/** Test default package versions. */ public static void testDefaultPackageVersion() throws Exception { Builder a = new Builder(); a.addClasspath(new File("bin")); a.setProperty("Bundle-Version", "1.2.3"); a.setProperty("Export-Package", "test.refer"); Jar jar = a.build(); Manifest m = jar.getManifest(); Parameters exports = Processor.parseHeader(m.getMainAttributes().getValue(Constants.EXPORT_PACKAGE), null); Map<String, String> attrs = exports.get("test.refer"); assertNotNull(attrs); assertEquals("1.2.3", attrs.get("version")); }
public void train(int[] instanceLengths, String trainfile, File train_forest) throws IOException { // System.out.print("About to train. "); // System.out.print("Num Feats: " + pipe.dataAlphabet.size()); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < options.numIters; i++) { System.out.print(" Iteration " + i); // System.out.println("========================"); // System.out.println("Iteration: " + i); // System.out.println("========================"); System.out.print("["); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); trainingIter(instanceLengths, trainfile, train_forest, i + 1); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); // System.out.println("Training iter took: " + (end-start)); System.out.println("|Time:" + (end - start) + "]"); } params.averageParams(i * instanceLengths.length); }
public void train(int[] instanceLengths, int[] ignore, String trainfile, File train_forest) throws IOException { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < options.numIters; i++) { System.out.print(" Iteration " + i); System.out.print("["); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); trainingIter(instanceLengths, ignore, trainfile, train_forest, i + 1); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); // System.out.println("Training iter took: " + (end-start)); System.out.println("|Time:" + (end - start) + "]"); } params.averageParams(i * countActualInstances(ignore)); // afm 06-04-08 if (options.separateLab) { LabelClassifier oc = new LabelClassifier( options, instanceLengths, ignore, trainfile, train_forest, this, pipe); try { classifier = oc.trainClassifier(100); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
@Override public void render(Parameters blockParameters, Writer w, RenderHints hints) throws FrameworkException { log.debug("Error rendering " + blockParameters); switch (getType()) { case BODY: try { decorateIntro(hints, w, "error"); w.write("<h1>" + error.status); w.write(": "); CharTransformer escape = new Xml(Xml.ESCAPE); w.write(escape.transform(error.exception.getMessage())); w.write(" "); w.write(escape.transform(url)); w.write("</h1>"); w.write("<pre>"); HttpServletRequest request = blockParameters.get(Parameter.REQUEST); error.getErrorReport(w, request, escape); w.write("</pre>"); decorateOutro(hints, w); } catch (IOException eio) { throw new FrameworkException(eio.getMessage(), eio); } break; default: } }
/** Prints the classifier. */ public void print() { System.out.print(" Act: " + action + " Conf: "); for (int i = 0; i < rep.length; i++) { rep[i].print(); } if (parameters != null) parameters.print(); } // end print
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String defaultHost = Parameters.getParameter("telnet.defaultHost", "localhost"); String hostname = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Edit.getFrame(), "Hostname:", defaultHost); if (hostname != null) { Edit.openFile("telnet://" + hostname); } }
/** * Prints the classifier to the specified file. * * @param fout is the file output where the classifier has to be printed. */ public void print(PrintWriter fout) { fout.print(" "); for (int i = 0; i < rep.length; i++) { rep[i].print(fout); } fout.print(" " + action + " "); if (parameters != null) parameters.print(fout); }
public void loadModel(String file) throws Exception { ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); params.parameters = (double[]) in.readObject(); pipe.dataAlphabet = (Alphabet) in.readObject(); pipe.typeAlphabet = (Alphabet) in.readObject(); in.close(); pipe.closeAlphabets(); }
/** * Test if the implementation of "AnnotatedProviderInterface", which is annotated with OSGi * R6 @ProviderType, causes import of the api package to use the provider version policy */ public static void testProviderTypeR6() throws Exception { Builder b = new Builder(); b.addClasspath(new File("bin")); b.setPrivatePackage("test.versionpolicy.implemented.osgi"); b.setProperty("build", "123"); Jar jar = b.build(); assertTrue(b.check()); Manifest m = jar.getManifest(); m.write(System.err); Domain d = Domain.domain(m); Parameters params = d.getImportPackage(); Attrs attrs = params.get("test.version.annotations.osgi"); assertNotNull(attrs); assertEquals("[1.2,1.3)", attrs.get("version")); }
