public void collision(Entity entity) { if (entity.getType() == LEVEL_CHANGER && getController() instanceof PlayerController) { getWorld().changeLevel(entity.getValue()); digesting = true; mouth.setClosed(true); timer.start(); prevTime = timer.milliTime(); } for (int x = 0; x < getBodyParts().size(); x++) if (entity == getBodyParts().get(x)) return; if (entity.getType() == FAT) { addValue(entity.removeValue()); setValue(getValue()); digesting = true; mouth.setClosed(true); timer.start(); prevTime = timer.milliTime(); } else if (entity.getType() == FOOD) { addValue(entity.removeValue()); setValue(getValue()); digesting = true; mouth.setClosed(true); timer.start(); prevTime = timer.milliTime(); } else if (entity.getType() == EVOLVER) { if (entity.getValue() == EvolverEntity.EVOLVER_VAL) evolve(); else if (entity.getValue() == EvolverEntity.MOUTH_VAL) enlargeMouth(); } }
@EventHandler public void onDammange(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) { Entity dammage = event.getEntity(); if (dammage.getType() == EntityType.ENDER_CRYSTAL) { event.setCancelled(true); } }
protected List<String> getTablesFromEntitySet(Set<? extends Entity> entities) { List<String> tableNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Entity entity : entities) { if (entity.getType() == Entity.Type.TABLE) { tableNames.add(entity.getTable().getDbName() + "." + entity.getTable().getTableName()); } } return tableNames; }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH) public void removeItemFromFrame(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) { Entity victim = event.getEntity(); if (!victim.getType().equals(EntityType.ITEM_FRAME)) { return; } Player p; Entity attacker = event.getDamager(); // System.out.println("Attacker: "+attacker.getType().toString()); if (attacker.getType().toString().equals("PLAYER")) { p = (Player) attacker; OwnedLand land = OwnedLand.getApplicableLand(victim.getLocation()); if (land == null) { return; } if (!land.hasPermTo(p, this)) { p.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + getPlugin().getMessageConfig().getString("")); event.setCancelled(true); } } else if (attacker.getType().toString().equals("ARROW")) { Arrow a = (Arrow) attacker; if (a.getShooter() instanceof Player) { p = (Player) a.getShooter(); } else { return; } OwnedLand land = OwnedLand.getApplicableLand(victim.getLocation()); if (land == null) { return; } if (!land.hasPermTo(p, this)) { p.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + getPlugin().getMessageConfig().getString("")); event.setCancelled(true); } } }
/** @see */ public void collectNeededEntities(NeededEntities needs) { if (owner != null) { if (!isGlobalVariable(owner) && !(owner.getType() instanceof MatchType)) { if (owner instanceof GraphEntity) needs.addAttr((GraphEntity) owner, member); else needs.add((Variable) owner); } } else { ownerExpr.collectNeededEntities(needs); } }
public List<Entity> getEntitiesByType(String type) { if (entitiesByType != null) { return entitiesByType.get(type); } getEntities(); if (entities == null) { return null; } List<Entity> l = null; entitiesByType = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<Entity>>(); for (Entity entity : entities) { l = entitiesByType.get(entity.getType()); if (l == null) { l = new ArrayList<Entity>(); entitiesByType.put(entity.getType(), l); } l.add(entity); } return l; }
