Ejemplo n.º 1
  public boolean pickAndExecuteAnAction() {
    if (conveyorBroken || sensorBroken) {
      return false;
    } else if (partGroupCount < partGroupEndOfConveyor) {
      System.err.println(getName() + " has an unexpected number of sensor events");
      System.err.println(getName() + " is now stopping");
      Object[] args = new Object[1];
      args[0] = myIndex * 2;
      transducer.fireEvent(TChannel.GUI, TEvent.SENSOR_BROKEN, args);
      sensorBroken = true;
      return false;
    } else if (partsLoaded > partGroupEndOfConveyor) {
      System.err.println("Truck loaded untracked part\n" + getName() + " is now stopping");
      Object[] args = new Object[1];
      args[0] = myIndex * 2 + 1;
      transducer.fireEvent(TChannel.GUI, TEvent.SENSOR_BROKEN, args);
      sensorBroken = true;
      return false;
    } else if (!parts.isEmpty()) {
      if (isRunning) {
        if (followSensorDepressed && myState != MyState.Normal) {
      } else if (myState == MyState.Normal || !followSensorDepressed) {

    if (myState == MyState.DoneLoading && !truckBroken) emptyTruck();

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public PopupAgent(
     ControlPanel cp,
     FactoryFrame ff,
     Integer index,
     Transducer t,
     TChannel channelType) // ArrayList<Robot> inputRobots
   this.cp = cp;
   factoryFrame = ff;
   myIndex = index;
   glasses = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<MyGlass>());
   nextFamilyAvailable = true;
   transducer = t;
   myChannel = channelType;
   if (myChannel == TChannel.DRILL) expectationTime = 29;
   else if (myChannel == TChannel.CROSS_SEAMER) expectationTime = 13;
   else if (myChannel == TChannel.GRINDER) expectationTime = 32;
   //		for(Robot r: inputRobots)
   //		{
   //			robots.add(new MyRobot(r));
   //		}
   robots.add(new MyRobot());
   robots.add(new MyRobot());
   t.register(this, TChannel.CONVEYOR);
   t.register(this, TChannel.SENSOR);
   t.register(this, TChannel.POPUP);
   // need to listen to another work station
   t.register(this, myChannel);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  // other than transducer, the parameters are pointers to fully functioning
  // agents.
  public GuiTestSM(
      Transducer t,
      ConveyorFamilyContainer cf5,
      ConveyorFamilyContainer cf7,
      ConveyorAgentWithTruck cf14,
      ConveyorFamilyInLineStation cf11,
      Bin bin,
      ConveyorFamilyGroup cf0) {
    this.t = t;
    this.cf5 = cf5;
    this.cf7 = cf7;
    this.cf14 = cf14;
    this.cf11 = cf11;
    this.bin = bin;
    this.cf0 = cf0;
    t.register(this, TChannel.CUTTER);
    t.register(this, TChannel.SENSOR);
    t.register(this, TChannel.BREAKOUT);
    t.register(this, TChannel.MANUAL_BREAKOUT);
    // the following registration events are commented to give control to
    // the actual agents
    // t.register(this, TChannel.POPUP);
    // t.register(this, TChannel.DRILL);
    // t.register(this, TChannel.UV_LAMP);
    // t.register(this, TChannel.WASHER);
    // t.register(this, TChannel.OVEN);
    // t.register(this, TChannel.PAINTER);
    // the following registration events are commented to give control to
    // the actual agents
    // t.register(this, TChannel.TRUCK);//added by monroe

    // t.fireEvent(TChannel.BIN, TEvent.BIN_CREATE_PART, null);
    //		bin.msgHereIsNewPart(new Part("1111111111"), 0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  public ConveyorWorkstationJT(Transducer t, String name, TChannel channel) {
    myChannel = channel;
    this.trans = t;
    trans.register(this, myChannel);
    trans.register(this, TChannel.ALL_AGENTS);
    trans.register(this, TChannel.SENSOR);
    cWsState = ConvWsState.PENDING;

    // Set myOperation based on channel
    if (channel == TChannel.BREAKOUT) myOperation = ComponentOperations.BREAKOUT;
    else if (channel == TChannel.MANUAL_BREAKOUT) myOperation = ComponentOperations.MANUALBREAKOUT;
    else if (channel == TChannel.WASHER) myOperation = ComponentOperations.WASHER;
    else if (channel == TChannel.PAINTER) myOperation = ComponentOperations.PAINT;
    else if (channel == TChannel.UV_LAMP) myOperation = ComponentOperations.UVLAMP;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void emptyTruck() {
   partsLoaded = 0;
   myState = MyState.Unloading;
   partGroupCount = partGroupEndOfConveyor = 0;
   transducer.fireEvent(TChannel.TRUCK, TEvent.TRUCK_DO_EMPTY, null);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  private void processGlass() {
    print("PROCESSING GLASS");
    cWsState = ConvWsState.PENDING;