/** * Tests if the implementation of the EventHandler (which is marked as a ConsumerType) causes the * import of the api package to use the consumer version policy. */ public static void testConsumerType() throws Exception { Builder a = new Builder(); a.addClasspath(new File("bin")); a.setPrivatePackage("test.versionpolicy.uses"); a.setExportPackage("test.versionpolicy.api"); a.setProperty("build", "123"); Jar jar = a.build(); assertTrue(a.check()); Manifest m = jar.getManifest(); m.write(System.err); Domain d = Domain.domain(m); Parameters parameters = d.getImportPackage(); Attrs attrs = parameters.get("test.versionpolicy.api"); assertNotNull(attrs); assertEquals("[1.2,2)", attrs.get("version")); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void setBlockParametersForRender(State state, Parameters blockParameters) { ServletRequest request = state.getRequest(); String prefix = getPrefix(state); log.debug("prefix " + prefix); blockParameters.setAutoCasting(true); for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> entry : ((Map<String, String[]>) request.getParameterMap()).entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (key.startsWith(prefix)) { log.trace("setting" + entry); blockParameters.setIfDefined(key.substring(prefix.length()), entry.getValue()); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Set " + blockParameters); } }
@Override public String getProcessUrl( String path, Map<String, ?> parameters, Parameters frameworkParameters, boolean escapeAmps) throws FrameworkException { HttpServletRequest request = BasicUrlConverter.getUserRequest(frameworkParameters.get(Parameter.REQUEST)); State state = State.getState(request); frameworkParameters.set(ACTION, state.getId()); Url url = urlConverter.getProcessUrl(path, parameters, frameworkParameters, escapeAmps); if (url == Url.NOT) { log.debug("Fall back url"); return fallbackConverter .getProcessUrl(path, parameters, frameworkParameters, escapeAmps) .getUrl(); } else { log.debug("Url converter url " + url); return url.getUrl(); } }
/** * I think in the basic framework this method is never called explicitely, because processing is * done implicitly by the render */ @Override public void process( Processor processor, Parameters blockParameters, Parameters frameworkParameters) throws FrameworkException { HttpServletRequest request = frameworkParameters.get(Parameter.REQUEST); State state = State.getState(request); state.startBlock(frameworkParameters, null); setBlockParametersForProcess(state, blockParameters); processor.process(blockParameters); }
@Override public Block getRenderingBlock(Parameters frameworkParameters) { HttpServletRequest request = frameworkParameters.get(Parameter.REQUEST); State state = State.getState(request); if (state.isRendering()) { return state.getBlock(); } else { return null; } }
/** * Returns if the classifier of the class subsumes the classifier passed as a parameter. * * @param cl is the subsumed classifier. * @return a boolean indicating if it subsumes */ public boolean doesSubsume(Classifier cl) { if (rep.getAction() != cl.rep.getAction()) return false; if (parameters.couldSubsume()) { if (rep.isMoreGeneral(cl.rep)) { return true; } } return false; } // end doesSubsume
/** * Tests if the implementation of the EventAdmin (which is marked as a ProviderType) causes the * import of the api package to use the provider version policy. */ public static void testProviderType() throws Exception { Builder a = new Builder(); a.addClasspath(new File("bin")); a.setPrivatePackage("test.versionpolicy.implemented"); a.setExportPackage("test.versionpolicy.api"); a.setImportPackage("test.versionpolicy.api"); // what changed so this is // not automatically // added? a.setProperty("build", "123"); Jar jar = a.build(); assertTrue(a.check()); Manifest m = jar.getManifest(); m.write(System.err); Domain d = Domain.domain(m); Parameters parameters = d.getImportPackage(); Attrs attrs = parameters.get("test.versionpolicy.api"); assertNotNull(attrs); assertEquals("[1.2,1.3)", attrs.get("version")); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <C> C setSettingValue(Setting<C> setting, Parameters parameters, C value) { if (parameters == null) throw new SecurityException("You should provide Cloud and request parameters"); boolean useSession = parameters.get(USE_REQ); if (useSession) { C ret = getSettingValue(setting, parameters); HttpServletRequest req = parameters.get(Parameter.REQUEST); req.getSession(true).setAttribute(getKey(setting), value); return ret; } else { Cloud cloud = parameters.get(Parameter.CLOUD); if (cloud.getUser().getRank() == org.mmbase.security.Rank.ADMIN) { saveSettingValue(setting, value); return (C) settingValues.put(setting, value); } else { throw new SecurityException("Permission denied"); } } }
