Ejemplo n.º 1
  public boolean play() {

    try {
      if (playState != STOPPED) playStop();

      if (audioBytes == null) return false;

      DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(Clip.class, format);

      clip = (Clip) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
      clip.addLineListener(new ClipListener());

      long clipStart = (long) (audioBytes.length * getStartTime() / (getDuration() * 1000.0));
      long clipEnd = (long) (audioBytes.length * getEndTime() / (getDuration() * 1000.0));
      if ((clipEnd - clipStart) > MAX_CLIP_LENGTH) clipEnd = clipStart + MAX_CLIP_LENGTH;
      byte[] clipBytes = new byte[(int) (clipEnd - clipStart)];
      System.arraycopy(audioBytes, (int) clipStart, clipBytes, 0, clipBytes.length);
      clip.open(format, clipBytes, 0, clipBytes.length);

      FloatControl panControl = (FloatControl) clip.getControl(FloatControl.Type.PAN);

      panControl.setValue((float) panSetting / 100.0f);

      double value = (double) gainSetting;

      FloatControl gainControl = (FloatControl) clip.getControl(FloatControl.Type.MASTER_GAIN);
      float dB = (float) (Math.log(value == 0.0 ? 0.0001 : value) / Math.log(10.0) * 20.0);
      double playStartTime = (player.getSeekTime() / 100) * (playGetLength());
      clip.setMicrosecondPosition((long) playStartTime);


      playState = PLAYING;

      return true;

    } catch (Exception ex) {
      playState = STOPPED;
      clip = null;
      return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public double getValue(DatanVector x) {
   double result;
   double a = sqrt2pi * x.getElement(1);
   if (a < small) f = big;
   else f = Math.log(a);
   result = (double) y.length * f;
   for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
     f = Math.pow((y[i] - x.getElement(0)), 2.) / (2. * x.getElement(1) * x.getElement(1));
     result += f;
   return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  private int percentToZoomLevel(double percent) {
    double minZoomPercent = mImagePresentationModel.getMinZoom();
    double zoomIncrement = computeZoomIncrementToMakeExactlyNIncrements();

    return (int) Math.round((Math.log(percent / minZoomPercent) / Math.log(zoomIncrement)) + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  /** Translation durchfuehren */
  public void process() {
    int i, j, k;
    int ch, len;
    float f1;
    double d1, d2, d3, d4, d5;
    long progOff, progLen, lo;

    // io
    AudioFile reInF = null;
    AudioFile imInF = null;
    AudioFile reOutF = null;
    AudioFile imOutF = null;
    AudioFileDescr reInStream = null;
    AudioFileDescr imInStream = null;
    AudioFileDescr reOutStream = null;
    AudioFileDescr imOutStream = null;
    FloatFile reFloatF[] = null;
    FloatFile imFloatF[] = null;
    File reTempFile[] = null;
    File imTempFile[] = null;
    int outChanNum;

    float[][] reInBuf; // [ch][i]
    float[][] imInBuf; // [ch][i]
    float[][] reOutBuf = null; // [ch][i]
    float[][] imOutBuf = null; // [ch][i]
    float[] convBuf1, convBuf2;
    boolean complex;

    PathField ggOutput;

    // Synthesize
    Param ampRef = new Param(1.0, Param.ABS_AMP); // transform-Referenz
    float gain; // gain abs amp
    float dryGain, wetGain;
    float inGain;
    float maxAmp = 0.0f;
    Param peakGain;

    int inLength, inOff;
    int pre;
    int post;
    int length;
    int framesRead, framesWritten, outLength;
    boolean polarIn, polarOut;

    // phase unwrapping
    double[] phi;
    int[] wrap;
    double[] carry;

    Param lenRef;

    try {

      complex = pr.bool[PR_HASIMINPUT] || pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT];
      polarIn = pr.intg[PR_OPERATOR] == OP_POLAR2RECT;
      polarOut = pr.intg[PR_OPERATOR] == OP_RECT2POLAR;
      if ((polarIn || polarOut) && !complex) throw new IOException(ERR_NOTCOMPLEX);

      // ---- open input ----

      reInF = AudioFile.openAsRead(new File(pr.text[PR_REINPUTFILE]));
      reInStream = reInF.getDescr();
      inLength = (int) reInStream.length;
      reInBuf = new float[reInStream.channels][8192];
      imInBuf = new float[reInStream.channels][8192];

      if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMINPUT]) {
        imInF = AudioFile.openAsRead(new File(pr.text[PR_IMINPUTFILE]));
        imInStream = imInF.getDescr();
        if (imInStream.channels != reInStream.channels) throw new IOException(ERR_COMPLEX);
        inLength = (int) Math.min(inLength, imInStream.length);

      lenRef = new Param(AudioFileDescr.samplesToMillis(reInStream, inLength), Param.ABS_MS);
      d1 =
              reInStream, (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_OFFSET], Param.ABS_MS, lenRef, null).value));
      j = (int) (d1 >= 0.0 ? (d1 + 0.5) : (d1 - 0.5)); // correct rounding for negative values!
      length =
                      (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_LENGTH], Param.ABS_MS, lenRef, null)).value)
                  + 0.5);