    // msg GUI to process glass
    trans.fireEvent(myChannel, TEvent.WORKSTATION_DO_ACTION, null);

Ejemplo n.º 7
 // Msgs:
 public void msgHereisGlass(Glass g) // This is where glass is sent in
   this.glass = g;
   status = Status.filled;
   print("Received glass");
   trans.fireEvent(TChannel.CONVEYOR, TEvent.CONVEYOR_DO_START, number);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 // Methods:
 public Sensor1Agent(String name, Transducer t, int num) {
   super(name, t);
   t.register(this, TChannel.SENSOR);
   trans = t;
   status = Status.open;
   canSend = new Semaphore(0, true);
   number = new Integer[1];
   number[0] = num;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  private void startConveyor() {
    if (!isRunning) {
      isRunning = true;
      conveyorRestart = true;

      Object[] args = new Object[1];
      args[0] = myIndex;
      transducer.fireEvent(TChannel.CONVEYOR, TEvent.CONVEYOR_DO_START, args);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  private void stopConveyor() {
    if (isRunning) {
      isRunning = false;
      if (!parts.isEmpty()) {

      Object[] args = new Object[1];
      args[0] = myIndex;
      transducer.fireEvent(TChannel.CONVEYOR, TEvent.CONVEYOR_DO_STOP, args);

Ejemplo n.º 11
  private void releaseGlass() {
    print("handing off processed glass to " + nextConveyor);
    /** @Brooke prevent a race condition for the washergui overwriting the glassPart */
    /*cWsState = ConvWsState.PENDING;
    readyForGlass = true;*/
    nextConveyorReady = false;

    // msg GUI to release glass
    trans.fireEvent(myChannel, TEvent.WORKSTATION_RELEASE_GLASS, null);

    /** @Brooke prevent a race condition for the washergui overwriting the glassPart */
    this.cWsState = ConvWsState.MOVING_OUT;
    // glass = null;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  /** Constructor links this panel to its frame */
  public FactoryPanel(FactoryFrame fFrame) {
    parent = fFrame;

    // initialize transducer
    transducer = new Transducer();

    // use default layout
    // dPanel = new DisplayPanel(this);
    // dPanel.setDefaultLayout();
    // dPanel.setTimerListeners();

    // initialize and run
Ejemplo n.º 13
  public void eventFired(TChannel channel, TEvent event, Object[] args) {
    if (channel == TChannel.SENSOR && event == TEvent.SENSOR_GUI_PRESSED) {
      Integer[] newArgs = new Integer[1];
      // added argument 2-5 to ignore the sensors in conveyor families 5-7
      // and 14 and give control to the actual agents
      if (((Integer) args[0] % 2) == 0
          && !((Integer) args[0]).equals(cutterConveyorIndex * 2)
          //		&& !((Integer) args[0]).equals(automaticBreakoutPreIndex * 2)
          //		&& !((Integer) args[0]).equals(automaticBreakoutPostIndex * 2)
          //		&& !((Integer) args[0]).equals(manualBreakoutIndex * 2)
          //		&& !((Integer) args[0]).equals(secondShuttleIndex * 2)
          && !((Integer) args[0]).equals(drillConveyorIndex * 2)
          && !((Integer) args[0]).equals((crossSeamerConveyorIndex) * 2)
          && !((Integer) args[0]).equals((grinderConveyorIndex) * 2)
          && !((Integer) args[0]).equals((conveyor14Index) * 2)
          && !((Integer) args[0]).equals((washerEdward) * 2)
          && !((Integer) args[0]).equals((simpleEdward) * 2)
          && !((Integer) args[0]).equals((painterEdward) * 2)
          && !((Integer) args[0]).equals((uvEdward) * 2)
          && !((Integer) args[0]).equals((simpleEdward2) * 2)
          && !((Integer) args[0]).equals((ovenEdward) * 2)) {
        newArgs[0] = (Integer) args[0] / 2;
        t.fireEvent(TChannel.CONVEYOR, TEvent.CONVEYOR_DO_START, newArgs);
      // commented out by christina because it is no longer needed
      // this gives conveyor family 5 an actual Part when the last sensor
      // in the prior conveyor family is pressed
      else if (((Integer) args[0]).equals(drillConveyorIndex * 2 - 1)) { // testing
        cf5.msgHereIsNewPart(null, new Part("0000000111"));
      /*			 else if (((Integer) args[0]).equals(uvEdward * 2 - 1)) { // testing
      					cf11.msgHereIsNewPart(null, new Part("0000000000"));
      			else if (((Integer) args[0]).equals(conveyor14Index * 2 - 1)) { // testing
      				cf14.msgHereIsNewPart(null, new Part("0000000000"));
    } else if (channel == TChannel.SENSOR && event == TEvent.SENSOR_GUI_RELEASED) {
      // this loads an additional, specified number of parts into the animation for testing
      if (((Integer) args[0]).equals(0) && totalParts < 30) {
        // t.fireEvent(TChannel.BIN, TEvent.BIN_CREATE_PART, null);
        // bin.msgHereIsNewPart(new Part("1111111111"), 0);
      // this sends the previous conveyor a ready message when the following conveyor's
      // sensor is released
      /*			else if(((Integer) args[0]).equals(washEdward * 2) )
      */ if (((Integer) args[0]).equals(2)) cf0.msgConveyorReady(null);

