/** * Takes care of the id properties, either identifying the Ids or getting them from idProperties * of @Path * * @throws Exception */ private void parseNodeProperty() throws Exception { if (Is.empty(treeAnnotation.idProperties())) { idProperties = ""; for (Field field : nodeClass.getDeclaredFields()) { if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Id.class)) { if (!Is.empty(idProperties)) { idProperties = idProperties + ","; } idProperties = idProperties + field.getName(); } } } else { idProperties = treeAnnotation.idProperties(); } if (Is.empty(idProperties)) { throw new Exception(XavaResources.getString("error.nodePropertiesUndefined")); } String[] properties = idProperties.split(","); idPropertiesList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String property : properties) { if (!Is.empty(property.trim())) { idPropertiesList.add(property.trim()); } } }
private String getPDFLine( String number, String name, String hexValue, String useTo, String characteristicThing) { String s = ""; s += Is.empty(number) ? "" : number + " "; s += Is.empty(name) ? "" : name + " "; s += Is.empty(hexValue) ? "" : hexValue + " "; s += Is.empty(useTo) ? "" : useTo + " "; s += Is.empty(characteristicThing) ? "" : characteristicThing + " "; return s.trim(); }
private void checkPreconditions() throws XavaException { if (Is.emptyString(getModel())) { throw new XavaException("descriptions_calculator_model_required", getClass().getName()); } if (Is.emptyString(getKeyProperties())) { throw new XavaException("descriptions_calculator_keyProperty_required", getClass().getName()); } if (Is.emptyString(getDescriptionProperties())) { throw new XavaException( "descriptions_calculator_descriptionProperty_required", getClass().getName()); } }
public void setDefaultValues() { for (MetaTab t : MetaTabsDefaultValues.getMetaTabsForModel(getMetaComponent().getName())) { if (t.getMetaFilter() != null && getMetaFilter() == null) setMetaFilter(t.getMetaFilter()); if (t.getMetaRowStyles() != null && getMetaRowStyles() == null) setMetaRowStyles(t.getMetaRowStyles()); if (t.properties != null && properties == null) properties = t.properties; if (!Is.emptyString(t.getBaseCondition()) && Is.emptyString(getBaseCondition())) setBaseCondition(t.getBaseCondition()); if (!Is.emptyString(t.getDefaultOrder()) & Is.emptyString(getDefaultOrder())) setDefaultOrder(t.getDefaultOrder()); } }
public String getTable() { // Change this if by polymorphism ? if (isCodeGenerationTime()) return table; if (XavaPreferences.getInstance().isJPAPersistence() && getSchema() == null && !Is.emptyString(XPersistence.getDefaultSchema())) { return XPersistence.getDefaultSchema() + "." + table; } else if (XavaPreferences.getInstance().isHibernatePersistence() && getSchema() == null && !Is.emptyString(XHibernate.getDefaultSchema())) { return XHibernate.getDefaultSchema() + "." + table; } return table; }
/** * Returns the node name as it is used in the path * * @param object Object to be inspected. * @return The node name. It can be compound with multiple values (when you have multiple id, for * example). */ public String getNodeName(Object object) { String returnValue = ""; Object value; for (String propertyName : idPropertiesList) { value = propertyName; try { value = PropertyUtils.getProperty(object, propertyName); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { log.debug(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { log.debug(e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { log.debug(e); } if (!Is.empty(returnValue)) { returnValue = returnValue + getIdSeparator(); } if (value != null) { returnValue = returnValue + value.toString(); } } if (idPropertiesList.size() > 1) { returnValue = "<" + returnValue + ">"; } return returnValue; }
public void execute() throws Exception { String userName = getView().getValueString("user"); String password = getView().getValueString("password"); if (Is.emptyString(userName, password)) { addError("unauthorized_user"); return; } if (!SignInHelper.isAuthorized(userName, password)) { addError("unauthorized_user"); return; } SignInHelper.signIn(getRequest().getSession(), userName); getView().reset(); String originalURI = getRequest().getParameter("originalURI"); if (originalURI == null) { forwardURI = "/"; } else { int idx = originalURI.indexOf("/", 1); if (!originalURI.endsWith("/SignIn") && idx > 0 && idx < originalURI.length()) { forwardURI = originalURI.substring(idx); } else { forwardURI = "/"; } } }