      // System.err.println( "offset = "+j );

      if (j >= 0) {
        inOff = Math.min(j, inLength);
        if (!pr.bool[PR_REVERSE]) {
          if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMINPUT]) {
        inLength -= inOff;
        pre = 0;
      } else {
        inOff = 0;
        pre = Math.min(-j, length);
      inLength = Math.min(inLength, length - pre);
      post = length - pre - inLength;

      if (pr.bool[PR_REVERSE]) {
        i = pre;
        pre = post;
        post = i;
        inOff += inLength;

      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      // for( op = 0; op < 2; op++ ) {
      // 	System.out.println( op +": pre "+pre[op]+" / len "+inLength[op]+" / post "+post[op] );
      // }
      // System.out.println( "tot "+length[0]);

      outLength = length;
      outChanNum = reInStream.channels;

      // ---- open output ----

      ggOutput = (PathField) gui.getItemObj(GG_REOUTPUTFILE);
      if (ggOutput == null) throw new IOException(ERR_MISSINGPROP);
      reOutStream = new AudioFileDescr(reInStream);
      reOutStream.channels = outChanNum;
      // well, more sophisticated code would
      // move and truncate the markers...
      if ((pre == 0) /* && (post == 0) */) {
            AudioFileDescr.KEY_MARKERS, reInStream.getProperty(AudioFileDescr.KEY_MARKERS));
      reOutF = AudioFile.openAsWrite(reOutStream);
      reOutBuf = new float[outChanNum][8192];
      imOutBuf = new float[outChanNum][8192];

      if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT]) {
        imOutStream = new AudioFileDescr(reInStream);
        imOutStream.channels = outChanNum;
        imOutStream.file = new File(pr.text[PR_IMOUTPUTFILE]);
        imOutF = AudioFile.openAsWrite(imOutStream);
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      // ---- Further inits ----

      phi = new double[outChanNum];
      wrap = new int[outChanNum];
      carry = new double[outChanNum];
      for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
        phi[ch] = 0.0;
        wrap[ch] = 0;
        carry[ch] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

      progOff = 0; // read, transform, write
      progLen = (long) outLength * 3;

      wetGain = (float) (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_WETMIX], Param.ABS_AMP, ampRef, null)).value;
      dryGain = (float) (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_DRYMIX], Param.ABS_AMP, ampRef, null)).value;
      if (pr.bool[PR_DRYINVERT]) {
        dryGain = -dryGain;
      inGain = (float) (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_INPUTGAIN], Param.ABS_AMP, ampRef, null)).value;
      if (pr.bool[PR_INVERT]) {
        inGain = -inGain;

      // normalization requires temp files
      if (pr.intg[PR_GAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY) {
        reTempFile = new File[outChanNum];
        reFloatF = new FloatFile[outChanNum];
        for (ch = 0;
            ch < outChanNum;
            ch++) { // first zero them because an exception might be thrown
          reTempFile[ch] = null;
          reFloatF[ch] = null;
        for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
          reTempFile[ch] = IOUtil.createTempFile();
          reFloatF[ch] = new FloatFile(reTempFile[ch], GenericFile.MODE_OUTPUT);
        if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT]) {
          imTempFile = new File[outChanNum];
          imFloatF = new FloatFile[outChanNum];
          for (ch = 0;
              ch < outChanNum;
              ch++) { // first zero them because an exception might be thrown
            imTempFile[ch] = null;
            imFloatF[ch] = null;
          for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
            imTempFile[ch] = IOUtil.createTempFile();
            imFloatF[ch] = new FloatFile(imTempFile[ch], GenericFile.MODE_OUTPUT);
        progLen += outLength;
      } else {
        gain = (float) (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_GAIN], Param.ABS_AMP, ampRef, null)).value;
        wetGain *= gain;
        dryGain *= gain;
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      // ----==================== the real stuff ====================----

      framesRead = 0;
      framesWritten = 0;

      while (threadRunning && (framesWritten < outLength)) {
        // ---- choose chunk len ----
        len = Math.min(8192, outLength - framesWritten);
        if (pre > 0) {
          len = Math.min(len, pre);
        } else if (inLength > 0) {
          len = Math.min(len, inLength);
        } else {
          len = Math.min(len, post);

        // ---- read input chunks ----
        if (pre > 0) {
          if (complex) {
          pre -= len;
        } else if (inLength > 0) {
          if (pr.bool[PR_REVERSE]) { // ---- read reversed ----
            reInF.seekFrame(inOff - framesRead - len);
            reInF.readFrames(reInBuf, 0, len);
            for (ch = 0; ch < reInStream.channels; ch++) {
              convBuf1 = reInBuf[ch];
              for (i = 0, j = len - 1; i < j; i++, j--) {
                f1 = convBuf1[j];
                convBuf1[j] = convBuf1[i];
                convBuf1[i] = f1;
            if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMINPUT]) {
              imInF.seekFrame(inOff - framesRead - len);
              imInF.readFrames(imInBuf, 0, len);
              for (ch = 0; ch < imInStream.channels; ch++) {
                convBuf1 = imInBuf[ch];
                for (i = 0, j = len - 1; i < j; i++, j--) {
                  f1 = convBuf1[j];
                  convBuf1[j] = convBuf1[i];
                  convBuf1[i] = f1;
            } else if (complex) {
          } else { // ---- read normal ----
            reInF.readFrames(reInBuf, 0, len);
            if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMINPUT]) {
              imInF.readFrames(imInBuf, 0, len);
            } else if (complex) {
          inLength -= len;
          framesRead += len;
        } else {
          if (complex) {
          post -= len;
        progOff += len;
        // .... progress ....
        setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen);
        // .... check running ....
        if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