public List<EntityRef> getEntityRefsByType(String type) { if (entitiesByType != null) { return refsByType.get(type); } List<EntityRef> l = cast(getEntitiesByType(type)); if (l != null) { return l; } getRefs(); if (refs == null) { return null; } refsByType = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<EntityRef>>(); for (Entity entity : entities) { l = refsByType.get(entity.getType()); if (l == null) { l = new ArrayList<EntityRef>(); refsByType.put(entity.getType(), l); } l.add(entity); } return l; }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH) public void removeItemFromFrame(PlayerInteractEntityEvent event) { Entity entity = event.getRightClicked(); Player p = event.getPlayer(); if (!entity.getType().equals(EntityType.ITEM_FRAME)) { return; } ItemFrame iFrame = (ItemFrame) entity; if (iFrame.getItem() != null && !iFrame.getItem().getType().equals(Material.AIR)) return; OwnedLand land = OwnedLand.getApplicableLand(entity.getLocation()); if (land == null) { return; } if (!land.hasPermTo(p, this)) { p.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + getPlugin().getMessageConfig().getString("")); event.setCancelled(true); } }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH) public void destroyArmorStand(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) { Entity victim = event.getEntity(); // System.out.println("Victim: "+victim); if (!victim.getType().equals(EntityType.ARMOR_STAND)) { return; } OwnedLand land = OwnedLand.getApplicableLand(victim.getLocation()); if (land == null) { return; } if (event.getDamager().getType().equals(EntityType.PLAYER)) { Player attacker = (Player) event.getDamager(); // System.out.println(attacker.getName()); if (!land.hasPermTo(attacker, this)) { attacker.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + getPlugin().getMessageConfig().getString("")); event.setCancelled(true); } } if (event.getDamager().getType().equals(EntityType.ARROW)) { Arrow projectile = (Arrow) event.getDamager(); if (projectile.getShooter() instanceof Player) { Player attacker = (Player) projectile.getShooter(); if (!land.hasPermTo(attacker, this)) { attacker.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + getPlugin() .getMessageConfig() .getString("")); event.setCancelled(true); } } } // System.out.println(event.getDamager().getType()); }
private static void addEntityToCache(Entity e) { entityCache.put(e.getType(), e); LOGGER.debug("Added entity with type " + e.getType() + " to cache"); }
public Qualification(Expression ownerExpr, Entity member) { super("qual", member.getType()); this.owner = null; this.ownerExpr = ownerExpr; this.member = member; }
/** Updates the enitities position depending on nearest food and attacking */ public void update() { radarEntity.setX(entity.getX()); radarEntity.setY(entity.getY()); Entity target = entity.getWorld().getNearbyFood(radarEntity, entity); if (entity.getSizeValue() * entity.getBodyParts().size() < prevEntityValue * entity.getBodyParts().size()) runAway = true; if (!runAway) { if (target != null) { int xTarget = target.getX(); int yTarget = target.getY(); if (target.getType() < 3) { entity.setColor(; entity.setVelocity(MAX_ATTACK_VELOCITY); entity.setAcceleration(MAX_ATTACK_ACCELERATION); entity.setDeceleration(MAX_ATTACK_ACCELERATION / 2); entity.setTarget(xTarget, yTarget); } else { entity.setColor(Color.white); entity.setVelocity(MAX_VELOCITY); entity.setAcceleration(MAX_ACCELERATION); entity.setDeceleration(MAX_ACCELERATION / 2); entity.setTarget(xTarget, yTarget); } } else { entity.setColor(Color.white); entity.setVelocity(MAX_VELOCITY); entity.setAcceleration(MAX_ACCELERATION); entity.setDeceleration(MAX_ACCELERATION / 2); currTime = timer.milliTime(); // get the time we are at accumulator += currTime - prevTime; // add time taken since last loop to accumulator prevTime = currTime; // set new previous time if (accumulator >= TIMESTEP_MILLIS) { // while there is an update rate in the accumulator boolean bx = rbooleanx.nextBoolean(); boolean by = rbooleany.nextBoolean(); int xTarget = entity.getX(); int yTarget = entity.getY(); if (bx == true) xTarget += rx.nextInt(RANGE); else xTarget += (rx.nextInt(RANGE)) * -1; if (by == true) yTarget += ry.nextInt(RANGE); else yTarget += (ry.nextInt(RANGE)) * -1; entity.setTarget(xTarget, yTarget); accumulator = 0; } } prevEntityValue = entity.getSizeValue(); } else // we're running away { entity.setColor(; entity.setVelocity(MAX_ATTACK_VELOCITY); entity.setAcceleration(MAX_ATTACK_ACCELERATION); currTime = timer.milliTime(); // get the time we are at accumulator += currTime - prevTime; // add time taken since last loop to accumulator runningTime += currTime - prevTime; prevTime = currTime; // set new previous time if (accumulator >= TIMESTEP_MILLIS) { // while there is an update rate in the accumulator int xTarget = entity.getX(); int yTarget = entity.getY(); if (xTarget < 0) xTarget -= FLEE_RANGE; else xTarget += FLEE_RANGE; if (yTarget < 0) yTarget -= FLEE_RANGE; else yTarget += FLEE_RANGE; entity.setTarget(xTarget, yTarget); accumulator = 0; } if (runningTime > 10000) { runAway = false; runningTime = 0; prevEntityValue = entity.getSizeValue(); accumulator = TIMESTEP_MILLIS; } } }
@EventHandler public void onDrop(EntityDamageEvent event) { if (!event.getEntity().getWorld().getName().equals(name)) return; if (event.getEntity() instanceof Player) return; final Entity e = event.getEntity(); EntityType et = e.getType(); final Location loc = e.getLocation(); if (event.getCause() == EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.FALL) { if (et == EntityType.CREEPER) { Bukkit.getScheduler() .runTaskLater( MapsPlugin.getInstance(), new Runnable() { public void run() { loc.getWorld().createExplosion(loc, (float) 4); } }, 30); } else if (et == EntityType.COW) { Random rdom = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { loc.getWorld() .spawnEntity(loc, EntityType.PRIMED_TNT) .setVelocity(new Vector(rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5, 1.5, rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5)); } } else if (et == EntityType.PIG) { Random rdom = new Random(); loc.getWorld() .spawnEntity(loc, EntityType.PIG_ZOMBIE) .setVelocity(new Vector(rdom.nextDouble(), 3, rdom.nextDouble())); } else if (et == EntityType.PIG_ZOMBIE) { Bukkit.getScheduler() .runTaskLater( MapsPlugin.getInstance(), new Runnable() { public void run() { loc.getWorld().createExplosion(loc, (float) 6); } }, 30); } else if (et == EntityType.SHEEP) { Random rdom = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { loc.getWorld() .spawnFallingBlock(loc, Material.WOOL, (byte) 0) .setVelocity(new Vector(rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5, 2, rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5)); } } else if (et == EntityType.SQUID) { Random rdom = new Random(); loc.getWorld() .spawnFallingBlock(loc, Material.WATER, (byte) 0) .setVelocity(new Vector(rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5, 1, rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5)); } else if (et == EntityType.WOLF) { Random rdom = new Random(); List<Entity> l = e.getNearbyEntities(3, 3, 3); for (Entity ee : l) { if (ee instanceof Player) { Player p = (Player) ee; p.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SLOW, 5, 1)); } } } else if (et == EntityType.OCELOT) { Random rdom = new Random(); List<Entity> l = e.getNearbyEntities(3, 3, 3); for (Entity ee : l) { if (ee instanceof Player) { Player p = (Player) ee; p.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SPEED, 5, 1)); } } } else if (et == EntityType.SPIDER) { Random rdom = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { loc.getWorld() .spawnFallingBlock(loc, Material.WEB, (byte) 0) .setVelocity(new Vector(rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5, 1, rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5)); } } else if (et == EntityType.HORSE) { Random rdom = new Random(); List<Entity> l = e.getNearbyEntities(10, 10, 10); for (Entity ee : l) { if (ee instanceof Player) { Player p = (Player) ee; p.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.REGENERATION, 5, 2)); p.