public String getEJBQLCondition() throws XavaException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM "); sb.append(getMetaModel().getName()); sb.append(" o"); if (!Is.emptyString(this.condition)) { sb.append(" WHERE "); String attributesCondition = getMetaModel().getMapping().changePropertiesByCMPAttributes(this.condition); sb.append(Strings.change(attributesCondition, getArgumentsJBoss11ToEJBQL())); } if (!Is.emptyString(this.order)) { sb.append(" ORDER BY "); sb.append(getMetaModel().getMapping().changePropertiesByCMPAttributes(this.order)); } return sb.toString(); }
/** * Parse the @TreeView annotation. * * @param nodeClass Object to be parsed. * @throws Exception */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") protected void parseTreeView(Tree path, Class nodeClass, Class parentClass, String collectionName) throws Exception { this.treeAnnotation = path; this.nodeClass = nodeClass; this.parentClass = parentClass; this.collectionName = collectionName; if (treeAnnotation == null) { treeAnnotation = this.getClass().getDeclaredField("defaultPathAnnotation").getAnnotation(Tree.class); } if (Is.empty(treeAnnotation.pathProperty())) { throw new XavaException("error.collectionDoesNotRepresentATreeView"); } this.pathProperty = treeAnnotation.pathProperty(); this.idSeparator = treeAnnotation.idSeparator(); parseNodeProperty(); this.orderProperty = null; this.initialExpandedState = treeAnnotation.initialExpandedState(); this.keyIncrement = treeAnnotation.orderIncrement(); if (this.keyIncrement < 2) { this.keyIncrement = 2; } setPathSeparator(treeAnnotation.pathSeparator()); if (nodeClass.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(Id.class)) { entityObject = true; } else { entityObject = false; } parseOrderDefined(); parseEntityObject(); }
private List obtainPropertiesNamesUsedToCalculate() throws XavaException { Set result = new HashSet(); Iterator itProperties = getMetaPropertiesCalculated().iterator(); while (itProperties.hasNext()) { MetaProperty metaProperty = (MetaProperty) itProperties.next(); if (!metaProperty.hasCalculator()) continue; MetaSetsContainer metaCalculator = metaProperty.getMetaCalculator(); if (!metaCalculator.containsMetaSets()) continue; Iterator itSets = metaCalculator.getMetaSets().iterator(); while (itSets.hasNext()) { MetaSet set = (MetaSet) itSets.next(); String propertyNameFrom = set.getPropertyNameFrom(); if (!Is.emptyString(propertyNameFrom)) { String qualifiedName = metaProperty.getQualifiedName(); int idx = qualifiedName.indexOf('.'); String ref = idx < 0 ? "" : qualifiedName.substring(0, idx + 1); String qualifiedPropertyNameFrom = ref + propertyNameFrom; if (!getPropertiesNames().contains(qualifiedPropertyNameFrom)) { result.add(qualifiedPropertyNameFrom); } } } } return new ArrayList(result); }
public String getQualifiedColumn(String modelProperty) throws XavaException { PropertyMapping propertyMapping = (PropertyMapping) propertyMappings.get(modelProperty); if (propertyMapping != null && propertyMapping.hasFormula()) return getColumn(modelProperty); String tableColumn = getTableColumn(modelProperty, true); if (Is.emptyString(tableColumn)) return "'" + modelProperty + "'"; if (referencePropertyWithFormula) { referencePropertyWithFormula = false; return tableColumn; } // for calculated fields or created by multiple converter if (modelProperty.indexOf('.') >= 0) { if (tableColumn.indexOf('.') < 0) return tableColumn; String reference = modelProperty.substring(0, modelProperty.lastIndexOf('.')); if (tableColumn.startsWith(getTableToQualifyColumn() + ".")) { String member = modelProperty.substring(modelProperty.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); if (getMetaModel().getMetaReference(reference).getMetaModelReferenced().isKey(member)) return tableColumn; } // The next code uses the alias of the table instead of its name. In order to // support multiple references to the same model if (reference.indexOf('.') >= 0) { if (getMetaModel().getMetaProperty(modelProperty).isKey()) { reference = reference.substring(0, reference.lastIndexOf('.')); } reference = reference.replaceAll("\\.", "_"); } return "T_" + reference + tableColumn.substring(tableColumn.lastIndexOf('.')); } else { return getTableToQualifyColumn() + "." + tableColumn; } }
public void testObtainAggregateValues() throws Exception { String city = getValueInList(0, "address.city"); assertTrue( "Value for city in first customer is required for run this test", !Is.emptyString(city)); execute("Mode.detailAndFirst"); assertValue("address.city", city); assertNoLabel("addres.city"); }
/** * Extract from the viewObject the name of the collection. * * <p>Useful for using Tab actions for collections. <br> */ public void setViewObject(String viewObject) { if (Is.emptyString(this.collection)) { this.collection = viewObject.substring("xava_view_".length()); while (this.collection.startsWith("section")) { this.collection = this.collection.substring(this.collection.indexOf('_') + 1); } } }