        // ---- save dry signal ----
        for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
          convBuf1 = reInBuf[ch];
          convBuf2 = reOutBuf[ch];
          for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            convBuf2[i] = convBuf1[i] * dryGain;
          if (complex) {
            convBuf1 = imInBuf[ch];
            convBuf2 = imOutBuf[ch];
            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
              convBuf2[i] = convBuf1[i] * dryGain;

        // ---- rectify + apply input gain ----
        for (ch = 0; ch < reInStream.channels; ch++) {
          convBuf1 = reInBuf[ch];
          convBuf2 = imInBuf[ch];
          // ---- rectify ----
          if (pr.bool[PR_RECTIFY]) {
            if (complex) {
              if (polarIn) {
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                  convBuf2[i] = 0.0f;
              } else {
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                  d1 = convBuf1[i];
                  d2 = convBuf2[i];
                  convBuf1[i] = (float) Math.sqrt(d1 * d1 + d2 * d2);
                  convBuf2[i] = 0.0f;
            } else {
              for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                convBuf1[i] = Math.abs(convBuf1[i]);
          // ---- apply input gain ----
          Util.mult(convBuf1, 0, len, inGain);
          if (complex & !polarIn) {
            Util.mult(convBuf2, 0, len, inGain);

        // ---- heart of the dragon ----
        for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
          convBuf1 = reInBuf[ch];
          convBuf2 = imInBuf[ch];

          switch (pr.intg[PR_OPERATOR]) {
            case OP_NONE: // ================ None ================
              for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * convBuf1[i];
              if (complex) {
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                  imOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * convBuf2[i];

            case OP_SIN: // ================ Cosinus ================
              if (complex) {
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                  reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (float) Math.sin(convBuf1[i] * Math.PI);
                  imOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (float) Math.sin(convBuf2[i] * Math.PI);
              } else {
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                  reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (float) Math.sin(convBuf1[i] * Math.PI);

            case OP_SQR: // ================ Square ================
              if (complex) {
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                  reOutBuf[ch][i] +=
                      wetGain * (convBuf1[i] * convBuf1[i] - convBuf2[i] * convBuf2[i]);
                  imOutBuf[ch][i] -= wetGain * (convBuf1[i] * convBuf2[i] * 2);
              } else {
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                  reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (convBuf1[i] * convBuf1[i]);

            case OP_SQRT: // ================ Square root ================
              if (complex) {
                d3 = phi[ch];
                k = wrap[ch];
                d4 = k * Constants.PI2;
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                  d1 =
                          * Math.pow(convBuf1[i] * convBuf1[i] + convBuf2[i] * convBuf2[i], 0.25);
                  d2 = Math.atan2(convBuf2[i], convBuf1[i]);
                  if (d2 - d3 > Math.PI) {
                    d4 = k * Constants.PI2;
                  } else if (d3 - d2 > Math.PI) {
                    d4 = k * Constants.PI2;
                  d2 += d4;
                  d3 = d2;
                  d2 /= 2;
                  reOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) (d1 * Math.cos(d2));
                  imOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) (d1 * Math.sin(d2));
                phi[ch] = d3;
                wrap[ch] = k;

              } else {
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                  f1 = convBuf1[i];
                  if (f1 > 0) {
                    reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (float) Math.sqrt(f1);
                  } // else undefiniert

            case OP_RECT2POLARW: // ================ Rect->Polar (wrapped) ================
              for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                d1 = wetGain * Math.sqrt(convBuf1[i] * convBuf1[i] + convBuf2[i] * convBuf2[i]);
                d2 = Math.atan2(convBuf2[i], convBuf1[i]);
                reOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) d1;
                imOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) d2;

            case OP_RECT2POLAR: // ================ Rect->Polar ================
              d3 = phi[ch];
              k = wrap[ch];
              d4 = k * Constants.PI2;
              for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                d1 = wetGain * Math.sqrt(convBuf1[i] * convBuf1[i] + convBuf2[i] * convBuf2[i]);
                d2 = Math.atan2(convBuf2[i], convBuf1[i]);
                if (d2 - d3 > Math.PI) {
                  d4 = k * Constants.PI2;
                } else if (d3 - d2 > Math.PI) {
                  d4 = k * Constants.PI2;
                d2 += d4;
                reOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) d1;
                imOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) d2;
                d3 = d2;
              phi[ch] = d3;
              wrap[ch] = k;

            case OP_POLAR2RECT: // ================ Polar->Rect ================
              for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                f1 = wetGain * convBuf1[i];
                reOutBuf[ch][i] += f1 * (float) Math.cos(convBuf2[i]);
                imOutBuf[ch][i] += f1 * (float) Math.sin(convBuf2[i]);

            case OP_LOG: // ================ Log ================
              if (complex) {
                d3 = phi[ch];
                k = wrap[ch];
                d4 = k * Constants.PI2;
                d5 = carry[ch];
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                  d1 = Math.sqrt(convBuf1[i] * convBuf1[i] + convBuf2[i] * convBuf2[i]);
                  d2 = Math.atan2(convBuf2[i], convBuf1[i]);
                  if (d2 - d3 > Math.PI) {
                    d4 = k * Constants.PI2;
                  } else if (d3 - d2 > Math.PI) {
                    d4 = k * Constants.PI2;
                  if (d1 > 0.0) {
                    d5 = Math.log(d1);
                  d2 += d4;
                  reOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) d5;
                  imOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) d2;
                  d3 = d2;
                phi[ch] = d3;
                wrap[ch] = k;
                carry[ch] = d5;

