Ejemplo n.º 1
     value = {"copy_between" /* , "copy" */},
     can_be_const = true,
     content_type = ITypeProvider.FIRST_CONTENT_TYPE,
     category = {IOperatorCategory.LIST})
 @doc(deprecated = "Deprecated. Use copy_between(list, int, int) instead")
 public static IList copy_between(final IScope scope, final IList l1, final GamaPoint p) {
   return Containers.copy_between(scope, l1, (int) nullCheck(scope, p).x, (int) p.y);
Ejemplo n.º 2
     value = {"collate"},
     content_type = ITypeProvider.FIRST_ELEMENT_CONTENT_TYPE)
     deprecated =
         "The idiom 'collate' is considered as deprecated. Please use 'interleave' instead.",
     value =
         "a new list containing the interleaved elements of the containers contained in the operand",
     comment =
         "the operand should be a list of lists of elements. The result is a list of elements. ",
     examples = {
       @example("interleave([1,2,4,3,5,7,6,8]) 	--: 	[1,2,3,4,5,7,6,8]"),
           "interleave([['e11','e12','e13'],['e21','e22','e23'],['e31','e32','e33']])  --:  [e11,e21,e31,e12,e22,e32,e13,e23,e33]")
 public static IList collate(final IScope scope, final IContainer cc) {
   return Containers.interleave(scope, cc);
   // final Iterator it = new Guava.InterleavingIterator(toArray(nullCheck(scope,
   // cc).iterable(scope), Object.class));
   // return GamaListFactory.create(Iterators.toArray(it, Object.class), Types.NO_TYPE);