private String getHQLCondition(boolean order) throws XavaException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("from "); sb.append(getMetaModel().getName()); sb.append(" as o"); if (!Is.emptyString(this.condition)) { sb.append(" where "); String condition = transformAggregateProperties(getCondition()); condition = Strings.change(condition, getArgumentsToHQL()); sb.append(Strings.change(condition, getTokensToChangeDollarsAndNL())); } if (order && !Is.emptyString(this.order)) { sb.append(" order by "); sb.append( Strings.change( transformAggregateProperties(this.order), getTokensToChangeDollarsAndNL())); } return sb.toString(); }
private Collection getKeyPropertiesCollection() { if (keyPropertiesCollection == null) { keyPropertiesCollection = new ArrayList(); String source = Is.emptyString(keyProperty) ? keyProperties : keyProperty; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(source, ",;"); while (st.hasMoreElements()) { keyPropertiesCollection.add(st.nextToken().trim()); } } return keyPropertiesCollection; }
public void testPostmodifiyCalculatorNotOnRead() throws Exception { assertListNotEmpty(); execute("Mode.detailAndFirst"); assertNoErrors(); String description = getValue("description"); assertTrue("Description must have value", !Is.emptyString(description)); execute("Mode.list"); assertNoErrors(); execute("Mode.detailAndFirst"); assertNoErrors(); assertValue("description", description); // No changed on read }
protected Tab getTab() throws XavaException { if (tab == null) { String tabObject = Is.emptyString(collection) ? "xava_tab" : Tab.COLLECTION_PREFIX + Strings.change(collection, ".", "_"); tab = (Tab) getContext().get(getRequest(), tabObject); if (tab.getCollectionView() != null) { tab.getCollectionView().refreshCollections(); } } return tab; }
public static String getTitleI18n(Locale locale, String modelName, String tabName) throws XavaException { String id = null; if (Is.emptyString(tabName)) { id = modelName + ".tab.title"; } else { id = modelName + ".tabs." + tabName + ".title"; } if (Labels.existsExact(id, locale)) { return Labels.get(id, locale); } else { return null; } }
public static void setCurrent(HttpServletRequest request) { Object rundata = request.getAttribute("rundata"); String portalUser = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("xava.portal.user"); String webUser = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("xava.user"); String user = portalUser == null ? webUser : portalUser; if (Is.emptyString(user) && rundata != null) { PropertiesManager pmRundata = new PropertiesManager(rundata); try { Object jetspeedUser = pmRundata.executeGet("user"); PropertiesManager pmUser = new PropertiesManager(jetspeedUser); user = (String) pmUser.executeGet("userName"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn(XavaResources.getString("warning_get_user"), ex); user = null; } } municipioUsuario.set(user); request.getSession().setAttribute("xava.user", user); municipioUsuarioInfo.set(request.getSession().getAttribute("xava.portal.userinfo")); }
/** * Creates the implementation of TreeView reader * * @return Object implementing the ITreeViewReader * @throws Exception */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public ITreeViewReader getTreeViewReaderImpl() { if (treeViewReader == null && !Is.emptyString(treeViewReaderName)) { try { Class clazz = Class.forName(treeViewReaderName); if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(ITreeViewReader.class)) { treeViewReader = (ITreeViewReader) clazz.newInstance(); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { log.error(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { log.error(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { log.error(e); } if (treeViewReader == null) { treeViewReader = new TreeViewReaderImpl(); } } return treeViewReader; }
public void testValidValuesInList() throws Exception { int quantity = getListRowCount(); assertTrue("For this test is needed at least one created delivery", quantity > 0); Collection values = new ArrayList(); values.add("Lokal"); values.add("Nachional"); values.add("Internachional"); boolean thereIsOne = false; for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { String value = getValueInList(i, "distance"); if (Is.emptyString(value)) continue; if (values.contains(value)) { thereIsOne = true; continue; } fail("Only the next values are valid: " + values); } assertTrue( "For this test is need at least one delivery with value in 'distance' property", thereIsOne); }
