified value. * @see CommonOps#divide(double, org.ejml.data.D1Matrix64F) */ public T divide(double val) { T ret = copy(); CommonOps.divide(val, ret.getMatrix()); return ret; }
/** * Returns the result of scaling each element by 'val':<br> * b<sub>i,j</sub> = val*a<sub>i,j</sub> . * * @param val The multiplication factor. * @return The scaled matrix. * @see CommonOps#scale(double, org.ejml.data.D1Matrix64F) */ public T scale(double val) { T ret = copy(); CommonOps.scale(val, ret.getMatrix()); return ret; }
/** * Extracts the diagonal from this matrix and returns them inside a column vector. * * @return Diagonal elements inside a column vector. * @see org.ejml.ops.CommonOps#extractDiag(DenseMatrix64F, DenseMatrix64F) */ public T extractDiag() { int N = Math.min(mat.numCols, mat.numRows); T diag = createMatrix(N, 1); CommonOps.extractDiag(mat, diag.getMatrix()); return diag; }
/** * Computes the dot product (a.k.a. inner product) between this vector and vector 'v'. * * @param v The second vector in the dot product. Not modified. * @return dot product */ public double dot(T v) { if (!isVector()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'this' matrix is not a vector."); } else if (!v.isVector()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'v' matrix is not a vector."); } return VectorVectorMult.innerProd(mat, v.getMatrix()); }
/** * Creates and returns a matrix which is idential to this one. * * @return A new identical matrix. */ public T copy() { // logger.info("copy matrix base"); if (mat == null) { return null; } T ret = createMatrix(mat.numRows, mat.numCols); ret.getMatrix().set(this.getMatrix()); // ret.determinant = determinant; // ret.logDeterminant = logDeterminant; return ret; }
/** * Creates a new SimpleMatrix which is a submatrix of this matrix. * * <p>s<sub>i-y0 , j-x0</sub> = o<sub>ij</sub> for all y0 ≤ i < y1 and x0 ≤ j < x1<br> * <br> * where 's<sub>ij</sub>' is an element in the submatrix and 'o<sub>ij</sub>' is an element in the * original matrix. * * <p>If any of the inputs are set to T.END then it will be set to the last row or column in the * matrix. * * @param y0 Start row. * @param y1 Stop row. * @param x0 Start column. * @param x1 Stop column. * @return The submatrix. */ public T extractMatrix(int y0, int y1, int x0, int x1) { if (y0 == END) { y0 = mat.numRows; } if (y1 == END) { y1 = mat.numRows; } if (x0 == END) { x0 = mat.numCols; } if (x1 == END) { x1 = mat.numCols; } T ret = createMatrix(y1 - y0, x1 - x0); CommonOps.extract(mat, y0, y1, x0, x1, ret.getMatrix(), 0, 0); return ret; }
/** * Computes the Kronecker product between this matrix and the provided B matrix:<br> * <br> * C = kron(A,B) . * * @param B The right matrix in the operation. Not modified. * @return Kronecker product between this matrix and B. * @see CommonOps#kron(DenseMatrix64F, DenseMatrix64F, DenseMatrix64F) */ public T kron(T B) { T ret = createMatrix(mat.numRows * B.numRows(), mat.numCols * B.numCols()); CommonOps.kron(mat, B.getMatrix(), ret.getMatrix()); return ret; }
/** * Computes the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse . * * @return inverse computed using the pseudo inverse. */ public T pseudoInverse() { T ret = createMatrix(mat.numCols, mat.numRows); CommonOps.pinv(mat, ret.getMatrix()); return ret; }
/** * Returns a new matrix whose elements are the negative of 'this' matrix's elements.<br> * <br> * b<sub>ij</sub> = -a<sub>ij</sub> * * @return A matrix that is the negative of the original. */ public T negative() { T A = copy(); CommonOps.changeSign(A.getMatrix()); return A; }
/** * Sets the elements in this matrix to be equal to the elements in the passed in matrix. Both * matrix must have the same dimension. * * @param a The matrix whose value this matrix is being set to. */ public void setInternalMatrix(T a) { mat.set(a.getMatrix()); }
/** * Copy matrix B into this matrix at location (insertRow, insertCol). * * @param insertRow First row the matrix is to be inserted into. * @param insertCol First column the matrix is to be inserted into. * @param B The matrix that is being inserted. */ public void insertIntoThis(int insertRow, int insertCol, T B) { CommonOps.insert(B.getMatrix(), mat, insertRow, insertCol); }
/** * Checks to see if matrix 'a' is the same as this matrix within the specified tolerance. * * @param a The matrix it is being compared against. * @param tol How similar they must be to be equals. * @return If they are equal within tolerance of each other. */ public boolean isIdentical(T a, double tol) { return MatrixFeatures.isIdentical(mat, a.getMatrix(), tol); }