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.DAMAGE_RESISTANCE, 20, 2)); } } } else if (et == EntityType.SKELETON) { Random rdom = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { loc.getWorld() .spawnEntity(loc, EntityType.ZOMBIE) .setVelocity(new Vector(rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5, 3, rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5)); } } else if (et == EntityType.SILVERFISH) { Random rdom = new Random(); loc.getWorld() .spawnFallingBlock(loc, Material.MONSTER_EGGS, (byte) 0) .setVelocity(new Vector(rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5, 3, rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5)); Bukkit.getScheduler() .runTaskLater( MapsPlugin.getInstance(), new Runnable() { public void run() { loc.getWorld().createExplosion(loc, (float) 2); } }, 30); } else if (et == EntityType.CAVE_SPIDER) { Random rdom = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { loc.getWorld() .spawnEntity(loc, EntityType.SPIDER) .setVelocity(new Vector(rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5, 3, rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5)); } } else if (et == EntityType.WITHER_SKULL) { Random rdom = new Random(); } if (et == EntityType.ZOMBIE) { Bukkit.getScheduler() .runTaskLater( MapsPlugin.getInstance(), new Runnable() { public void run() { loc.getWorld().strikeLightning(loc); } }, 30); } else if (et == EntityType.IRON_GOLEM) { Random rdom = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { loc.getWorld() .spawnEntity(loc, EntityType.VILLAGER) .setVelocity(new Vector(rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5, 3, rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5)); } } else if (et == EntityType.VILLAGER) { Random rdom = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { loc.getWorld() .spawnFallingBlock(loc, Material.ANVIL, (byte) 0) .setVelocity(new Vector(rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5, 1.5, rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5)); } } else if (et == EntityType.MUSHROOM_COW) { Random rdom = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { loc.getWorld() .spawnEntity(loc, EntityType.PRIMED_TNT) .setVelocity(new Vector(rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5, 1.5, rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5)); } } if (et == EntityType.SLIME) { Bukkit.getScheduler() .runTaskLater( MapsPlugin.getInstance(), new Runnable() { public void run() { loc.getWorld().createExplosion(loc, (float) 6); } }, 30); } else if (et == EntityType.SKELETON) { Random rdom = new Random(); loc.getWorld() .spawnFallingBlock(loc, Material.LAVA, (byte) 0) .setVelocity(new Vector(rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5, 1, rdom.nextDouble() - 0.5)); } } }
@Test public void testCreateAndGet() throws Exception {"EntityDaoTest.testCreateAndGet"); UUID applicationId = setup.createApplication("testOrganization", "testCreateAndGet"); EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager(applicationId); int i = 0; List<Entity> things = new ArrayList<Entity>(); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); properties.put("name", "thing" + i); Entity thing = em.create("thing", properties); assertNotNull("thing should not be null", thing); assertFalse("thing id not valid", thing.getUuid().equals(new UUID(0, 0))); assertEquals("name not expected value", "thing" + i, thing.getProperty("name")); things.add(thing); } assertEquals("should be ten entities", 10, things.size()); i = 0; for (Entity entity : things) { Entity thing = em.get(entity.getUuid()); assertNotNull("thing should not be null", thing); assertFalse("thing id not valid", thing.getUuid().equals(new UUID(0, 0))); assertEquals("name not expected value", "thing" + i, thing.getProperty("name")); i++; } List<UUID> ids = new ArrayList<UUID>(); for (Entity entity : things) { ids.add(entity.getUuid()); Entity en = em.get(entity.getUuid()); String type = en.getType(); assertEquals("type not expected value", "thing", type); Object property = en.getProperty("name"); assertNotNull("thing name property should not be