/** Determines if the property orderProperty was defined for the object. */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private void parseOrderDefined() { orderDefined = false; OrderBy orderBy = null; if (Is.empty(orderProperty)) { try { Field collectionField = parentClass.getDeclaredField(collectionName); if (collectionField.isAnnotationPresent(OrderBy.class)) { orderBy = collectionField.getAnnotation(OrderBy.class); } } catch (SecurityException e) { log.error(e); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { log.debug(e.getMessage()); } if (orderBy == null) { Method collectionMethod = null; try { collectionMethod = parentClass.getDeclaredMethod( "get" + Strings.firstUpper(collectionName), new Class[] {}); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(e); } if (collectionMethod == null) { try { collectionMethod = parentClass.getDeclaredMethod( "is" + Strings.firstUpper(collectionName), new Class[] {}); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(e); } } if (collectionMethod != null && collectionMethod.isAnnotationPresent(OrderBy.class)) { orderBy = collectionMethod.getAnnotation(OrderBy.class); } } if (orderBy != null) { String[] fieldNames = orderBy.value().split(","); if (fieldNames.length > 0) { orderProperty = fieldNames[fieldNames.length - 1].trim(); } } } if (!Is.empty(orderProperty)) { try { Object itemObject = nodeClass.newInstance(); Class propertyType = PropertyUtils.getPropertyType(itemObject, orderProperty); if (propertyType.isAssignableFrom(Integer.class)) { orderDefined = true; } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { log.error(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { log.error(e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { log.error(e); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } } }
public void validate(Messages errors) throws Exception { if (Is.emptyString(getDescription())) { errors.add("blank_description"); } }
public void execute() throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Long key = (Long) getView().getAllValues().get("id"); System.out.println("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n The value sent===" + getView().getAllValues()); Map payingAcct = (Map) getView().getAllValues().get("payingAccount"); PaymentBatch batch = XPersistence.getManager().find(PaymentBatch.class, key); TransitAccount debitAccount = batch.getPayingAccount(); if (payingAcct.get("id") != null) { debitAccount = (TransitAccount) MapFacade.findEntity("TransitAccount", payingAcct); batch.setPayingAccount(debitAccount); XPersistence.getManager().merge(batch); } if (UserManager.loginUserHasRole("funder") && debitAccount == null) { addError("As funder, You Need to Attach Debit Account", null); return; } Long transId = (Long) getView().getObject("transId"); Boolean fina = (Boolean) getView().getObject("final"); if (fina) { if (debitAccount == null) { addError(" Debit Account Yet To be Attached", null); return; } String token = (String) getView().getObject("token"); String softToken = (String) getView().getValue("softToken"); if (Is.empty(softToken)) { addError("Soft Token Is Required", null); return; } DateTime dT = (DateTime) getView().getObject("fiveMinutes"); DateTime presentTime = new DateTime(Dates.withTime(Dates.createCurrent())); if (!Is.equalAsStringIgnoreCase(token, softToken)) { addError("Incorrect Soft Token", null); return; } if (dT.getMillis() < presentTime.getMillis()) { addError("Token Has Expired", null); return; } System.out.println( "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n The sent object to this place ===" + transId); } Transaction transaction = XPersistence.getManager().find(Transaction.class, transId); AsyncEventBus eventBus = new AsyncEventBus(Executors.newCachedThreadPool()); eventBus.register(transaction); System.out.println(" 1111111approve already commented out......... "); eventBus.post(new Object()); // transaction.approve(); closeDialog(); setNextMode(LIST); }
private boolean isMultipleKey() { return !Is.emptyString(keyProperties); }
private boolean hasCondition() { return !Is.emptyString(condition); }
private boolean hasOrder() { return !Is.emptyString(order); }
public String getDescriptionProperties() { return Is.emptyString(descriptionProperties) ? getDescriptionProperty() : descriptionProperties; }
private boolean isAggregate() { return !Is.emptyString(aggregateName); }
/** * It's used when there are more than one property that it's key, or with only one It's preferred * use a wrapper class as primary key. * * <p>It's exclusive with <tt>keyProperties</tt>. */ public String getKeyProperties() { return Is.emptyString(keyProperties) ? getKeyProperty() : keyProperties; }