              } else {
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                  f1 = convBuf1[i];
                  if (f1 > 0) {
                    reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (float) Math.log(f1);
                  } // else undefiniert

            case OP_EXP: // ================ Exp ================
              if (complex) {
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                  d1 = wetGain * Math.exp(convBuf1[i]);
                  reOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) (d1 * Math.cos(convBuf2[i]));
                  imOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) (d1 * Math.sin(convBuf2[i]));
              } else {
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                  reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (float) Math.exp(convBuf1[i]);

            case OP_NOT: // ================ NOT ================
              for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                lo = ~((long) (convBuf1[i] * 2147483647.0));
                reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (float) ((lo & 0xFFFFFFFFL) / 2147483647.0);
              if (complex) {
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                  lo = ~((long) (convBuf2[i] * 2147483647.0));
                  imOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (float) ((lo & 0xFFFFFFFFL) / 2147483647.0);
        } // for outChan
        progOff += len;
        // .... progress ....
        setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen);
        // .... check running ....
        if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

        // ---- write output chunk ----
        if (reFloatF != null) {
          for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
            reFloatF[ch].writeFloats(reOutBuf[ch], 0, len);
            if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT]) {
              imFloatF[ch].writeFloats(imOutBuf[ch], 0, len);
        } else {
          reOutF.writeFrames(reOutBuf, 0, len);
          if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT]) {
            imOutF.writeFrames(imOutBuf, 0, len);
        // check max amp
        for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
          convBuf1 = reOutBuf[ch];
          for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            f1 = Math.abs(convBuf1[i]);
            if (f1 > maxAmp) {
              maxAmp = f1;
          if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT]) {
            convBuf1 = imOutBuf[ch];
            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
              f1 = Math.abs(convBuf1[i]);
              if (f1 > maxAmp) {
                maxAmp = f1;

        progOff += len;
        framesWritten += len;
        // .... progress ....
        setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen);
      } // while not framesWritten

      // ----==================== normalize output ====================----

      if (pr.intg[PR_GAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY) {
        peakGain = new Param(maxAmp, Param.ABS_AMP);
        gain =
                        new Param(1.0 / peakGain.value, peakGain.unit),
        f1 = pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT] ? ((1.0f + getProgression()) / 2) : 1.0f;
        normalizeAudioFile(reFloatF, reOutF, reOutBuf, gain, f1);
        if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT]) {
          normalizeAudioFile(imFloatF, imOutF, imOutBuf, gain, 1.0f);
        maxAmp *= gain;

        for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) {
          reFloatF[ch] = null;
          reTempFile[ch] = null;
          if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT]) {
            imFloatF[ch] = null;
            imTempFile[ch] = null;
      // .... check running ....
      if (!threadRunning) break topLevel;

      // ---- Finish ----

      reOutF = null;
      reOutStream = null;
      if (imOutF != null) {
        imOutF = null;
        imOutStream = null;
      reInF = null;
      reInStream = null;
      if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMINPUT]) {
        imInF = null;
        imInStream = null;
      reOutBuf = null;
      imOutBuf = null;
      reInBuf = null;
      imInBuf = null;

      // inform about clipping/ low level
    } catch (IOException e1) {
    } catch (OutOfMemoryError e2) {
      reOutBuf = null;
      imOutBuf = null;
      reInBuf = null;
      imInBuf = null;
      convBuf1 = null;
      convBuf2 = null;

      setError(new Exception(ERR_MEMORY));

    // ---- cleanup (topLevel) ----
    convBuf1 = null;
    convBuf2 = null;