/** Check implementation version policy. Uses the package test.versionpolicy.(uses|implemented) */ static void assertPolicy(String pack, String type) throws Exception { Builder a = new Builder(); a.addClasspath(new File("bin")); a.setProperty("Export-Package", "test.versionpolicy.api"); Jar jar = a.build(); Builder b = new Builder(); b.addClasspath(jar); b.addClasspath(new File("bin")); b.setProperty("-versionpolicy-impl", "IMPL"); b.setProperty("-versionpolicy-uses", "USES"); b.setProperty("Private-Package", pack); b.build(); Manifest m = b.getJar().getManifest(); m.write(System.err); Map<String, String> map = b.getImports().getByFQN("test.versionpolicy.api"); assertNotNull(map); // String s = map.get(Constants.IMPLEMENTED_DIRECTIVE); // assertEquals("true", s); Parameters mp = Processor.parseHeader(m.getMainAttributes().getValue("Import-Package"), null); assertEquals(type, mp.get("test.versionpolicy.api").get("version")); }
public void loadModel(String file) throws Exception { ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); params.parameters = (double[]) in.readObject(); pipe.dataAlphabet = (Alphabet) in.readObject(); pipe.typeAlphabet = (Alphabet) in.readObject(); // afm 06-04-08 if (options.separateLab) { classifier = (Classifier) in.readObject(); } in.close(); pipe.closeAlphabets(); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <C> C getSettingValue(Setting<C> setting, Parameters parameters) { boolean useSession = parameters != null && parameters.get(USE_REQ); if (useSession) { HttpServletRequest req = parameters.get(Parameter.REQUEST); if (req != null) { Object v = req.getSession(true).getAttribute(getKey(setting)); if (v != null) { return setting.getDataType().cast(v, null, null); } } } if (settingValues.containsKey(setting)) { return (C) settingValues.get(setting); } else { C settingValue = loadSettingValue(setting); if (settingValue != null) { settingValues.put(setting, settingValue); return settingValue; } return setting.getDataType().getDefaultValue(); } }
/** * Returns if the classifier of the class subsumes the classifier passed as a parameter. * * @param cl is the subsumed classifier. * @return a boolean indicating if it subsumes */ public boolean doesSubsume(Classifier cl) { int i; // First, check if the condition is the same if (action != cl.getAction()) return false; // Then, check that is more general if (parameters.couldSubsume()) { for (i = 0; i < rep.length; i++) { if (!rep[i].isMoreGeneral(cl.rep[i])) return false; } return true; } return false; } // end doesSubsume
@Override public Node getUserNode(Parameters frameworkParameters) { Cloud cloud = frameworkParameters.get(Parameter.CLOUD); if (cloud == null) { return null; } else { try { int userNode = cloud.getCloudContext().getAuthentication().getNode(cloud.getUser()); if (cloud.hasNode(userNode)) { return cloud.getNode(userNode); } else { return null; } } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) { // never mind return null; } } }
/** * Prints the desnormalized classifier to the specified file. * * @param fout is the file output where the classifier has to be printed. */ public void printNotNorm(PrintWriter fout) { int i = 0; fout.print(" "); try { for (i = 0; i < rep.length; i++) { if (Config.typeOfAttributes[i].equals("ternary")) { rep[i].print(fout); } else if (Config.typeOfAttributes[i].equals("integer")) { rep[i].printNotNorm(fout, Config.attBounds[i][0]); } else if (Config.typeOfAttributes[i].equals("real")) { rep[i].printNotNorm(fout, Config.attBounds[i][0], Config.attBounds[i][1]); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception when printing the attribute: " + i); e.printStackTrace(); } fout.print("\t " + (String) Config.classConv.elementAt(action)); if (parameters != null) parameters.print(fout); }
/** * Returns if the classifier can subsume. The classifier has to be sufficiently accurate and * sufficiently experienced to subsume another classifier. * * @return a boolean indicating if the classifier can subsume. */ public boolean couldSubsume() { return parameters.couldSubsume(); } // end couldSubsume
public CommandData parseCommandData(ArtifactData artifact) throws Exception { File source = new File(artifact.file); if (!source.isFile()) throw new FileNotFoundException(); CommandData data = new CommandData(); data.sha = artifact.sha; data.jpmRepoDir = repoDir.getCanonicalPath(); JarFile jar = new JarFile(source); try { reporter.trace("Parsing %s", source); Manifest m = jar.getManifest(); Attributes main = m.getMainAttributes(); data.name = data.bsn = main.getValue("Bundle-SymbolicName"); String version = main.getValue("Bundle-Version"); if (version == null) data.version = Version.LOWEST; else data.version = new Version(version); data.main = main.getValue("Main-Class"); data.description = main.getValue("Bundle-Description"); data.title = main.getValue("JPM-Name"); reporter.trace("name " + data.name + " " + data.main + " " + data.title); DependencyCollector path = new DependencyCollector(this); path.add(artifact); DependencyCollector bundles = new DependencyCollector(this); if (main.getValue("JPM-Classpath") != null) { Parameters requires = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(main.getValue("JPM-Classpath")); for (Map.Entry<String, Attrs> e : requires.entrySet()) { path.add(e.getKey(), e.getValue().get("name")); // coordinate } } else if (!artifact.local) { // No JPM-Classpath, falling back to // server's revision // Iterable<RevisionRef> closure = // library.getClosure(artifact.sha, // false); // System.out.println("getting closure " + artifact.url + " " + // Strings.join("\n",closure)); // if (closure != null) { // for (RevisionRef ref : closure) { // path.add(Hex.toHexString(ref.revision)); // } // } } if (main.getValue("JPM-Runbundles") != null) { Parameters jpmrunbundles = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(main.getValue("JPM-Runbundles")); for (Map.Entry<String, Attrs> e : jpmrunbundles.entrySet()) { bundles.add(e.getKey(), e.getValue().get("name")); } } reporter.trace("collect digests runpath"); data.dependencies.addAll(path.getDigests()); reporter.trace("collect digests bundles"); data.runbundles.addAll(bundles.getDigests()); Parameters command = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(main.getValue("JPM-Command")); if (command.size() > 1) reporter.error("Only one command can be specified"); for (Map.Entry<String, Attrs> e : command.entrySet()) { data.name = e.getKey(); Attrs attrs = e.getValue(); if (attrs.containsKey("jvmargs")) data.jvmArgs = attrs.get("jvmargs"); if (attrs.containsKey("title")) data.title = attrs.get("title"); if (data.title != null) data.title = data.name; } return data; } finally { jar.close(); } }
private void trainingIter(int[] instanceLengths, String trainfile, File train_forest, int iter) throws IOException { int numUpd = 0; ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(train_forest)); boolean evaluateI = true; int numInstances = instanceLengths.length; for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++) { if ((i + 1) % 500 == 0) { System.out.print((i + 1) + ","); // System.out.println(" "+(i+1)+" instances"); } int length = instanceLengths[i]; // Get production crap. FeatureVector[][][] fvs = new FeatureVector[length][length][2]; double[][][] probs = new double[length][length][2]; FeatureVector[][][][] nt_fvs = new FeatureVector[length][pipe.types.length][2][2]; double[][][][] nt_probs = new double[length][pipe.types.length][2][2]; FeatureVector[][][] fvs_trips = new FeatureVector[length][length][length]; double[][][] probs_trips = new double[length][length][length]; FeatureVector[][][] fvs_sibs = new FeatureVector[length][length][2]; double[][][] probs_sibs = new double[length][length][2]; DependencyInstance inst; if (options.secondOrder) { inst = ((DependencyPipe2O) pipe) .readInstance( in, length, fvs, probs, fvs_trips, probs_trips, fvs_sibs, probs_sibs, nt_fvs, nt_probs, params); } else inst = pipe.readInstance(in, length, fvs, probs, nt_fvs, nt_probs, params); double upd = (double) (options.numIters * numInstances - (numInstances * (iter - 1) + (i + 1)) + 1); int K = options.trainK; Object[][] d = null; if (options.decodeType.equals("proj")) { if (options.secondOrder) d = ((DependencyDecoder2O) decoder) .decodeProjective( inst, fvs, probs, fvs_trips, probs_trips, fvs_sibs, probs_sibs, nt_fvs, nt_probs, K); else d = decoder.decodeProjective(inst, fvs, probs, nt_fvs, nt_probs, K); } if (options.decodeType.equals("non-proj")) { if (options.secondOrder) d = ((DependencyDecoder2O) decoder) .decodeNonProjective( inst, fvs, probs, fvs_trips, probs_trips, fvs_sibs, probs_sibs, nt_fvs, nt_probs, K); else d = decoder.decodeNonProjective(inst, fvs, probs, nt_fvs, nt_probs, K); } params.updateParamsMIRA(inst, d, upd); } // System.out.println(""); // System.out.println(" "+numInstances+" instances"); System.out.print(numInstances); in.close(); }
/** * Sets the time stamp for this classifier. * * @param tStamp is the time stamp */ public void setTime(int tStamp) { parameters.setTime(tStamp); } // end setTime
/** Sets the numerosity of the classifier. */ public void setNumerosity(int num) { parameters.setNumerosity(num); } // end setNumerosity
/** * Computes the generality of the classifier and stores it in it corresponding parameter in the * class Parameters. */ public void calculateGenerality() { parameters.setGenerality(getGenerality()); } // end calculateGenerality
/** * Increases the numerosity of the classifier. * * @param num is the number to increase the numerosity of the classifier. */ public void increaseNumerosity(int num) { parameters.increaseNumerosity(num); } // end increaseNumerosity