/** Method declaration */ private void initGUI() { Panel pQuery = new Panel(); Panel pCommand = new Panel(); pResult = new Panel(); pQuery.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pCommand.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pResult.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Font fFont = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12); txtCommand = new TextArea(5, 40); txtCommand.addKeyListener(this); txtResult = new TextArea(20, 40); txtCommand.setFont(fFont); txtResult.setFont(new Font("Courier", Font.PLAIN, 12)); butExecute = new Button("Execute"); butClear = new Button("Clear"); butExecute.addActionListener(this); butClear.addActionListener(this); pCommand.add("East", butExecute); pCommand.add("West", butClear); pCommand.add("Center", txtCommand); gResult = new Grid(); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pResult.add("Center", gResult); pQuery.add("North", pCommand); pQuery.add("Center", pResult); fMain.add("Center", pQuery); tTree = new Tree(); // (ulrivo): screen with less than 640 width Dimension d = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); if (d.width >= 640) { tTree.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(200, 100)); } else { tTree.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(80, 100)); } gResult.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(200, 300)); fMain.add("West", tTree); doLayout(); fMain.pack(); }
private MutableTreeNode populateTree(Tree t) throws SQLException { DefaultMutableTreeNode tree = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(t); // tree.add(populateAttributes(t)); Statement stmt = db.statement(); for (Cavity c : t.loadCavities(stmt)) { tree.add(populateCavity(c)); } stmt.close(); return tree; }
/** * Method declaration * * @param ev */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { String s = ev.getActionCommand(); if (s == null) { if (ev.getSource() instanceof MenuItem) { MenuItem i; s = ((MenuItem) ev.getSource()).getLabel(); } } if (s.equals("Execute")) { execute(); } else if (s.equals("Exit")) { windowClosing(null); } else if (s.equals("Transfer")) { Transfer.work(null); } else if (s.equals("Dump")) { Transfer.work(new String[] {"-d"}); /* NB - 26052002 Restore is not implemented yet in the transfer tool */ /* } else if (s.equals("Restore")) { Transfer.work(new String[]{"-r"}); */ } else if (s.equals("Logging on")) { jdbcSystem.setLogToSystem(true); } else if (s.equals("Logging off")) { jdbcSystem.setLogToSystem(false); } else if (s.equals("Refresh Tree")) { refreshTree(); } else if (s.startsWith("#")) { int i = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(1)); txtCommand.setText(sRecent[i]); } else if (s.equals("Connect...")) { connect(ConnectionDialog.createConnection(fMain, "Connect")); refreshTree(); } else if (s.equals("Results in Grid")) { iResult = 0; pResult.removeAll(); pResult.add("Center", gResult); pResult.doLayout(); } else if (s.equals("Open Script...")) { FileDialog f = new FileDialog(fMain, "Open Script", FileDialog.LOAD); // (ulrivo): set default directory if set from command line if (defDirectory != null) { f.setDirectory(defDirectory); } f.show(); String file = f.getFile(); if (file != null) { txtCommand.setText(DatabaseManagerCommon.readFile(f.getDirectory() + file)); } } else if (s.equals("Save Script...")) { FileDialog f = new FileDialog(fMain, "Save Script", FileDialog.SAVE); // (ulrivo): set default directory if set from command line if (defDirectory != null) { f.setDirectory(defDirectory); } f.show(); String file = f.getFile(); if (file != null) { DatabaseManagerCommon.writeFile(f.getDirectory() + file, txtCommand.getText()); } } else if (s.equals("Save Result...")) { FileDialog f = new FileDialog(fMain, "Save Result", FileDialog.SAVE); // (ulrivo): set default directory if set from command line if (defDirectory != null) { f.setDirectory(defDirectory); } f.show(); String file = f.getFile(); if (file != null) { showResultInText(); DatabaseManagerCommon.writeFile(f.getDirectory() + file, txtResult.getText()); } } else if (s.equals("Results in Text")) { iResult = 1; pResult.removeAll(); pResult.add("Center", txtResult); pResult.doLayout(); showResultInText(); } else if (s.equals("AutoCommit on")) { try { cConn.setAutoCommit(true); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (s.equals("AutoCommit off")) { try { cConn.setAutoCommit(false); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (s.equals("Enlarge Tree")) { Dimension d = tTree.getMinimumSize(); d.width += 20; tTree.setMinimumSize(d); fMain.pack(); } else if (s.equals("Shrink Tree")) { Dimension d = tTree.getMinimumSize(); d.width -= 20; if (d.width >= 0) { tTree.setMinimumSize(d); } fMain.pack(); } else if (s.equals("Enlarge Command")) { txtCommand.setRows(txtCommand.getRows() + 1); fMain.pack(); } else if (s.equals("Shrink Command")) { int i = txtCommand.getRows() - 1; txtCommand.setRows(i < 1 ? 