    if (reInF != null) {
      reInF = null;
    if (imInF != null) {
      imInF = null;
    if (reOutF != null) {
      reOutF = null;
    if (imOutF != null) {
      imOutF = null;
    if (reFloatF != null) {
      for (ch = 0; ch < reFloatF.length; ch++) {
        if (reFloatF[ch] != null) {
          reFloatF[ch] = null;
        if (reTempFile[ch] != null) {
          reTempFile[ch] = null;
    if (imFloatF != null) {
      for (ch = 0; ch < imFloatF.length; ch++) {
        if (imFloatF[ch] != null) {
          imFloatF[ch] = null;
        if (imTempFile[ch] != null) {
          imTempFile[ch] = null;
  } // process()
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected void compute() {
   n = (int) ni[0].parseInput();
   t0 = ni[1].parseInput();
   deltat = ni[2].parseInput();
   x1 = ni[3].parseInput();
   x2 = ni[4].parseInput();
   sigma = ni[5].parseInput();
   // generate data points
   t = new DatanVector(n);
   y = new DatanVector(n);
   dy = new DatanVector(n);
   rand = DatanRandom.standardNormal(n);
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     t.setElement(i, t0 + (double) i * deltat);
     y.setElement(i, x1 * Math.pow(t.getElement(i), x2) + sigma * rand[i]);
     dy.setElement(i, sigma);
   // find 1st approximation of unknowns by method of log-log plot
   tlog = new double[n];
   ylog = new double[n];
   dellog = new double[n];
   int npos = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     if (t.getElement(i) > 0. && y.getElement(i) > 0.) {
       tlog[npos] = Math.log(t.getElement(i));
       ylog[npos] = Math.log(y.getElement(i));
       dellog[npos] = 1.;
   DatanVector vtlog = new DatanVector(npos);
   DatanVector vylog = new DatanVector(npos);
   DatanVector vdellog = new DatanVector(npos);
   for (int j = 0; j < npos; j++) {
     vtlog.setElement(j, tlog[j]);
     vylog.setElement(j, ylog[j]);
     vdellog.setElement(j, dellog[j]);
   LsqPol lp = new LsqPol(vtlog, vylog, vdellog, 2);
   x = lp.getResult();
   x.setElement(0, Math.exp(x.getElement(0)));
   df.writeLine(" x = " + x.toString());
   // perform fit
   int[] list = {1, 1};
   powerlaw = new Powerlaw();
   LsqNon ln = new LsqNon(t, y, dy, x, list, powerlaw);
   x = ln.getResult();
   x1 = x.getElement(0);
   x2 = x.getElement(1);
   cov = ln.getCovarianceMatrix();
   delx1 = Math.sqrt(cov.getElement(0, 0));
   delx2 = Math.sqrt(cov.getElement(1, 1));
   rho = cov.getElement(1, 0) / (delx1 * delx2);
   m = ln.getChiSquare();
   p = 1. - StatFunct.cumulativeChiSquared(m, n - 1);
   // curve of fitted exponential
   xpl = new double[1001];
   ypl = new double[1001];
   dpl = (double) (n - 1) * deltat / 1000.;
   for (int i = 0; i < 1001; i++) {
     xpl[i] = t0 + (double) i * dpl;
     ypl[i] = x1 * Math.pow(xpl[i], x2);
   // prepare data points for plotting
   datx = new double[n];
   daty = new double[n];
   datsx = new double[n];
   datsy = new double[n];
   datrho = new double[n];
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     datx[i] = t.getElement(i);
     daty[i] = y.getElement(i);
     datsx[i] = 0.;
     datsy[i] = dy.getElement(i);
     datrho[i] = 0.;
   // display data and fitted curve
   caption =
           + String.format(Locale.US, "%5.2f", x1)
           + ", x_2#="
           + String.format(Locale.US, "%5.2f", x2)
           + ", &D@x_1#="
           + String.format(Locale.US, "%5.2f", delx1)
           + ", &D@x_2#="
           + String.format(Locale.US, "%5.2f", delx2)
           + ", &r@="
           + String.format(Locale.US, "%5.2f", rho)
           + ", M="
           + String.format(Locale.US, "%5.2f", m)
           + ", P="
           + String.format(Locale.US, "%6.4f", p);
   new GraphicsWithDataPointsAndPolyline(
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public double evaluate(double x) {
   return Math.log(x * x + 1) - Math.exp(0.4 * x) * Math.cos(Math.PI * x);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 // handy static methods
 public static double log10(double val) {
   return Math.log(val) * LOG10SCALE;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Includes a static function for selecting and labeling graph axis tic labels. given a numeric
 * range and a maximum number of tics, this class can produce a list of labels with the nicest round
 * numbers not exceeding a given maximum number of labels. the label generation code was extracted
 * from the public domain <a href="http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/">Ptolomy project</a> at UC
 * Berkeley, taken from ptolemy/plot/PlotBox.java.
 * <p>We added another static method to compute and draw an axis into a given AWT Graphics object. i
 * extracted the code for producing linear labels and threw out the vast majority of code that
 * attempted to produce log scale labels since that code was very broken. it was noted int the
 * Ptolomy code that the log label generation was itself based on a file named xgraph.c by David
 * Harrisonmy, and the comments say that the original code breaks down in certain cases. my drawAxis
 * method can still draw nicely labeling log scale axes because i simply use the linear scale label
 * generation code from Ptolomy and plot the tics in their proper locations on a log scale. the
 * resulting code produced exactly the same results as the Ptolemy code for log scales in those
 * ranges where the Ptolemy code did work, so this design is much better in all cases and uses only
 * a fraction of the original complexity. still, it can probably be further improved though the
 * exact problem is not well defined.
 * @author M.Green and S.Chekanov
public class Axis {
  private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
  public static final int X_AXIS = 0, Y_AXIS = 1;
  // For use in calculating log base 10. A log times this is a log base 10.
  private static final double LOG10SCALE = 1 / Math.log(10);

  // handy static methods
  public static double log10(double val) {
    return Math.log(val) * LOG10SCALE;

  public static double exp10(double val) {
    return Math.exp(val / LOG10SCALE);

  public static float flog10(double val) {
    return (float) log10(val);

  public static float fexp10(double val) {
    return (float) exp10(val);