null", property); assertTrue("thing name should start with \"thing\"", property.toString().startsWith("thing")); Map<String, Object> properties = en.getProperties(); assertEquals("number of properties wrong", 5, properties.size()); } i = 0; Results results = em.get(ids, Results.Level.CORE_PROPERTIES); for (Entity thing : results) { assertNotNull("thing should not be null", thing); assertFalse("thing id not valid", thing.getUuid().equals(new UUID(0, 0))); assertEquals("wrong type", "thing", thing.getType()); assertNotNull("thing name should not be null", thing.getProperty("name")); String name = thing.getProperty("name").toString(); assertEquals("unexpected name", "thing" + i, name); i++; } assertEquals("entities unfound entity name count incorrect", 10, i); }
public DeathDetail(EntityDeathEvent event) { player = (Player) event.getEntity(); entityDeathEvent = event; // Support for setHealth(0) which is used by essentials to do a suicide try { EntityDamageEvent damageEvent = event.getEntity().getLastDamageCause(); if (damageEvent instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent) { Entity damager = ((EntityDamageByEntityEvent) damageEvent).getDamager(); log.debug("damager", damager.toString()); if (damager instanceof Player) { log.debug("Killed by an other player"); if (((Player) damager).getItemInHand().getType().equals(Material.AIR)) { causeOfDeath = DeathEventType.PVP_FISTS; } else { causeOfDeath = DeathEventType.PVP; } murderWeapon = ((Player) damager).getItemInHand().getType().toString(); killer = (Player) damager; } else if (damager instanceof Creature || damager instanceof Slime) { log.debug("We have a creature or slime"); if (damager instanceof Tameable && ((Tameable) damager).isTamed()) { causeOfDeath = DeathEventType.PVP_TAMED; murderWeapon = damager.getType().toString(); killer = (Player) ((Tameable) damager).getOwner(); } else { try { causeOfDeath = DeathEventType.valueOf(damager.getType().toString()); if (damager instanceof Skeleton) { Skeleton skeleton = (Skeleton) damager; causeOfDeath = skeleton.getSkeletonType() == SkeletonType.WITHER ? DeathEventType.WITHER_SKELETON : DeathEventType.SKELETON; } else if (damager instanceof Zombie) { Zombie zombie = (Zombie) damager; causeOfDeath = zombie.isVillager() ? DeathEventType.ZOMBIE_VILLAGER : DeathEventType.ZOMBIE; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { log.severe("Please notify the developer of the following Error:"); log.severe( "The following damager is not correctly implemented: " + damager.getType().toString()); causeOfDeath = DeathEventType.UNKNOWN; } log.debug("and it is: " + causeOfDeath); } } else if (damager instanceof Projectile) { log.debug("this is a projectile"); log.debug("shooter", ((Projectile) damager).getShooter()); if (((Projectile) damager).getShooter() instanceof Player) { causeOfDeath = DeathEventType.PVP; murderWeapon = ((Projectile) damager).toString().replace("Craft", ""); killer = (Player) ((Projectile) damager).getShooter(); } if (((Projectile) damager).getShooter() == null) { // let's assume that null will only be caused by a dispenser! causeOfDeath = DeathEventType.DISPENSER; murderWeapon = ((Projectile) damager).toString().replace("Craft", ""); } if (((Projectile) damager).getShooter().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("CraftSkeleton")) { causeOfDeath = DeathEventType.SKELETON; murderWeapon = ((Projectile) damager).toString().replace("Craft", ""); } } else if (damager instanceof TNTPrimed) { causeOfDeath = DeathEventType.BLOCK_EXPLOSION; } else {"unknown enitity damager" + damager); } } else if (damageEvent != null) { log.debug("DamageEvent is not by Entity"); try { causeOfDeath = DeathEventType.valueOf(damageEvent.getCause().toString()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { causeOfDeath = DeathEventType.UNKNOWN; } } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { log.debug("normal detection of damageevent failed", npe); log.debug("assuming you did use essentials or similar"); log.debug("which uses setHealth(0) to kill people");"Deathcause is being set to SUICIDE!"); causeOfDeath = DeathEventType.SUICIDE; murderWeapon = "Essentials"; } if (causeOfDeath == null) { causeOfDeath = DeathEventType.UNKNOWN; murderWeapon = "unknown"; } log.debug("causeOfDeath", causeOfDeath); log.debug("murderWeapon", murderWeapon); log.debug("killer", killer); }
