/** * devModeUntapPerm. * * @since 1.0.15 */ public static void devModeUntapPerm() { CardList play = AllZoneUtil.getCardsInPlay(); Object o = GuiUtils.getChoiceOptional("Choose a permanent", play.toArray()); if (null == o) return; else { Card c = (Card) o; c.untap(); } }
/** * devModeTutor. * * @since 1.0.15 */ public static void devModeTutor() { CardList lib = AllZoneUtil.getPlayerCardsInLibrary(AllZone.getHumanPlayer()); Object o = GuiUtils.getChoiceOptional("Choose a card", lib.toArray()); if (null == o) return; else { Card c = (Card) o; AllZone.getGameAction().moveToHand(c); } }
/** * Constructor for QuestQuest. * * @param assignment a {@link forge.Quest_Assignment} object. */ public QuestQuest(Quest_Assignment assignment) { super( assignment.getName(), assignment.getDifficulty(), assignment.getDesc(), GuiUtils.getIconFromFile(assignment.getIconName())); this.assignment = assignment; JLabel repeatabilityLabel; if (assignment.isRepeatable()) { repeatabilityLabel = new JLabel("This quest is repeatable"); } else { repeatabilityLabel = new JLabel("This quest is not repeatable"); } GuiUtils.addGap(centerPanel); this.centerPanel.add(repeatabilityLabel); }
/** * devModeAddCounter. * * @since 1.0.15 */ public static void devModeAddCounter() { CardList play = AllZoneUtil.getCardsInPlay(); Object o = GuiUtils.getChoiceOptional("Add counters to which card?", play.toArray()); if (null == o) return; else { Card c = (Card) o; Counters counter = GuiUtils.getChoiceOptional("Which type of counter?", Counters.values()); if (null == counter) return; else { Integer integers[] = new Integer[99]; for (int j = 0; j < 99; j++) integers[j] = Integer.valueOf(j); Integer i = GuiUtils.getChoiceOptional("How many counters?", integers); if (null == i) return; else { c.addCounterFromNonEffect(counter, i); } } } }