1 : i); fMain.pack(); } else if (s.equals("Commit")) { try { cConn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (s.equals("Insert test data")) { insertTestData(); } else if (s.equals("Rollback")) { try { cConn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (s.equals("Disable MaxRows")) { try { sStatement.setMaxRows(0); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (s.equals("Set MaxRows to 100")) { try { sStatement.setMaxRows(100); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (s.equals("SELECT")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.selectHelp); } else if (s.equals("INSERT")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.insertHelp); } else if (s.equals("UPDATE")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.updateHelp); } else if (s.equals("DELETE")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.deleteHelp); } else if (s.equals("CREATE TABLE")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.createTableHelp); } else if (s.equals("DROP TABLE")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.dropTableHelp); } else if (s.equals("CREATE INDEX")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.createIndexHelp); } else if (s.equals("DROP INDEX")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.dropIndexHelp); } else if (s.equals("CHECKPOINT")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.checkpointHelp); } else if (s.equals("SCRIPT")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.scriptHelp); } else if (s.equals("SHUTDOWN")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.shutdownHelp); } else if (s.equals("SET")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.setHelp); } else if (s.equals("Test Script")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.testHelp); } }
/** Method declaration */ private void refreshTree() { tTree.removeAll(); try { int color_table = Color.yellow.getRGB(); int color_column = Color.orange.getRGB(); int color_index = Color.red.getRGB(); tTree.addRow("", dMeta.getURL(), "-", 0); String usertables[] = {"TABLE"}; ResultSet result = dMeta.getTables(null, null, null, usertables); Vector tables = new Vector(); // sqlbob@users Added remarks. Vector remarks = new Vector(); while (result.next()) { tables.addElement(result.getString(3)); remarks.addElement(result.getString(5)); } result.close(); for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) { String name = (String) tables.elementAt(i); String key = "tab-" + name + "-"; tTree.addRow(key, name, "+", color_table); // sqlbob@users Added remarks. String remark = (String) remarks.elementAt(i); if ((remark != null) && !remark.trim().equals("")) { tTree.addRow(key + "r", " " + remark); } ResultSet col = dMeta.getColumns(null, null, name, null); while (col.next()) { String c = col.getString(4); String k1 = key + "col-" + c + "-"; tTree.addRow(k1, c, "+", color_column); String type = col.getString(6); tTree.addRow(k1 + "t", "Type: " + type); boolean nullable = col.getInt(11) != DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls; tTree.addRow(k1 + "n", "Nullable: " + nullable); } col.close(); tTree.addRow(key + "ind", "Indices", "+", 0); ResultSet ind = dMeta.getIndexInfo(null, null, name, false, false); String oldiname = null; while (ind.next()) { boolean nonunique = ind.getBoolean(4); String iname = ind.getString(6); String k2 = key + "ind-" + iname + "-"; if ((oldiname == null || !oldiname.equals(iname))) { tTree.addRow(k2, iname, "+", color_index); tTree.addRow(k2 + "u", "Unique: " + !nonunique); oldiname = iname; } String c = ind.getString(9); tTree.addRow(k2 + "c-" + c + "-", c); } ind.close(); } tTree.addRow("p", "Properties", "+", 0); tTree.addRow("pu", "User: "******"pr", "ReadOnly: " + cConn.isReadOnly()); tTree.addRow("pa", "AutoCommit: " + cConn.getAutoCommit()); tTree.addRow("pd", "Driver: " + dMeta.getDriverName()); tTree.addRow("pp", "Product: " + dMeta.getDatabaseProductName()); tTree.addRow("pv", "Version: " + dMeta.getDatabaseProductVersion()); } catch (SQLException e) { tTree.addRow("", "Error getting metadata:", "-", 0); tTree.addRow("-", e.getMessage()); tTree.addRow("-", e.getSQLState()); } tTree.update(); }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ public Tree retrieveTreeBlock(TreeVector treeList, MesquiteDouble finalScore) { logln("Preparing to receive TNT trees."); boolean success = false; taxa = treeList.getTaxa(); // TODO finalScore.setValue(finalValue); suppressProjectPanelReset(); CommandRecord oldCR = MesquiteThread.getCurrentCommandRecord(); CommandRecord scr = new CommandRecord(true); MesquiteThread.setCurrentCommandRecord(scr); // define file paths and set tree files as needed. setFileNames(); String[] outputFilePaths = externalProcRunner.getOutputFilePaths(); String treeFilePath = outputFilePaths[OUT_TREEFILE]; taxonNumberTranslation = getTaxonNumberTranslation(taxa); namer.setNumberTranslationTable(taxonNumberTranslation); runFilesAvailable(); // read in the tree files success = false; Tree t = null; MesquiteBoolean readSuccess = new MesquiteBoolean(false); // TreeVector tv = new TreeVector(taxa); if (bootstrapOrJackknife()) { if (resamplingAllConsensusTrees) t = ZephyrUtil.readTNTTreeFile( this, treeList, taxa, treeFilePath, "TNT " + getResamplingKindName() + " Rep", 0, readSuccess, false, false, null, namer); // set first tree number as 0 as will remove the first one later. else t = ZephyrUtil.readTNTTreeFile( this, treeList, taxa, treeFilePath, "TNT " + getResamplingKindName() + " Majority Rule Tree", 1, readSuccess, false, false, freqRef, namer); } else t = ZephyrUtil.readTNTTreeFile( this, treeList, taxa, treeFilePath, "TNTTree", 1, readSuccess, false, harvestOnlyStrictConsensus, null, namer); success = t != null; if (success && bootstrapOrJackknife() && resamplingAllConsensusTrees) { t = t.cloneTree(); treeList.removeElementAt(0, false); // get rid of first one as this is the bootstrap tree } MesquiteThread.setCurrentCommandRecord(oldCR); success = readSuccess.getValue(); if (!success) { logln("Execution of TNT unsuccessful [2]"); if (!beanWritten) postBean("unsuccessful [2]", false); beanWritten = true; } else { if (!beanWritten) postBean("successful", false); beanWritten = true; } desuppressProjectPanelReset(); if (data != null) data.decrementEditInhibition(); // manager.deleteElement(tv); // get rid of temporary tree block externalProcRunner.finalCleanup(); if (success) return t; return null; }