protected SpellResult alterEntity(Entity entity) { EntityType entityType = entity.getType(); switch (entityType) { case PAINTING: registerModified(entity); Painting painting = (Painting) entity; Art[] artValues = Art.values(); Art oldArt = painting.getArt(); Art newArt = oldArt; int ordinal = (oldArt.ordinal() + 1); for (int i = 0; i < artValues.length; i++) { newArt = artValues[ordinal++ % artValues.length]; painting.setArt(newArt); newArt = painting.getArt(); if (oldArt != newArt) { break; } } if (oldArt == newArt) { return SpellResult.FAIL; } mage.sendDebugMessage("Altering art from " + oldArt + " to " + newArt); break; case ITEM_FRAME: ItemFrame itemFrame = (ItemFrame) entity; ItemStack frameItem = itemFrame.getItem(); if (frameItem == null || frameItem.getType() != Material.MAP) { return SpellResult.NO_TARGET; } short data = frameItem.getDurability(); data++; MapView mapView = DeprecatedUtils.getMap(data); if (mapView == null) { data = 0; mapView = DeprecatedUtils.getMap(data); if (mapView == null) { return SpellResult.NO_TARGET; } } registerModified(entity); frameItem.setDurability(data); itemFrame.setItem(frameItem); break; case HORSE: registerModified(entity); Horse horse = (Horse) entity; Color color = horse.getColor(); Color[] colorValues = Color.values(); color = colorValues[(color.ordinal() + 1) % colorValues.length]; Variant variant = horse.getVariant(); Variant[] variantValues = Variant.values(); variant = variantValues[(variant.ordinal() + 1) % variantValues.length]; Style horseStyle = horse.getStyle(); Style[] styleValues = Style.values(); horseStyle = styleValues[(horseStyle.ordinal() + 1) % styleValues.length]; horse.setStyle(horseStyle); horse.setColor(color); horse.setVariant(variant); break; case OCELOT: registerModified(entity); Ocelot ocelot = (Ocelot) entity; Type catType = ocelot.getCatType(); Type[] typeValues = Type.values(); catType = typeValues[(catType.ordinal() + 1) % typeValues.length]; ocelot.setCatType(catType); break; case VILLAGER: registerModified(entity); Villager villager = (Villager) entity; Profession profession = villager.getProfession(); Profession[] professionValues = Profession.values(); profession = professionValues[(profession.ordinal() + 1) % professionValues.length]; villager.setProfession(profession); break; case WOLF: registerModified(entity); Wolf wolf = (Wolf) entity; DyeColor wolfColor = wolf.getCollarColor(); DyeColor[] wolfColorValues = DyeColor.values(); wolfColor = wolfColorValues[(wolfColor.ordinal() + 1) % wolfColorValues.length]; wolf.setCollarColor(wolfColor); break; case SHEEP: registerModified(entity); Sheep sheep = (Sheep) entity; DyeColor dyeColor = sheep.getColor(); DyeColor[] dyeColorValues = DyeColor.values(); dyeColor = dyeColorValues[(dyeColor.ordinal() + 1) % dyeColorValues.length]; sheep.setColor(dyeColor); break; case SKELETON: registerModified(entity); Skeleton skeleton = (Skeleton) entity; SkeletonType skeletonType = skeleton.getSkeletonType(); SkeletonType[] skeletonTypeValues = SkeletonType.values(); skeletonType = skeletonTypeValues[(skeletonType.ordinal() + 1) % skeletonTypeValues.length]; skeleton.setSkeletonType(skeletonType); break; default: return SpellResult.NO_TARGET; } ; registerForUndo(); return SpellResult.CAST; }
