public void mousePressed() { ArrayList<Agent> agents = env.getAllAgents(); Agent agent_clicked = null; if (win.mousePressed()) return; if (!Utilities.isPointInBox(mouseX, mouseY, 0, 0, draw_width, draw_height)) return; /* * Mouse Modes are as follows: * 0 = Click tool - Select agents to see information on them in the top left hand corner * 1 = Food tool - Place food where you click * 2 = Agent tool - Place agent where you click * 3 = Thrust tool - Thrusts the agent clicked on by 2 * 4 = Wall tool - Place a new wall in the environment */ // coordinates of the mouse within the simulation environment int simMouseX = (int) ((float) (mouseX - offsetX) / zoomLevel); int simMouseY = (int) ((float) (mouseY - offsetY) / zoomLevel); if (!Utilities.isPointInBox(simMouseX, simMouseY, 0, 0, Environment.width, Environment.height)) return; // A wall has been placed -> add to the world if (PLACE_MODE) { PLACE_MODE = false; ArrayList<Wall> walls = env.getAllWalls(); Wall wl = walls.get(walls.size() - 1); wl.addToWorld(); return; } switch (mouseMode) { case 0: agent_clicked = getClickedAgent(agents, simMouseX, simMouseY); if (agent_clicked != null) { // agent was clicked so update selected selectedAgent = agent_clicked; } break; case 1: env.addSeaweed(new Point2D.Double(simMouseX, simMouseY)); break; case 2: int heading = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * 360); env.addFish(new Point2D.Double(simMouseX, simMouseY), heading); break; case 3: agent_clicked = getClickedAgent(agents, simMouseX, simMouseY); if (agent_clicked != null) { // agent was clicked so update selected agent_clicked.thrust(2); } break; case 4: env.addWall( new Point2D.Double(simMouseX, simMouseY), new Point2D.Double(simMouseX, simMouseY)); PLACE_MODE = true; } }
public void mouseMoved() { if (PLACE_MODE) { int simMouseX = (int) ((float) (mouseX - offsetX) / zoomLevel); int simMouseY = (int) ((float) (mouseY - offsetY) / zoomLevel); ArrayList<Wall> walls = env.getAllWalls(); Wall w = walls.get(walls.size() - 1); w.getEnd().x = simMouseX; w.getEnd().y = simMouseY; } }
// Deserialises the environment class selected by user private void restoreEnvironment() { JFileChooser diag = getFileChooser(false); if (diag.showOpenDialog(this) != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return; File file = diag.getSelectedFile(); if (!file.exists()) { System.out.println("Save file does not exist" + file.getAbsolutePath()); return; } try { FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(file); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(input); Environment en = (Environment) in.readObject(); in.close(); input.close(); if (en != null) { // set all parent variables in environment to this class env = en; env.parent = this; env.buildBox2DWorld(); for (Agent ag : env.getAllAgents()) { ag.parent = this; =; ag.setupBox2d(); } for (Wall wall : env.getAllWalls()) { =; wall.setupBox2d(); } } System.out.println("Environment loaded"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void drawSimulation(PApplet canvas) { pushMatrix(); translate(offsetX, offsetY); scale(zoomLevel); ArrayList<Agent> agents = env.getAllAgents(); // Returns an arraylist of agents ArrayList<Food> food = env.getAllFood(); // Returns an arraylist of all the food on the map ArrayList<Wall> walls = env.getAllWalls(); // Returns an arraylist of all walls ArrayList<Seaweed> seaweed = env.getAllSeaweed(); for (int i = 0; i < agents.size(); i++) { // Runs through arraylist of agents, will draw them on the canvas Agent ag = agents.get(i); // draw the field of view for the agent if (selectedAgent == null || !agentFocused || (agentFocused && ag == selectedAgent)) stroke(128); else stroke(128, 100); // , (float) ag.getHealth()*200+55 noFill(); double range = ag.getVisionRange() * 2; pushMatrix(); translate(ag.getX(), ag.getY()); rotate((float) Utilities.toRadians(ag.getViewHeading() - ag.getFOV())); line(0, 0, (int) (range / 2), 0); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(ag.getX(), ag.getY()); rotate((float) Utilities.toRadians(ag.getViewHeading() + ag.getFOV())); line(0, 0, (int) (range / 2), 0); popMatrix(); arc( (float) ag.getX(), (float) ag.getY(), (float) range, (float) range, (float) Utilities.toRadians(ag.getViewHeading() - ag.getFOV()), (float) Utilities.toRadians(ag.getViewHeading() + ag.getFOV())); // draw our circle representation for the agent noStroke(); // if(selectedAgent == null || !agentFocused || (agentFocused && ag == selectedAgent)) // fill(theme.getColor((ag instanceof Enemy ? Types.SHARK : Types.FISH))); // else fill(theme.getColor((ag instanceof Enemy ? Types.SHARK : Types.FISH)), 100); //, // (float) ag.getHealth()*200 +55); // Alpha was severly impacting performance of simulation if (ag instanceof Enemy) { fill( ((ag.getSpeciesId() + 1) * 25) % 256, ((ag.getSpeciesId() + 1) * 47) % 256, ((ag.getSpeciesId() + 1) * 69) % 256, (agentFocused && ag == selectedAgent ? 100 : 256)); pushMatrix(); translate(ag.getX(), ag.getY()); rotate((float) Utilities.toRadians(ag.getViewHeading())); rect(-10, -10, 20, 20); popMatrix(); } else { fill( ((ag.getSpeciesId() + 1) * 25) % 256, ((ag.getSpeciesId() + 1) * 47) % 256, ((ag.getSpeciesId() + 1) * 69) % 256, (agentFocused && ag == selectedAgent ? 100 : 256)); ellipse(ag.getX(), ag.getY(), 20, 20); } if (agentFocused && ag == selectedAgent) { // keep agent on screen if in focused / tracking mode int simAgX = (int) ((ag.getX() * zoomLevel) + offsetX); // screen coordinates of the selected agent int simAgY = (int) ((ag.getY() * zoomLevel) + offsetY); if (simAgX < trackingBounds) offsetX += trackingBounds - simAgX; else if (simAgX > draw_width - trackingBounds) offsetX -= simAgX - draw_width + trackingBounds; if (simAgY < trackingBounds) offsetY += trackingBounds - simAgY; else if (simAgY > draw_height - trackingBounds) offsetY -= simAgY - draw_height + trackingBounds; } } noStroke(); fill(theme.getColor(Types.FOOD)); for (int i = 0; i < food.size(); i++) { // Runs through arraylist of food, will draw them on the canvas Food fd = food.get(i); ellipse(fd.getX(), fd.getY(), 5, 5); } noStroke(); fill(201, 23, 134); for (int i = 0; i < seaweed.size(); i++) { // Runs through arraylist of food, will draw them on the canvas Seaweed fd = seaweed.get(i); ellipse(fd.getX(), fd.getY(), 5, 5); } stroke(theme.getColor(Types.WALL)); noFill(); for (Wall wl : walls) { // Runs through arraylist of walls, will draw them on the canvas switch (wl.getWallType()) { case Collision.TYPE_WALL_AGENT: stroke(theme.getColor(Types.FISH)); break; case Collision.TYPE_WALL_ENEMY: stroke(theme.getColor(Types.SHARK)); break; default: stroke(theme.getColor(Types.WALL)); } line( (float) wl.getStart().x, (float) wl.getStart().y, (float) wl.getEnd().x, (float) wl.getEnd().y); } popMatrix(); fill(0); // rect(draw_width - 50, 0, 250, draw_height); }