   * Calculation of the separation length between tics. Some smart rounding algorithms are needed to
   * get the scaling properly in case of data going to 10.3 or so... Useful stuff stolen from the
   * Gnuplot sources, thank you guys!!
  public static double calculateTicSep(double min, double max, int maxNumberOfTicks) {
    double xnorm, tic, posns;
    double lrange = log10(Math.abs(min - max));
    double fl = Math.floor(lrange);
    xnorm = Math.pow(10.0, lrange - fl);
    posns = maxNumberOfTicks / xnorm;

    if (posns > 40) tic = 0.05; // eg 0, .05, .10, ...
    else if (posns > 20) tic = 0.1; // eg 0, .1, .2, ...
    else if (posns > 10) tic = 0.2; // eg 0,0.2,0.4,...
    else if (posns > 4) tic = 0.5; // 0,0.5,1,
    else if (posns > 1) tic = 1; // 0,1,2,....
    else if (posns > 0.5) tic = 2; // 0, 2, 4, 6
    else if (posns > 0.2) tic = 10; // 0, 10, 100, 6
    else tic = Math.ceil(xnorm);

    tic *= Math.pow(10.0, fl);

    return tic;

  /** Precompute number of ticks */
  public static int calculateTicNumber(
      double ticMinVal, double ticMaxVal, double xStep, boolean isLog) {

    int n = 0;

    // System.out.println("\n-- calculateTicNumber=");
    // System.out.println("Min="+Double.toString(ticMinVal));
    // System.out.println("Max="+Double.toString(ticMaxVal));
    // System.out.println("Max="+Double.toString(xStep));

    if (isLog == false) {
      double xStart = xStep * Math.ceil(ticMinVal / xStep);
      for (double xpos = xStart; xpos <= ticMaxVal; xpos += xStep) n++;
    } else {
      int t1 = 0;
      int t2 = 0;
      if (ticMinVal > 0) t1 = (int) Math.floor(log10(ticMinVal) - 0.5);
      if (ticMinVal < 0) t1 = -1 * (int) Math.floor(log10(-1 * ticMinVal) - 0.5);
      if (ticMaxVal > 0) t2 = (int) Math.floor(log10(ticMaxVal) + 1.0);
      if (ticMaxVal < 0) t2 = -1 * (int) Math.floor(log10(-1 * ticMaxVal) + 1.0);
      for (int i = t1; i < t2 + 1; i++) n++;

    // System.out.println("Nr of ticks="+Integer.toString(n));

    return n;

   * this is the central method of this class. takes axis range parameters and produces a list of
   * string representations of nicely rounded numbers within the given range. these strings are
   * intended for use as axis tic labels. note: to find out where to plot each tic label simply use
   * <br>
   * <code>float ticval = Float.parseFloat(ticstring);</code>
   * @param ticMinVal no tics will be created for less than this value.
   * @param ticMaxVal no tics will be created for greater than this value.
   * @param maxTics returned vector will contain no more labels than this number.
   * @param isLog set to true in case of log10 numbers
   * @return a Vector containing formatted label strings which should also be parsable into floating
   *     point numbers (in order to plot them).
  public static Vector<String> computeTicks(
      double ticMinVal, double ticMaxVal, int maxTicks, boolean isLog) {
    // double xStep = roundUp((ticMaxVal-ticMinVal)/maxTicks);

    double xStep = calculateTicSep(ticMinVal, ticMaxVal, maxTicks);

    int numfracdigits = numFracDigits(xStep);

    // Compute x starting point so it is a multiple of xStep.
    double xStart = xStep * Math.ceil(ticMinVal / xStep);
    Vector xgrid = null;
    Vector<String> labels = new Vector<String>();
    // Label the axis. The labels are quantized so that
    // they don't have excess resolution.

    if (!isLog) {
      for (double xpos = xStart; xpos <= ticMaxVal; xpos += xStep) {
        String snum = formatNum(xpos, numfracdigits);
      // log scale: special case
    } else {

      int t1 = 0;
      int t2 = 0;
      if (ticMinVal > 0) t1 = (int) Math.floor(log10(ticMinVal) - 0.5);
      if (ticMinVal < 0) t1 = -1 * (int) Math.floor(log10(-1 * ticMinVal) - 0.5);
      if (ticMaxVal > 0) t2 = (int) Math.floor(log10(ticMaxVal) + 1.0);
      if (ticMaxVal < 0) t2 = -1 * (int) Math.floor(log10(-1 * ticMaxVal) + 1.0);

      // System.out.println("min = " + xmin + ", max = " + xmax);
      for (int i = t1; i < t2 + 1; i++) {
        double pp = Math.pow(10.0, i);
        // System.out.println(pp);

    return labels;