/* * collect some information needed for code gen process of the graph * type model data structures * */ protected void collectGraphTypeModelInfo() { /* overall number of node and edge types */ n_node_types = getIDs(true).length; n_edge_types = getIDs(false).length; /* overall number of enum types */ n_enum_types = enumMap.size(); /* overall number of node and edge attributes declared in the grg file */ n_node_attrs = nodeAttrMap.size(); n_edge_attrs = edgeAttrMap.size(); /* get the inheritance information of the node and edge types */ node_is_a_matrix = getIsAMatrix(true); edge_is_a_matrix = getIsAMatrix(false); /* count the number of attrs a node type has */ n_attr_of_node_type = new int[n_node_types]; // fill that array with 0 for (int i = 0; i < n_node_types; i++) n_attr_of_node_type[i] = 0; // count number of attributes for (Entity attr : nodeAttrMap.keySet()) { assert attr.hasOwner() : "Thought, that the Entity represented a node class attr and that\n" + "thus there had to be a type that owned the entity, but there was non."; Type node_type = attr.getOwner(); // get the id of the node type, where the attr is declared in int node_type_id = nodeTypeMap.get(node_type).intValue(); assert node_type_id < n_node_types : "Tried to use a node-type-id as array index, " + "but the id exceeded the number of node types"; // increment the number of attributes for the declaring type... n_attr_of_node_type[node_type_id]++; // ...but the attr is also contained in all sub types, i.e. increment there too for (int nt_id = 0; nt_id < n_node_types; nt_id++) if (node_is_a_matrix[nt_id][node_type_id] > 0) n_attr_of_node_type[nt_id]++; } /* count the number of attrs an edge type has */ n_attr_of_edge_type = new int[n_edge_types]; // fill that array with 0 for (int i = 0; i < n_edge_types; i++) n_attr_of_edge_type[i] = 0; // count number of attributes for (Entity attr : edgeAttrMap.keySet()) { assert attr.hasOwner() : "Thought, that the Entity represented an edge class attr and that\n" + "thus there had to be a type that owned the entity, but there was non."; Type edge_type = attr.getOwner(); // get the id of the edge type, where the attr is declared in int edge_type_id = edgeTypeMap.get(edge_type).intValue(); assert edge_type_id < n_edge_types : "Tried to use an edge-type-id as array index," + "but the id exceeded the number of edge types"; // increment the number of attributes for the declaring type... n_attr_of_edge_type[edge_type_id]++; // ...but the attr is also contained in all sub types, i.e. increment there too for (int et_id = 0; et_id < n_edge_types; et_id++) if (edge_is_a_matrix[et_id][edge_type_id] > 0) n_attr_of_edge_type[et_id]++; } /* collect all needed information about node attributes */ node_attr_info = new AttrTypeDescriptor[n_node_attrs]; for (Entity attr : nodeAttrMap.keySet()) { assert attr.hasOwner() : "Thought, that the Entity represented an node attr and that thus\n" + "there had to be a type that owned the entity, but there was non."; NodeType node_type = (NodeType) attr.getOwner(); int node_type_id = nodeTypeMap.get(node_type).intValue(); int attr_id = nodeAttrMap.get(attr).intValue(); node_attr_info[attr_id] = new AttrTypeDescriptor(); // set the attr id node_attr_info[attr_id].attr_id = attr_id; // get the attributes name node_attr_info[attr_id].name = attr.getIdent().toString(); // get the owners type id node_attr_info[attr_id].decl_owner_type_id = node_type_id; // get the attributes kind if (attr.getType() instanceof IntType) node_attr_info[attr_id].kind = AttrTypeDescriptor.INTEGER; else if (attr.getType() instanceof BooleanType) node_attr_info[attr_id].kind = AttrTypeDescriptor.BOOLEAN; else if (attr.getType() instanceof StringType) node_attr_info[attr_id].kind = AttrTypeDescriptor.STRING; else if (attr.getType() instanceof EnumType) { node_attr_info[attr_id].kind = AttrTypeDescriptor.ENUM; node_attr_info[attr_id].enum_id = enumMap.get(attr.getType()).intValue(); } else { System.err.println( "Key element of AttrNodeMap has a type, which is " + "neither one of 'int', 'boolean', 'string' nor an enumeration type."); System.exit(0); } } /* collect