    } else if (channel == TChannel.CUTTER
        && event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_LOAD_FINISHED) { // added by
      // monroe
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.CUTTER, TEvent.WORKSTATION_DO_ACTION, null);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.CUTTER && event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_GUI_ACTION_FINISHED) {
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.CUTTER, TEvent.WORKSTATION_RELEASE_GLASS, null);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.BREAKOUT
        && event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_LOAD_FINISHED) { // added by
      // monroe
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.BREAKOUT, TEvent.WORKSTATION_DO_ACTION, null);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.BREAKOUT && event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_GUI_ACTION_FINISHED) {
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.BREAKOUT, TEvent.WORKSTATION_RELEASE_GLASS, null);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.MANUAL_BREAKOUT
        && event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_LOAD_FINISHED) { // added by
      // monroe
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.MANUAL_BREAKOUT, TEvent.WORKSTATION_DO_ACTION, null);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.MANUAL_BREAKOUT
        && event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_GUI_ACTION_FINISHED) {
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.MANUAL_BREAKOUT, TEvent.WORKSTATION_RELEASE_GLASS, null);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.POPUP && event == TEvent.POPUP_GUI_LOAD_FINISHED) {
      if (offlineDone) t.fireEvent(TChannel.POPUP, TEvent.POPUP_DO_MOVE_DOWN, args);
      else t.fireEvent(TChannel.POPUP, TEvent.POPUP_DO_MOVE_UP, args);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.POPUP && event == TEvent.POPUP_GUI_MOVED_UP) {
      Integer[] newArgs = new Integer[1];
      newArgs[0] = 0;
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.DRILL, TEvent.WORKSTATION_DO_LOAD_GLASS, newArgs);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.DRILL && event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_LOAD_FINISHED) {
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.DRILL, TEvent.WORKSTATION_DO_ACTION, args);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.DRILL && event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_GUI_ACTION_FINISHED) {
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.DRILL, TEvent.WORKSTATION_RELEASE_GLASS, args);
      offlineDone = true;
    } else if (channel == TChannel.POPUP && event == TEvent.POPUP_GUI_MOVED_DOWN) {
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.POPUP, TEvent.POPUP_RELEASE_GLASS, args);
      // offlineDone = false;
    } else if (channel == TChannel.WASHER
        && event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_LOAD_FINISHED) { // added by
      // monroe
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.WASHER, TEvent.WORKSTATION_DO_ACTION, null);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.WASHER && event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_GUI_ACTION_FINISHED) {
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.WASHER, TEvent.WORKSTATION_RELEASE_GLASS, null);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.UV_LAMP
        && event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_LOAD_FINISHED) { // added by
      // monroe
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.UV_LAMP, TEvent.WORKSTATION_DO_ACTION, null);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.UV_LAMP && event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_GUI_ACTION_FINISHED) {
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.UV_LAMP, TEvent.WORKSTATION_RELEASE_GLASS, null);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.PAINTER
        && event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_LOAD_FINISHED) { // added by
      // monroe
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.PAINTER, TEvent.WORKSTATION_DO_ACTION, null);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.PAINTER && event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_GUI_ACTION_FINISHED) {
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.PAINTER, TEvent.WORKSTATION_RELEASE_GLASS, null);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.OVEN && event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_LOAD_FINISHED) { // added by
      // monroe
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.OVEN, TEvent.WORKSTATION_DO_ACTION, null);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.OVEN && event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_GUI_ACTION_FINISHED) {
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.OVEN, TEvent.WORKSTATION_RELEASE_GLASS, null);
    } else if (channel == TChannel.TRUCK
        && event == TEvent.TRUCK_GUI_LOAD_FINISHED) { // added by monroe
      t.fireEvent(TChannel.TRUCK, TEvent.TRUCK_DO_EMPTY, null);