   * high-level method for drawing a chart axis line plus labeled tic marks. introduces a dependancy
   * on AWT because it takes a Graphics parameter. perhaps this method belongs in some higher-level
   * class but i added it here since it's highly related with the tic lable generation code.
   * @author Melinda Green
   * @param axis is one of Axis.X_AXIS or Axis.Y_AXIS.
   * @param maxTics is the maximum number of labeled tics to draw. note: the actual number drawn may
   *     be less.
   * @param lowVal is the smallest value tic mark that may be drawn. note: the lowest valued tic
   *     label may be greater than this limit.
   * @param highVal is the largest value tic mark that may be drawn. note: the highest valued tic
   *     label may be less than this limit.
   * @param screenStart is the coordinate in the low valued direction.
   * @param screenEnd is the coordinate in the high valued direction.
   * @param offset is the coordinate in the direction perpendicular to the specified direction.
   * @param logScale is true if a log scale axis is to be drawn, false for a linear scale.
   * @param screenHeight is needed to flip Y coordinates.
   * @param g is the AWT Graphics object to draw into. note: all drawing will be done in the current
   *     color of the given Graphics object.
  public static void drawAxis(
      int axis,
      int maxTics,
      int ticLength,
      float lowVal,
      float highVal,
      int screenStart,
      int screenEnd,
      int screenOffset,
      boolean logScale,
      int screenHeight,
      Graphics g) {
    if (logScale && (lowVal == 0 || highVal == 0))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Axis.drawAxis: zero range value not allowed in log axes");
    if (axis == X_AXIS) // horizontal baseline
    g.drawLine(screenStart, screenHeight - screenOffset, screenEnd, screenHeight - screenOffset);
      // vertical baseline
      g.drawLine(screenOffset, screenStart, screenOffset, screenEnd);
    Vector tics = Axis.computeTicks(lowVal, highVal, maxTics, logScale); // nice
    // round
    // numbers
    // for
    // tic
    // labels
    int last_label_end = axis == X_AXIS ? -88888 : 88888;
    String dbgstr = "tics:    ";
    for (Enumeration e = tics.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      String ticstr = (String) e.nextElement();
      if (DEBUG) dbgstr += ticstr + ", ";
      float ticval = Float.parseFloat(ticstr);
      int tic_coord = screenStart;
      Dimension str_size = stringSize(ticstr, g);
      tic_coord +=
          plotValue(ticval, lowVal, highVal, screenStart, screenEnd, logScale, screenHeight);
      if (axis == X_AXIS) { // horizontal axis == vertical tics
            screenHeight - screenOffset,
            screenHeight - screenOffset + ticLength);
        if (tic_coord - str_size.width / 2 > last_label_end) {
              tic_coord - str_size.width / 2,
              screenHeight - screenOffset + str_size.height + 5);
          last_label_end = tic_coord + str_size.width / 2 + str_size.height / 2;
      } else { // vertical axis == horizontal tics
        tic_coord = screenHeight - tic_coord; // flips Y coordinates
        g.drawLine(screenOffset - ticLength, tic_coord, screenOffset, tic_coord);
        if (tic_coord - str_size.height / 3 < last_label_end) {
              screenOffset - ticLength - str_size.width - 5,
              tic_coord + str_size.height / 3);
          last_label_end = tic_coord - str_size.height;
    if (DEBUG) System.out.println(dbgstr);
  } // end drawAxis

   * lower level method to determine a screen location where a given value should be plotted given
   * range, type, and screen information. the "val" parameter is the data value to be plotted
   * @author Melinda Green
   * @param val is a data value to be plotted.
   * @return pixel offset (row or column) to draw a screen representation of the given data value.
   *     i.e. <i>where</i> along an axis in screen coordinates the caller should draw a
   *     representation of the given value.
   * @see drawAxis(int,int,int,float,float,int,int,int,boolean,int,Graphics)
  public static int plotValue(
      float val,
      float lowVal,
      float highVal,
      int screenStart,
      int screenEnd,
      boolean logScale,
      int screenHeight) {
    if (logScale && (lowVal == 0 || highVal == 0 || val == 0))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Axis.drawAxis: zero range value not allowed in log axes");
    int screen_range = screenEnd - screenStart; // in pixels
    if (logScale) {
      float log_low = flog10(lowVal), log_high = flog10(highVal), log_val = flog10(val);
      float log_range = log_high - log_low;
      float pixels_per_log_unit = screen_range / log_range;
      return (int) ((log_val - log_low) * pixels_per_log_unit + .5);
    } else {
      float value_range = highVal - lowVal; // in data value units
      float pixels_per_unit = screen_range / value_range;
      return (int) ((val - lowVal) * pixels_per_unit + .5);

   * Given a number, round up to the nearest power of ten times 1, 2, or 5.
   * Note: The argument must be strictly positive.
  private static double roundUp(double val) {
    int exponent = (int) Math.floor(log10(val));
    val *= Math.pow(10, -exponent);
    if (val > 5.0) val = 10.0;
    else if (val > 2.0) val = 5.0;
    else if (val > 1.0) val = 2.0;
    val *= Math.pow(10, exponent);
    return val;

   * Return the number of fractional digits required to display the given
   * number. No number larger than 15 is returned (if more than 15 digits are
   * required, 15 is returned).
  private static int numFracDigits(double num) {
    int numdigits = 0;
    while (numdigits <= 15 && num != Math.floor(num)) {
      num *= 10.0;
      numdigits += 1;
    return numdigits;

  // Number format cache used by formatNum.
  // Note: i'd have put the body of the formatNum method below into
  // a synchronized block for complete thread safety but that causes
  // an abscure null pointer exception in the awt event thread.
  // go figure.
  private static NumberFormat numberFormat = null;