all needed information about edge attributes */ edge_attr_info = new AttrTypeDescriptor[n_edge_attrs]; for (Entity attr : edgeAttrMap.keySet()) { assert attr.hasOwner() : "Thought, that the Entity represented an edge attr and that thus\n" + "there had to be a type that owned the entity, but there was non."; EdgeType edge_type = (EdgeType) attr.getOwner(); int edge_type_id = edgeTypeMap.get(edge_type).intValue(); int attr_id = edgeAttrMap.get(attr).intValue(); edge_attr_info[attr_id] = new AttrTypeDescriptor(); // set the attr id edge_attr_info[attr_id].attr_id = attr_id; // get the attributes name edge_attr_info[attr_id].name = attr.getIdent().toString(); // get the owners type id edge_attr_info[attr_id].decl_owner_type_id = edge_type_id; // get the attributes kind if (attr.getType() instanceof IntType) edge_attr_info[attr_id].kind = AttrTypeDescriptor.INTEGER; else if (attr.getType() instanceof BooleanType) edge_attr_info[attr_id].kind = AttrTypeDescriptor.BOOLEAN; else if (attr.getType() instanceof StringType) edge_attr_info[attr_id].kind = AttrTypeDescriptor.STRING; else if (attr.getType() instanceof EnumType) { edge_attr_info[attr_id].kind = AttrTypeDescriptor.ENUM; edge_attr_info[attr_id].enum_id = enumMap.get(attr.getType()).intValue(); } else { System.err.println( "Key element of AttrEdgeMap has a type, which is " + "neither one of 'int', 'boolean', 'string' nor an enumeration type."); System.exit(0); } } /* compute the attr layout of the node types given in the grg file */ node_attr_index = new int[n_node_types][n_node_attrs]; // for all node types... for (int nt = 0; nt < n_node_types; nt++) { // the index the current attr will get in the current node layout, if it's a member int attr_index = 0; // ...and all node attribute IDs... for (int attr_id = 0; attr_id < n_node_attrs; attr_id++) { // ...check whether the attr is owned by the node type or one of its supertype int owner = node_attr_info[attr_id].decl_owner_type_id; if (owner == nt || node_is_a_matrix[nt][owner] > 0) // setup the attrs index in the layout of the current node type node_attr_index[nt][attr_id] = attr_index++; else // -1 means that the current attr is not a member of the current node type node_attr_index[nt][attr_id] = -1; } } /* compute the attr layout of the edge types given in the grg file */ edge_attr_index = new int[n_edge_types][n_edge_attrs]; // for all edge types... for (int et = 0; et < n_edge_types; et++) { // the index the current attr will get in the current edge layout, if it's a member int attr_index = 0; // ...and all edge attribute IDs... for (int attr_id = 0; attr_id < n_edge_attrs; attr_id++) { // ...check whether the attr is owned by the edge type or one of its supertype int owner = edge_attr_info[attr_id].decl_owner_type_id; if (owner == et || edge_is_a_matrix[et][owner] > 0) // setup the attrs index in the layout of the current node type edge_attr_index[et][attr_id] = attr_index++; else // -1 means that the current attr is not a member of the current node type edge_attr_index[et][attr_id] = -1; } } // collect the information about the enumeration types enum_type_descriptors = new EnumDescriptor[n_enum_types]; for (int et = 0; et < n_enum_types; et++) enum_type_descriptors[et] = new EnumDescriptor(); for (EnumType enum_type : enumMap.keySet()) { // store the info about the current enum type in an array... // ...type id int enum_type_id = enumMap.get(enum_type).intValue(); enum_type_descriptors[enum_type_id].type_id = enum_type_id; // ...the identifier used in the grg-file to declare thar enum type enum_type_descriptors[enum_type_id].name = enum_type.getIdent().toString(); // ..the items in this enumeration type for (EnumItem item : enum_type.getItems()) { enum_type_descriptors[enum_type_id].items.add(item); } // ...the number of items enum_type_descriptors[enum_type_id].n_items = enum_type_descriptors[enum_type_id].items.size(); } }