   * Return a string for displaying the specified number using the specified
   * number of digits after the decimal point. NOTE: java.text.NumberFormat is
   * only present in JDK1.1 We use this method as a wrapper so that we can
   * cache information.
  private static String formatNum(double num, int numfracdigits) {
    if (numberFormat == null) {
      // Cache the number format so that we don't have to get
      // info about local language etc. from the OS each time.
      // numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance();
      numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
      // force to not include commas because we want the strings
      // to be parsable back into numeric values. - DRG
    return numberFormat.format(num);

   * handy little utility for determining the length in pixels the given string will use if drawn
   * into the given Graphics object. Note: perhaps belongs in some utility package.
  public static Dimension stringSize(String str, Graphics g) {
    if (g instanceof Graphics2D) {
      java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D bounds =
          g.getFont().getStringBounds(str, ((Graphics2D) g).getFontRenderContext());
      return new Dimension((int) (bounds.getWidth() + .5), (int) (bounds.getHeight() + .5));
    } else
      return new Dimension(g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(str), g.getFontMetrics().getHeight());


  private static class TestPanel extends JPanel {
    private float curLowVal, curHighVal;
    private boolean logScale;

    public TestPanel(float initialLow, float initialHigh) {
      curLowVal = initialLow;
      curHighVal = initialHigh;

    public void setLogScale(boolean logScale) {
      this.logScale = logScale;

    public void setLow(float val) {
      curLowVal = val;

    public void setHigh(float val) {
      curHighVal = val;

    public void paint(Graphics g) {
          getWidth() - 50,
          getHeight() - 50,
      g.drawString("Current Slider Range: " + curLowVal + " --> " + curHighVal, 10, 20);

  private static void addField(
      Container into,
      Component c,
      GridBagConstraints gbc,
      int x,
      int y,
      int w,
      int h,
      int wx,
      int wy) {
    gbc.gridx = x;
    gbc.gridy = y;
    gbc.gridwidth = w;
    gbc.gridheight = h;
    gbc.weightx = wx;
    gbc.weighty = wy;
    into.add(c, gbc);

  /** simple example program for Axis class. */
  public static void main(String args[]) {

     * final float INITIAL_MIN_LOW=1, INITIAL_MAX_HIGH=1000; final TestPanel
     * axis = new TestPanel(INITIAL_MIN_LOW, INITIAL_MAX_HIGH); final JFrame
     * frame = new JFrame("Axis Test"); JPanel mainpanel = new JPanel(new
     * BorderLayout()); mainpanel.add("Center", axis); JPanel controls = new
     * JPanel(); final JCheckBox logScale = new JCheckBox("Log");
     * logScale.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void
     * actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
     * axis.setLogScale(logScale.isSelected()); } });
     * logScale.setSelected(true); axis.setLogScale(true);
     * final JTextField minlow = new JTextField(""+INITIAL_MIN_LOW, 6);
     * final FloatSlider lowSlider = new FloatSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL,
     * INITIAL_MIN_LOW, 100, 1, 1000, 2000, false); final FloatSlider
     * highSlider = new FloatSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, INITIAL_MAX_HIGH,
     * 100, 1, 1000, 2000, false); final JTextField maxhigh = new
     * JTextField(""+INITIAL_MAX_HIGH, 6); GridBagLayout gridbag = new
     * GridBagLayout(); controls.setLayout(gridbag); GridBagConstraints con
     * = new GridBagConstraints(); con.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
     * con.insets = new Insets(0, 10, 0, 0); addField(controls, logScale,
     * con, 0, 0, 1, 1, 5, 100); addField(controls, new
     * JLabel("min low value"), con, 1, 0, 1, 1, 10, 100);
     * addField(controls, minlow, con, 2, 0, 1, 1, 10, 100);
     * addField(controls, lowSlider, con, 3, 0, 1, 1, 50, 100);
     * addField(controls, highSlider, con, 4, 0, 1, 1, 50, 100);
     * addField(controls, new JLabel("max high value"), con, 5, 0, 1, 1, 10,
     * 100); addField(controls, maxhigh, con, 6, 0, 1, 1, 10, 100);
     * mainpanel.add("South", controls); KeyListener limitsWatcher = new
     * KeyAdapter() { public void keyTyped(KeyEvent ke) { if(ke.getKeyChar()
     * == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) { float newminlow =
     * Float.parseFloat(minlow.getText()); float newmaxhigh =
     * Float.parseFloat(maxhigh.getText()); lowSlider.setAll(newminlow,
     * newmaxhigh, lowSlider.getFloatValue()); highSlider.setAll(newminlow,
     * newmaxhigh, highSlider.getFloatValue()); } } };
     * minlow.addKeyListener(limitsWatcher);
     * maxhigh.addKeyListener(limitsWatcher); AdjustmentListener
     * slider_watcher = new AdjustmentListener() { public void
     * adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent ae) { if (ae.getSource() ==
     * lowSlider) axis.setLow((float)lowSlider.getFloatValue()); else
     * axis.setHigh((float)highSlider.getFloatValue()); } };
     * lowSlider.addAdjustmentListener(slider_watcher);
     * highSlider.addAdjustmentListener(slider_watcher);
     * frame.getContentPane().add(mainpanel); frame.setSize(new
     * Dimension(1000, 400));
     * frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
     * frame.setVisible(true);
  } // end main